This is the code I use for my bibliography
This is an example of my bibliopgrahy:
#Article{Acosta2008,author = {Acosta, EG and Castilla, V and Damonte, EB}, title = {Functional entry of dengue virus into Aedes albopictusmosquito cells is dependent on clathrin-mediated endocytosis.}, journal = {J Gen Virol}, volume = {89}, number = {Pt 2}, pages = {474--484}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Entry of dengue virus 2 (DENV-2) into Aedes albopictus mosquito C6/36 cells was analysed using biochemical and molecular inhibitors, together with confocal and electron microscopy observations. Treatment with monodansylcadaverine, chlorpromazine, sucrose and ammonium chloride inhibited DENV-2 virus yield and protein expression, whereas nystatin, a blocker of caveolae-mediated endocytosis, did not have any effect. Using confocal microscopy, co-localization of DENV-2 E glycoprotein and the marker protein transferrin was observed at the periphery of the cytoplasm. To support the requirement of clathrin function for DENV-2 entry, overexpression of a dominant-negative mutant of Eps15 in C6/36 cells was shown to impair virus entry. The disruption of actin microfilaments by cytochalasin D also significantly affected DENV-2 replication. In contrast, microtubule disruption by colchicine treatment did not impair DENV-2 infectivity, suggesting that DENV-2 does not require transport from early to late endosomes for successful infection of mosquito cells. Furthermore, using transmission electron microscopy, DENV-2 particles of approximately 44-52 nm were found attached within electron-dense invaginations of the plasma membrane and in coated vesicles that resembled those of clathrin-coated pits and vesicles, respectively. Together, these results demonstrate for the first time that DENV-2 enters insect cells by receptor-mediated, clathrin-dependent endocytosis, requiring traffic through an acidic pH compartment for subsequent uncoating and completion of a productive infection.}, location = {}, keywords = {}}
I have tried several ways to load the bibliography stored in my bibliography.bib file with no results.
The error is:
Empty bibliography on input line
The bibliography is not empty, and the bibligraphy is on the same folder as the main '.tex' file
If your bibliography with the above content is bibliography.bib, and the following
Text ... citation: \cite{Acosta2008}.
is main.tex in the same folder, then you should have no problem.
Make sure that you compile once, then you compile the bibliography with Biber, then you compile the tex one last time.
Confront your minimal code with mine but - mainly - check in the settings of your editor that Biber, not BibTex, is used to build the bibliography (example: TeXstudio).
I had the same problem. But it worked for me when I deleted the whole [] at usepackage.
So, for \usepackage[style=alphabetic]{biblatex}, I deleted the middle part so there only was \usepackage{biblatex}. I ran it and it worked. After that, I could use this one again \usepackage[style=alphabetic]{biblatex} and it worked too.
The text is too long and will random break my first word over the entire first line...I don't know how to make it look like the other with short text. This is my code:
{\textbf{LexBox}}{Nov 2020 - Present}
LexBox represents the fastest and the most efficient way to make a contravention complaint without to get in touch with a lawyer.
\\\textbf{Technologies:} C\#, ASP.NET, jQuery AJAX, CSS \& HTML
{\textbf{GAM - Group Activity Manager}}{Oct 2020 - Present}
{This application is designed to remote control multiple desktops at the same time. \\
\textbf{Technologies:} C\#, .NET Framework}
and the .sty file is this
and the result is
Three major problems:
you must not use \entrybig on its own, it need to be inside a list, e.g. \outerlist{}
The syntax you use for \entrybig is wrong. This macro takes 4 mandatory arguments, not 2, not 3, exactly 4
as this macro gets inserted into table cells, you must not abuse \\ for line breaks
% Choose bibliography style for formatting list of publications
% Choose theme, e.g. black, RedViolet, ForestGreen, MidnightBlue
See more of my projects on \website{}
{\textbf{ETH Zurich}}
{Zurich, CH}
{M.S. in Computer Science, GPA: 5.63/6.00}
{2018\textendash 2020}
To say that I am a LaTeX amateur is an understatement, though by some miracle, I am managing to write my thesis in it. I am using RStudio to write and compile my thesis, due to all of my analysis being done in R and wanting the ability to insert dynamic plots etc.
