V5 Web API fails to add reference to AspNet.Identity -

I have created a new Web Api project in VS2015 community Edition using framework 4.6
This new project has no extra references other than the ones that were added by default. When I attempt to add a reference to Microsoft.AspNet.Identity I get the following error
Strangely enough, I have another Web Api project in the same solution to which I have added the same reference and it works. I can't seem to figure out what is going on here. Please help.

just try install Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Framework via NuGet Manager.


Service fabric not showing .net core 3.1

Visual Studio 2019 template for Service Fabric has a drop down to select the dotnet framework. Mine only shows dotnet frameworks and not core. I am able to create other .net core application but not service fabric. Any ideas on what to look for? I have already validated the SDKs are on the computer.
OK, I think I understand what is happening. The first thing the template creates is the project. Since my development machine's OS is Windows, it requires me to use .Net framework. Once inside the project I am able to create individual .Net Core Applications. I haven't been able to find documentation that explains this. I was initially following this tutorial which seemed a little out of date or for some other reason was missing the step for setting up the projects framework version. I don't know how the projects framework is used in either case.

The name 'Url' does not exist in the current context error VS2017

Getting an error The name 'Url' does not exist in the current context error in whenever I open a .cshtml file in my web project.
I should note that I got this solution fresh from our source repo and other developers tell me they don't see this issue.
Web project has a referenced to a nuget package and when I look at System.Web.MVC it's Mvc.4.0.40804
Things I've tried based on posted solutions:
1) Unloaded project and deleted .user file and did a clean and rebuilt.
2) Deleted temp ASP files in the .net framework directory.
There are a lot of other solutions saying to move views or adding to web.config file, but if other developers using same solution aren't facing this - I'm thinking it's machine specific.
I don't see any reference errors in the web project.
When I installed VS2017, I just did the ASP.NET development. So, i have no gotten another version of MVC. Could it be that?
So I ended up modifying my VS2017 install and under ASP.NET and web development, I uninstalled that and reinstalled and made sure ASP.NET MVC 4 was checked off under Optional.

AspNetZero - .NET Core 2.0 MVC Version - Error on adding new controller

After about 6 months, I returned to work on my AspNetZero solution based on .NET Core 2.0.
I have the original downloaded version and the modified version as separate GIT repositories. In both versions/repositories when I try to add a new MVC controller, I keep getting the below error message.
On my PC I have all of the .NET Core SDKs installed from 1.0 right up to 2.1.302. I have other projects that I am working on, where I'm using .NET Core 2.1.
I even created a brand new .NET Core 2.0 project in VS2017 and I am able to scaffold a new MVC controller without any errors. This issue is only happening on the AspNetZero solution.
I have done many searches for a solution and none of the answers I found online have worked. I just added a global.json file into my solution folder and set the SDK to 2.0.0 and tried again, still does not work. I keep getting the same error!
Your NuGet packages may have been invalid according to your
target framework. Check all your recent NuGet packages for .NET Core
Clear your NuGet cache as shown in the picture
Update: Delete all bin & obj folders.

Application not auto creating AccountController

I am creating an MVC project in VS2017 and in VS2015, when you create an MVC templated ASP.NET Web App, it will automatically build an account controller for you which adds register and log in functionality. It will add an AccountController.cs and ManageController.cs to controllers with the appropriate views.
But in VS2017, when I create an MVC project it doesn't add this to the project. I've tried importing the files from an old VS2015 project, but It didn't seem to work. How can I get around this? Is there a way to create a project with the account controller or did they remove that in VS2017?
You need to select some form of authentication when you create the app.
My issue/resolution was slightly different than the accepted answer. I was choosing the "Web API" template while checking the "MVC" checkbox and I DID select Individual User Accounts, but the account controller/views were still not created. It appears the Account boilerplate doesn't get generated with the Web API option, regardless of what you choose for Authentication.
Had this problem myself today creating an ASP.NET Core Web Application with identity. changing the version from ASP.NET Core 2.1 to ASP.NET Core 2.0 fixed the problem.
I am using visual studio version 15.7.6, .NET Framework version 4.7.03056
You can easily execute this command in the nuget console and your problem will be solved:
Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Samples -Version 2.2.0-alpha1

Adding API controller in same project as MVC controllers

How can an API controller be added to a project with existing MVC (non-API) controllers?
I've created a very basic "hello world" MVC project with only one model, view, and controller. When I attempt to add the API controller (not using scaffolding), I can't get using System.Web.Http; to show in IntelliSense. using System.Web will show up, but the .Http part is not available. What do I need to do or change?
I'm using VS2013 Express on a Win7 machine.
David Tansey pointed in the right direction with his comments, but after researching there's more to this than I realized as a beginner.
First, this wasn't available in the using statement because I didn't have a reference for system.web.http in my project. Digging further, I found the reference wasn't even available! So, I had to install using NuGet Package Manager Console Powershell.
In powershell, I can't just do install-package System.Web.Http. That package doesn't exist. But, thanks to one answer that David Tansey's comments pointed to, I noticed I could do install-package microsoft.aspnet.webapi. Wonderful! Now System.Web.Http is listed under References in my project, and I can write the using statement in my API controller code: using System.Web.Http;
For a beginner like me, a lot of steps to go through, and a lot of material to comprehend, to get started.
