I am working on Geb Spock framework for AngularJS application. When I am trying to get the title of framework its returning the value as null. For more details please refer the below html code for it.
<modal-header class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope" ng-show="zaakAanmakenView.indicatieIntake" cancel="cancel" titel="intake.aanmaken.header">
<div class="modal-header mb5" style="cursor: pointer;">
<h2 class="modal-title">
<span class="ng-binding" ng-bind="modalHeader.titel | translate">Create new intake</span>
<span class="ng-binding" ng-bind="modalHeader.titel2"></span>
<span class="close-popup" ng-click="modalHeader.cancel()">X</span>
I tried below thing:
intakeScreenTitle(wait:true){$("span", "ng-bind": contains("modalHeader.titel | translate"))}
Can you please help me to get the title as "Create new intake".
Thanks for your help.
Have u tried with
intakeScreenTitle(wait:true){$("span", "ng-bind": "modalHeader.titel | translate")}
May be there is another span which contains the same ng-bind.
I have the following code which loops through a list of countries and creates a href links
<div class="container" th:each="country: ${countryList}">
<a th:href="${country.countryAbbr}"><div clss="row" th:text="${country.country}"></div></a>
The current page url is "localhost:8080/directory", and the generated url is showing as
How can I make the url show as "localhost:8080/directory/us"
I want "us" to be added to the current url of the page.
Try create the following code in your Controller class.
#RequestMapping(value="/", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String rootGet() {
return "redirect:/directory";
You can use ServletUriComponentsBuilder:
<div th:with="urlBuilder=${T(org.springframework.web.servlet.support.ServletUriComponentsBuilder)}"
class="container" th:each="country: ${countryList}">
<a th:href="${urlBuilder.fromCurrentRequest().path(${country.countryAbbr}).toUriString()}">
<div clss="row" th:text="${country.country}"></div>
Give a try to this one
<div class="container" th:each="country: ${countryList}">
<a th:href="#{${country.countryAbbr}}"><div clss="row" th:text="${country.country}"></div></a>
Using # usually resolves the default context but I am not aware of your environment.
For example, if you had Tomcat .war file, and your application would be hosted at localhost:8080/myApp, you would want result /myApp/us rather then /us. # would do that trick.
If above is not relevant for you, use this one:
<div class="container" th:each="country: ${countryList}">
<a th:href="#{'/directory/' + ${country.countryAbbr}}"><div clss="row" th:text="${country.country}"></div></a>
Sorry for my English.
I need to change input value format, for example: from "1000000" to "1 000 000 $".
In my views of rails app, I have this line of code:
<%= ng_text_field('total_price', 'selected.data.total_price', 'Full price', ng_readonly: '!selected.permissions.update') %>
In helper:
def ng_text_field(name, ng_model, placeholder, options = {})
result = <<-HTML
<div class="form-group" ng-class='{"has-error":errors.#{name}}' #{options[:ng_if] && "ng-if=\"#{options[:ng_if]}\""}>
<label for="#{name}" class="col-sm-3 control-label">#{placeholder}</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<input id="#{name}"
#{options[:ng_readonly] && "ng-readonly=\"#{options[:ng_readonly]}\""}>
<p class="help-block small" ng-if="errors.#{name}">{{errors.#{name} | join:',' }}</p>
I am know Angular very little, I have tried some ways and all this ways was incorrect. :(
Could anyone give advice of some help?
Thank you in advance
You're going to need to create a new directive that requires ngModel and applies the appropriate $parser/$formatter to it.
A good example of how to do this is (displaying as uppercase but always storing data as lowercase):
ngModel Formatters and Parsers
You should be able to then add the ability to include other directives in your 'options' argument so that they get added correctly to the output.
I have the following HTML:
<label for="file-input-76eb2" id="ember3042" class="c-text-input c-text-input o-grid-cell--6 file-upload ember-view">
<input id="file-input-76eb2" type="file" accept="text/csv" style="display: none;">
<span class="c-file-upload__input-filename"></span>
<a class="c-button c-button--single-action-primary c-file-upload__input-button">
I have managed to get a Capybara::Node:Element corresponding to the label tag, but I can't get to the input. The id is dynamic- constantly changing. Moreover, I need to upload a file to this input tag.
Is there any information what I can do? This is all using google-chrome-headless.
This is using Ruby, with Capybara, with Selenium.
Looks like
label_element.find(:xpath, '//input') did it!
I am running MODX Revo 2.3.2 with Articles and getResources. On my start page, I wan't to show the 4 most recent articles by calling getResources. However, it does not show the image. Tried to output it without phpThumbof, but it does not work out at all.
My articleRowTpl looks like this:
<article class="blog-item blog-full-width">
<div class="blog-thumbnail">
<img alt="" src="[[+tv.articleImage:phpthumbof=`w=750&h=200&zc=1`]]">
<div class="blog-full-width-date">
<p class="day">[[+publishedon:strtotime:date=`%d`]]</p><p class="monthyear">[[+publishedon:strtotime:date=`%b %Y`]]</p>
<div class="blog-content">
<h4 class="blog-title">[[+pagetitle]]</h4>
Mehr lesen...
There are no errors, it just does not output the image path. I double checked the placeholder and the prefix, which defaults to tv. as the documentation says.
Alright, found it. I just removed the TV-Prefix of getResources with
and now I can access the TV with [[+articleImage]].
Hi I'm trying to convert a static html and css design to a blogger template. I've run into an issue where i expect the post includable to return the post title but instead is returning the blog title. Here is the includable code for the post and below it is the include code that is called in the main includable that houses the html structure. Please any ideas as to how i might resolve this would be very grateful.
<b:includable id='post' var='post'>
<!--Article Summary-->
<b:if cond='data:post.title'>
<h1 class="article-title">
<h1 class="article-title">
<p class="posted-by">
<em class="author-name"><data:post.author/></em>
<span class="date"><data:post.dateHeader/></span>
<p class="article-content">
<b:if cond="data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl">
<div class="article-summary">
<img class="article-image" src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/article-main-image.jpg" alt="article-main-image"/>
<b:include name="post"/>
is correct, so instead I'd be curious about whether or not you're including from the right place. For example, are you in the MOBILE section vs the NON-MOBILE section of the template?