I am trying to convert below query in entity framework core but not able to access field in select query after apply group by.
Select ProdCatg.Category As [Category]
,Prod.FKProdCatgID As [FKProdCatgID]
,SUM(Dtl.Qty + LD.ProdConv1 + Trn.CashAmt ) As [DistributionRateValue]
From tblSalesInv_Dtl Dtl
Left Join tblSalesInv_Trn Trn on Trn.PKID=Dtl.FKID And Trn.FKSeriesID=Dtl.FKSeriesID
Left Join tblProdLot_Dtl LD on Dtl.FKLotID=LD.PKLotID And LD.FKProdID=Dtl.FKProdID
Left Join tblProd_Mas Prod ON PKProdID=Dtl.FKProdID
Left Join tblProdCatg_Mas ProdCatg On PKProdCatgID=Prod.FKProdCatgID
Where Trn.DraftMode=0
Group By Prod.FKProdCatgID,ProdCatg.Category
Order By Category
I am trying convert like this but but not able to access Dtl.Qty + LD.ProdConv1 + Trn.CashAmtfields
var result1 = (from dtl in _context.TblSalesInvDtl
join ser in lstSeries on dtl.FkseriesId equals ser
join trn in _context.TblSalesInvTrn on new { s1 = dtl.Fkid, s2 = ser } equals new { s1 = trn.Pkid, s2 = trn.FkseriesId }
join lot in _context.TblProdLotDtl on new { s1 = dtl.FklotId, s2 = dtl.FkprodId } equals new { s1 = lot.PklotId, s2 = lot.FkprodId }
join p in _context.TblProdMas on dtl.FkprodId equals p.PkprodId into pr
from Prod in pr.DefaultIfEmpty()
join pl in _context.TblProdMas on dtl.FklinkedProdId equals pl.PkprodId into plid
from ProdLinked in plid.DefaultIfEmpty()
join t in _context.TblTaxMas on dtl.FktaxId equals t.PktaxId into tid
from Tax in tid.DefaultIfEmpty()
join c in _context.TblProdCatgMas on Prod.FkprodCatgId equals c.PkprodCatgId into cid
from Catg in cid.DefaultIfEmpty()
where trn.EntryDate == Convert.ToDateTime("1-12-2018")
group Catg by new { Prod.FkprodCatgId, Catg.Category } into gb
//, dtl, lot, Prod
select new
CategoryName = gb.FirstOrDefault().Category,
DistributionRateValue = gb.Sum(a => (gb.Key.dtl.Qty + gb.Key.lot.ProdConv1+ gb.Key.lot.CashAmt)),
FKProdCatgID= gb.Key.Prod.FkprodCatgId,
can anybody help me how can I access multiple table fields in sum with groupby in entity framework core.
I am working on sql server I have two tables and I need to return records from the left table which are not found in the right table for that I am using left join like below query,
select #MID=MID,#MName=Name,#PID=PID,#PName=PName,#DID=DID from #CompanyDataInfo where id=#MCount
insert into #temp SELECT Top(1) f.Name,f.PID,f.PName,v.* FROM #CompanyDataInfo f
left join Employee v on v.Id=f.ID and v.DID=f.DID
where v.Id =#MID and v.DId = #DId and v.PId = #PId and v.CId =#CId and DATE_TIME between DATEADD(minute,-555,GETDATE()) and GETDATE() order by DATE_TIME desc
Result should be all rows from #CompanyDataInfo table while no record found in Employee table for related ID, I googled and use "v.Id is null" but not getting expected result
Is there any solution greatly appriciable
Thanks In advance
Your query is not using left join in correct way. You are using your right table reference in where clause. I try to correct it below but I don't have full information about your table schema. Please try this-
#MName = Name,
#PName = PName,
from #CompanyDataInfo
where id = #MCount
insert into #temp
from #CompanyDataInfo f
left join Employee v on v.Id=f.ID and v.DID=f.DID
where f.Id = #MID and
f.DId = #DId and
f.PId = #PId and
f.CId = #CId and
f.DATE_TIME between DATEADD(minute,-555,GETDATE()) and GETDATE() and
v.Id is null
order by f.DATE_TIME desc
Add ...and v.Id is null to your where clause.
I have two tables table1 and table2. Each table contains a column with itemPrice. I need to add the two columns together.
The SQL query below returns the correct SUM.
SELECT SUM(item1+ item2) FROM
(select SUM(t1.itemPrice) item1 from table1 t1 WHERE t1.userid=='jonh') tableA
(select SUM(t2.itemPrice) item2 from table2 t2 WHERE t1.userid=='jonh') tableB
I am not been lazy but the above query has so many SUM functions that I don't know where to start to write LINQ queries.
Can anyone help?
Hopefully this will give you what you want...
from f in (
from x in ( from t1 in Table1
where t1.Userid.Equals("John")
select new { Userid = t1.Userid }
select new { item1 = ( from z in Table1
where z.Userid.Equals("John")
select z.ItemPrice ).Sum() ??0 ,
item2 = ( from z in Table2
where z.Userid.Equals("John")
select z.ItemPrice ).Sum() ??0 }
) select new { total = f.item1 + f.item2 }
In the case where there are no records for "john" in one table, it will bring back a 0 and sum up the other tables.
hope this helps.
Hive does not support non equi joins: The common work around is to move the join condition to the where clause, which work fine when you want an inner join. but what about a left join?
Contrived example. Let say we have an orderLineItem table, and we need to join to a ProductPrice table that has a productID, price & a date range for which the price applies. We want to join to this where ProductID=ProductID & OrderDate between start and End date. If a productID or a valid date range do not match, I'd still want to see all orderLineItems.
