Importing Developer Profile .developerprofile doesn't work. Still require password - ios

I imported the Developer Profile .developerprofile to Xcode. But it still requires password for that account when I want to export ipa or Upload to App Store.
It happens for all accounts that I imported to the Xcode.
I tried to ask my client for export new .developerprofile file and it still can't be fixed.
Someday before, everything worked properly. I searched for hours but still stuck.
With the image below, the accounts with the mark (~) stop working. The middle account can work after I enter the password.
Please help me.

First, I'd remove and add those profiles once again. You can delete profile by tapping minus sign at the bottom of Accounts window.
Second - check Keychain Access and see if related accounts are included in your Keychain and all related Provisioning Profiles are not marked as red.
Finally, do remember that to upload application to iTunesConnect you need access to iTunesConnect account which may not be the same as Developer Program account - this is really common if you are handling several clients on one Developer Program account (meaning, using only one Apple ID) and use different iTunesConnect accounts - than you'll need to sign with them too using Accounts section in Xcode Preferences.

Yes, it requires password i.e., your local system password. Whenever you export or upload it asks for system Password.
Allow keychain access here so that it store the password.
In the above account you just give apple id and apple password, no description is needed.

Finally, I figured out the problem.
My customer changed the password of the account that I imported. That why the Xcode ask the password every time I want to use.
To solve this, I requested my customer export for the new .developerprofile (match/have the new password)
For more information:
With Code Signing Identity is "Developer", just need the developer .p12 file. I can build and upload to App Store for Testflight.
With Code Signing Identity is "Distribution", I have to use(import) .developerprofile.


Your account does not have permission to create iOS distribution certificates

I want to upload my app to testflight. when I upload the app Xcode shows this error:
your account does not have permission to create ios distribution certificates
Anyone help me?
This seems to be a bug or poorly described feature in iTunes Connect & the Apple Developer portal.
I had a developer that joined my team, initially as a "member", but wasn't able to create certificates, even after giving him admin access. It turns out, that I believe we were only giving him admin access to Itunes connect, but not to the developer page.
The correct fix was to go to the developer portal, click the "People" tab (or go to this URL, remove his access, then use the Invite as Admins to add him to the account. He then had to go into Xcode and remove his developer account information, add it back in, and then he was finally able to upload builds to Testflight without this error.
This should be the user permission issue. Please note that only user with Team Agent role has permission to generate certificates for distribution of app outside the App Store. I believe, you are not in Team Agent role. Please double check your permissions.
You can even generate a Certificate Signing Request and send it to your Team Agent. Get back the created certificate from the Team Agent and use it to sign apps.
Based on your comment "Yes, we have a developer account for Team" I am guessing that what you have is an Enterprise Developer account. If you have a Enterprise DA you cannot upload to the apple store/test-flight. You will need to create a personal developer account for that. Enterprise accounts are only good for in house testing and not for external. That's why you are getting this error.
Using keychain, export valid certificate on a computer on which iOS distribution signing identity works. You need two files, one is public - <fileNamePublic>.pem file, and other is private - <fileNamePrivate>.p12 file.
Put those files in a folder on computer on which you need signing identity to work.
Open terminal and browse to the folder you've put them in.
First, type: security import <fileNamePrivate>.p12 -k ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
Then type: security import <fileNamePublic>.pem -k ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
Open XCode, go to XCode>preferences>accounts>view details and refresh the apple id you are using
You should have signing identities enabled.
Perhaps your iTunes Connect account does not have the correct role?
I was receiving similar error and also, I had a permission to create certificate with my account which has developer role. I tried all of the solutions but none of them worked for me. Therefore, I downloaded provisioning profile from developer account and I used that provisioning profile from manual signing when I was archiving to my build then error disappeared.
Every thing was good with my account, no permission changed as already it was same email id used to purchase the account.
I fixed this problem by removing the account from Xcode preferences and again added it. What i did was immediately added credentials in Xcode preferences right after purchasing the account. I should have to wait for Apple to process the order.
For anyone finding this now: Team Agent no longer exists. If your role is Admin or App Manager you can upload builds and create provisioning profiles, etc. Note that if you get this error when you upload, then ask for the correct permissions and it still doesn't work, quit Xcode and try again!
Perhaps your provisioning profile was expired and even after updating it from Apple's developer website, Xcode doesn't try to fetch the new one.
Here's how to solve it:
Xcode -> preferences -> accounts
Select your Apple ID, and on the right bottom pane select your team and click View Details
Under provisioning profile, find your expired profile, right click, and click Move to Trash
You should be able to sign and upload your app.
If you are getting the same error...Create the .ipa file and upload to
you will get an link, which you can share with your client.It's not a solution for your question but it will help you.

