Questions about CUDA memory - memory

I am quite new to CUDA programming and there are some stuff about the memory model that are quite unclear to me. Like, how does it work? For example if I have a simple kernel
__global__ void kernel(const int* a, int* b){
some computation where different threads in different blocks might
write at the same index of b
So I imagine a will be in the so-called constant memory. But what about b? Since different threads in different blocks will write in it, how will it work? I read somewhere that it was guaranteed that in the case of concurrent writes in global memory by different threads in the same block at least one would be written, but there's no guarantee about the others. Do I need to worry about that, ie for example have every thread in a block write in shared memory and once they are all done, have one write it all to the global memory? Or is CUDA taking care of it for me?

So I imagine a will be in the so-called constant memory.
Yes, a the pointer will be in constant memory, but not because it is marked const (this is completely orthogonal). b the pointer is also in constant memory. All kernel arguments are passed in constant memory (except in CC 1.x). The memory pointed-to by a and b could, in theory, be anything (device global memory, host pinned memory, anything addressable by UVA, I believe). Where it resides is chosen by you, the user.
I read somewhere that it was guaranteed that in the case of concurrent writes in global memory by different threads in the same block at least one would be written, but there's no guarantee about the others.
Assuming your code looks like this:
b[0] = 10; // Executed by all threads
Then yes, that's a (benign) race condition, because all threads write the same value to the same location. The result of the write is defined, however the number of writes is unspecified and so is the thread that does the "final" write. The only guarantee is that at least one write happens. In practice, I believe one write per warp is issued, which is a waste of bandwidth if your blocks contain more than one warp (which they should).
On the other hand, if your code looks like this:
b[0] = threadIdx.x;
This is plain undefined behavior.
Do I need to worry about that, ie for example have every thread in a block write in shared memory and once they are all done, have one write it all to the global memory?
Yes, that's how it's usually done.


All blocks read same global memory location section. Fastest method is?

I am writing an algorithm which all blocks are reading a same address. Such as we have a list=[1, 2, 3, 4], and all blocks are reading it and store it to their own shared memory...My test shows the more blocks reading it, the slower it will be...I guess no broadcast happen here? Any idea I can make it faster? Thank you!!!
I learnt from previous post that this can be broadcast in one wrap, seems can not happen in different wrap....(Actually in my case, the threads in one wrap are not reading a same location...)
Once list element is accessed by first warp of a SM unit, the second warp in same SM unit gets it from cache and broadcasts to all simt lanes. But another SM unit's warp may not have it in L1 cache so it fetches from L2 to L1 first.
It is similar in __constant__ memory but it requires same address to be accessed by all threads. Its latency is closer to register access. __constant__ memory is like instruction cache, you get more performance when all threads do same thing.
For example, if you have a Gaussian-filter that iterates over same coefficient-list of filter on all threads, it is better to use constant memory. Using shared memory does not have much advantage as the filter array is not scanned randomly. Shared memory is better when the filter array content is different per block or if it needs random access.
You can also combine constant memory and shared memory. Get half of list from constant memory, then the other half from shared memory. This should let 1024 threads hide latency of one memory type hidden behind the other.
If list is small enough, you can use registers directly (has to be compile-time known indices). But it increases register pressure and may decrease occupancy so be careful about this.
Some old cuda architectures (in case of fma operation) required one operand fetched from constant memory and the other operand from a register to achieve better performance in compute-bottlenecked algorithms.
In a test with 12000 floats as filter to be applied on all threads inputs, shared memory version with 128 threads-per-block completed work in 330 milliseconds while constant-memory version completed in 260 milliseconds and the L1 access performance was the real bottleneck in both versions so the real constant-memory performance is even better, as long as it is similar-index for all threads.

Does the order or syntax of allocate statement affect performance? (Fortran)

