tsung jabber/xmpp request message to a single node - erlang

i would like to send XMPP-Messages to specific XMPP-User. Unfortunately the tsung request "jabber" with typ "chat" only allows broadcast messages to all online users (see below).
<request><jabber type="chat" ack="no_ack" size="16" destination="online"/></request>
Is there a way to send XMPP-Messages to a single user?
Thanks for your help

Documentation seems to indicate that it does support XMPP messages to single user.
I haven't found any documentation about message types, but there is a source code, which also indicates that multiple ways of addressing users are available. I don't want to mislead you about particular types, just read the code.


MQTT publisher of message

I'm trying to run an MQTT broker and I want to store the published data, but I need to know which user sent the message so I can store payload for each user and study them later. The problem is when two different user try to publish message on same topic I can not tell whose data it is. Is there a way to figure out the publisher of a message? I'm using Mosquitto btw.
Short answer, you don't.
MQTT messages do not contain any information about the user or client that sent it, unless you choose to encode it in the message (as part of the payload for v3.x or alternatively in the header properties for v5.0)
Longer answer:
Some MQTT brokers have plugin APIs that may allow you access to more meta data for a message. You may be able to write a plugin that will take the message + the meta data and then store them. Last time I looked, mosquitto's plugin API was only for writing authentication plugins, and did not give access to the messages themselves. But a different broker may allow this.

Determining forwarded and replied to email messages in Microsoft Graph API

I'm building a .NET Core WEB API that serves as an automation layer over Outlook messages and calendars using the Microsoft Graph SDK. One of the requirements is to identify which messages have been replied to or have been forwarded.
It's not yet clear to me how I can determine whether an email message has been forwarded or replied to when using the results of Graph Explorer "My Mail" sample request.
This answer states that the ConversationId property remains the same (which is indeed the case) and that the only indication is either "FW:" or "RE:" prefixed to the subject. Also in the Message documentation I can't seem to find a proper, reliable way of identifying those.
Can anyone tell me how this can be done?
If your looking at mail in the Inbox and you want to know if they have been acted on by a Mail client (eg Oultook or OWA) then you could use PidTagLastVerbExecuted https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/client-developer/outlook/mapi/pidtaglastverbexecuted-canonical-property (this is how outlook determines it) eg
If a Message had been replied to you would see a result like
"singleValueExtendedProperties": [
"id": "Integer 0x1081",
"value": "102"
This still isn't 100% reliable so if your doing this for Auditing the only way is using the Tracking Logs (MessageTrace in Office365)
Email, in general, has very weak support for message threading. That said, you might be able to pull this from the internetMessageHeaders collection.
Per RFC5322:
The In-Reply-To: and References: fields are used when creating a
reply to a message. They hold the message identifier of the original
message and the message identifiers of other messages (for example,
in the case of a reply to a message that was itself a reply). The
In-Reply-To: field may be used to identify the message (or
messages) to which the new message is a reply, while the
References: field may be used to identify a "thread" of
Note that In-Reply-To is an optional field so it may not always be populated.

MQTT message subscription "all except me"

I'm writing a ServiceBus over MQTT protocol for a personal project.
I would basically like to subscribe every messages except the ones that comes from my instance.
I thought about doing a application side check, adding a "SenderId" property in my message.
But it has a considerable overhead in bandwidth consumption and also in compute time cause I have to check every single message if I'm the sender
I'm using basic topic family/message layout nothing complicated
I thought about using some kind of topic layout like : family/message/{senderIdHere}
But it looks like I'm wrong somewhere cause I would like to subscribe all
Here is a small example. That "EventPipeline" is somehow necessary to reduce code duplication between internal instance handling and over service bus handling
If anyone have some great hints,
Thanks by advance.
MQTT doesn't work that way, if you subscribe to a topic you normally get everything published to that topic.
The one possible option I can think of is to have everything publish to it's own sub topic e.g. family/message/{senderIdHere} and subscribe to the wildcard family/message/#
Then use ACLs to allow each user to publish (write) to their subtopic, but not be able to subscribe (read) from it. This will have the broker filter the messages for you.
MQTT v5 introduced an option when subscribing to a topic to ignore the publisher's own messages. But this does require both the broker and the client to be using MQTT v5

How to get notification content with rabbitmq_event_exchange or something else like subscribe system topic

Each event has various properties associated with it. These are translated into AMQP 0-9-1 data encoding and inserted in the message headers. The message body is always blank.link
I use the python library paho-mqtt, and there are no headers on the on_message callback and the payload is of course blank. My question is how can I know which client/queue/exchange produce the event I receive?
If this plugin can't provide the feature that I want, is there any replacement solution exists? Such as a system topic, which can provide more details about concerned event.
Sorry for my confusing question.
Since I just want to get notification when a MQTT client changes online/offline status. Now I find the interface of MQTT Client "will_set" which meets my need.
I will remove the tag "rebbitmq".
You should be using an AMQP client like Pika. There's no need to use MQTT.
NOTE: the RabbitMQ team monitors the rabbitmq-users mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.

Does MQTT Support User to User Messages

I know that using MQTT topics devices can subscribe to them. But is there any way that a IoT device can send some message to a target IoT device (by device id or something) without using a topic or is there any standard topic for this scenario?
There is no way to communicate without a topic, but you can create a topic for any purpose. So typically if you wanted to send a message to another client, you would publish it somewhere in the hierarchy of topics to which that client is subscribed.
That could be as simple as something like device/12345/inbound or whatever you prefer. And because topics can have hierarchy, in addition to whatever detail you put in the body, you can also encode categorization of your message into the topic, much as RESTful APIs often do in a URL.
A good reason for using target-specific (or owner-account-specific) topics is that the most easy solutions for MQTT security compartmentalization are topic-scope.
