Create Lock Screen Notification Like Apple's Alarm App? - ios

currently when my application is on lock screen, I just have a basic UILocalNotification pop up that opens the app when pressed and so on. However, I'd really like to make that better looking and I was wondering how Apple's Alarm Application has it's own unique notification on the lock screen? Does this also deal with manipulating notifications? Please, any help would be greatly appreciated...I've been searching for weeks :( alarm app lock screen example

So for now it is not possible to create a custom type notification like Apple Alarm Clock. There is no trace of it in UIKit framework docs. All we have is basic UIAlertController and UILocalNotification classes.


Questions about Local notifications in iOS

I'm working on a project on iOS 7, 8 that use a lot of notifications (Remote, Local). I have some questions about Local Notification.
I'm using Local Notification to schedule an alarm or a count-down. As I know, the use of NSTimer is not really a good choice since it has only up to 10' in background & if the app process is killed it doesn't work anymore. Local Notification is managed by iOS but I have to accept its alert when the app is not in foreground. There's nothing like silent local notification (local notification without alert, sound or badge and app still knows about it although it's in background). Am I right ?
Let's assume that there're some simple local notifications in Notification Center, scheduled by our app. Normally when I touch on a notification to see it in my app, the others remain present until we interact with them. In some cases that I haven't figured out, all other notifications are removed from the Notification Center. Does anyone encounter this & understand why ?
I find the interactive notification feature in iOS very limited. I want to change the title of a defined UIMutableUserNotificationAction button & add an image for it, like I can do with UIButton. So the question is : Is it possible to customize the UI of an action button ?
Thanks for your help !
Unfortunately there is no correspondence in silent notification using local notifications.
The number of the visible notification in the notification center is a user decision, the user in Settings can decide to set a different number or decide to do not show them in notification center as well. As for the first point no. The third point is not clear, you can set the image you want for a remote just put in the payload the right name, local notifications use the app icon.
There is no silent notification for Local Notification. The user has to click to the notification to open your App.
I suppose that the associated application has deleted those notifications programmatically. Else, those notifications must stay in the notification center.
You cannot add image to action buttons but just the titles.
I tried more than two weeks to do the same. I had to show notification after 2 hrs even if the use doesn't click the notification. But the repetition facility is well handled in objective C. I could have created multiple local notification but it will also violates the total number of 64 notifications. Apple needs to improved the same.

can we set the functionality of snooze alarm in our app as iphone's built in alarm? [duplicate]

I'm diving into iOS development and am building my own alarm clock app to become familiar with the platform and SDK. One of the API's I'm currently learning is the Local Notifications API, which I assume is the same API Apple uses to implement their alarms in their Clock app.
What I don't understand is how they implement their "Snooze" functionality. As I understand it, Local Notifications allow you to present to the user an alert box that has at most two buttons when your app isn't running in the foreground, one button for dismissing the alert and one button for taking the user to your app. In Apple's Clock app, however, it appears the user is presented with an alert box with two buttons, one button to dismiss the alarm and one button to "Snooze" and reschedule the alarm without launching the Clock app. My questions are...
When the user clicks the "Snooze" button, how do you think Apple is rescheduling the Local Notification for the alarm without launching the Clock app? Do you think they're using their own private APIs that circumvent the limitations of the Local Notifications that only allow for two options? Or do you think they're launching the Clock app to reschedule the Local Notification, they just don't show the app launching and quitting?
The documentation says the "alertAction" property of the Local Notification is the text to be displayed on the right button of the alert box and the slider bar of the lock screen. In Apple's Clock app, however, the "Snooze" text is the left button in the alert box, nor is it the Slider bar text. Why is this backwards?
Thanks so much in advance for your thoughts!
The local notification API does not have any mechanism to do what you want. The alarm clock app is almost certainly not using any of the infrastructure for local notifications, it predates them. Even if it is factored onto some of the infrastructure provided by local notifications, it is certainly not using the public APIs.
You should file a bug requesting that this functionality be added.

Is it possible to change the display duration of a UILocalNotification?

I need to display a local notification and have it remain on screen longer than the default 4-5 seconds, preferably until the app itself removes it. I've seen other apps (e.g. Pandora) that manage to do this somehow (maybe a push notification?), but I can find no duration property on UILocalNotification or in UIApplication methods like presentLocalNotificationNow:, scheduleLocalNotification:, etc. Neither the documentation nor any of the tutorials I've found address the display time at all. Is this something that just can't be done with local notifications?
A couple of solutions here and I would not recommend either:
1- You can request from the user to go to settings > Notification Center > your app. And change the alert style from Banner (default) to Alerts. This will present the user an alert similar to the alert presented when the app is in the foreground. The user would have to dismiss the alert versus the banner style notification that just appears/disappears. Unless this is a corporate app and you have the users buy in, I would not go that route as this could annoy the user.
2- I tested the sound clip method and yes, if you present a notification with a clip < 30seconds; the notification will stay on the (top of the) screen until the sound clip is finished playing. Having said that, if the user taps any of the volume button (to reduce the sound for example), the notification is immediately dismissed even before its end! I think though that the purpose of the notification is a gentle reminder and, lasting more than the typical 4-5 seconds goes against the norm and, it might annoy the user (or the user might think something is stuck, phone froze, etc..). Here is the code anyway:
UILocalNotification *howLongCanANotificationLast = [[UILocalNotification alloc]init];
howLongCanANotificationLast.alertBody=#"I am a notification";
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] presentLocalNotificationNow:howLongCanANotificationLast];
Hope this helps.

How to create a custom alarm wake up screen on iOS?

Is it possible to create a custom alarm wake up screen on iOS via Xcode, such as the carrot alarm app on the App Store? If so, could anyone point to some documentation or examples?
I'm pretty confused at the moment, because I don't understand how it can be done as long as the iPhone locks itself and the app stops working. This is my main concern, because locking the iPhone kills the app.
I would like to what's the best way to create a wake up screen like carrot app's one, avoiding all the screen lock problems. How did they do it?
Using the code below you can disable the lock screen. You can place it in your viewDidLoad method.
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setIdleTimerDisabled: YES];
As for creating the screen, I'd suggest picking up a book on iPhone development as it's a lot to explain in a follow-up message.

Custom notification when app in background or close

Is it possible to create an notification when my app in background all close.
What I mean:
If my app goes to background at some point at time I want to get notification with alert view on main screen in iPhone.
Alert view have to contain my custom description text.
Is it possible? and if this is possible that wich verion iOS should provide this option.
Yes, you can use a local notification.
Local notifications were introduced in iOS 4.0
