how can i set my app's status bar to gray? - ios

iBooks's status bar
what the picture say, it's my want
How can I set my app's status bar to gray?
I only found the Default and LightContent in the UIStatusBarStyle.
How can iBooks do it?

in info.plist


How to hide StatusBar in the course of launching,and show it again after the launching

Could anyone tell me how to hide StatusBar in the course of launching and show it again after the launching?
Its very simple, set Status bar is initially hidden YES in Info.plist file and also Make sure your not set View controller-based status bar appearance in info.plist file
Set the UIStatusBarHidden to true or false in the info.plist in order to show or hide the status bar when launching.
set this in your info plist file.

How to completely remove the iOS status bar

I have an app that I want to make full screen, but every solution I tried, the status bar is white, and the app doesn't run in full screen.
How can I hide the status bar?
The only correct solution from 2016 onwards:
in your apps plist file, add two rows.
"View controller-based status bar appearance" ... NO
"Status bar is initially hidden" ... YES
that's all there is to it.
Goto Target setting -> General Setting --> Then find Hide status bar --> Check these option then try to run app. I think these will solve your problem.

Hide statusbar using info.plist in any app

To clarify, I'm not trying to do this on my own app, so I don't have access to the source code. I am trying to edit info.plist or any other files in the installed .app file on my device to remove the status bar from an app, namely Google Chrome
I'm trying to hide the statusbar on Google Chrome. I added UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance = false and UIStatusBarHidden = true to info.plist, but all that got me was a grey bar where the status bar used to be. So close!
Are there any other ways to force hide the status bar in Chrome or any other app on iOS 7?
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:NO withAnimation:NO];
- (BOOL)prefersStatusBarHidden { return YES; } in all of your view controllers.
Try this.
add this key into info.plist file
View controller-based status bar appearance
set value for this to:- No
I added the following to my info.plist:
Status bar is initially hidden with value YES
I also have View controller-based status bar appearance with value NO

White UIStatusbar slightly blinking when reopening app?

I've got a little bit of an issue with the status bar for iOS7, iPhone 4 and up.
Since my app's background is dark, I need the status bar to be white, which looks fine.
However, when minimizing the app, waiting a few seconds and going back into the app, it slightly flashes from full white to darker white back to full white within a period of less than half a second.
You can reproduce this by simply creating an empty new XCode project, setting the statusbar to white (see below how I did that), then running the app on simulator or device, minimizing it and maximizing it again.
Things tried:
UIViewController-based appearance with:
- (UIStatusBarStyle)preferredStatusBarStyle
return UIStatusBarStyleLightContent;
- (UIStatusBarAnimation)preferredStatusBarUpdateAnimation {
return UIStatusBarAnimationNone;
And view controller-based status bar appearance set to NO in the PLIST, with also:
Transparent black style (alpha of 0.5)
Status bar is initially hidden set to NO in both situations.
Is this something out of my programmatic control?
I had the same issue and solved it by setting on the info.plist file the following values, on iOS 10*:
Status bar style = UIStatusBarStyleLightContent
View controller-based status bar appearance = NO
If you prefer directly in your Info.plist:

IOS: statusbar problem

In my app I have two file xib FirstViewController.xib, SecondViewCotroller.xib and classic MainWindow.xib; in all I set statusBar at "none"; but when I launch my app I ever see this statusbar, why? where is the problem?
I'm afraid you are setting the Status Bar to "None" under the "Simulated Metrics" section. The settings in this section are there to help you visually design your screens but they have no effect when the application runs.
You can set the status bar as hidden for real in your Info.plist:
In the XCode interface, this is done via Info.plist --> Add Row --> "Status bar is initially hidden" --> YES.
You can also change the visibility of the status bar in code via the statusBarHidden property and the setStatusBarHidden:withAnimation: method of the UIApplication class.
