In order to use email markup feature, we are required to request with google and follow the linked guide below
Besides the technical pre-requisite, We also wish to know:
1) Can we register more than email addresses for the same company? If not,
2) Can we change the Whitelist’s contact email address after the registration has been confirmed?
looking forward to hearing the help soon!
#Keith Lai, yes, you can register more than one email address. Just specify which emails in the registration form. If the domains are different, you will most likely have to send a sample from each domain email.
Yes, you can request to have additional email addresses whitelisted even after first initial email address has been whitelisted.
When I go through the Sign in with apple I am getting first time exact email address and basic details of the user which I want but second time in response there is no email field in response.
My concern is that I want email address of the user so in future I can send notification email to that particular user. but apple gives random created email, in reality that doesn't exists. How to contact to user in future by email?
You might have to register the outbound email with apple, check this for more information on using the private email provided also look at the sign in with apple docs here.
As far as I know the random created email apple gives is actually connected to user's actual mail id. All the mail you send will be forwarded to it. But they can unlink their mail in future. This gives users some privacy and protection from spamming.
When I was finding solution I got to know, we have to pass an email address for following:
The email addresses you register will be able to send and receive messages to and from customers using Apple’s private email relay service.
Once I added this I am able to send and receive the emails.
Short answer :
You need to add sender email id or domain name into to your developer account.
Add your email and domain name.
Long answer
You need to follow below steps:
Log in with your developer account in
Goto More section. Please refer below screenshot.
Click on configure button. Please refer below screenshot.
Add domain and email address, You want to communicate.
Add email and domain here
On our webpage we have a contact form to let people contact us without sharing our email addresses.
We require a name, an email address and a message and allow people to send a copy to themselves.
On our server we have Postfix setup to send outgoing email.
Right now we add information as:
from = their email
to = our email and theirs if they want a copy. (could be cc instead)
It works okay, but just some weeks ago Gmail started to put all our emails in junk, even with explicit rules and stuff.
We figured out our Message-ID have the wrong format and added
def set_message_id(sent_at:
headers["Message-ID"] = "<#{Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(sent_at.to_i.to_s)}>"
Based on an article from Mailgun and StackOverflow.
However we also get an SFP-softfail because we send the email from the users email, and the domain of their email does not have the same origin as our domain.
How do you solve this? We really like the way that you can instantly respond to a contact email and get the right name and email address automatically.
Is it worth investing in a service such as Mailgun just for this contact form?
In my app, there is an email functionality which should send email from an id, which is not configured with mail app. From address will be like .. some thing like that.
How can I hard code the from address of an email ?
It's impossible to send email from account where user isn't authorised in.
For your aims it's better implement email functionality on server side that could be authorised to send emails from address that you specified.
As per my comment - you can't, you should use reply-to for that, or send a request to a server to send the email. The from gets set from the selected email address you eventually chose to send the email with.
For example:
I don't think there's anyway to do this using MFMailComposeViewController.
I want to provided "Email a friend" functionality to my site. I have a ASP.MVC site and I am using GMail as our provider (google apps for business).
So, a user will press my "Email a friend" button and be asked to enter their "reply to email address" and the persons email the wish to send the email to. I then use our log in credentials to send the email. The problem is the the "reply to" address is changed to the credentials address.
So wants to send an email to He enters the correct email addresses for both tom and himself. But when tom get the email its reply to is "" which are the log in credentials.
I have done some research on this and as far as i understand this is not possible in gmail.... I believe.
My question is two fold.
Is this possible in gmail?
If not, how would i go about getting this functionality?
I know there are third party tools which do this and are free etc but we dont want to use these due to privacy issues.
Is this possible in gmail? AFAIK it is not possible to change the FROM address to anything that is not either the google apps account name for the SMTP settings or an alias of it. I believe you can change the REPLYTO address. In System.Net.Mail.MailMessage, there is a ReplyToList property. Are you setting the replyto there?
If not, how would i go about getting this functionality? Try something besides gmail / google apps for business. I have heard good things about SendGrid.
Also be careful with this. GA4B has a limit on the number of mails that can be sent in a specific time period. If you violate this, G will detect that you are abusing the service and lock the account you are sending mails from. They intend their service to be used by people, not machines, to send mail. All it takes is 1 automated attack on your send-to-friend page to disable your GA4B account, so consider a captcha or some other human-proof widget.
I am building an email app in ruby on rails and I had a basic version which just used to send emails using AWS SES but recently I received a mail from AWS team saying that most of the email which I have sent had bounced back and they will discontinue my account if I send emails to the bounced email ids.
Is there any way to verify before sending email to any address that whether that email exists or not and valid or not.
Any gem or work around will help me a lot
The general way to do this is purely from a system design point of view. If you are going to collect an email address from one of your users and send them email periodically, or as events happen etc, then you should first ask them to "verify their email address". This typically involves generating a unique token, putting that into your database, linked with the user, then sending an email containing a URL with that unique token in it. The user clicks the link, which goes to a controller in your Rails application that matches the token against the user. If they can't follow that link, they can't read your emails, so don't send further email to that address.
If you obtained the email addresses through "other means", you're down to setting a Return-Path address on the outgoing email (bounces will be sent here), then checking that mailbox for bounces. I'm also often suspicious of how people happen upon a list of email addresses that didn't come from users consenting to an agreement with your website.
You could use the Mail gem to do this, but you need to know how to set up an SMTP server that pipes the email into your Rails application, which is not straightforward without prior experience. You can also use a variable Return-Path address (VERP), such as <some unique hash>, where <some unique hash> references the email address in your system. This takes away the pain of trying to parse and interpret the bounce email, since the address it is sent to tells you who the bounced recipient is.