Because of having performance issues when passing a code from static to dynamic allocation, I started to wander about how memory allocation is managed in a Fortran code.
Specifically, in this question, I wander if the order or syntax used for the allocate statement makes any difference. That is, does it make any difference to allocate vectors like:
The syntax suggests that in the first case the program would allocate all the space for the vectors at once, possibly improving the performance, while in the second case it must allocate the space for one vector at a time, in such a way that they could end up far from each other. If not, that is, if the syntax does not make any difference, I wander if there is a way to control that allocation (for instance, allocating a vector for all space and using pointers to address the space allocated as multiple variables).
Finally, I notice now that I don't even know one thing: an allocate statement guarantees that at least a single vector occupies a contiguous space in memory (or the best it can?).
From the language standard point of view both ways how to write them are possible. The compiler is free to allocate the arrays where it wants. It normally calls malloc() to allocate some piece of memory and makes the allocatable arrays from that piece.
Whether it might allocate a single piece of memory for two different arrays in a single allocate statement is up to the compiler, but I haven't heard about any compiler doing that.
I just verified that my gfortran just calls __builtin_malloc two times in this case.
Another issue is already pointed out by High Performance Mark. Even when malloc() successfully returns, the actual memory pages might still not be assigned. On Linux that happens when you first access the array.
I don't think it is too important if those arrays are close to each other in memory or not anyway. The CPU can cache arrays from different regions of address space if it needs them.
Is there a way how to control the allocation? Yes, you can overload the malloc by your own allocator which does some clever things. It may be used to have always memory aligned to 32-bytes or similar purposes (example). Whether you will improve performance of your code by allocating things somehow close to each other is questionable, but you can have a try. (Of course this is completely compiler-dependent thing, a compiler doesn't have to use malloc() at all, but mostly they do.) Unfortunately, this will only works when the calls to malloc are not inlined.
There are (at least) two issues here, firstly the time taken to allocate the memory and secondly the locality of memory in the arrays and the impact of this on performance. I don't know much about the actual allocation process, although the links suggested by High Performance Mark and the answer by Vadimir F cover this.
From your question, it seems you are more interested in cache hits and memory locality given by arrays being next to each other. I would guess there is no guarantee either allocate statement ensures both arrays next to each other in memory. This is based on allocating arrays in a type, which in the fortran 2003 MAY 2004 WORKING DRAFT J3/04-007 standard
NOTE 4.20
Unless the structure includes a SEQUENCE statement, the use of this terminology in no way implies that these components are stored in this, or any other, order. Nor is there any requirement that contiguous storage be used.
From the discussion with Vadimir F, if you put allocatable arrays in a type and use the sequence keyword, e.g.
type botharrays
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: x, y
end type
this DOES NOT ensure they are allocated as adjacent in memory. For static arrays or lots of variables, a sequential type sounds like it may work like your idea of "allocating a vector for all space and using pointers to address the space allocated as multiple variables". I think common blocks (Fortran 77) allowed you to specify the relationship between memory location of arrays and variables in memory, but don't work with allocatable arrays either.
In short, I think this means you cannot ensure two allocated arrays are adjacent in memory. Even if you could, I don't see how this will result in a reduction in cache misses or improved performance. Even if you typically use the two together, unless the arrays are small enough that the cache will include multiple arrays in one read (assuming reads are allowed to go beyond array bounds) you won't benefit from the memory locality.

Which scenes keyword "volatile" is needed to declare in objective-c?