Export .ipa in XCode 7.2 with external .p12 and .mobileprivision

Basically, I want to do exactly what is already stated in this question – just in XCode 7.2.
The setup: I am developing an iOS app (using Ionic) for a client and they want to publish it to app store in their name under their account. They however don't want to give me their account login and details. I have received a distribution certificate and a provisioning profile in stead.
I have installed the .p12 distribution certificate and have received a .mobileprovision profile for App Store Distribution using this certificate. I am however completely unable to select this provisioning profile anywhere.
My only choice in the export of the archive happens when XCode asks me which developer account I want to archive with. And here I can only choose my own account (of course). That's obviously not what I want though.
"Once" (in XCode 5, according the linked question) I should have been able to select the external provisioning profile under "Code Signing", but this doesn't seem to exist anymore.
Can this be done without getting their account details? I know that I don't need to know their password, they can just export it to me. Right?
I don't think you can do exactly what you are saying without code signing it with their account (which you don't have access to). I see two possible solutions for you to achieve your goal:
Send them the Xcode project and explain to them how to sign in to Xcode, archive the app and send it up to the store
Upload the app to your personal store account and then transfer it to their account. See this link for details on how to do that:

Uploading app to client account in app store

This is my first time trying to upload app to app store, so I am completely lost. I have searched all over the web about the issue I am having, but could not find how to fix the issue.
Here is the problem:
I have developed an updated version for the existing iPhone app for client. Original version of app is already in app store for long time. Client wants me to upload new version of the app to their account in app store as "prerelease" for testing. They gave me their store account (admin role) username and password to log in. I added the account in Xcode and configured build settings to their team. But, after building the archive, when I click the "Validate" button and select their team, I am getting an error popup with the message "Your account already has a valid iOS Distribution certificate". I can't post images here, so here is snapshot image of the popup):
Apple troubleshooting documentation (documentation link here) shows that they should export developer profile and give me to import on my Mac. However, client say they don't have Mac and no Xcode, so they can't do it themselves. Apple documentation is mentioning another option - “Revoke and Request”, but I can't see that option. Also, if "revoke" is performed, will that affect client's application (more than 20 apps in app store)?
I have downloaded all of their certificates and profiles from Member center, imported to keychain, added account to Xcode, configured Xcode, but nothing helped.
Does anyone know what can I do, or ask to client, so that I can upload app to their app store account?
Thank you!
You must have downloaded the Distribution certificate from the account. That alone is not sufficient. You must get the private key from the client or developer who has created the certificate first or uploaded the application.
Log in to portal, using the required credentials.
Click on "Manage your certificates, App IDs, devices, and provisioning profiles." under Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles
Then click on "Certificates"
On the new page Click on "+" button at right upper corner.
Now on this page select "App Store and Ad Hoc" under Production.
Then follow the instructions related to CSR file given on new page.
Note: Create new certificates with unique names so that you won't download old certificates to your mac, mistakenly.
For more info Distributing iOS Apps With iTunes Connect

