recently, when using display:flex and flex-grow, i find a problem:
i write a demo about this question:
i run the demo using mac chrome(emulate screen resolution: 320*480)
and ios (lastest) safari,
the result of chrome is what i expected
the screen shot of results below:
the result of safari:
the result of chrome:
A new demo that the css property is prefixed by(-webit-), but it don't work for me.
the viewport need enough narrow to trigger the text-overflow:ellipse,the bug would occur;
I am stuck on a white screen. This issues says to inspect I might be an JS error.
Indeed I have one JS error which is not help full.
TypeError: 'application/octet-stream' is not a valid JavaScript MIME type.
I tried to build my APP on my ios device which works, only the simulator doesn't work.
I'm working on an Angular 6 web site and I face a weird problem only on Chrome in IOS (iPad, iPhone).
Each page renders correctly when going directly to each link. But when I click on any of the links inside any page, it generates a NavigationError like these one:
TypeError: Argument 1 ('other') to Node.contains must be an instance of Node
TypeError: Argument 1 ('node') to Node.insertBefore must be an instance of Node
It's really difficult to debug Chrome inside IOS so it's hard to get more information.
My web site is working well on any other browsers and OS, Firefox(windows, linux), Chrome (windows and linux), Safari (ios, osx, windows).
Anyone got an idea where to start looking?
Thank you!
Apparently, the problem is happening only on Google Chrome iOS when this code is present:
let script = window['document'].createElement('script');
script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
script.setAttribute('src', '');
window['__onGCastApiAvailable'] = function (isAvailable) { /*Do chromecast initialization*/}
So I added this condition:
Problem resolved.
I really don't know why cast framework is breaking angular routing.
we have migrated a worklight 6.1 application t IBM mobilefirst 7.0 platform and all the functionalities working as expected on the android environment, but in ios we are facing an issue: there is a function called "quick receipt". on click on a button the device camera opens and a photo is taken. The problem is that the photo is not displaying - it returns complete blank page this issue on ios device only but not on Android device.
Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI is not working on IOS.
for security reason we wont share the code. here is similar prototype code.
<div><img alt="QuickReceipts" src="resources/img/camera.png" onclick="imgCapture();"</div>
imgCapture: function (){, this.onFail,{quality:80,destinationType:Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI, targetWidth:600,targetHeight:1050}
// applying the css and displaying the img
$("#imgReceipt").attr("src","data:image/jpeg;base64," +imgData);
$("#imgReceipt").css("display", "block");
// failure msg
One suggestion is to attempt to code change as mentioned by Nazmul:
Another suggestion is to upgrade to the latest 7.1 iFix from IBM Fix Central which contains several Cordova corrections and may address your issue.
If your issue is not resolved still, I suggest to open an IBM PMR (support ticket).
I am an ios developer. Recently I'm using the UIDocumentInteractionController to open my file in other apps. When the code runs to a line that called the presentOpenInMenuFromRect:inView:animated method, a weird string appears in the xcode output:
AirDrop: collectionView:layout:insetForSectionAtIndex:, orientation:1, sectionInset: {0, 13, 0, 13}
And this string only appears when I run the app on ipad with ios7.0.2, and not appear in iphone4s with ios 7.1.3.
This output worries me, I have no idea why this came out. It's not a warning or an exception, and besides the output, everything runs well and the candidate apps list can show up correctly and also the file can be opened successfully by the app selected.
But why this string appears? It's definitely not from the code I wrote. Looks like it's a function signature related to Airdrop. Can anyone help me out of this?
I've started a project in PhoneGap which will utilise Sencha Touch 2.
I tried to change the app name from 'app', since I've heard that conflicts with PhoneGap on Android devices. I altered app.js to main.js and that worked, but then I tried changing the All I got was a white screen after the loading splash, even with the old name Sencha. Debug console shows nothing at all happening, and the document <body> was empty. This happens with both sencha-touch-all.js and sencha-touch-all-debug.js. Test device is an iPad 1G running iOS 4.3.5.
Aside: To debug this issue, I set up weinre on my Mac and added the appropriate <script> tag to index.html. After making that change, though, the app didn't even launch. It hung on the PhoneGap splash png and I got this message from gdb-remote:
error: failed to launch '<app URI>' -- failed to send the qLaunchSuccess packet
The only reference to that message besides its definition in gdb-remote source that I can find is here, and it's unrelated. I managed to get the issue to go away by restarting the iPad and removing build intermediates.
SOLVED: The issue here was a missing value in the Ext.application definition (key with no associated value), so the whole app definition probably tanked as a result of that. Hence blank screen.