SplitView Xcode7 iOS9 - Back button is missing in DetailViewController on iPhone - ios

I have a small app. Just an Login-Screen and then an SplitView with one Table- and one Detail-View.
The App starts with the login screen, after that the DetailView appears.
Now I have a problem, in the DetailView is no 'Back'-Button, to open the Table-View.
On the iPad everything works fine and the Button is there.
Do somebody know where I can search for the problem? Or have somebody a solution?
Thanks! :)

Your tableview is sending it to another navigationcontroller. Send the tableview directly to the next controller


iOS Xcode Development with Segues full screen

I am new to iOS native development and have been struggling for a few days to understand some of the segue concepts. I have tried googling for that answer but I must not be using the terminology Apple has created for this.
I have inherited some code and I am trying to move from the login screen of my app to my first page in full screen. It moves to that page and gives the user that ability to swipe down and go back to the login screen. This is not the functionality that I want. I want to use a button to go back and not gesture functionality.
Assuming you created a "Present Modally" segue, select that Segue and, in the Attributes Inspector pane:
Select Full Screen from the Presentation drop-down.

Segue back button disappeared in iOS 9

Before iOS 9 was released, I've developed an app targeting iOS 8.4. I've used some UITableView connected each other via segue of kind "Show (e.g. Push)". It worked perfectly with the right behavior: every time I switched from a UITableView to another, the back button appeared, so the user is able to turn back to the previous scene; the back button appeared also from UITableView to UIViewController, using the same kind of segue. Now I have upgraded to the latest version of Xcode and targeting the app to iOS 9.0, I got this problem: now, if I go from UITableView to another UITableView, the back button doesn't appear anymore, but if I go from UITableView to UIViewController, the back button appears. I've seen other developers has had a similar problem (as you can see here, here and here), but I don't understand how they have solved (except for the third link, but it's not my case). Anyone knows how can I get back button working again? Thanks in advance
It looks like the guy who posted the second link is having the same problem as you. In a comment he said that the way he fixed it was getting rid of the extra navigation controllers:
No need put the navigation controller for each view. put the navigation controller start view only.
So that is what I would suggest doing. Only put a navigation controller on the first view controller. Get rid of all the others.
So, thanks to Caleb's and ogres' suggestions, I solved my problem in this way as you can see in this screenshot, I hope it helps anyone who will have the same problem!
If you have two UITableViews and you want connect them to each other, you just need one NavigationController.

UISplitViewController (Swift): Show / hide master view controller on iPhone programmatically

I am currently trying to port our existing app to Swift. I used a lot of 3rd party libraries in the "old" app, but I want to avoid that in the new implementation, because it gave me some heavy compatibility issues with newer iOS versions.
So here is my situation: I previously used a MMDrawerController (https://github.com/mutualmobile/MMDrawerController) to create a main menu, that can be swiped in from the left at any time (regardless which ViewController is shown in center as main view). Now I am trying to achieve the same functionality with UISplitViewController in my Swift app.
Everything works fine on the iPad.
* Landscape: MasterViewController (main menu) is visible all the time. That's ok because we have enough space
* Portrait: MasterViewController can be swiped in from the left (or can be toggled via displayModeItem())
But I am facing issues on iPhone and I am not sure if I could solve them anyhow. Is there a way to show the MasterViewController (via UIBarButtonItem) from ANY ViewController that is in the detail navigation stack? I know it's impossible to show it as an overlay like on iPad, but I need a functionality to toggle the current DetailViewController with the MasterViewController (and vice versa).
Any ideas are appreciated...

Is there a workaround for random xcode segue actions?

I have a strange situation. Have searched high and low but found nothing for others experiencing the same.
In my app there is a table view controller with multiple cells. Each cell does a push segue to a different view controller. When run, most work fine, but a few begin the segue (I see the text on the view controller beginning to slide in) but then the scene goes blank. The navigation is present and lets me unwind back to the table view controller.
The strange thing is that when I rebuild and rerun it's different segues that act that way and the ones that were previously acting funny are now correct. I thought this might be an issue in the simulator but the app I put on the App Store is doing the same thing.
Is this a known bug in XCODE and does anyone know of a workaround?
I am running XCODE V5.1.1 under OS X V10.9.3.

Presenting a login with storyboards for iOS

I have a simple iOS Master-Detail Application
-> On the iPad it's a splitview, on the iPhone it's a simply a tableview with navigation
Now I need to have a login first but I just can't find a proper solution for it.
I think the only part of the application that should decide whether a login needs to be presented is the AppDelegate.
But how would I have to wire my storyboard to be able to do that on both.. iPhone and iPad?
The other idea is to start with the login and dismiss it if it's not needed any more. But I also can't push or modal present a splitview on the iPad...
How would you solve this problem?
Without storyboards it's easy.. but with storyboards for me it seems hard do to... but I have to admit that I don't have any storyboards experience so far...
Thanks for helping
Download this sample app. It contains a Login with CoreData. Its very simple :)
Several weeks ago i used that also for my first Login and it worked like charm.
Hope it will help you too!
