How to leave a space between lines in UILabel? - ios

I am using UILabel into one of my application and its having multiple lines into it. Now I have to put some more space between two lines in UILabel. I tried to search out the solution, but not able to find it. How can I put more spacing between two lines?

In the UILabel's Attribute Inspector, change the text from Plain to Attribute, then change number of lines and line spacing, its not the UILabel thing but the string itself

You can set it in the UILabel's Attribute Inspector.
Change Text type from Plain to Attribute, then change number of lines and line spacing.
Hope it will help.

You may find useful link for spacing between two lines in UILabel.
There are also third party libraries to do so.
Few examples are like
You can also add spacing directly in your fonts. To get more info,check this SO Post


minimum number of lines UILabel in iOS development

I was trying to make a cell in uicollectionview. please see these two images
Thats the cell of a collectionview and the first uilabel's number of line is 2. what I am trying to do is the uilabel will always take 2 lines of height regardless of the content of the uilabel, is it possible? if the text is short, second line will be blank.
If I add height constraint, the text is vertically centred. How to make it top-aligned?
There are 2 steps.
First select your label, click the add new constraints, and check the height constraints, as grow4gaurav said.
Next, go to the attributes inspector and set the number of lines to 0. This makes it so that the text uses as many lines as it wants. So, if the text is short, and it only uses one line, it will just use the top line. If it is longer, it will use the bottom line too.
Hope this helps

Autoshrink in UILabel only for width?

I have some ASCII syntax diagrams which must not have line breaks in the middle.
These don't have to be editable so I thought the best way is to use an UILabel with auto shrink option. But this option shrinks the text also if the content doesn't fit the height of the labels frame rectangle.
I just want to shrink only if the content doesn't fit the width. It would be absolutely fine to scroll vertically through the text.
What is the best way to do this with UILabel or any other UI element?
Use UITextView with 'editable' property set to false.
So let me rephrase your question. I guess what you want is a UILabel which can show multiple lines, but the longest line need to fit into the width of UILabel. If this is what you want, well the imagination is weird to me...
But anyway, I feel there's a conflict in your settings. First, allowing multiple lines implies you set "Lines" attribute (number of lines) as 0, which allows unlimited lines. But then Autoshrink will play no effect. I'm afraid it is not possible to be done by just setting the storyboard and instead, you need to write some code.
I guess people have raised related questions earlier, by which they want to dynamically change the font size when the text become too long. I guess you want to take a look about this:
Autoshrink on a UILabel with multiple lines
The last issue is you also want the scrolling effect (this is why I feel the outlooking will be weird.) But in short, to achieve this you need 1) dynamically change the UILabel height, most likely using the same technique as explained in the reference thread, and 2) wrap the UILabel in a scroll view. Maybe this can achieve what you want.

Customize iOS UITextView text

In my iOS application i have an UITextView in which i insert some text downloaded from the web. This text is not editable/selectable by the user and it's a sort of preview of the whole text downloaded.
So, i want to show only the first two line of the text and i want to have always a vertical centered alignment. The text can also have only one line and, if there are more than two lines or there is a very long line i want to put these ".." at the end of the visible text.
I want something like this:
I hope i explained myself.
If it is only a preview of the entire text, you can use a UILabel instead. The UILabel will have a fixed size and it will automatically truncate the text at the end and add the "..." you want. Don't forget to specify the numberOfLines property of UILabel to be 2 and the textAlignment property to NSTextAlignmentCenter if you want it centered.

How to handle long text UILabel

I have a view which has a lot of labels. Some of them get the text set dynamically. Sometimes the text is to long to display it within one line. I know how i can display the text in multiple lines. My problem is that when i do display the text in multiple lines then the margins are broken between the labels. Sometimes a label even swapes into the content of the next label.
I want to avoid fixing this "by hand" (repositioning of all other elements). Maybe Autolayout can fix this, but sadly i'm not able to use it for now. But it would be a good argument to convert my project from springs&struts into autolayout. However, maybe there is another way to fix this issue. Would be nice if somebody can help me out. Thanks in advance!
You can use sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode: to calculate the height which will be required by each of the labels. You should use this in a loop which iterates over each label in the order they should appear on screen. As you go, increment the y position by the height of the current label and the margin. Each label will now have the correct position and at the end of the loopy will hold the full required height.

Text in a UILabel isn't wrapping

I'm displaying 2 or three lines of text in a UILabel however the text is getting truncated rather than wrapping.
Within IB Line Breaks is set to Word Wrap and the height of the label is easily plenty to accommodate the lines of text.
I'm doing exactly the same thing as this in other labels in other views and they do wrap, I can't see any reason or anything different why this one won't wrap.
You need to set numberOfLines for the UILabel to either 0 or whatever number of lines you want it to be. Setting it to 0 will automatically choose the number of lines based on the length of the text. The default is 1.
Edit: I just checked and in IB, the property is just called Lines.
