Grails - Edit - does not retain the values when created - grails

Grails issue :
When clicking over the Edit in the following screen : Domain and Variable values does not seem to retain their values (When creating it, we are able to enter the values - Domain and Variable, but it does not retain the values when editing..
Clicking over EDIT in the following screen :
does not retain the values of domain and variable alone:
.gsp code below
<td>Domain<span style="color: red">*</span></td>
<td><g:if test="${isCreate}">
<g:select class="statSele" id="domain_name" name="domain_name" from="${com.datumrite.master.DomainMaster.list()}" optionKey="id" noSelection="['':'Select Domain']" onchange="${remoteFunction(
update: 'variable_select'
)}"></g:select> <br>
<input disabled="true" id="dN" name="name" type="text" style="margin-bottom:4px" value="${(data.domain_name instanceof String)?'':com.datumrite.master.DomainMaster.get(data.domain_name)}" />
<td>Variable<span style="color: red">*</span></td>
<td><g:if test="${isCreate}">
<span id="variable_select">
<g:select class="statSele" name="var_name" from="${[]}" value="${data?.var_name}" noSelection="['':'Select Variable']"></g:select></span> <br>
<input disabled="true" type="text" name="name" style="margin-bottom:4px;margin-left:5px" value="${data?.var_name}" />
<td>Condition<span style="color: red">*</span></td>
<td><g:if test="${isCreate}">
<g:select class="statSele" id="constrain_type" name="constrain_type"
from="${['Lesser than','Greater than','Lesser than nor Equal','Greater than nor Equal','Equal To','Not Equal To']}"
value="${data?.constrain_type}" noSelection="['':'Select Condition']">
<input disabled="true" name="name" value="${data?.constrain_type}" type="text" style="margin-bottom:4px"/>
And, I am using MySQL DB for the same.
can anyone help me with this issue ?

You need to make sure the subscription instance is passed when you click Edit link. (possibly under <g:link...> tag) The gsp you've posted is for create view. Check your List of Subscription view. (possibly show.gsp)


g:each iterator value not being applied in name of input

So I've got a basic, g:each like so: -
<g:each in="${results}" status = "i" var="item">
<tr id = ${i} class="${(i % 2) == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd'}" name="main">
<td colspan="3">
<table id = "sub">
<g:select style="width:375px;"name="events[$i].id" from="${framework.EventType.list(sort:"userEventType")}" required="required" optionKey="id" value="${item.event_id}" /></td>
<input type="text" name="any[$i].id">
<g:select style="width:550px;"id="objectID[$i]" name="objectID[$i].id" from="${framework.Object.list(sort:"objDesc")}" optionKey="id" required="" value="${item.object_id}" class="many-to-one"/>
<richui:autoComplete name="autocomp[$i].id" value= "${item.object_description}" action="${createLinkTo('dir': 'object/searchAJAX')}" maxResultsDisplayed="20" minQueryLength ="3" onItemSelect="youPickedThis(id,'autocomp[$i].id')" />
Absolutely everything within here is generated in the html with the correct names (i.e. [$i] becomes [0] on the first each, [1] on the second and so on. But the very first input (type text) just names them all "any[$i].id"!
Anyone have the remotest idea why the first input is too good to pick up up whereas the other elements just get on with it as they should?
The only difference I can see is that the <input type="text"> is a plain HTML tag whereas all the other places where you're using $i are attributes of GSP tags (richui:autocomplete and g:select). Try using ${i} instead:
<input type="text" name="any[${i}].id">
I wasn't aware that the short form (without using braces) was valid anywhere in a GSP, but the longer brace form will definitely work in all cases.

How to show validation errors as a list

I have a simple login form with this code in jsp file:
action="conexion" validate="true" theme="xhtml" target="formError">
<s:textfield name="username" key="profile.rut" />
<s:password name="password" key="profile.password" />
<s:submit id="boton_ingreso"/>
when that is rendered, it renders this way:
<form onreset="clearErrorMessages(this);clearErrorLabels(this);" method="post" target="formError" action="/AgendaPlus/conexion.action" onsubmit="return validateForm_conexion();" name="conexion" id="conexion">
<table class="wwFormTable">
<td class="tdLabel"><label class="label" for="conexion_username">RUT:</label></td>
<td><input type="text" id="conexion_username" value="" name="username"></td>
<td class="tdLabel"><label class="label" for="conexion_password">ContraseƱa:</label></td>
<td><input type="password" id="conexion_password" name="password"></td>
<td colspan="2"><div align="right"><input type="submit" value="Submit" id="boton_ingreso" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all" role="button" aria-disabled="false">
That way, when an error occurs, the error is shown above each field with error as a <tr> tag and since it is a table, I cannot style it to move to other place. I tried with target attribute of <s:form> tag but it did not work.
See the tag docs for fielderror:
<s:fielderror />
You know there are other themes, and that you can create your own, right?
For example, the "simple" theme doesn't render any tables or errors.
The target attribute seems a weird use for error reporting.