As my thesis has increased in size, I wanted to break the chapters off into sub .Rnw files so that I could work on each chapter independently (with my need for R code within each chapter ruling out using .tex files). The only way I could get this to work, was using \Sexpr{knit_child('chapter.Rnw')}. I weave my files using knitr rather than Sweave as again, that is the only I can get it to compile correctly. Unfortunately, I've never managed to understand why!
Nevertheless, this is working very nicely, is much easier to manage and my plots and R code are compiling correctly, but my previously functioning \ref and \label commands no longer work. Well, they work within a chapter, but not between them.
I include my main document here and the latex commands that I think are relevant to my question. I have googled this all morning, but am getting nowhere alone.
\documentclass[12pt]{report} %What kind of document
\usepackage{titlesec} %can actually name chapters rather than having "Chapter 1" etc
% ----------- KNITR SETUP ------------------------
<<setup, include=FALSE, cache=FALSE, echo=FALSE>>=
opts_chunk$set(fig.path='figures/plots-', fig.align='center','hold', eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE)
# setwd("C:/Users/cainswor/Box Sync/Imperial/Reports/Thesis")
data_loc <- "D:/BoxSync/BoxSync/Reports/Thesis/Data for Thesis"
x <- c("shiny","flowViz","nls2","plyr","RColorBrewer","abind","MASS","gplots","hexbin",
lapply(x, require, character.only=T)
# Sweave2knitr('ThesisSecondDraft.Rnw')
\part{The Experiment}
Here is an example which work on my files.
In the main.Rnw document :
Hello world
In the child_test.Rnw file
%!Rnw root = main.Rnw
\SweaveOpts{echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE}
This is the analysis.
<<analysis, result = tex>>=
I'm using a LaTeX template (provided by ASME) to write a conference paper.
The asme2e.cls class defines a "nomenclature" environment as follows:
% Nomenclature environment
which is used, in the .tex source file, as follows:
% [...]
\entry{$C_{visc}$}{Viscous friction coefficient.}
\entry{$M$}{Spool mass.}
% [...]
resulting in the description texts not being left justified (since a fixed horizontal space is inserted between the symbol (e.g.: M) and the description (e.g.: Spool mass.), but the symbols have different lengths (e.g.: Cvisc is longer than M).
Is there a way to fix the class to have left-justified descriptions?
(I did a few experiments with \dimexpr and the calc package, but just got a bunch of errors).
(I also asked ASME if they could provide an updated template, but I'm still waiting for their feedback...)
I couldn't solve the problem, but I found a "quick and dirty" workaround, using the Tabbing and setspace packages.
Here is the new .tex source:
% [...]
\entry{$C_{visc}$}\quad\quad\={Viscous friction coefficient.}\\
\entry{$M$}\>{Spool mass.}\\
\entry{$v$}\>{Spool velocity.}\\
% [...]
} % end \setstretch
(Clearly, I'm completely bypassing the \entry command defined by the asme2e.cls class for the nomenclature environment).
I also tried to edit the asme2ej.cls file but nothing working for me. Then I ended up using the tabbing and set space packages. However, I did not use the \setstretch, and my document compiled just fine.
\entry{XYZ}\quad\quad\={This is an example}\\
\entry{PQR}\>{This is an example}\\
\entry{ZXC}\>{This is an example}\\
\entry{CVN}\>{This is an example}\\
I ran into a similar issue when submitting a paper to an ASME journal. My solution was to edit the asme2e.cls file:
\newcommand\entry[2]{\noindent\hbox to 0.05\textwidth{##1}\ignorespaces##2\par}
You can change the amount of indentation by changing "0.05\textwidth".
I'm not sure if this is what you're asking, but see the following MWE:
\entry{$A$} {Parameter}
\entry{$B$} {Parameter}
I've been using Doxygen successfully to generate PDF documentation for a sizable Fortran 90 project since v1.6. After a recent upgrade to Doxygen 1.8, pdflatex is choking with an error I can't understand. From refman.log:
<use classfate__source_a022bf629bdc1d3059ebd5fb86d13b4f4_icgraph.pdf>
Package pdftex.def Info: classfate__source_a022bf629bdc1d3059ebd5fb86d13b4f4_ic
graph.pdf used on input line 607.
