F# cons operator and list in class - f#

So here is my question. I have a python project that is very functionally oriented...but which fundamentally runs with classes...so F# seemed the ideal language for a compiled version of my code (I'd like to black box my source code...the python code is just sitting there in files. Not cool).
In my python class, I have a generic container--a python list. This container will contain arrays of a uniform length in a given implementation...
Here is my problem: I need to add arrays to the list after initialization.
What is the proper way to add arrays to the list in the class?
Here is what I have...but it seems like it will be slow, since it throws out the old list with a new copy (right??):
type myclass() =
let mutable _training = []
member this.training with get() = _training
and set(value) = _training <- value::_training
However, this fails (even after the edits suggested below) because the compiler claims that the set function is an obj with set rather than an obj list with set, even though it acknowledges that _training is a mutable obj list on the left side of the <- in the set function...I'm stumped)
What is the proper "F#" way to do this?

The 'proper' F# way to do it is to not have that myclass class at all. A class with a single getter and setter provides no value over an immutable list.
That said, the above code doesn't compile for a number of reasons:
A type is defined with =, not :.
_training isn't bound by with a let expression.
If you want to mutate the _training value, you must declare it let mutable
Even so, the return value of get is obj list, but the input value of set (which is the symbol value) is obj, because of the use of the cons operator (::). As the compiler says, the type of get and set must be the same.
You can make it compile by addressing all these concerns:
type Myclass() =
let mutable _training = []
member this.training with get() = _training
and set(value) = _training <- value
but it would accomplish nothing. If you need a list, then pass a list. It's not that we don't believe in encapsulation in F#, but properties aren't equivalent to encapsulation anyway...
BTW, it'd be idiomatic to name types using Pascal Case, so MyClass instead of myclass. The leading underscore isn't used much either, so it should be training instead of _training.

The problem is that a property has a type,
and the getter and setter must be compatible with that type.
If I run your code interactively, the compiler helpfully tells me exactly that!
type myclass() =
let mutable _training = []
member this.training
with get() = _training
and set(value) = _training <- value::_training
// error FS3172: A property's getter and setter must have the same type.
// Property 'training' has getter of type 'obj list'
// but setter of type 'obj'.
The answer is simply to have a different method that prepends an element
to the list:
type myclass() =
let mutable _training = []
member this.training
with get() = _training
and set(newTraining) = _training <- newTraining
member this.prepend(element) =
_training <- (element::_training)
member this.prependList(list) =
_training <- (list # _training)
// test
let myList = myclass()
myList.training // output => [2; 1]
myList.training // output => [3; 4; 2; 1]
It's not a nice implementation from a functional point of view,
but it does answer your question.
Note that if you do want a pure functional implementation,
you don't need a class at all.
// test
let myList = []
let myList2 = 1::myList
let myList3 = 2::myList2
// myList3 => [2; 1]
let myList4 = [3;4] # myList3
// myList4 => [3; 4; 2; 1]
Now, how to work with immutable state in a nice way -- that's a whole
other question! :)


Confused about static dictionary in a type, in F#

With this type:
type A =
S: string
static member private l = Dictionary<string, A>()
static member add s = A.l.[s] <- { S=s }
static member list () = l.Values
if I do:
A.add "hello"
A.add "world"
I'd expect A.list() to return something since the dictionary is static, but it returns an empty list. Why is that?
To clarify what I'm trying to do: I'd like to have the ability to register the objects of type A into a static dictionary that is attached to the type itself as it would make the object repository 'self contained' in the type, in a way.
Your l is not a field, but a property with a getter.
A "property", contrary to appearances, is not a memory cell with some value in it. A "property" is a pair of get+set functions. Just functions, that's all. No memory cell.
So what you made yourself is a property with a getter (without a setter), and all that getter does is create a new Dictionary and return it.
This means, every time you access A.l, you get yourself a new, fresh dictionary. Because l is a function, not a memory cell.
Now, in order to make a memory cell (aka "field"), one would ordinarily use static member val, like so:
static member val private l = Dictionary<string, A>()
Unfortunately, in this particular case this doesn't work, because static fields are not permitted on F# records and unions. They work fine on actual classes, but not on F# types.
So instead what I would recommend is to put those functions in a module rather than making them static methods:
type A = { S: string }
module A =
let private l = Dictionary<string, A>()
let add s = l.[s] <- { S=s }
let list () = l.Values
(and just in general: try to use fewer classes and more modules and functions; they're more idiomatic in F# and lead to fewer problems in general)
Now this works as expected:
> A.add "hello";;
val it : unit = ()
> A.add "world";;
val it : unit = ()
> A.list();;
val it : Dictionary`2.ValueCollection<string,A> =
seq [{ S = "hello" }; { S = "world" }]