Access individual elements in a list

I have a list of, let's say, persons. Every person has a field that is "friend", that could be "yes" or "no". Their "friendship" status is presented in a column in the list:
<g:if test="${person.friend.status=='no' }">
<td><g:textField name="status" value="${person.friend.status}" readonly="readonly" style="width:60px;border:0px; background:transparent;color:black"/></td>
<td style="width:20px">
<g:actionSubmitImage action="acceptFriend" value="aceptar" src="${resource(dir: 'images', file: '/skin/tick_16.png')}" style="width:5px;height:8px;"/>
<g:actionSubmitImage action="refuseFriend" value="aceptar" src="${resource(dir: 'images', file: '/skin/wrong_16.png')}" style="width:5px;height:8px;"/>
As you can see, when the friend status is "no", two buttons are presented, one to say "that person is my friend" and another one to say "this person is not my friend". My question is:
When i click on the image that says "this person is my friend", I call the action "acceptFriend". But, how to access to the indivivual person instance, to change his status to "yes", and persist in the database? I think it may be with the "params" variable, but how to store it in the params to be accessed in the Controller?
Thank you!
I believe, you cannot use the g:actionSubmitImage like this, because in the tag's documentation is written:
You cannot use multiple actionSubmitImage tags within the same form and have it work in Internet Explorer 6 or 7 unless you add some custom JavaScript. See this page for a bit more information and a workaround.
The correct solution would be to have a form per friend in list and then you can easily pass the ID of the domain class.
The actionSubmitImage creates a submit button in some form.
Create the form for each person in the list you're iterating.
In that form, add a hidden field named "id" with a value="${}", and in acceptFriend action read it from
<img src="${resource(dir: 'images', file: '/skin/wrong_16.png')}" style="width:5px;height:8px;" />
This is not tested code, just to give you the idea.
By request of Tom Metz, i post the snippet with both g:actionSubmitImage tags working:
<g:hiddenField name="contrato" value="${}"/>
<td> <g:link title="${message(code :'contratosVer.tooltip')}" controller="campaign" action="show" id="${}" style="width:160px"> <g:img dir="images" file="/skin/eye_16.png"/></g:link> </td>
<td><g:textField name="campaign" value="${factura.nombre}" readonly="readonly" style="width:120px;border:0px; background:transparent;color:black"/></td>
<td><g:textField name="total" value="${}" readonly="readonly" style="width:40px;border:0px; background:transparent;color:black"/></td>
<g:if test="${factura.estado=='Espera'}">
<td><g:textField name="estado" value="${factura.estado}" readonly="readonly" style="width:60px;border:0px; background:transparent;color:black"/></td>
<td style="width:20px">
<g:actionSubmitImage action="aceptarCamp" value="aceptar" src="${resource(dir: 'images', file: '/skin/tick_16.png')}" style="width:5px;height:8px;"/>
<g:actionSubmitImage action="rechazarCamp" value="aceptar" src="${resource(dir: 'images', file: '/skin/wrong_16.png')}" style="width:5px;height:8px;"/>
<td><g:textField name="estado" value="${factura.estado}" readonly="readonly" style="width:65px;border:0px; background:transparent;color:black"/></td>
<g:set var="desc" value="${result.toString()}" />
<g:if test="${desc.size() > 120}"><g:set var="desc" value="${desc[0..120] + '...'}" /></g:if>
Sorry for the delay, mate, but I was away from work for three days.

