Error occured while updating the IDProvider - spring-security

I followed the Spring SAML quick start guide to enable SSO.
While updating the IdProvider with the sp metadaata (generated one) , SSO Circle throws the error saying "An error occured. Reason:0004-Entity descriptor "localhost" under realm "%2F" has invalid syntax."
I don't know what exactly is the problem.
Help is needed :(

Please check that the property includeDiscoveryExtension is set to false on your MetadataGenerator bean. If it is set to true an Extensions element is generated which is not compatible with SSOCircle. Check that no extensions element is included in the generated metadata.

Related Error code: SyncStateInvalid Error code: SyncStateInvalid
Error message: The sync state identified using the request token 'HzWyBB6EZsMOpd9NmgmVnqAnVEMAAAQ9rM8FAwAA' is no longer valid.
Prefer : odata.maxpagesize=1
Prefer : IdType="ImmutableId"
SdkVersion : graph-java/v1.6.0
Authorization : Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJub25jZSI[...]
Hi guys, I'm getting the above SyncStateInvalid error, I've done a search, realizing that most people are facing SyncStateNotFound error instead.
Not sure if anyone faces this issue before and knows what is the fix.
I am trying to sync incremental mail messages based on the delta token.
I've tried to paste the same link in graph explorer, and was able to get result.

ios:I got a old project,when I login,there comes a issue

The error is:
ERROR:Error Domain=isNOTValidJSONObject Code=0 "xxx" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=xxx}
I have motified the App Transport Security Security Setting -> Allow Arbitrary Loads == YES
Does this issue somebody meet?
isNOTValidJSONObject- so somewhere in code this is added to the created NSError. Probably the response from server is wrong and it can't be parsed as JSON response.

Whois Parser error for ORG/NET URLs

I have checking the whois information for .org/.net/.ae sites. While parsing it was giving error.
This is my code part:
record = Whois.whois(url)
date = record.created_on
Its giving the following error
Whois::ParserError: Unexpected token: Access to .ORG
What is the issue here. Its working for .com URLs.
The issue has been fixed in this pull-request and I've released a new version today. Make sure to use the v3.4.4.

AccessTokenAuthorizationCodeRequestC "error":"invalid_request"

At the second call to Client.ProcessUserAuthorization(); after I get the code from the oauth server, I get an exception: Error occurred while sending a direct message or getting the response.
Here is the last part from the log file taken with log4net, the full log is recorded in this gist:
2013-05-03 15:14:41,292 (GMT-5) [10] DEBUG DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.Channel - Sending AccessTokenAuthorizationCodeRequestC request.
2013-05-03 15:14:41,393 (GMT-5) [10] DEBUG DotNetOpenAuth.Http - HTTP POST http://localhost:38828/OAuth/Token
2013-05-03 15:14:41,450 (GMT-5) [10] ERROR DotNetOpenAuth.Http - http://localhost:38828/OAuth/Token returned 400 BadRequest: Bad Request
2013-05-03 15:14:41,450 (GMT-5) [10] DEBUG DotNetOpenAuth.Http - WebException from http://localhost:38828/OAuth/Token:
I've uploaded the solution to
The entry point is in the about action on the home controller of the Client project.
The solution is in VS2012, the latest nuget dnoa package. Nuget restore is on.
Please note that I'm implementing pieces as I need them in order to understand how the library works. I'm sure that this error is due to a missing implementation somewhere, but I'm not sure what it is?
So it looks like I was missing implementations for IsAuthorizationValid and CreateAccessToken in the Authorization Server. Please check the github repository for the stubs i put in that makes the error go away.
There was also a database validation error that I didn't trap. So basically any error on the server side will cause this message it looks like.
There was also an issue where if the url of the page contains any non url encoded values it will throw an invalid request. In my case, my login page had a querystring parameter of returnUrl, and I had set it to /Home, which it DID NOT like, had to be: %2FHome

getting the url in the case of an auth failure

In grails acegi plugin, you can specify the authenticationFailureUrl property in SecurityConfig.
Is there a way to get the url that caused the auth failure in the scope of the authenticationFailureUrl?
This is not as simple as just getting the request or looking on the params. If there is an auth failure, you get redirected to the authenticationFailureUrl, so the url on the request at that point is the authenticationFailureUrl, not the url that caused the auth failure.
Im my case, I set authenticationFailureUrl to be a controller method -- looking at everything in the debugger no solution is obvious to me....
Thanx in advance.
The SavedRequest representing the original request is stored as a session attribute with name specified by the constant DefaultSavedRequest.SPRING_SECURITY_SAVED_REQUEST_KEY (or AbstractProcessingFilter.SPRING_SECURITY_SAVED_REQUEST_KEY in pre-3.0 versions).
This may help for others working with Spring Security 3.0.0 . In SS 3.0.3
AbstractProcessingFilter is deprecated and there is no constant SPRING_SECURITY_SAVED_REQUEST_KEY in DefaultSavedRequest. So you can get this by:
SavedRequest savedRequest = (SavedRequest) session.getAttribute(WebAttributes.SAVED_REQUEST);
Reference :
Spring Security: How to get the initial target url
