Uncaught exception 'Dailymotion API Exception' with message 'This video format is not supported - dailymotion-api

I am getting this error when video uploading in daily motion using API, but two days ago I did get any error, successfully updated
Uncaught exception 'DailymotionApiException' with message 'This video format is not supported'

As stated in the error message, this means that the format of the video file you provide is not valid or not supported. Can you check the following:
that the video source is valid
that the video file respects the following specifications: https://faq.dailymotion.com/hc/en-us/articles/203790706-Upload-specifications-and-encoding-settings Maybe your video file is too long or too big?


YouTube iFrame API - JavaScript fatal error

It's not consistent and i don't know how to reproduce but sometimes, just in FireFox, my users are getting the following error in the console:
TypeError: a.A.g is null
From that point the player act weird, not responding to the SDK functionality etc.
Do anyone know this error as well?

App crashes when I load data into Kinvey

I have and app and am using kinvey as the backend. I have followed their tutorials and when I try to load the data into the sever it crashes. In the log it says
KinveyEntity.m:69 [ERROR] EXCEPTION Encountered: Name => UnsupportedFeatureException, Reason => This version of the Kinvey iOS library requires clients to override this method
I have the user able to change the text being sent. How can I fix this?

Spotify iOS SDK - Error Domain=com.spotify.ios-sdk Code=500 "internal server error"

I've copied the code from the Simple track playback project, when I first open the app I open the Spotify login page in Safari and get the callback correctly with a session. When I check the property isValid its YES but the expirationDate is same as current time.
When I then request playlistsForUserInSession the first time it's fine, but if I try to fetch it again I get the following message:
Error Domain=com.spotify.ios-sdk Code=500 "internal server error"
UserInfo=0x16eb00c0 {NSLocalizedDescription=internal server error}
What seems to be the error?
I can also add that when I have fetched the playlist (first time) I can easily request to play music, fetch nextPage in the playlist and so, it there something wrong with playlistsForUserInSession in particular?
I've found the issue.
I missed to send the read playlist flag in scopes when I requested the token, and therefore couldn't fetch the playlist.
Really would have hoped that Spotify send something different from "500 Internal server error" so I wouldnt spend hours to find this bug :)
So for all of you others, check so your scopes are correct!

Dropbox iOS SDK: WebKit Discarded an Uncaught Exception

I am using the Dropbox iOS SDK (as of this writing, Cocoapod version 1.3.9). I noticed a strange bug. Here are the steps to reproduce it.
Connect to Dropbox, successfully sign in, and link to my account.
URL logged to the console (tokens masked for security):
App linked successfully!
Sign out, then sign in with a different account...
URL logged to the console again, similar to the previous one:
Then comes the error:
*** WebKit discarded an uncaught exception in the webView:decidePolicyForNavigationAction:request:frame:decisionListener: delegate: <Unsupported Signature Method> The signature method "(null)" is not currently support by MPOAuthConnection
[WARNING] DropboxSDK: error loading DBConnectController - Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1002 "unsupported URL" UserInfo=0x12848f00 {NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=db-abcdef123://1/connect?oauth_token=123abc&oauth_token_secret=xyz123&uid=95157647&state=DC716BF2-E033-4586-926C-5E733CEA1E3F, NSErrorFailingURLKey=db-abcdef123://1/connect?oauth_token=123abc&oauth_token_secret=xyz123&uid=95157647&state=DC716BF2-E033-4586-926C-5E733CEA1E3F, NSLocalizedDescription=unsupported URL, NSUnderlyingError=0x144c4c80 "unsupported URL"}
The Dropbox login screen remains in the webView, and clicking Sign in again causes the same error but then makes the app crash.
Any ideas?
I'm using Xcode 5 and iOS 7
This is a known issue which will be fixed in the next release of the iOS Dropbox app (not the SDK).
EDIT: I misdiagnosed this based on the error message. The actual issue is likely that once you've initialized a DBRestClient, it continues to try to use the same user ID for authentication throughout its lifespan. If you unlink that user (even if you've added another user instead), it will fail to authenticate API calls because it no longer has credentials for that user.
The fix is to create a new DBRestClient when you switch to a new user.
This issue is present in the DBRoulette sample app. We're going to try to put in a fix for the next SDK release.

Single Flickr photo causes Absurd Capacity exception

I am trying to use the Flickr API to grab some random recent photos and something is triggering the following error consistently, regardless of how many images I try to grab. Here is the error:
2013-04-25 20:18:29.032[16774:907] url: http://www.flickr.com/photos/93782041#N02/8682749674/
2013-04-25 20:18:29.695[16774:340f] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[NSConcreteMutableData initWithCapacity:]: absurd capacity: 4294967295, maximum size: 2147483648 bytes'
Here are the URL's I am using to hit Flickr's API:
And that API call yields this URL:
Which opens in a browser just fine and doesn't seem to be that big! Does anyone have any ideas what might be happening here?
The issue is resolved but admittedly I do not fully understand the underlying issue. I was using the wrong URL format in the Flickr documentation, here: http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.urls.html
I should have been using a photo source URL, which when I did, resolved the problem. The URL format I was using was the web page format, which I found in a different tutorial online. That one was not correct for grabbing photos in code.