As i know, volatile is usually used to prevent unexpected compile optimization during some hardware operations. But which scenes volatile should be declared in property definition puzzles me. Please give some representative examples.
A compiler assumes that the only way a variable can change its value is through code that changes it.
int a = 24;
Now the compiler assumes that a is 24 until it sees any statement that changes the value of a. If you write code somewhere below above statement that says
int b = a + 3;
the compiler will say "I know what a is, it's 24! So b is 27. I don't have to write code to perform that calculation, I know that it will always be 27". The compiler may just optimize the whole calculation away.
But the compiler would be wrong in case a has changed between the assignment and the calculation. However, why would a do that? Why would a suddenly have a different value? It won't.
If a is a stack variable, it cannot change value, unless you pass a reference to it, e.g.
The function doSomething has a pointer to a, which means it can change the value of a and after that line of code, a may not be 24 any longer. So if you write
int a = 24;
int b = a + 3;
the compiler will not optimize the calculation away. Who knows what value a will have after doSomething? The compiler for sure doesn't.
Things get more tricky with global variables or instance variables of objects. These variables are not on stack, they are on heap and that means that different threads can have access to them.
// Global Scope
int a = 0;
void function ( ) {
a = 24;
b = a + 3;
Will b be 27? Most likely the answer is yes, but there is a tiny chance that some other thread has changed the value of a between these two lines of code and then it won't be 27. Does the compiler care? No. Why? Because C doesn't know anything about threads - at least it didn't used to (the latest C standard finally knows native threads, but all thread functionality before that was only API provided by the operating system and not native to C). So a C compiler will still assume that b is 27 and optimize the calculation away, which may lead to incorrect results.
And that's what volatile is good for. If you tag a variable volatile like that
volatile int a = 0;
you are basically telling the compiler: "The value of a may change at any time. No seriously, it may change out of the blue. You don't see it coming and *bang*, it has a different value!". For the compiler that means it must not assume that a has a certain value just because it used to have that value 1 pico-second ago and there was no code that seemed to have changed it. Doesn't matter. When accessing a, always read its current value.
Overuse of volatile prevents a lot of compiler optimizations, may slow down calculation code dramatically and very often people use volatile in situations where it isn't even necessary. For example, the compiler never makes value assumptions across memory barriers. What exactly a memory barrier is? Well, that's a bit far beyond the scope of my reply. You just need to know that typical synchronization constructs are memory barriers, e.g. locks, mutexes or semaphores, etc. Consider this code:
// Global Scope
int a = 0;
void function ( ) {
a = 24;
b = a + 3;
pthread_mutex_lock is a memory barrier (pthread_mutex_unlock as well, by the way) and thus it's not necessary to declare a as volatile, the compiler will not make an assumption of the value of a across a memory barrier, never.
Objective-C is pretty much like C in all these aspects, after all it's just a C with extensions and a runtime. One thing to note is that atomic properties in Obj-C are memory barriers, so you don't need to declare properties volatile. If you access the property from multiple threads, declare it atomic, which is even default by the way (if you don't mark it nonatomic, it will be atomic). If you never access it from multiple thread, tagging it nonatomic will make access to that property a lot faster, but that only pays off if you access the property really a lot (a lot doesn't mean ten times a minute, it's rather several thousand times a second).
So you want Obj-C code, that requires volatile?
#implementation SomeObject {
volatile bool done;
- (void)someMethod {
done = false;
// Start some background task that performes an action
// and when it is done with that action, it sets `done` to true.
// ...
// Wait till the background task is done
while (!done) {
// Run the runloop for 10 ms, then check again
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]
runUntilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.01]
Without volatile, the compiler may be dumb enough to assume, that done will never change here and replace !done simply with true. And while (true) is an endless loop that will never terminate.
I haven't tested that with modern compilers. Maybe the current version of clang is more intelligent than that. It may also depend on how you start the background task. If you dispatch a block, the compiler can actually easily see whether it changes done or not. If you pass a reference to done somewhere, the compiler knows that the receiver may the value of done and will not make any assumptions. But I tested exactly that code a long time ago when Apple was still using GCC 2.x and there not using volatile really caused an endless loop that never terminated (yet only in release builds with optimizations enabled, not in debug builds). So I would not rely on the compiler being clever enough to do it right.
Just some more fun facts about memory barriers:
If you ever had a look at the atomic operations that Apple offers in <libkern/OSAtomic.h>, then you might have wondered why every operation exists twice: Once as x and once as xBarrier (e.g. OSAtomicAdd32 and OSAtomicAdd32Barrier). Well, now you finally know it. The one with "Barrier" in its name is a memory barrier, the other one isn't.
Memory barriers are not just for compilers, they are also for CPUs (there exists CPU instructions, that are considered memory barriers while normal instructions are not). The CPU needs to know these barriers because CPUs like to reorder instructions to perform operations out of order. E.g. if you do
a = x + 3 // (1)
b = y * 5 // (2)
c = a + b // (3)
and the pipeline for additions is busy, but the pipeline for multiplication is not, the CPU may perform instruction (2) before (1), after all the order won't matter in the end. This prevents a pipeline stall. Also the CPU is clever enough to know that it cannot perform (3) before either (1) or (2) because the result of (3) depends on the results of the other two calculations.
Yet, certain kinds of order changes will break the code, or the intention of the programmer. Consider this example:
x = y + z // (1)
a = 1 // (2)
The addition pipe might be busy, so why not just perform (2) before (1)? They don't depend on each other, the order shouldn't matter, right? Well, it depends. Consider another thread monitors a for changes and as soon as a becomes 1, it reads the value of x, which should now be y+z if the instructions were performed in order. Yet if the CPU reordered them, then x will have whatever value it used to have before getting to this code and this makes a difference as the other thread will now work with a different value, not the value the programmer would have expected.
So in this case the order will matter and that's why barriers are needed also for CPUs: CPUs don't order instructions across such barriers and thus instruction (2) would need to be a barrier instruction (or there needs to be such an instruction between (1) and (2); that depends on the CPU). However, reordering instructions is only performed by modern CPUs, a much older problem are delayed memory writes. If a CPU delays memory writes (very common for some CPUs, as memory access is horribly slow for a CPU), it will make sure that all delayed writes are performed and have completed before a memory barrier is crossed, so all memory is in a correct state in case another thread might now access it (and now you also know where the name "memory barrier" actually comes from).
You are probably working a lot more with memory barriers than you are even aware of (GCD - Grand Central Dispatch is full of these and NSOperation/NSOperationQueue bases on GCD), that's why your really need to use volatile only in very rare, exceptional cases. You might get away writing 100 apps and never have to use it even once. However, if you write a lot low level, multi-threading code that aims to achieve maximum performance possible, you will sooner or later run into a situation where only volatile can grantee you correct behavior; not using it in such a situation will lead to strange bugs where loops don't seem to terminate or variables simply seem to have incorrect values and you find no explanation for that. If you run into bugs like these, especially if you only see them in release builds, you might miss a volatile or a memory barrier somewhere in your code.
A good explanation is given here: Understanding “volatile” qualifier in C
The volatile keyword is intended to prevent the compiler from applying any optimizations on objects that can change in ways that cannot be determined by the compiler.
Objects declared as volatile are omitted from optimization because their values can be changed by code outside the scope of current code at any time. The system always reads the current value of a volatile object from the memory location rather than keeping its value in temporary register at the point it is requested, even if a previous instruction asked for a value from the same object. So the simple question is, how can value of a variable change in such a way that compiler cannot predict. Consider the following cases for answer to this question.
1) Global variables modified by an interrupt service routine outside the scope: For example, a global variable can represent a data port (usually global pointer referred as memory mapped IO) which will be updated dynamically. The code reading data port must be declared as volatile in order to fetch latest data available at the port. Failing to declare variable as volatile, the compiler will optimize the code in such a way that it will read the port only once and keeps using the same value in a temporary register to speed up the program (speed optimization). In general, an ISR used to update these data port when there is an interrupt due to availability of new data
2) Global variables within a multi-threaded application: There are multiple ways for threads communication, viz, message passing, shared memory, mail boxes, etc. A global variable is weak form of shared memory. When two threads sharing information via global variable, they need to be qualified with volatile. Since threads run asynchronously, any update of global variable due to one thread should be fetched freshly by another consumer thread. Compiler can read the global variable and can place them in temporary variable of current thread context. To nullify the effect of compiler optimizations, such global variables to be qualified as volatile
If we do not use volatile qualifier, the following problems may arise
1) Code may not work as expected when optimization is turned on.
2) Code may not work as expected when interrupts are enabled and used.
volatile comes from C. Type "C language volatile" into your favourite search engine (some of the results will probably come from SO), or read a book on C programming. There are plenty of examples out there.

