Autolayout yellow warnings. Will it crash my app in run time - ios

In storyboard , I am seeing a lot of yellow warning. Upon clicking the yellow warning , I get like update frame or update constraints. In the console it throws auto-layout warnings too. I just want to know whether it will crash my app because of this.enter image description here

Yellow warnings and auto-layout warnings in console are not related.
Yellow warnings means that what you see in IB is not what you will get at runtime according to current constraints. If you want to see what you will get you should click yellow warning and press "update frame". If you want to get at runtime what you currently see in IB you should press yellow warning and select "update constraint".
Runtime warnings in console means some constraints conflict at runtime. You should analyse the warning message to find what is the issue.

Most of the time it will not. But I suggest you to fix them all.

why not update all the frames, the difference Xcode complains about is not much, and NO it wont crash your application, BUT Xcode complains as there might be situations where your constraints wont work as per you set them.

Your Application will not crash weather it is a Yellow one or a Red one .
Xcode only means that the constrains you have kept may not work properly in different modes and resolutions .

You can simply fix it by simply clicking on update constraints,but result may not be what you expected.
So click on yellow arrow and read suggestion by xcode.


Autolayout issues not printed in console output

I'm setting up layout from code. For some reason autolayout issues (conflicting constraints, missing constraint) are not printed at all to console output.
Statements printed using print() function are printed correctly.
Any idea how to fix this problem? Setting up layout from code is really problematic without this output.
Version of Xcode: 9.3.1
Missing constraints are never printed to the console. Only conflicting constraints are. I have no idea why you're not seeing those, if you have conflicting constraints. But in any case you can check your constraints in a much better way: run the app, get into the situation you want to check, and then switch to Xcode and choose Debug > View Debugging > Capture View Hierarchy. If there are layout issues, they will be clearly called out.

Xcode: How to temporarily hide yellow warnings from Issue Navigator

I'm working on a project (written by another developer...) with LOTS of yellow warnings.
During the build process, if there is a critical (red) error, the error keeps moving down beyond the bottom of the left pane, and it's always taking me some time until I can finally point the mouse at it and look at the error.
Is there a way of showing only the red (critical) errors?
Toggle the "!" button (Show only errors) at the bottom right corner of the Issues Navigator to hide Warnings (next to the results filter).
Go to the Project -> Your Project -> Search 'Warning'.
Then turn off warnings you don't want.
Xcode 11.7,
handle Apple Clang Warning Policies
image is more vivid.

Xcode crash on opening storyboard

I am developing an app for iOS with Xamarin. Lately, I haven't been able to access my storyboard file in Xcode or compile my app anymore because Xcode crashes right away when opening the .storyboard file.
The error message is the following:
Details: Creating an out of band arbitration unit with a view (<IBUITableViewCell: 0x7fa88d13a5d0>) as the root under another view (<IBUITableView: 0x7fa88cf000e0>) is not yet implemented.<br>The view would need to be in two arbitration units, the one above for positioning constraints, and the root of the one below for sizing constraints. <br>But then that means that subviews cannot have constraints that affect the size of the view, so the view must have ibExternalTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints set to YES.
<br>Object: <IBUITableViewCell: 0x7fa88d13a5d0>
<br>Method: -ibArbitrationUnitWasCreatedWithReceiverAsRootUnderParent:
I tried rebasing my storyboard to the last version that worked (the one the app was submitted to the app store) and weirdly, even that version didn't work.
My plan was to manually remove and every view controller and add them one by one to figure out where the error is.
However I don't understand why XCode crashes when opening the storyboard and not just shows me exactly where the error in my xml is.
So if anyone has encountered this problem before and has a better way to fix it than to manually do it, I would really appreciate any help.
ibExternalTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints needs to be YES
Sounds like the Storyboard was created with an older Xamarin.iOS that introduce this issue.
The fastest solution is to open the storyboard in vi (or Xcode / View As Source, or another text editor of your choice, and replace all translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" with "".
Save the file, re-open it in the Storyboard editor and fix your contraints.

XCode App randomly crashing - message sent to deallocated instance

I am getting the following error on my app when it randomly crashes during testing.
The logs show the following:
Is there any way possible I can track why this error is apprearing? I'll be super grateful.
Go to the Breakpoint Navigator. Click the plus sign on the bottom left. Add exception breakpoint. It will break right before the weird error you are seeing :)
You know the pane on the left that shows your files? At the top of it there are 7 buttons or so, and one is shaped like a breakpoint. That's the navigator.

Why doesn't Interface Builder objects shows up on screen?

I've never had any problem with Interface Builder elements before (labels, sliders, switches etc), but suddenly I can't get new ones to show up in the app!
I can drag them in to the view, arrange them as I want, set values etc, but when I run the code they are gone.
A mysterious thing is that I can set values to them in the code without problem, like:
self.myNewLabel.text = #"test"
And if I stop the code with a breakpoint and ask the console
po self.myNewLabel.text it gives me "test"
But still, nothing shows up on the screen!
I've searched for any hidden or alpha properties that was set by misstake, but found nothing.
What are the pitfalls here? What am I missing?
System Info:
Xcode 6.1
OSX 10.10
Running on iOS 8.0 device
Check the constraints created by Interface Builder - they may be inadvertently pushing your UI elements off-screen.
