Bluetooth device connection - ios

I am using Bluetooth device to send some information to my app. Whenever i am double clicking bluetooth device it should launch app and should display a particular screen. If app is in background or terminated or active it should display that particular screen after clicking by bluetooth device. If you have any idea please help me.


Can anyone give me an idea of how a bluetooth device like silent beacon can send a command to the phone while the screen is closed

I am talking the personal safety alarm device. How is it able to connect with the phone with bluetooth while the screen is locked. I am looking for an IOS solution.
Just because the screen is locked on the iOS device doesn't mean it cannot do any Bluetooth functionality. iOS devices have a special background mode that allows them to continuously read BLE adverts and also communicate with remote BLE devices. You can find more about this here:-
CoreBluetooth background processing for iOS apps
BLE device keeps connecting with iPhone when app terminates
iOS - BLE scan and connect to peripheral in background

From WatchOS App connect BLE device using iPhone Bluetooth

Hi everyone here it's my problem, I have an simple app on my Apple Watch and iPhone. All my goal is using iPhone minimum on the App. Instead of iPhone App I want to use this App mostly from the watch. So I have an UI screen consisting with 2 buttons (Scan and Connect) on the watch. And these buttons should control the iPhone's Bluetooth. I don't want to use Watch Bluetooth. Considering all, is it posibble to trigger the iPhone Bluetooth in background from Watch and connect iPhone to a BLE device.
I think I fix this problem with your help guys;
Hi again, I believe I can fix this problem with the background transfers. Let me first explain the problem better when I want to use iPhone App local database and also want to use iPhone's Bluetooth from the Watch App I had trouble. And then I noticed sending messages from Watch to iOS wakes up iOS in the background (Source for more detail). In this way I'll have using iPhone app only in background and even scan BLE devices from the iPhone in bg and send them to the Watch App (WC Sessions).
Source (Communicate with iPhone and Watch)

iOS BLE accessory would like to open App when the app is not being viewed. How to silent this alert?

I have an iOS app that connect to a BLE device. After I connect the app with the BLE device by CBCentralManager.connect then press the home button, if the BLE device sends data to my app at this time, iOS will make an alert saying "The <device name> accessory would like to open <App name>" with a "Close" and a "View" button. Since my BLE device is sending data continuously, this alert will keep poping up. Even worse when connected to multiple devices since different devices give this alert and the alert window keeps switching back and forth to a point that it is impossible to click the button on the alert window. Is there a way to silent this alert?
You can either enable the “uses Bluetooth Accessories” background mode or disconnect from your peripherals when your app enters the background.

BLE pheripheral not detected when ios app on background

i am develop a ble based iOS application on iOS 8.0. i have a peripheral device, that advertise data . am just open my application , the scanning started on viewdidload. then it detect the peripheral and listed in a table view. it is working fine. but when am switch off the peripheral device, after am start the iOS app, scanning started on didload, and am pressed center key, then app going to background. after am just switch on peripheral device. but it could not detect the device.
(current situation, am switch off and on the bluetooth of an iOS device manually. then background app detected the peripheral and got notification message.)
what is the actual problem with my app? and if any solutions?
Make sure you have enabled the proper background mode in the target capabilities page. Go to the Capabilities tab for your target and switch "Background Modes" to ON, the check "Uses Bluetooth LE accessories".

iOS bluetooth pairing with other phone programmatically

I need to connect the bluetooth handset programmatically in one of my iOS projects. I do not want to go through iPhone settings to connect the bluetooth handset.
I searching in Google finely i got one link THIS
In this Link provide source Code .I download and then run that file .it's open simulator like this
When I click scan button it showing Error "Turn Bluetooth on first" and then I pressed Bluetooth on button no use.
Any Bluetooth Device are not showing.
SO please give me any idea about HOW to Connected iPhone Bluetooth pairing with other Phones Bluetooth Programmatically.
First tell me it's possible in simulator or not?