This SQL fiddle is an example of how we'd do this in MSSQL:
If I apply the typical workaround, and move the non equi filter to the where clause, it becomes an inner join. In the case above, in the sql fiddle & below, I have a product ID that is not in the lookup.
Provided hive does not support non eqi-joins, How can a left non-eqi be achieved ?
[SQLFiddle Content]
LineItemIDId int IDENTITY(1,1),
OrderID int NOT NULL,
ProductID int NOT NULL,
OrderDate Date
CREATE TABLE ProductPrice(
ProductID int,
Cost float,
startDate Date,
EndDate Date
loading The data & how we'd join in MSSQL:
--Old Price. Should be ignored
INSERT INTO ProductPrice(ProductID, COST,startDate,EndDate) VALUES (1, 50,'12/1/2012','1/1/2013');
INSERT INTO ProductPrice(ProductID, COST,startDate,EndDate) VALUES (2, 55,'12/1/2012','1/1/2013');
--Price for Order 2. Should be applied to Order 1
INSERT INTO ProductPrice (ProductID, COST,startDate,EndDate) VALUES(1, 20,'12/1/2013','1/1/2014');
INSERT INTO ProductPrice (ProductID, COST,startDate,EndDate) VALUES(2, 25,'12/1/2013','1/1/2014');
--Price for Order 2. Should be applied to Order 2
INSERT INTO ProductPrice (ProductID, COST,startDate,EndDate) VALUES(1, 15,'1/2/2014','3/1/2014');
INSERT INTO ProductPrice (ProductID, COST,startDate,EndDate) VALUES(2, 20,'1/2/2014','3/1/2014');
--January 1st 2014 Order
INSERT INTO OrderLineItem(OrderID,ProductID,OrderDate) VALUES (1, 1,'1/1/2014') ;
INSERT INTO OrderLineItem(OrderID,ProductID,OrderDate) VALUES (1, 2,'1/1/2014');
--Feb 1st 2014 Order
INSERT INTO OrderLineItem(OrderID,ProductID,OrderDate) VALUES (2, 1,'2/1/2014');
INSERT INTO OrderLineItem (OrderID,ProductID,OrderDate) VALUES(2, 2,'2/1/2014');
INSERT INTO OrderLineItem (OrderID,ProductID,OrderDate) VALUES(2, 3,'2/1/2014'); -- no price
SELECT * FROM OrderLineItem;
SELECT * FROM OrderLineItem li LEFT OUTER JOIN ProductPrice p on
p.ProductID=li.ProductID AND OrderDate BETWEEN startDate AND EndDate;
Create a copy of the left table with added serial row numbers:
CREATE TABLE OrderLineItem_serial AS
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER() AS serial, * FROM OrderLineItem;
Remark: This may work better for some tables formats (must be WITHOUT COMPRESSION):
Do an inner join:
CREATE TABLE OrderLineItem_inner AS
SELECT * FROM OrderLineItem_serial li JOIN ProductPrice p
on p.ProductID = li.ProductID WHERE OrderDate BETWEEN startDate AND EndDate;
Left join by serial:
SELECT * FROM OrderLineItem_serial li
LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderLineItem_inner i on li.serial = i.serial;
Why not use a WHERE clause that allows for NULL cases separately?
SELECT * FROM OrderLineItem li
LEFT OUTER JOIN ProductPrice p
ON p.ProductID=li.ProductID
WHERE ( StartDate IS NULL OR OrderDate BETWEEN startDate AND EndDate);
That should take care of it - if the left join matches it'll use the date logic, if it doesn't it'll keep the NULL values intact as a left join should.
Not sure if you can avoid using a double join:
FROM OrderLineItem li
FROM ProductPrice p
JOIN OrderLineItem li
ON p.ProductID=li.ProductID
WHERE OrderDate BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate ) p
ON p.ProductId = li.ProductID
OrderDate BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate;
This way if there is a match and StartDate is not null, there has to be a valid start/end date match.
Hive 0.10 supports cross joins, so you could handle all your "theta join" (non-equijoin) conditions in the WHERE clause.
I have a complex query that I'm trying to reproduce in LINQ to Entities, but I'm not there yet - is it possible?
The t-sql query looks like:
select distinct
join L on L.fk = DP.id
join M on ( M.l_code = L.l_code and M.dp_code = DP.dp_code )
join C on C.c_code = M.c_code
where not exists ( select id from map where map.cid = c.id and map.lid = l.id )
Tables look like:
id (pk)
dp_code (varchar)
id (pk)
fk (fk to DP.ID)
l_code (varchar)
id (pk)
l_code (varchar, matches value in L.l_code)
dp_code (varchar, matches value in DP.dp_code)
c_code (varchar, matches the value in C.c_code)
id (pk)
c_code (varchar)
id (pk)
cid (fk to C.id)
lid (fk to L.id)
My LINQ looks like:
IQueryable foo = from dp in ctx.DP
from l in dl.L
join m in ctx.M on l.l_code equals m.m_code
// Q1: how can I add: AND m.dp_code = dp.dp_code
join c in ctx.C on m.c_code = c.c_code
// this works, but why can't I do it as an AND in the join?
where m.dp_code == dp.dp_code
select new
cid = c.id,
cid = c.id
So, questions:
Q1: Why can't I do two conditions in the join? User error, or limitations in LINQ?
Q2: How can I add the NOT EXISTS to the query? I've looked at this question, but can't see how to implement the NOT EXISTS subquery.
You can, but it's usually wrong to do a join at all. Still, if you must, you use anonymous types: on new { l: l.l_code, d: dp.code } equals new { l: m_code, d: m.dp_code }
where !(from m in map where whatever select m).Any(). But as with (1), it's better to use associations.