UIImageView Following Another UIImageView Swift - ios

If there is an answer which covers my question, please give me a link to it. Otherwise here is my question:
I am currently running Swift 2.0 (Xcode 7) Sprite Kit Game and would like to know wether it would be possible for a UIImageView to follow another UIImageView.
So when someone swipes in any direction, the first UIImageView will go that direction, and another will follow it like a snake and they all follow the one in front of them.
Edit: I would like to work like a snake. So I have many UIImageViews which represent body parts of the snake (basically small black dots) and whichever direction the head goes in which is controlled by UISwipeGestureRecogniser the others parts follow.

The most easy way is to use UIScrollView with pagingEnabled property enabled. At raywenderlich you can find small tutorial.
Much better way is to use UIPageViewController, example


Drawing a "pointer triangle" in swift

I have a UIStackView consisting of clickable images. Whenever I tap one of them, a UIView appears on the right side of the stack, showing some more info about the clicked object. I'm trying to make a triangle, that will show user to what line in the stack does the UIView relate to, like shown in the picture:
I don't know how to do that though. My solution would be probably just make 10 UIImageViews (there's 10 lines in the stack) and whenever user taps an image,set it's corresponding UIImageView to a triangle and the rest to nil. That's clunky and dirty, though, is there any better solution? I'm sure there lots of ways to accomplish that, but what's the best one?

Scroll View in SpriteKit

I want to make a vertical scrolling view for the level selector on my SpriteKit game, I don't know if I have to use UIScrollView or make it using the SpriteKit framework. Please if anyone knows the best way to do it and how let me know. Thanks.
You have several options here.
It is possible to integrate UI elements into SpriteKit, but instead of adding children to self (your scene), you would add subviews to self.view. You would of course, work with the view now instead of a scene so theres a different way of positioning elements which you would have to work out. Theres quite a few examples of how to do this, here's one that might help you.
An alternative is using something like Scroll Kit, which helps you integrate a UIScrollView into SpriteKit very conveniently!
Also check out this question which might be exactly what you're looking for. Hope this helps!

Simulate 360 degree object rotation using multiple images on iOS

I would like to show a swipe-able 360 degree view of a product along a single axis by using multiple images stitched together to make it animated.
I'm new to iOS development, and am hoping to get pointed in the right direction to find libraries or built-in methods that could help me achieve this. I'm guessing this is a fairly common task, but I'm not even sure of the correct terminology. (I'm dabbling in RubyMotion as well, so that would be a bonus if it could work using that approach.)
how i might do it:
get an image showing up in the ui, running on the phone, base case :)
make a 'ThreeSixtyImageView' (subclass of UIView) that contains a big UIImageView.
keep an NSArray of UIImages in your ThreeSixtyImageView class; load up all your UIImages into that array.
keep a number that's an index into that array. when it changes, set the UIImageView image to the UIImage at that array index! hook up a button that increments the index (and show that image) to make sure that works.
add a UIPanGestureRecognizer to track touch state
when the pan gesture begins, remember which image you're on, and where they tapped (as an anchor point)
when the pan gesture updates, subtract the anchor and divide by something that feels nice to get 'how much user wants images to rotate'. this gives you a new image index value.
update your main UIImage with that new image index (into your array)
if there's a step here you don't understand, look in the examples included in the xcode/iOS documentation, and copy their code! the sample code is pretty good, and helped me a lot with editing XIB documents, and learning about GestureRecognizers.
good luck!

Custom Scroll view in cocos2d without using uikit

I currently need to create a custom scroll view without using UIKit's scrollview in cocos2d.
The best way, I think, is to create a separate layer and then add all my sprites to that layer. But I'm not sure how to receive touch events for all of the sprites. Is there a best way to do this? Thanks!
Have you seen CCScrollLayer? It might not be suitable for you but maybe you can copy the way that it is picking up touches.
There's another one here as well, not sure if it's a fork or an independent one:
But I didn't have much success with any of these. The bounce and other parts of the experience never feel right, so I go back to using UIScrollView to handle the touches.
I've been facing the same issue and I found the SWScrollView here:
met my needs better than CCScrollView. It acts more like the UIScrollView where as CCScrollView is more for paging from what I've seen.
There is a nice framework called CMMSimpleFramework.
There are some sample videos, and the link to the repo is on those pages.
One of the classes is a scrolling layer that might do what you need.
To get the sample project to run, I had to comment out some game center authentication handler code that has changed, but after I did that the demo worked fine.

Scrolling items on screen [iOS cocos2d]

OK so in my game I need the users to scroll between items, just like you scroll a web page in Safari. Is there any way to do that? If not, maybe scrolling them to the side, like you do in the spriboard? Thanks.
I am not really sure I have understood what you would like to do, but there is a cocos2d extension that seems appropriate to it: CCScrollLayer.
CCLayer subclass that lets you pass-in an array of layers and it will then create a smooth scroller. Complete with the “snapping” effect.
If you are looking for a generic scrolling within your view, I suggest this tutorial or this topic rom cocos2d list.
I have never done it, but I think it should be possible to scale the CCScrollLayer to the size you need.
Otherwise, you might change the contentSize of the layer, or even put the CCScrollLayer into a clipping node.
Anyway, I think that it is much easier to start from this and find a way to adapt it to your specific requirements than start from scratch.