(pdftex.def) Requested size: 350.0pt x 65.42921pt.
! Undefined control sequence.
<recently read> \LT#LL#FM#cr
l.25 ...1833ffa6f2fae54ededb}{ia\-\_\-nsize}), \\*
? ?
Type <return> to proceed, S to scroll future error messages,
R to run without stopping, Q to run quietly,
I to insert something, E to edit your file,
1 or ... or 9 to ignore the next 1 to 9 tokens of input,
H for help, X to quit.
Looking at the first 25 lines of classm__aerosol.tex, nothing obviously matches the error message:
\hypertarget{classm__aerosol}{\section{m\-\_\-aerosol Module Reference}
Contains general aerosol-\/related constants and routines.
\subsection*{Public Member Functions}
subroutine \hyperlink{classm__aerosol_aa06c1f39c6bd34f22be92d21535f0320}{aerdis} (I\-A\-E\-R\-O, M\-A\-E\-R\-O, V\-O\-L, A\-R\-E\-A, M\-U, T\-G\-A\-S, R\-H\-O, A\-G\-A\-M\-M\-A, X\-L\-A\-E\-R, D\-M\-E\-A\-N, N\-A\-E\-R, X\-N\-D\-A\-E\-R, L\-S\-D\-A\-E\-R)
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em Return aerosol mass given a volume, based on aerosol size distribution function. \end{DoxyCompactList}\item
real(kind=wp) function \hyperlink{classm__aerosol_a2dff4ff413057e8788fba7270a30c093}{lamsed} (V\-O\-L, H, M\-U\-G, R\-H\-O\-A\-E\-R, A\-G\-A\-M\-M\-A, A\-C\-H\-I, A\-F\-E\-O, K\-O, M\-A\-E\-R, F\-M\-A\-E\-R, F\-A\-E\-R\-S\-S, F\-S\-E\-D\-D\-K)
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em Calculate aerosol removal constant and interpolation factor between steady-\/state and decaying aerosol correlations. \end{DoxyCompactList}\item
pure real(kind=wp) function \hyperlink{classm__aerosol_a6d0a04004f49c404c67e0aa69dd39ee1}{fdbend} (V\-E\-L, H\-S\-E\-D, T\-G, R\-H\-O\-G, M\-U\-G, R\-H\-O\-P\-A\-R, C\-A\-E\-R\-O, X\-D\-B\-E\-N\-D, N90\-J)
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em Find total impaction efficiency for aerosol deposition considering 90-\/degree bends in a flow path. \end{DoxyCompactList}\end{DoxyCompactItemize}
\subsection*{Public Attributes}
integer, parameter \hyperlink{classm__aerosol_a8f604b7ffe3c1833ffa6f2fae54ededb}{ia\-\_\-nsize} = 30
integer, parameter \hyperlink{classm__aerosol_ae71813ecf0c7768af9d6292efb14774f}{ia\-\_\-nmass} = 10
real(kind=wp), dimension(\hyperlink{classm__aerosol_a8f604b7ffe3c1833ffa6f2fae54ededb}{ia\-\_\-nsize}), \\*
Nothing obviously matches the recently read chunk "\LT#LL#FM#cr" and I don't know enough low-level TeX to translate that into something that might actually be in the source text.
Suspecting this might have been fixed in a later version of Doxygen than the one shipping with Linux Mint (v1.8.1.2), I built & installed v1.8.3.1 from source, updated my doxyfile, blew away the old documentation and regenerated it. I get the same baffling error.
There's nothing obvious in refman.log that would indicate missing or broken LaTeX packages and I'm completely at a loss as to what's causing this.
As this still gets a hit on Google when you search:
doxygen missing $ inserted
I would like to add something.
Do not use a PROJECT_NAME containing underscores (_)!
After a brief look into the doxygen's current documentation (I am using 1.8.4) it does not make that explicit.
this will be difficult to solve unless you provide a bit more information - possibly using \errorcontextlines=9999 as suggested in the comments on the question.
as a first short though, the name of the control sequence that can't be found (i.e. \LT#LL#FM#cr) is one defined by the longtable package (documentation, p. 15) - thus adding:
to the preamble of the document might help.