Sign app in XCode with another developer account

I have a client that doesn't want my apple developer account to interfere with his application. So, can I use his developer account(without the credentials) to sign and test an application?
I searched and I found myself lost with some questions over a possibility that I'm not sure it works. The thing I found was him exporting the developer profile via XCode, sending me the developer profile file and me importing that into my XCode.
What I did not understand, however, was:
will this thing work?
will I need his account id and password for importing this, afterwards? (because this would be a problem)
is it required for him to generate this through XCode or is there any alternative?
can we both use this after he exports the file and I import it? is he able to revoke me after this is finished?
Is there any other way to acheive that? Maybe any third party application?
It is very easy :
Get the p12 of his certificate : he could export from his keychain
then install this certificate and adhoc provisioning profile in you system. You can use this for taking build .
There is no way to build apps that appear to be signed by him without having his credentials. You only need this if you will be the one producing the release builds. For simple development you can use your own account.
There are various ways you could split up the work if he is capable of producing a build himself or running command line tools to re-sign the app you build (I haven't tried this myself). In my experience the company will have an account shared among developers permitted to produce and submit apps rather than individuals.
Not the way you hope it will work. When you import the profile you will be asked for a password.
You need his password to use his private key.
The developer profile is a convenient way to do it. He can send you the distribution certificate and a separate p12 file containing his private key along with his password for that key. You will import it into your keychain by double clicking the files and entering his password. Or he can give you his apple ID and password, and you can add that account in your Xcode preferences. This will give you access to the provisioning and distribution profiles.
You can both use the credentials at the same time. No, it is not revocable. Once you have his credentials it will be up to you to remove the account information. You will have his private key in your keychain.
Not sure if I understand your question correctly. Hope my answer helps you.
Your client can add you as a team member in his developer program. He can limit the access by choosing the appropriate role as mentioned in the below link.
You can then login with your credentials and create certificates/profiles/add devices etc but you can be restricted to access his iTunes Connect.

XCode "Too few items in teams" error when refreshing provisioning profiles

I'm trying to build my apps. I've installed the provisioning profiles that my team has set up. I've installed my developer certificate and the WWDR certificate. But when I refresh my provisioning profile library it throws this error:
I have no idea what to do.
It seems like I had two accounts for apple like most people: 1) email address account and 2) just apple user ID login.
When you sign up for an iOS developer account, only one account gets approved as an iOS developer. It doesn't matter if those two accounts are merged and linked inside apple profile, only one gets approved. You can check this by logging into both accounts separately to their developer website. One account will say you are a member and another will say pay up the fee to become iOS developer.
The problem is that your keychain already stored one of apple id credentials from the past... and you probably signed up for apple iOS developer program using the other apple login. Xcode automatically gets keychain's previously stored credential for 'Teams' section and since that account from keychain was not activated for the iOS developer account, it's complaining that no one is a valid developer in 'Teams'.
To solve this,
delete any, all apple related stuff from your keychain login.
revoke all the problematic profiles, certs, etc from apple website.
just redo provisioning process only using iOS developer approved apple login.
From XCode Organizer's Teams section, click 'refresh' icon at the bottom and follow direction.
This happened to me when I use Apple Developer account which does not have valid iOS developer certificate. The certificate is either expired or never bought in the first place.
Once I log in with the valid iOS Developer account, the problem no longer appears.
My solution was a simple logout from iTunes and Mac App Store. I was loged with an different Apple ID. This Apple ID is different from my Apple ID that I'm using for iOS Program.
I got the message too:
"Too few items in Property/teams/Entity/Developer"
It works now, after adding my account (which is connected with the macbook in itunes and which I used in Xcode) to an "Developer" under "Peoples" at
Give it a try.
Just a quick note if somebody from Mac Develop program lands here:
I'm brand new to Apple development, so, maybe this is a common knowledge, but I didn't ran across.
Signed up for Mac Developer program, not iOS, and tried to "Refresh from Developer Portal" with exact same error: "Too few items in teams." Tried all the steps above and elsewhere, with no success.
Ended up calling their support to only find out that this particular functionality doesn't work with Mac Dev only (no iOS Dev) membership profiles. So, manual download/import is the solution as tech on the phone told me that it looks for iOS teams, doesn't find it and errors out.
Hope this helps & saves a couple of hours of frustration for somebody.
Please reference:
Provisioning Profile Refresh Troubleshooting:
If you are receiving the error message:
Too few items in Teams
Perform the steps below:
Open Keychain Access > Passwords category.
Delete the entries for and
Retry the Provisioning Profile Refresh process.
I still encountered the same issue after following the other answers on this page. Here is what I needed to do to get things working.
Make sure that you have fully accepted the invitation email to join the Apple Developer program. Your account admin can verify your status through the management panel.
Click the link inside the "Please verify your email address" email
Click the "submit" button to finish registration
Go to In the upper right menu area, select "Member Center." Once in the Member Center, select "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles."
Verify your accounts have not expired; or if new to the program (or renewal) that the order has been processed.