Grails mapping questionnaire data to a bean

This is my first development using Grails. I have a requirement to create a questionnaire. This is my GSP page in which the questions are listed, possible answers for each question is listed and depending upon the type of answer a checkbox or radio button is displayed.It works fine till here
<div class="body">
<h1><g:message code="default.edit.label" args="[entityName]" /></h1>
<g:if test="${message}">
<div class="message">${message}</div>
<g:form action="createDonation" >
<div class="dialog">
<g:each in="${questionList}" status="i" var="questionInstance">
<td>${fieldValue(bean: questionInstance, field: "text")}</td>
<g:each in="${questionInstance?.answers?}" status="j" var="a">
<td >
<g:if test="${fieldValue(bean: a, field: '') == 'Multiple'}"><g:checkBox name="myGroup" value="${false}" /></g:if>
<g:if test="${fieldValue(bean: a, field: '') == 'Single'}"><g:radio name="myGroup" value="1"/></g:if>
<td >${fieldValue(bean: a, field: "text")}</td>
<div class="buttons">
<span class="button"><g:submitButton name="return" class="save" value="${message(code: 'default.button.backtodonorlogin.label', default: 'Back')}" /></span>
<span class="button"><g:submitButton name="submit" class="save" value="${message(code: 'default.button.saveandcontinue.label', default: 'Create')}" /></span>
Now i want to save the response of the user i.e what is the answer selected by each user for each question. For Multiple choice multiple answers can be selected. I am having a hard time to figure out how to create a model for that.
Help is requested.
how about this: you create a QuestionResponse entity with the following properties:
question (linking to the question being answered)
response (answer given by user)
responder (responding user)
You can find out about the current user by using spring security for instance.
You can determine the question being responded from the hidden ID in your form.

Grails dynamic scaffold with hasMany: is it a bug or am I misconfiguring?

I'm a Grails noob and running into something that seems to be a bug, but it is entirely possible I'm not configuring everything correctly.
I've got two simple Domain Classes:
class Player {
String firstName
String lastName
static constraints = {
String toString() { lastName + ", " + firstName }
class Team {
String mascot;
static hasMany = [players:Player]
static constraints = {
I have controllers for both that do nothing beyond dynamic scaffold these two Domain Classes.
But even when I have a list of Players in my DB, I don't get a multi-select box for them when creating a new Team.
However, the multi-select shows up when I go to edit a Team
Is this a bug in the dynamic scaffolding for new items, do I misunderstand how this is supposed to work, or is there something else I need to declare here?
Any help is hugely appreciated! I've got screenshots that StackOverflow won't let me add because of my newness, but I'd be happy to show them another way if that'll help.
I finally figured this out and wanted to pass on what I did just in case someone else runs into it.
When I generated the views for Team, the form block in edit.gsp looks like this:
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="${teamInstance?.id}" />
<input type="hidden" name="version" value="${teamInstance?.version}" />
<div class="dialog">
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="mascot">Mascot:</label>
<td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean:teamInstance,field:'mascot','errors')}">
<input type="text" id="mascot" name="mascot" value="${fieldValue(bean:teamInstance,field:'mascot')}"/>
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="players">Players:</label>
<td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean:teamInstance,field:'players','errors')}">
<g:select name="players"
size="5" multiple="yes" optionKey="id"
value="${teamInstance?.players}" />
<div class="buttons">
<span class="button"><g:actionSubmit class="save" value="Update" /></span>
<span class="button"><g:actionSubmit class="delete" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?');" value="Delete" /></span>
but the form block in create.gsp looks like this:
<g:form action="save" method="post" >
<div class="dialog">
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="mascot">Mascot:</label>
<td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean:teamInstance,field:'mascot','errors')}">
<input type="text" id="mascot" name="mascot" value="${fieldValue(bean:teamInstance,field:'mascot')}"/>
<div class="buttons">
<span class="button"><input class="save" type="submit" value="Create" /></span>
In other words, for this corner case, the default Create view omits the widget to properly display the multi-select list. When I did a copy and paste of the missing code, the dynamically scaffolded controller picked it up and persisted it as expected. So, it's definitely a bug in the view generation code.
Yes, the default scaffolding puts a parent selector in the child class' create/edit page.
I'm guessing it was just easier for them this way. It shouldn't be a multi-select though, just a pull-down single-select, as it's a One-to-Many.
As you've explained you wanted more of a Many-to-Many relationship, you might try adding:
static hasMany = [teams:Team]
to your Player class. I've found that Grails does better with bi-directional relationships. It's also useful to have when building search queries, and shouldn't require more than the one relationship table you'd already need.
If you're using Grails pre-v1.1, Many-to-Many relationships aren't directly supported, so even adding the static hasMany above won't be the complete solution, as you'll need to manage adding to the other list when you add to one direction. I haven't used v1.1 yet, so I can't talk about what is needed to specify the Many-to-Many in it.
I encountered the same problem using current version (v1.3.4) of Grails. Had to manually modify the create.gsp
