Is it possible to integrate Redmine into another website? - ruby-on-rails

I have an application I'm designing for a client and one of the features they requested was the ability to track tickets. I'm currently using Redmine and redirecting people to my instance so they can add tickets, issues, etc., however I'd like to integrate it into the actual website so I don't have to redirect users. Ideally, it would be a tab or sidebar that users could expand, add their ticket information, and then collapse.
I've seen a variety of questions about integrating other sites into Redmine, but is it possible to do it the other way around? Is there a way to do this or will I have to build my own system?

Looks like the easiest way to do this is by building your own form and using the Redmine API


Admin Panel System Design using Ruby on Rails

I'm trying to make an admin panel for a website that is already running. I've never deployed an admin panel feature, so I want to ask you what the best and most common approach to creating one, and what I need to look out for when I launch it using a subdomain This website already has users and sessions controller, and I also would like to know how to differentiate two different authentication systems.
you can use Active admin gem.
see the complete documentation from this link

Creating a User control panel for multiple user_types in Rails

I am developing a job portal website as part of a project for university and not exactly sure how to approach this problem, I am using Devise for my authentication system allowing users to sign, The system will have many user_types (job_seeker, company).
At the moment I am using “Rails_admin” for the admin interface, but I am looking to create an interface where a company can manage their jobs, applications, etc, and for job_seekers to view their previous job applications, and job status etc.
My plan was to develop it so in the controller it checked the user_type and then redirected it to a control panel, which would hopefully allow all users go sign in using one login page, but my question is, how do I go about developing a “job_seeker” and “Company” control panels where they can manage their details.
I am looking for information on how to approach this problem, or the best method to achieve a solution.
Did you try using a gem that allow you or simplified role user management like cancan?
A good approach is as Maxence said, have a namespace for every role and a dashboard controller to show what you need. This will help you to keep things spited and will be more easy to maintenance. You can check it here how use namespaces. You can do it as well with a resource but I dont like it.
Other thing that you can do is having a single dashboard controller and redirect depending of the user role.

Is it possible to pass on user session from a PHP or Rails app to a meteor app?

I want to create a web application in which the main application shall be built using a PHP Framework or RoR. However, there are some sections only, that need real time updates (e.g., collaborative editing, real time feeds) etc. Is it possible that if a user is authenticated on the PHP/RoR app, the user session data can be passed on to the meteor app ? Can the 2 applications share the same database? Any insight on how do I go about implementing this ?
While it is possible to do what you've asked you should possibly ask yourself if you can't achieve your goals with one tech stack. Having multiple tech stacks like Meteor and RoR / PHP means anyone that wants to work on your codebase needs to know all of these frameworks. Additionally you might be able to achieve your requirements around collaborative editing and real time feeds using PHP or RoR.
Since you have not posted your requirements it is hard to make concrete recommendations but maybe you should list your requirements use the least complicated tech stack to implement it.
Are you aware that RoR 4 has built in support for streaming:
You might be able to implement your collabaration requirements using a JS library liek Angular or Ember JS which uses Ajax to keep the users screen in sync with what other users are doing.
Also, this blog post on how Trello is implemented might give you some ideas. They have a great web interface for collaboration:
With regards to your questions:
Two applications implemented in two different technologies can share the same database. You will need to choose a database that is supported by both technology stacks that you want to use. After that, point both applications at the same database.
If you authenticate a user in PHP/RoR app, you can then set a cookie for the user. Assuming your Meteor app is served from the same domain, you can then read in this cookie which might contain some kind of identifier for the authenticated users session. Your Meteor app could then check the db to see if this is a valid session for an authenticated user.

Rails Authentication via Web Service

So, this may be a kind of dumb question, but I checked the Google and got no hits. We want to host multiple Rails apps in a way that makes them look homogeneous. We want all the apps to have the same look and feel, and all the apps to use the same sign-on database.
Theming I think we could accomplish by just putting the site theme into a gem, and requiring that gem from our github repository in each app. However, auth is trickier.
I know that I can achieve this "for free" by just not making the different portions of the site (store, chat forums, etc.) different apps. If they're all, say, Rails Engines, we can basically drop them into the same application with their own namespaced routes, and have a single plugin that does auth.
However, for various reasons we'd like to keep these separate apps, if that's technically possible. The number one reason is scalability; since this will be a hosted site, we want the flexibility to spin up more instances of, say, the store (perhaps to handle a holiday sale rush), without needing to spin up the chat forums. Also, we want to be able to completely isolate the portions of the code that AREN'T intertwined.
Ideally, the databases would be separate too (keeping us from falling back into the rut of "put everything including the kitchen sink in the db"), but I do know that one "cheap" way to do cross-app auth is just to use the same plugin (say, Devise), and just point to the same DB.
So, I'm thinking that maybe the way to do this is to auth via a web service call. Is this prior art -- does anyone have a gem for this that "just works" so that authentication can be shared across all apps? Or am I just entering into a world of pain by trying to build things this way?
Thanks in advance!
You could do a single sign on approach described at:
The single sign on approach with oauth and devise has some drawbacks. The main problem I had was I was unable to extend the timeout time across multiple apps.

Multi user/site rails app

I need to create a web app where people will sign up, call it, when they sign up my code will generate a, they will login and only be able to manage their mini site. My question is, is it correct to model this out by creating a table for site, a table for user, users belong to site and site has many users. Then I should create a content table that belongs to user AND site?
Is that right?
I am working on this for one of my apps at the moment using the Devise authentication plugin.
To get the central user environment, I was simply going to shard the database using Octopus, Connection_ninja. All are on Github
It's a starting point but not the full solution I'm afraid as I haven't got there myself yet. There are going to be issues to consider such as determining authorization of app specific resources based on which site the user has registered.
Alternatively, The latest edition of Ruby Weekly links to an interesting article on a Ruby implimentation of the Central Authentication Service protocol. It will be worth a read -
Hope this helps a bit...
