Delphi XE10 Seattle JVCL failing install - delphi

I am unable to use the GetIt or the Manual approach to install the JVCL into Delphi XE10 Seattle.
I always receive the error during package compilation that the unit 'jvInterpreter_DBTables" is not found. I see the pas file in the directory listed with the error c:....\Studio\17.0\CatalogRepository\JediVisualComponentLibraryJVCL-3.49\run\
I do have Delphi 2010 and Delphi XE8 installed as well.
The JCL installed just fine and Seattle loads with the package version 2.80.
Thank you for any ideas.

i did it.
Process installation (on start) modifed file {$DEFINE USE_BDE}
you have open in notepad and modifed again {.$DEFINE USE_BDE}
and save.
its worked for me.)


Unit 'CodeSiteLogging' not found

On Delphi XE7 I have on Tools> Options >library path U:\Program Files (x86)\Raize\DM2\Lib\RS-XE7\Win32 to run code for codesite.
The code is running but I upgrade the code to XE10 seattle.
Now I get an error F2613 Unit 'CodeSiteLogging' not found.
I'm confuse that there is no path like U:\Program Files (x86)\Raize\DM2\Lib\RS-XE10Seattle\Win32
Must I set the same path like XE7 on XE10 seattle?
To get CodeSite Express I must install the tool with GetIT.
Through Tools> GetIt Package Manager...
select CodeSite Express 5.2.1 and click install.

Installing Synedit on Delphi 10 Seattle

I am trying to install the latest Unicode version of TSynEdit in the Delphi 10 Seattle IDE. It builds OK but when installing I get the error:
Access violation at address 27158679 in module 'bds.exe'. Read
of address 00000010
It installs OK on previous versions up to XE8.
I tried putting showmessages() at the start of the register procedure but AV error still occurs before the registration.
Has anyone found a work around for this ?
The GetIt Package Manager contains the latest version of TSynEdit.
You can reach GetIt from the tools menu in the IDE.
It downloads/compiles/installs without errors on my D10Seattle machine.
At the moment, SourceForge files are pretty old. But you can download SynEdit components from github. It has project files for newer Delphi versions. I just built and installed it for 10.2 Tokyo.

Proper way to install JVCL 3.47 on XE3

I am trying to install JVCL 3.47 on a Delphi XE3 instance but I failed twice; I know that first I must install JCL; When I run Install.bat located in the jcl folder I get this error: "Windows cannot find '..\bin\JediInstaller.exe' ...;
I looked into bin folder but indeed JediInstaller.exe is not there; So I have opened the project JediInstaller located in "..\JVCL347CompleteJCL241-Build4571\jcl\jcl\install" and compiled it and then I started JediInstaller and installed JCL; Afer I tried to install JVCL again with opening the installer project and compiling it but again it returned an error that JCL is not installed and I don't know way because I have it installed;
When I installed JVCL 3.45 on Delphi Xe2, Win 7 it worked by opening install.bat, but now on Win8 , Delphi XE3 it doesn't work... Please somebody advise me how to install properly JVCL (I need to modify a project built with XE2 and Jvcl by the day after tomorrow).
Thanks in advance.

Delphi JEDI installer build 4197 does not recognize Delphi 2007

After having installed XE2 I felt it would be a good idea to update Jedi JCL/JVCL
However, the installer does not recognize/show Delphi 2007 as an option any longer, only Delphi 2010 and XE2
Any way to fix that? I am guess it uses registry somehow?
I can reproduce the problem with the file you linked. JCL installer 2.31 is not detecting my Delphi 2007 IDE. I have XE, XE2, 7, and 2007 and it will not recognize 2007 when I unzip and run the installer.
The Solution on my system was simple: Run clean.bat, and try the JCL install again.
Your suggestion of wiping the folder out and replacing it with a clean fresh copy, combined with running clean, and with deleting all existing JCL/JVCL bpls from your BPL folders, might be required too.

Error in installing JEDI - please install the dependencies first

I downloaded JEDIVCL package.... according to its help i have to run install.bat from jcl folder and then run install.bat from jvcl folder. i launched install.bat from jvcl folder but i received this error:
and if run install.bat from jcl folder receive this error:
How can I solve this problem? if its possible give me steps to install this package.
Second error message is crash of Delphi compiler.
install.bat asks Delphi to compile JCL installer, but... Delphi compiler crashes.
This is definitive sign that there is a problem with your Delphi compiler!
Try to install available all updates. Also, try to open installer project in IDE and compile it from IDE (without command-line compiler).
Sounds like you have problem with your Delphi installation. If you have just installed Delphi make sure you have run it at least once.
You will need to have the DCC32.EXE command line compiler to install JCL. If I remember correctly this was not shipped in the Turbo or Trial editions of the product.
The JCL/JVCL look in the registry for the location of your Delphi Installations, some versions of Delphi update the registry on the first launch of the product.
