Rails user-role system - Same user with multiple Rights on different sites - ruby-on-rails

I have a Rails-Application, that serves different sites. E.g.
These sites are stored in the Site-model. Also I have set up a User-Role system, using Devise, Rolify, and cancancan
Now one user can have different Roles on different site. E.g he can be an Administrator on www.example1.com, but only a simple user on www.example2.com
I am loading the users permissions in the ability-model.
Now my question is: Where is this "initialize"-function called?
I need to give this function an additional parameter site_id, so that only the appropriate rights of the site are loaded, not the one of the other side.
How can I do this?
class Ability
include CanCan::Ability
# From where is this function called, and how can I adjust this call?
def initialize(user, site_id)
return false unless user.present?
user_role = user.users_roles.find_by(site_id: site_id).try(:role)
user_role.permissions.each do |p|
if p.permission_subject_id.nil?
can p.permission_action.to_sym, p.permission_subject_class.constantize
can p.permission_action.to_sym, p.permission_subject_class.constantize, id: p.subject_id
end unless user_role.nil?

That's initialized using the current_ability method. So you need to overwrite that helper in the application_controller like so
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def current_ability
#current_ability ||= Ability.new(current_user, request. original_url)


Pundit Gem Index Page Prevent Access

I'm using the pundit gem and trying to figure out how to use it to prevent access to an index page that belongs to a user other than the current_user.
The examples only talk about how to scope the results to the current_user but no how to actually prevent access to the page itself if the current_user is NOT the owner of the record.
Any help appreciated
Maybe you want something like this? (For class ModelName)
# /policies/model_name_policy.rb
class ModelNamePolicy
attr_reader :current_user, :resource
def initialize(current_user, resource)
#current_user = current_user
#resource = resource
def index?
# /models/user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def authorized_to_edit?(resource)
admin? | (id == resource.created_by) # Or whatever method you want to call on your model to determine ownership
EDIT: Note that you will also need to call authorize from your controller to invoke the policy.

Rails 4 with Devise & Pundit - #user or #current_user

I am trying to make an app with Rails 4 and devise and pundit (with rolify for roles)
In the:
class ApplicationPolicy
attr_reader :user, :record
def initialize(user, record)
#user = user
#record = record
According to this Go Rails video: https://gorails.com/episodes/authorization-with-pundit?autoplay=1
This attr_reader section in the application policy covers all of the rest of the policies - so you don't need to repeat in each one.
However, my current question is given that I use devise, should I change the application policy to use current_user instead of user? Eg:
class ApplicationPolicy
attr_reader :current_user, :record
def initialize(current_user, record)
#current_user = current_user
#record = record
None of the examples I've found do it this way, but I don't understand why not.
I was hoping to figure out if I'm off the the right start before I start writing rules for each policy. Does every controller action that i make a policy for need to refer to user or should I change all of them to current_user?
You can use whatever you want to do the authorization logic.
Pundit will send in current_user from your controller when you call something like authorize #object.
From in your class you will just have to do your logic with current_user instead of user.
Why would you want to change it? From your applications perspective, you are really authorizing a user to do something, not necessarily a current_user. So keeping it as user follows conventions