copy to the shared memory in cuda

In CUDA programming, if we want to use shared memory, we need to bring the data from global memory to shared memory. Threads are used for transferring such data.
I read somewhere (in online resources) that it is better not to involve all the threads in the block for copying data from global memory to shared memory. Such idea makes sense that all the threads are not executed together. Threads in a warp execute together. But my concern is all the warps are not executed sequentially. Say, a block with threads is divided into 3 warps: war p0 (0-31 threads), warp 1 (32-63 threads), warp 2 (64-95 threads). It is not guaranteed that warp 0 will be executed first (am I right?).
So which threads should I use to copy the data from global to shared memory?
To use a single warp to load a shared memory array, just do something like this:
void kernel(float *in_data)
__shared__ float buffer[1024];
if (threadIdx.x < warpSize) {
for(int i = threadIdx; i <1024; i += warpSize) {
buffer[i] = in_data[i];
// rest of kernel follows
[disclaimer: written in browser, never tested, use at own risk]
The key point here is the use of __syncthreads() to ensure that all threads in the block wait until the warp performing the load to shared memory have finished the load. The code I posted used the first warp, but you can calculate a warp number by dividing the thread index within the block by the warpSize. I also assumed a one-dimensional block, it is trivial to compute the thread index in a 2D or 3D block, so I leave that as an exercise to the reader.
As block is assigned to multiprocessor it resides there until all threads within that block are finished and during this time warp scheduler is mixing among warps that have ready operands. So if there is one block on multiprocessor with three warps and just one warp is fetching data from global to shared memory and other two warps are staying idle and probably waiting on __syncthreads() barrier, you loose nothing and you are limited just by latency of global memory what you would have been anyway. As soon as fetching is finished warps can go ahead in their work.
Therefore, no guarantee that warp0 is executed first is needed and you can use any threads. The only two things to keep in mind are to ensure as much coalesced access to global memory as possible and avoidance of bank conflicts.

