I have checked this:
and can't find any description about radius's unit(meter,mail,or??),have I missed something?and where can I find it?
depending on the projection you use. If it is in meters then radius shall be supplied as meters. To verify the units of your projection, use the getUnits() method of the projection you use.
I was searching online about how center_box parameter works in sklearn.datasets.make_blobs(). However, I could not find any good answer about it.
How does this parameter affect the sample dataset generation?
From the documentation:
center_box: tuple of float (min, max), default=(-10.0, 10.0)
The bounding box for each cluster center when centers are generated at random.
This means that the parameter center_box is an area of how big a cluster will be.
Does anyone have suggestions regarding APIs available (free and paid) for posting a lat/long and the API returning a geoJSON shape file built from the lat/long posted?
For example, if I want to a shapefile of a 50 meter circle, derived from a lat/long 42.38567/-86.26877 CenterPoint, are there APIs that can do that? I have 24,000 locations I need this for, and I would very much like not to hand draw 24K polygons on a map.
I've investigated turf.js and developer.here.com but the documentation has been pretty unclear on what endpoint to post to, to solve this problem.
Most geographical libraries have buffer method, meaning they can do it locally (you don't even need any external API).
E.g. geopandas has buffer(distance, resolution) method - distance controls the radius, and resolution tells how precise the circle has to be. You construct point, call buffer method - get circle (approximated as polygon) as output.
Or you can load these points to a database with geospatial functionality (say, PostgreSQL + PostGIS) and call ST_Buffer method to do the same.
I have aGpsLocation model, this model has a latitude, a longitude and a radius property.
I want to find a GpsLocation based on its latitude and longitude and radius.
So lets say i am on location [52, 4], i want to find a GpsLocation instance that has these exact coordinates or is radius meters away.
I am using the geocoder gem but the near function does not do the job. Also tried monkey patching the near function so i can use a database column instead of a variable inside the query but still no luck, there are some mechanics that transform the lat/long to a range when providing a radius parameter.
Any help is appreciated
Calculating the distance between two points on a sphere can be done using the Haversine formula. There is a gem called haversine that can help. Or, if you're using PostgreSQL, there is also the earthdistance module.
However, you may find it easier to relax your definition of "near" somewhat, as dealing with circles can be annoying. Instead, consider using squares or rectangles.
Say you define "near" as within 10 miles. If you treat that as a plus or minus factor around the latitude and longitude of a given point, then you can do a simple query to find all nearby points at once, rather than a series of Haversine calculations. You query might look something like this:
# Only accurate in the U.S.
min_latitude = thisLocation.latitude - (10.0 / MILES_PER_LATITUDE)
max_latitude = thisLocation.latitude + (10.0 / MILES_PER_LATITUDE)
min_longitude = thisLocation.longitude - (10.0 / MILES_PER_LONGITUDE)
max_longitude = thisLocation.longitude + (10.0 / MILES_PER_LONGITUDE)
nearby_points = GpsLocation.where(latitude: min_latitude..max_latitude).where(longitude: min_longitude..max_longitude)
I have some coordinate data and the only thing i know about its coordinate system is the
following description:
PROJCS["Basic Albers NAD83",
this comes from a prj arcGis file.
I need to convert from this system to GPS (Google maps) system and vice-versa.
this must be done programatically and i cannot use esri libraries (license issues)...
Could you explain the meaning of all these parameters?
are the coordinates expressed in the spheroid and the projection (albers) used only when drawing
the map? or the coordinates depend on the projection used also?
Do you know an open source library I could use for this transformation?
All these parameters define the projection, including:
Projection type (Albers)
GEOGCS defines the geoid (idealized Earth shape) used by the project. In this case, it's NAD83, which uses degrees for units and is centered at the Greenwich, the 0th longitude.
Where the projection itself is centered
How far the projection is moved north and east to make any negative coordinates
positive (False Easting and False Northing)
Units for coordinates in this projection (US Feet)
Some other information about how coordinates of the projection were transformed to be drawn on a flat service.
I have a blog post which goes over the details for an OGC WKT definition, which is very similar to the content in an ESRI .prj file: http://www.dev-garden.org/2011/07/30/projections-for-programmers-one-projection/. You may find it useful.
With projected coordinates, they have already been 'drawn on the map', and you need to reproject them to use in other coordinate systems like Google's projection.
There are many open source tools you can use to reproject your coordinates from one projected system to another. Here are a few:
Geotools or Proj4j - Java
Proj4js - Javascript
Proj - C or C++
dotspatial - C#
One command line tool I find very useful is ogr2ogr. Using ogr2ogr, it is very easy to reproject coordinates from one system to another. Here's how to convert a projected shapefile to a Google Earth projection:
ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" -t_srs EPSG:3857 NEWFILE.shp OLDFILE.shp
Ogr2ogr uses the .prj file to determine the current projection of the shapefile, and then reprojects it to Googles projection, defined here by the EPSG shorthand EPSG:3857. You can find ogr2ogr for Windows and other platforms at http://fwtools.maptools.org/
my Application is given a list of Geocorrdinates and now I have to determine which of those Coordinates are inside a defined Area. For example the Search would definiton would be: Show me all Areas where 100 Coordinates are in an Area of 1km^2. So I have to find out which of these coordinates are together in Areas of 1km^2 and more than 100.
But that seems to be a hard Job for my understanding of geocoordinates and I hope someone can help me with that.
The Latitude coordinates are consistent and Distance between two degrees is 111km. For example the Distance between N50,985° and N50,995° is 1,11km. The Distance between 2 Longtitude Coordinates is not so easy and depends on the Latitude coordinate.
But to be honest, I really don't know how to start.
Does someone have an Idea and can help me?
Thank you
what you need is a geospatial database, I'd recommend PostgreSQL with PostGIS. It provides the function you need to calculate this kind of stuff. Also search for good tutorials about it. An example is a radius search like "give me all McDonalds in a radius of 10km where I live"
If the problem with having a database is simply that you don't want to host it (or pay for someone to host it) then I recommend Fusion Tables.
I don't know if it supports exactly the functionality you are looking for, however I suppose you could select a random point and do a count of everything within range of that point.
I think that what you are talking could be quite a cpu intensive task (depending on how accurate you want it to be). Not something I would personally try and unload onto a portable device.