Docker : How to run a service and a terminal in one command? - docker

I'm running an apache server like this
docker run -d -p 80:80 php:apache /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -D FOREGROUNDD
Then I determine the name of the container with
docker ps
and execute an interactive shell on the container with
docker exec -ti hungry_fermi bash
It works well, but I would like to do the same in one command. I've tried
docker run -ti -d -p 80:80 php:apache /bin/bash -c 'bash; apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND'
The problem is that, I don't obtain a terminal and the command returns.

You're trying this:
docker run -ti -d -p 80:80 php:apache \
/bin/bash -c 'bash; apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND'
There are several problems here. First, you're using the -d command line option, which asks the docker client to detach and leave the container running. You will never get an interactive shell when using -d.
Secondly, your command -- bash; apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND -- would run bash, wait for bash to exit, then run httpd. You can instead do something like this:
docker run -ti -p 80:80 php:apache \
/bin/bash -c 'apachectl start; bash'
This would start Apache in the background (because there is no -D FOREGROUND), and then start bash...but I'm not really clear why you would want to do this, because now if you were to exit your shell the container would exit as well (taking Apache with it).
I think you are much better simply starting Apache the way you are now, and using docker exec to get a shell inside the container.


What does it mean when Docker is simultaneously run in interactive and detatched modess

I'm new to Docker and came across this confusing (to me) command in one of the Docker online manuals (
$ docker run -d \
-it \
--name devtest \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/target,target=/app,readonly \
What I found confusing was the use of both the -it flag and the -d flag. I thought -d means to run the container in the background, but -it means to allow the user to interact with the container via the current shell. What does it mean that both flags are present? What am I not understanding here?
The -i and -t flags influence how stdin and stdout are connected, even in the presence of the -d flag. Furthermore, you can always attach to a container in the future using the docker attach command.
Consider: If I try to start an interactive shell without passing -i...
$ docker run -d --name demo alpine sh
...the container will exit immediately, because stdin is closed. If I want to run that detached, I need:
$ docker run -itd --name demo alpine sh
This allows me to attach to the container in the future and interact with the shell:
$ docker attach demo
/ #

why would we want to use both --detach switch with --interactive and --tty in docker?

I'm reading the docker documentations, and I've seen this command:
$ docker run -d \
-it \
--name devtest \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/target,target=/app,readonly \
As far as I know, using -d or --detach switch run the command outside of the current terminal emulator, and return the control of terminal back to the user. And also using --tty -t and --interactive -i is completely the opposite. Why would anyone want to use them in a command?
For that specific command, it doesn't make sense, since nginx does not have an interactive component. But in general, it allows you to later attach to the container with docker attach. E.g.
$ docker run --name test-no-input -d busybox /bin/sh
$ docker attach test-no-input
You cannot attach to a stopped container, start it first
$ docker run --name test-input -dit busybox /bin/sh
$ docker attach test-input
/ # echo hello from the container
hello from the container
/ # exit
The first container stopped since it was running a shell, and there was no input on stdin (no -i). A shell exits when it finishes reading input (e.g. the end of a shell script).

Alpine execute command in a new shell

I'm using an Alpine image in docker and I wanted to know if there is a command to open a new terminal and execute a command.
Like :
gnome-terminal -e <command>
I've already searched in ash man but didn't find what I wanted
You always have a choice of running commands on running containers irrespective of the OS type.
docker image pull nginx
docker container run -d --name nginx -p 80:80 nginx
docker exec -ti nginx sh -c "echo 'Hello World'"

How to launch the Solr techproducts example on Docker?

I am running solr in docker and I tried the commands from the comment.
docker run --name test -d -p 8983:8983 -t solr
docker exec -it --user=solr test bin/solr create -c techproducts -d sample_techproducts_configs
After the last command, I received the following error message:
Unrecognized argument: example/exampledocs/*.xml .
If this was intended to be a data file, it does not exist relative to /opt/solr
Is this the correct location for the techproducts.xml data?
I looked at the official solr image on and I found this,
docker run -d -P -v $PWD/myconfig:/myconfig solr solr-create -c mycore -d /myconfig
I guess you need to pass in core configuration from your host with bind mount as in the example. In this case it is not myconfig, it is "sample_techproducts_configs"
I tried the following, it worked for me.
docker run --name my_solr -d -p 8983:8983 -t solr
docker exec -it --user=solr my_solr bin/solr create_core -c
docker exec -it --user=solr my_solr bin/post -c techproducts

how to configure docker container to run /usr/sbin/sshd upon startup

I have a docker container, which I need to run as a deamon with -d flag.
Is there a way to specify, that I want to run /usr/sbin/sshd as a startup process for this container?
I have tried this, but my container did not stay around:
sudo docker run -p 9000:9000 -d me/my-container /usr/sbin/sshd
So within a docker container, you'll want sshd to actually run in the foreground (not as a daemon), because docker itself will treat the container as a daemon. You'll also need to make sure sshd uses the right port. So try:
sudo docker run -p 9000:9000 -d me/mycontainer /usr/sbin/sshd -p 9000 -D
