Vertical Scroll bar for Top and Bottom Legends - activex

I want to align my legend to the Bottom of my chart because the no of Character present in my legend are around 100.
Please let me know how I can provide a vertical toolbar to that so that legend box size remains constant also whether there is a way we can round off the Text in label.

The tcLegendScrollBar tool is designed to show the items in the legend that don't fit in the legend rectangle, not to limit the number of characters shown in the items. Here it is an example usign it:
Private Sub Form_Load()
TChart1.Aspect.View3D = False
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 10
TChart1.AddSeries scFastLine
TChart1.Series(i).FillSampleValues 10
TChart1.Series(i).Title = "this is a very very veeeeeeery long string to be shown in the legend as title for the series " + Str$(i)
Next i
TChart1.Legend.MaxNumRows = 5
TChart1.Tools.Add tcLegendScrollBar
End Sub
To limit the length of the strings in the legend you can use the OnGetLegendText event. Ie:
Private Sub TChart1_OnGetLegendText(ByVal LegendStyle As Long, ByVal ValueIndex As Long, LegendText As String)
LegendText = Left$(LegendText, 10) + "..."
End Sub


Multicolumn list with flexible columns width - iOS

I want to create list with two columns. Text in first column should be aligned to left and text in second column should be aligned to right. Space between columns should be constant. Different cases depends on texts length should be covered:
Text 123
TextText 12
Tex 123
Text 1
Te 123456
T 12
Te 1234
Te 1
Text 123
TextText 12
TextTextTextTextText 123
Text 1
Both columns should have flexible width depends on the longest text. They also should have some minimum width so it will not be completely invisible if text in other column will be too long. Whole list also should have flexible width, of course there is some max width and then text in first column should be divided into lines. I don't want to divide into lines text in second column as long as I don't have to.
How to create such list?
I try to use for it two stack views one next to the other. These two stack views I have in my custom control. My custom control is added to container view using xib and have constraints equals to 0 for top, leading and bottom and greater or equals 0 for trailing. To these stack views I add labels programatically and I also set content hugging priority for them (first label has lower priority than second one). One think stil doesn't work, first stack view is as width as first label in this stack view. It doesn't change his width when other labels with longer texts are added. Is it possible to have working solution without calculating stack views width manually?
private void Initialize()
_firstStackView = new UIStackView
TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false,
Axis = UILayoutConstraintAxis.Vertical,
Spacing = 4
_secondStackView = new UIStackView
TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false,
Axis = UILayoutConstraintAxis.Vertical,
Spacing = 4,
Alignment = UIStackViewAlignment.Trailing
private void AddConstraints()
_secondStackView.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(_firstStackView.TrailingAnchor, 20),
_secondStackView.WidthAnchor.ConstraintGreaterThanOrEqualTo(WidthAnchor, 0.25f),
_firstStackView.WidthAnchor.ConstraintGreaterThanOrEqualTo(WidthAnchor, 0.25f),
You can use UICollectionView to create list with two columns. Space between columns and grid size can be adjusted by changing UICollectionViewLayout.
Implement text adaptive width and height:
Instantiate UILabel
Set the UILabel property to get the text content and font
Calculate the size according to text and font
Use CGSize to set the maximum width you want
Set the frame according to the size
You can see some useful info here
For more details, you can refer to the following doc:
Collection Views in Xamarin.iOS | Microsoft Docs

How to scroll to a certain item in a Column(Modifier.verticalScroll())?

I have a Column with TextViews with indices from -10 to 10.
modifier = modifier
state = scrollState,
enabled = isScrollEnabled,
reverseScrolling = reverseScrollDirection
)) {
for(i in -10..10) {
TextView("Index $i")
Naturally, this Column start with -10 and is incrementing by 1 until 10; so I have to scroll forward all the 21 indices (picture left hand side).
How can I align 0 to the beginning, so that I start the view scrollable either 10 back until -10 or 10 forward until 10 (see attached picture right hand side)?
Column doesn't have a concept of item, it has just a bunch of composable functions called inside of it. Because of that, ScrollState only has a method to scroll to position in pixels.
If you know the height of your items, you can calculate the pixel position and pass it to rememberScrollState(). Otherwise, you can use LazyColumn which can scroll to specific item.

How can I change sizes and x/y coords of several UIViews with constraints in one method?