disable all logins except admin in ruby on rails

while doing admin work, i'd like to disable user logins --
is there some way to use devise for this -- I don't THINK this
is suitable for rolify -- because this is a temporary disablement --
thanks in advance for any help,
If you wanted to create a "maintenance" mode, you'll be best doing something like this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
class Admin < User
def maintainance!
self.toggle! :maintainance
This will need a maintenance column in the users table, and you'll have to add a type column in the users table, too.
You could get away with keeping this in the User model, however, you'd need some conditions to determine whether the user is an admin. Since you didn't specify how you're differentiating, above is how we do it.
You'd be able to call it like this:
class SettingsController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_user!
def maintenance
current_user.maintenance! #-> toggles so you'll just be able to call this as you need.
resources :settings, only: [] do
put :maintenance #-> url.com/settings/maintenance (considering current_user present)
This will allow you to set the "maintenance" mode through your user settings area. If you don't have one, you'll be able to use the above code to get it working.
With the backend in place, you'll be able to then manage the front-end.
To do this, you'll need a helper to determine if any user has set the "maintenance" mode...
class ApplicationHelper
def maintenance_mode?
Admin.exists? maintenance: true
This will allow you to use this helper to determine whether you should allow Devise to accept logins or not:
<% unless maintenance_mode? %>
... devise form ...
<% end %>
The helper will execute a DB request, but keeping it in the devise areas only (IE it's not "site wide") should make it okay.
class SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
before_action :check_maintenance
def check_maintenance
redirect_to root_path, notice: "Sorry, maintenance mode is in effect; no logins." if maintenance_mode?
This will prevent any controller-based actions from firing.
Finally, if you want to get rid of any logged-in users, you'll need to do something quirky, like resetting the sessions or something similar:
How can I reset all devise sessions so every user has to login again?
Devise force signout
Here's what I'd do:
1. Create a method for your User model. It could be something like active, or able_to_login.
2. Set this attribute to :boolean.
3. Use rails console. Use the console to set the active method to true or false, enabling or disabling your users to access your application:
user = User.all
user.each do |u|
u.active = false # or
u.able_to_login = false
I don't think this is the best method, but it should work without installing another gem or heavy code.
In your /models/user.rb add this method
def active_for_authentication?
super && is_admin?
def is_admin?
# returns true if user is admin
This is the "Devise way" of doing this :)

Allow local webservice to update Rails data with CanCan and Devise

I have a local webservice running which needs to POST data to Rails in order to update and add records. How should I work this into my CanCan/Devise authentication/authorization? Is there a way to allow localhost-only access around authorization, or to create a persistent session with the other service?
if you wanna grant access locally,
# application_controller.rb
def current_ability
#current_ability ||= Ability.new(current_user, request.local?)
# ability.rb
class Ability
include CanCan::Ability
def initialize(user, local)
can(:manage, :all) if local

Rails Can Can Ability Class For Multiple Devise Models

I was wondering how I can define an ability class and serve that ability class depending on the user that has logged in.
I am using Active Admin, Can Can and Devise and I have successfully created a User and an AdminUser models.
I have this in my ability.rb
class Ability
include CanCan::Ability
def initialize(user)
user ||= User.new
if (user)
can :manage, Item
Now I have used this wiki entry to determine that we can indeed define a custom ability file and use that instead of the ability.rb:
But what I wanted to do is, be able to use ability.rb if a "non-admin user" is signed in and a custom abilty if a user admin is signed in.
Side Question: Could it be done such that I don't need a custom one and I could set permissions in one ability.rb file?
I've never really used ActiveAdmin, so I'm not entirely sure if I'm missing something, but it doesn't seem like that framework relies on CanCan. That's why I'm assuming you're defining a current_ability method like explained in the wiki and it's instantiated with Ability.new(current_user).
If that's the case, and your current_user can be either a User or an AdminUser, then there's no problem in checking for that in the Ability class:
class Ability
include CanCan::Ability
def initialize(user)
user ||= User.new
if user.kind_of? AdminUser
can :manage, Item
elsif user.kind_of? User
can :read, Item
You can simply take a look at the user's type and change the rules accordingly. You can also use is_a? instead of kind_of? for stricter checking, but it's probably not required and might cause issues if you decide to do inheritance later on.
Another way you could check is by defining an admin? method in both models. This might be a better way to do it, since explicit type checking is not very popular in ruby -- it often limits your choices. It might look like this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def admin?
class AdminUser < ActiveRecord::Base
def admin?
class Ability
include CanCan::Ability
def initialize(user)
user ||= User.new
if user.admin?
can :manage, Item
can :read, Item
