How do I find out what SDKs an app is using? - ios

Was asked by one of our clients how I can find out what SDKs their app uses. It's an iOS app -- Do they need to grant me some kind of permission in Apple Dev?

xcodebuild -showsdks will show you what sdks you have installed but I don't think that's what you're looking for.
The best way to do what you want to do would be:
Open the project for this app in xcode
Look for the part where it states the minimum required iOS
That is your sdk version


How do I find the SDK version of an iPhone app

We need to validate that our iOS apps are updated to SDK 11. For similar tasks on android we found some tools (e.g. system Info for Android) which shows the Android platform build version, but we did not find any similar apps for iOS. Is there any tool in App Store that we can use to validate the SDK build for our apps? Also is there any way in Xcode to find this piece of info?

Ionic - Build for IOS on Windows (for latest IOS and Ionic)

I successfully built my app for Android, but naturally things are not that simple for IOS for a windows user.
This question has been asked many times before in many places at different times in different versions, but I'm interested to see if there's any up-to-date info on the issue.
Here's an old topic with a variety of answers:
I'm using ionic 3 and I'd like to build for the latest IOS, My PC OS is Windows 10.
Does Ionic provide any way to make this process easier?
I understood that in the latest IOS an apple dev account is no longer a requirement for testing. How do I test without one? (perhaps it's possible only when using a MAC?)
How do I use PhoneGap Build with Ionic?
It requires apple app certificate and keys to build.
Am I supposed to manually create a config.xml?
I use windows to develop Ionic. In order to build for IOS I have installed VMWare on which I emulate MacOS X, installed xcode and all the tools necessary for building ionic. I have been able to test and deploy my apps to an ios device through usb with ionic/xcode. However I haven't push any apps to the app store yet. If you want to get started into this, take a look at this link.
After doing some research I found out that ionic has a cloud packaging service. (previously [link dead])

How come my non-ATS supporting app is working on iOS9?

I'm running the beta version of iOS 9 on my phone.
I downloaded my app from the App Store and it works.
When I install it from Xcode it doesn't work (since it is not supporting ATS).
How can that be?
When introducing features in new iOS versions Apple often checks for the link time or SDK version of the app.
Applying new rules only to apps that are linked to iOS SDK 9 for example, they can enforce the rule on new builds, where the developer should be aware of the rule. Old apps are left alone and keep working as before.
The version from the App Store is likely linked against an earlier SDK version. Apple determines behavior for some things like UI and, AFAIK, ATS, by looking at the linked SDK version.
Apple notices that App Store version is linked against an SDK version that doesn't know about ATS and enables legacy support. But your version compiled in Xcode is linked against a SDK version that does know about ATS and Apple therefor enforces the rules.

Ios cross compilation frameworks: do they violate the Ios SDK license?

Some cross compilation frameworks like Adobe Air, Marmalade sdk, and Embarcadero allow one to build test and debug applications from a windows machine. Do they violate the iOS SDK license agreement? This agrement forbids to distribute derivative work of the SDK which is the certainly the case with the above mentioned products. Is it safe to use this products for development or is there a concrete danger that Apple will retire any app developed with these solutions?
I can comment on the side of things..
My understanding of things is that the forge build process is acting much like testflightapp, just without the download / install process.
You never actually download / use the apple SDK so its hard to say if you are violating something that you are not using directly.
Forge, just like all build services, has a build server. The build server contains the IOS SDK for packaging. As long as your certs and provisioning files are correct it will package it up just fine. The forge process simply installs it after the fact, again similar to testflightapp.
As for apple knowing you tested in a specific manor.. I don't know how they could even know because the end package is just an ipa file, you still have to submit via a mac.

Will I be able to submit iOS PhoneGap Build apps after February 1?

From February 1, apple is changing the rules for submitting apps to the app store. All apps will have to be build using iOS 7 SDK and will have to be compiled with xcode.
I am afraid that this might mean that all my projects built with Adobe Phonegap Build will be useless (ones that use Phonegap build plugins that are not locally available).
I am aware of THIS question.
However that question only talks about PhoneGap (cordova), and not PhoneGap Build specifically.
With Phonegap (cordova) I can build apps locally and an xcode project gets generated, so that will not prevent people from submitting apps as in the end you will still build it with xcode.
However, with Adobe PhoneGap build, the app binary is compiled on adobe's servers and not on my installation of xcode, and that service does not generate an xcode project.
So my question is, will these PhoneGap Build generated apps be accepted by apple or not? I am afraid that I am right by thinking that they will not be accepted, but just want to make sure, so if you know more about this please let me know.
I'm pretty sure that the statement from Apple only means that apps built with Xcode version < 5 and not optimised for iOS7 are not accepted any longer - not that you cannot submit apps built with different frameworks (if they are compliant to their new UI guidelines, of course).
I would not worry about this. Apple basically said they will no longer allow apps that are built using the iOS 6 SDK / Xcode 4. I don't expect other changes in their policies and didn't hear a big outcry on Twitter either :)