I have two UITableViews.
Once the left one(for first level category) is clicked the right one(for second level) appears.
A UIView with one UILabel and one UIButton appears when the secondary category is clicked. This UIView is shown in the first screenshot. Two-level category is displayed in the UILabel(which says '미디어 > 작가 / 시나리오') and 'X' is a button to delete the category from the array containing it and hide the UIView.
I set the maximum number of categories by 3. The next one shows the second set of category; which is 7 pixels apart from the first UIView. Also, the height of the rounded rectangle view is 19.
If the second one is too long to put in the same line as the first one is in, the background UIView(light blue) should expand its height and make space for the second UIView. To handle this, I got the following codes executed when the second category is added. The margin between the upper and the lower should be 7 pixels too.I didn't add the code going back to single line because even the following one doesn't work as I want.
I want the result to be somewhat like this:
//tableViewBorder: a UIImageView to separate two UITableViews
//index: a UIView to show what level of category each UITableView is for; which says '1차 분야', '2차 분야' in the screenshot
//dffcltyBtnContainer: a UIView on the bottom of the view controller. it is set to be on the bottom by constraints and its height is fixed.
lightBlueView.frame.size.height = 45
index.frame.origin.y = lightBlueView.frame.maxY + 7
catTableView1.frame.origin.y = index.frame.maxY
catTableView2.frame.origin.y = index.frame.maxY
tableViewBorder.frame.origin.y = index.frame.maxY
catTableView1.frame.size.height = dffcltyBtnContainer.frame.minY -
catTableView1.frame.minY - 44
catTableView2.frame.size.height = dffcltyBtnContainer.frame.minY -
catTableView1.frame.minY - 44
tableViewBorder.frame.size.height = dffcltyBtnContainer.frame.minY -
catTableView1.frame.minY - 44
The code work well when it is called in a UIButton action method. The next one shows what the result of the code above works in the button-triggered method. The height of the two UITableViews correctly decreased by the same amount of change of lightBlueView.
If the sum of two rounded rectangles plus 7 is bigger than the width of lightBlueView, the second one is supposed to go down..
However, this one does not work at all in the desired code block, as if it does not exist. 'lightBlueView' has its 19 pixels of height fixed by a constraint and so are its margins with other components with the same level in the UIView(the highest level in the view controller).**
I guess it is because the height of lightBlueView is set but not sure. Setting x and y coordinate of the second category view will be another big challenge thought but that isn't the issue now :(( What does not make the lightBlueView not change its height in the code block below? Or are their some better ways to implement what I want to do? Anything would be a big help to me. Thanks in advance.
//method 'displayResults' shows or hides UIViews for each selected category. I only change '.hidden' values in it.
//selectedResult1~3Text are UILabels.
//selectedCat is an array of struct with two Strings: prim and secn. This one has what categories are chosen.
switch selectedCats.count{
case 1:
///----change width of label----//
selectedResult1Text.text =
selectedCats[0].prim + " > " + selectedCats[0].secn
///----change width of label----//
displayResults(true, d: false, t: false)
case 2:
///----change width of label----//
selectedResult2Text.text =
selectedCats[1].prim + " > " + selectedCats[1].secn
///----change width of label----//
catTableView1.frame.origin.y = index.frame.maxY
catTableView2.frame.origin.y = index.frame.maxY
tableViewBorder.frame.origin.y = index.frame.maxY
catTableView1.frame.size.height = dffcltyBtnContainer.frame.minY -
catTableView1.frame.minY - 44
catTableView2.frame.size.height = dffcltyBtnContainer.frame.minY -
catTableView1.frame.minY - 44
tableViewBorder.frame.size.height = dffcltyBtnContainer.frame.minY -
catTableView1.frame.minY - 44
displayResults(true, d: true, t: false)
case 3:
///----change width of label----//
selectedResult3Text.text =
selectedCats[2].prim + " > " + selectedCats[2].secn
///----change width of label----//
displayResults(true, d: true, t: true)
displayResults(false, d: false, t: false)

UITableView blank space not working?

so I was trying to align the text in UITableView using.
cell.textLabel?.text = sometext
I have two part in sometext first part is words, second part is number, such as "apple 45" "pear 23", "banana 34"so when they are showing in tableview cell, I want the left side of the words align with each other and the left side the number align with each other. and I can not post a picture here.
so according to the first part word length I added some blank space in the string by appending
let appStr = String(count: 22-cnt, repeatedValue: ( " " as Character))
print("append string is" + appStr + "end")
nameHere = name + appStr + number
I printed out to console in the program and it works fine, but when showing in the simulator it is not aligned.
Don't attempt to align numbers using spaces. Set the label's attributedText, not its text, and use the fact that an NSAttributedString can have tab stops to perform the alignment.

awesome wm taglist size

Can't find any manual about changing width of taglist element size.
Taglist element is wider than icons I had set. It looks really awful =(
Taglist element consist of icon, text and gap between them. This gap defined in awful.widget.common.list_update function in line
m = wibox.layout.margin(tb, 4, 4)
Despite you have no text, double gap is still here. To solve this problem you can copy list_update function to your rc file, fix it and send as fifth(!) argument in awful.widget.taglist.
just tell your imagebox not to be resizable, example:
wibox.widget.imagebox(beautiful.clock, false)
or you can even resize you wibox:
mywibox[s] = awful.wibox({ position = "top", screen = s, height = 32 })
you just need to modify height value
or another method using wibox.layout.constraint:
clock_icon = wibox.widget.imagebox(beautiful.clock, true)
local const = wibox.layout.constraint()
then, instead of adding your icon to the layout, just add the constraint.