Atomically read/write int value w/o additional operation on the int value itself

GCC offers a nice set of built-in functions for atomic operations. And being on MacOS or iOS, even Apple offers a nice set of atomic functions. However, all these functions perform an operation, e.g. an addition/subtraction, a logical operation (AND/OR/XOR) or a compare-and-set/compare-and-swap. What I am looking for is a way to atomically assign/read an int value, like:
int a;
/* ... */
a = someVariable;
That's all. a will be read by another thread and it is only important that a either has its old value or its new value. Unfortunately the C standard does not guarantee that assigning or reading a value is an atomic operation. I remember that I once read somewhere, that writing or reading a value to a variable of type int is guaranteed to be atomic in GCC (regardless the size of int) but I searched everywhere on the GCC homepage and I cannot find this statement any longer (maybe it was removed).
I cannot use sig_atomic_t because sig_atomic_t has no guaranteed size and it might also have a different size than int.
Since only one thread will ever "write" a value to a, while both threads will "read" the current value of a, I don't need to perform the operations themselves in an atomic manner, e.g.:
/* thread 1 */
someVariable = atomicRead(a);
/* Do something with someVariable, non-atomic, when done */
atomicWrite(a, someVariable);
/* thread 2 */
someVariable = atomicRead(a);
/* Do something with someVariable, but never write to a */
If both threads were going to write to a, then all operations would have to be atomic, but that way, this may only waste CPU time; and we are extremely low on CPU resources in our project. So far we use a mutex around read/write operations of a and even though the mutex is held for such a tiny amount of time, this already causes problems (one of the threads is a realtime thread and blocking on a mutex causes it to fail its realtime constraints, which is pretty bad).
Of course I could use a __sync_fetch_and_add to read the variable (and simply add "0" to it, to not modify its value) and for writing use a __sync_val_compare_and_swap for writing it (as I know its old value, so passing that in will make sure the value is always exchanged), but won't this add unnecessary overhead?
A __sync_fetch_and_add with a 0 argument is indeed the best bet if you want your load to be atomic and act as a memory barrier. Similarly, you can use an and with 0 or an or with -1 to store 0 and -1 atomically with a memory barrier. For writing, you can use __sync_test_and_set (actually an xchg operation) if an "acquire" barrier is enough, or if using Clang you can use __sync_swap (which is an xchg operation with a full barrier).
However, in many cases that's overkill and you may prefer to add memory barriers manually. If you do not want the memory barrier, you can use a volatile load to atomically read/write a variable that is aligned and no wider than a word:
#define __sync_access(x) (*(volatile __typeof__(x) *) &(x))
(This macro is an lvalue, so you can also use it for a store like __sync_store(x) = 0). The function implements the same semantics as the C++11 memory_order_consume form, but only under two assumptions:
that your machine has coherent caches; if not, you need a memory barrier or global cache flush before the load (or before the first of a group of load).
that your machine is not a DEC Alpha. The Alpha had very relaxed semantics for reordering memory accesses, so on it you'd need a memory barrier after the load (and after each load in a group of loads). On the Alpha the above macro only provides memory_order_relaxed semantics. BTW, the first versions of the Alpha couldn't even store a byte atomically (only a word, which was 8 bytes).
In either case, the __sync_fetch_and_add would work. As far as I know, no other machine imitated the Alpha so neither assumption should pose problems on current computers.
Volatile, aligned, word sized reads/writes are atomic on most platforms. Checking your assembly would be the best way to find out if this is true on your platform. Atomic registers cannot produce nearly as many interesting wait free structures as the more complicated mechanisms like compare and swap, which is why they are included.
See for the theory.
Regarding synch_fetch_and_add with a 0 argument - This seems like the safest bet. If you're worried about efficiency, profile the code and see if you're meeting your performance targets. You may be falling victim to premature optimization.