If so, according to the doxygen documentation here, adding the following to your configuration file should do the trick:
I'm currently searching for an application or a script that does a correct word count for a LaTeX document.
Up till now, I have only encountered scripts that only work on a single file but what I want is a script that can safely ignore LaTeX keywords and also traverse linked follow \include and \input links to produce a correct word-count for the whole document.
With vim, I currently use ggVGg CTRL+G but obviously that shows the count for the current file and does not ignore LaTeX keywords.
Does anyone know of any script (or application) that can do this job?
I use texcount. The webpage has a Perl script to download (and a manual).
It will include tex files that are included (\input or \include) in the document (see -inc), supports macros, and has many other nice features.
When following included files you will get detail about each separate file as well as a total. For example here is the total output for a 12 page document of mine:
Files: 20
Words in text: 4188
Words in headers: 26
Words in float captions: 404
Number of headers: 12
Number of floats: 7
Number of math inlines: 85
Number of math displayed: 19
If you're only interested in the total, use the -total argument.
I went with icio's comment and did a word-count on the pdf itself by piping the output of pdftotext to wc:
pdftotext file.pdf - | wc - w
latex file.tex
dvips -o - file.dvi | ps2ascii | wc -w
should give you a fairly accurate word count.
To add to #aioobe,
If you use pdflatex, just do
pdftops file.pdf
ps2ascii|wc -w
I compared this count to the count in Microsoft Word in a 1599 word document (according to Word). pdftotext produced a text with 1700+ words. texcount did not include the references and produced 1088 words. ps2ascii returned 1603 words. 4 more than in Word.
I say that's a pretty good count. I am not sure where's the 4 word difference, though. :)
In Texmaker interface you can get the word count by right clicking in the PDF preview:
Overleaf has a word count feature:
Overleaf v2:
Overleaf v1:
I use the following VIM script:
function! WC()
let filename = expand("%")
let cmd = "detex " . filename . " | wc -w | perl -pe 'chomp; s/ +//;'"
let result = system(cmd)
echo result . " words"
… but it doesn’t follow links. This would basically entail parsing the TeX file to get all linked files, wouldn’t it?
The advantage over the other answers is that it doesn’t have to produce an output file (PDF or PS) to compute the word count so it’s potentially (depending on usage) much more efficient.
Although icio’s comment is theoretically correct, I found that the above method gives quite accurate estimates for the number of words. For most texts, it’s well within the 5% margin that is used in many assignments.
If the use of a vim plugin suits you, the vimtex plugin has integrated the texcount tool quite nicely.
Here is an excerpt from their documentation:
:VimtexCountLetters Shows the number of letters/characters or words in
:VimtexCountWords the current project or in the selected region. The
count is created with `texcount` through a call on
the main project file similar to: >
texcount -nosub -sum [-letter] -merge -q -1 FILE
Note: Default arguments may be controlled with
Note: One may access the information through the
function `vimtex#misc#wordcount(opts)`, where
`opts` is a dictionary with the following
keys (defaults indicated): >
'range' : [1, line('$')]
'count_letters' : 0/1
'detailed' : 0
If `detailed` is 0, then it only returns the
total count. This makes it possible to use for
e.g. statusline functions. If the `opts` dict
is not passed, then the defaults are assumed.
:VimtexCountLetters! Similar to |VimtexCountLetters|/|VimtexCountWords|, but
:VimtexCountWords! show separate reports for included files. I.e.
presents the result of: >
texcount -nosub -sum [-letter] -inc FILE
The nice part about this is how extensible it is. On top of counting the number of words in your current file, you can make a visual selection (say two or three paragraphs) and then only apply the command to your selection.
For a very basic article class document I just look at the number of matches for a regex to find words. I use Sublime Text, so this method may not work for you in a different editor, but I just hit Ctrl+F (Command+F on Mac) and then, with regex enabled, search for
which should ignore text declaring a floating environment or captions on figures as well as most kinds of basic equations and \usepackage declarations, while including quotations and parentheticals. It also counts footnotes and \emphasized text and will count \hyperref links as one word. It's not perfect, but it's typically accurate to within a few dozen words or so. You could refine it to work for you, but a script is probably a better solution, since LaTeX source code isn't a regular language. Just thought I'd throw this up here.