Explanation and idiomatic solution(s) for assignments to arrays in classes in F#

I've been trying out F# a bit recently, but I've almost exclusively used records and immutability. Now I'm trying mutable classes, however, and it's giving me some issues.
The biggest one so far is that it seems I can't assign to an element of an array that is a member of a class. For example, the following works as expected, replacing the 0th element with a 9:
let array = [| 0..5 |]
array.[0] <- 9
printfn "%A" array
However, this does not work as I would expect:
type MyClass () =
member this.Array = [| 0..5 |]
let myClass = MyClass()
myClass.Array.[0] <- 9
printfn "%A" myClass.Array
The assignment seems to do nothing, but the compiler does not complain with even a warning. I assume there is something that prevents assignments to members of classes, including their submembers and elements, but I can't find any documentation or outside explanations of it.
Could someone help me understand what's going on here and give an example or two of how this is typically done?
MyClass.Array, the way you declared it, is a readonly property. You gave it a get accessor, and the body of that accessor consists of creating an array and returning it.
Spot the problem yet? It's a new array every time you call MyClass.Array. The first array does get mutated just fine, but then you just throw it away and request a new array from the class.
If you want to "store" an array "inside" the class, you need to give it a name, and then make your property accessor refer to that name. That way, the property accessor will return the same array every time:
type MyClass() =
let theArray = [|0..5|]
member this.Array = theArray
(incidentally, this very gotcha is one of the reasons to avoid mutable data)
This is probably because the declaration you have defines this.Array as a read-only property. As mentioned in another answer, the code you have returns a new array for each call.
An auto property works and is a little more concise:
type MyClass () =
member val Array = [| 0..5 |] with get,set
let myClass = MyClass()
myClass.Array.[0] <- 9
printfn "%A" myClass.Array // [|9; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5|]

How can a cacheline sized struct wrapping a mutable, volatile int64 be created in F#?

I want to create a cacheline sized struct wrapping a mutable, volatile int64 in F#. I’ve tried various struct definitions including the one below, but can't get anything to compile.
[<Struct; StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 64)>]
type MyStruct1 (initVal:int64) =
let mutable value = initVal
member x.Value
with get () = value
and set(valIn) = value <- valIn
which gives this error: "Structs cannot contain value definitions because the default constructor for structs will not execute these bindings.
consider adding additional arguments to the primary constructor for the type". I can't see what additional arguements I could add to the primary constructor above.
Any ideas?
The struct definition could be
[<Struct; StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 64)>]
type MyStruct =
val mutable value : int64
new(initVal:int64) = { value = initVal }
member x.Value
with get() = x.value
and set(valIn) = x.value <- valIn
but then, [<VolatileField>] is not allowed on val bindings and structs can't contain let bindings.
TL;DR: AFAIK this is impossible in F#
As pointed out by #V.B. you could use Interlocked which gives a superset of volatiles guarantees (stronger guarantees ≈ more overhead). It might then be better to privateize value to prevent (accidental) writes circumventing the barrier:
[<Struct; StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 64)>]
type MyStruct =
val mutable private value : int64
new(initVal:int64) = { value = initVal }
member public x.Value
with get() = Interlocked.Read(&x.value)
and set(valIn) = Interlocked.Exchange(&x.value, valIn) |> ignore
Interlocked gives similar guarantees as volatile, see this question.
open System.Threading
[<Struct; StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 64)>]
type MyStruct =
val mutable value : int64
new(initVal:int64) = { value = initVal }
member x.Value
with get() = Interlocked.Read(&(x.value))
and set(valIn) = Interlocked.Exchange(&(x.value),valIn) |> ignore

Why must a struct value be mutable to set an indexed property?

Consider the following program:
type Grid2D<'T> =
val RowLength : int
val Data : 'T[]
new(rowLength, data) = { RowLength = rowLength; Data = data }
member this.Item
with get(rowIndex, columnIndex) =
this.Data.[rowIndex * this.RowLength + columnIndex]
and set(rowIndex, columnIndex) value =
this.Data.[rowIndex * this.RowLength + columnIndex] <- value
let g = Grid2D(3, Array.zeroCreate(3 * 3))
g.[1, 1] <- 4
The last line fails to compile with:
error FS0256: A value must be mutable in order to mutate the contents
or take the address of a value type, e.g. 'let mutable x = ...'
However, if the [<Struct>] attribute is removed, and Grid2D is thus a reference type, then the program compiles.
Interestingly, inlining the property setter by hand also compiles fine:
g.Data.[1 * g.RowLength + 1] <- 4
So why is calling it a compile error?
Note: I am aware that this compiler error exists to make it impossible to mutate a non-mutable value of a struct by setting one of its fields. But I'm clearly not mutating the struct here.
I'm gonna take a guess here that its the second part of that error message that applies - "or take the address of a value type". Its not the mutability but the address of the value type that needs to be taken in order for you to refer to the same value g when mutating the Data.
It's probably impossible the compiler could consistently prove any setter doesn't actually mutate the struct, so it doesn't bother and just always emits the error when using assignment statements on non-mutable struct bindings.
In other words the question becomes: why does F# assume property setters mutate their instance? Well, probably because that's usually what property setters do.
Inlining the property setter works in this case because then the target of the assignment is an element of a property and not a property of the struct itself.

Cast array to object

I have an array and I want to cast it to an object. This is my code.
let a = [| 1 |]
let b = a :?> obj
but it tells me that int [] has no proper subtypes and cannot be used as a source of runtime type coercion. I'm pretty sure I can always do (object) in C# without the compiler complaining, so what's the issue here?
You're trying to downcast (:?>), instead of upcast (:>). Your code should be:
let a = [| 1 |]
let b = a :> obj
Please see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd233220.aspx for more details.
While ebb's answer is of course correct, there is another solution for the special case of upcasting to obj, which is the box operator:
let a = [| 1 |]
let b = box a
In F#, box doesn't have the same meaning as it does in the CLR, where it means "make a reference-type object corresponding to a value-type value." In F#, it just means "cast to obj." Because of this, you can use box with reference types as well as with value types.
