DirectX 10+. Copying a texture to a vertex buffer - directx

I need to use texture data as z-coord in my relief vertex buffer. So i need a way to transfer that texture data to buffer, or a way to reinterpret it and use as vertex buffer.
MSDN says ID3D10Device::CopyResource method args must be the same type. So I cant use it.
Now i have to transfer data to CPU and send back as buffer data, but this is so ineffective.
Can anybody prompt proper way?


Performing a transpose operation on a DirectX Surface Buffer

I am using IMFSourceReader with hardware acceleration enabled to decode videos and read them into my application. After the ReadSample call, I get hold of the IDirect3DSurface9 from the IMFSample. At this point, I use the LockRect() call to access the raw-bytes and copy them into my applications buffer.
I would like to perform additional operations on the GPU such as transpose and a possible conversion of the image data from row-major order to column-major order.
Is there a Blt operation I can setup to this?
I came across the ID3DXBaseEffect interface but I am not sure that is applicable in my case.
Would appreciate any inputs.
With IDirect3DSurface9, you can use shader (ID3DXBaseEffect).
To do it on GPU directly, before copy the raw-bytes to your application, i will try this :
Call IMFSourceReader::GetServiceForStream to query for MR_VIDEO_ACCELERATION_SERVICE and IDirect3DDeviceManager9.
use IDirect3DDeviceManager9 to query the IDirect3DDevice9 (IDirect3DDeviceManager9::LockDevice).
Use IDirect3DDevice9, IDirect3DSurface9, a new RenderTarget, shader, as usual with Directx.
copy the raw-bytes from the final RenderTarget (after shader apply).
See here : mofo7777 github
Under MediaFoundationTransform > MFTDirectxAware > MFTVideoShaderEffect, i'll show the concept.

Equivalent of glColorMask in Metal for a kernel program?

I am trying to move from OpenGL to Metal for my iOS apps. In my OpenGL code I use glColorMask (if I want to write only to selected channels, for example only to alpha channel of a texture) in many places.
In Metal, for render pipeline (though vertex and fragment shader) seems like MTLColorWriteMask is the equivalent of glColorMask. I can setup it up while creating a MTLRenderPipelineState through the MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor.
But I could not find a similar option for compute pipeline (through kernel function). I always need to write all the channels (red, green, blue and alpha) every time I write to an output texture. What if I want to preserve the alpha (or any other channel) and only want to modify the color channels? I can create a copy of the output texture and use it as one of the inputs and read alpha from it to preserve the values but that is expensive.
Computer memory architectures don't like writing only some bytes of data. A write to 1 out of 4 bytes usually involves reading those four bytes into the cache, modifying one of them in the cache, and then writing those four bytes back out into memory. Well, most computers read/write a lot more than 4 bytes at a time, but you get the idea.
This happens with framebuffers too. If you do a partial write mask, the hardware is still going to be doing the equivalent of a read/modify/write on that texture. It's just not changing all of the bytes its reads.
So you can do the same thing from your compute shader. Read the 4-vector value, modify the channels you want, and then write it back out. As long as the read and write are from the same shader invocation, there should be no synchronization problems (assuming that no other invocations are trying to read/write to that same location, but if that were the case, you'd have problems anyway).

Random access to D3D11 buffer with R8G8B8A8_UNorm format in HLSL

I have a D3D11 buffer with a few million elements that is supposed to hold data in the R8G8B8A8_UNorm format.
The desired behavior is the following: One shader calculates a vec4 and writes it to the buffer in a random access pattern. In the next pass, another shader reads the data in a random access pattern and processes them further.
My best guess would be to create an UnorderedAccessView with the R8G8B8A8_UNorm format. But how do I declare the RWBuffer<?> in HLSL, and how do I write to and read from it? Is it necessary to declare it as RWBuffer<uint> and do the packing from vec4 to uint manually?
In OpenGL I would create a buffer and a buffer texture. Then I can declare an imageBuffer with the rgba8 format in the shader, access it with imageLoad and imageStore, and the hardware does all the conversions for me. Is this possible in D3D11?
This is a little tricky due to a lot of different gotchas, but you should be able to do something like this.
In your shader that writes to the buffer declare:
RWBuffer<float4> WriteBuf : register( u1 );
Note that it is bound to register u1 instead of u0. Unordered access views (UAV) must start at slot 1 because the u# register is also used for render targets.
To write to the buffer just do something like:
WriteBuf[0] = float4(0.5, 0.5, 0, 1);
Note that you must write all 4 values at once.
In your C++ code, you must create an unordered access buffer, and bind it to a UAV. You can use the DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM format. When you write 4 floats to it, the values will automatically be converted and packed. The UAV can be bound to the pipeline using OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews.
In your shader that reads from the buffer declare a read only buffer:
Buffer<float4> ReadBuf : register( t0 );
Note that this buffer uses t0 because it will be bound as a shader resource view (SRV) instead of UAV.
To access the buffer use something like:
float4 val = ReadBuf[0];
In your C++ code, you can bind the same buffer you created earlier to an SRV instead of a UAV. The SRV can be bound to the pipeline using PSSetShaderResources and can also be created with DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM.
You can't bind both the SRV and UAV using the same buffer to the pipeline at the same time. So you must bind the UAV first and run your first shader pass. Then unbind the UAV, bind SRV, and run the second shader pass.
There are probably other ways to do this as well. Note that all of this requires shader model 5.

Direct3D 10 Hardware Instancing using Structured Buffers

I am trying to implement hardware instancing with Direct3D 10+ using Structured Buffers for the per instance data but I've not used them before.
I understand how to implement instancing when combining the per vertex and per instance data into a single structure in the Vertex Shader - i.e. you bind two vertex buffers to the input assembler and call the DrawIndexedInstanced function.
Can anyone tell me the procedure for binding the input assembler and making the draw call etc. when using Structured Buffers with hardware instancing? I can't seem to find a good example of it anywhere.
It's my understanding that Structured Buffers are bound as ShaderResourceViews, is this correct?
Yup, that's exactly right. Just don't put any per-instance vertex attributes in your vertex buffer or your input layout and create a ShaderResourceView of the buffer and set it on the vertex shader. You can then use the SV_InstanceID semantic to query which instance you're on and just fetch the relevant struct from your buffer.
StructuredBuffers are very similar to normal buffers. The only differences are that you specify the D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_BUFFER_STRUCTURED flag on creation, fill in StructureByteStride and when you create a ShaderResourceView the Format is DXGI_UNKNOWN (the format is specified implicitly by the struct in your shader).
StructuredBuffer<MyStruct> myInstanceData : register(t0);
is the syntax in HLSL for a StructuredBuffer and you just access it using the [] operator like you would an array.
Is there anything else that's unclear?

DirectX11: Pass data from ComputeShader to VertexShader?

Is it possible to apply a filter to the geometry data that is to be rendered using Compute Shader and then use the result as an input buffer in the Vertex Shader? That would save me the trouble (&time) of reading back the data.
Any help is much appreciated.
Yes absolutely. First you create two identicals ID3D11Buffer of structures using BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER, BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE and BIND_UNORDERED_ACCESS usage flags, and the associated UAVs and SRVs.
First step is to apply your filter to input source buffer and write to the destination buffer during your compute pass.
Then during the draw pass, you just have to bind the destination buffer to the IA stage. You can do some ping-pong if you need to accumulate computations on the vertices (I assume that by filter you mean a functional map, for refering to the Functional Programming term).
