Swift override function in extension - ios

If I have a class:
class Spaceship<FuelType> {
function prepareForLiftoff() throws {
//Start the countdown!
I originally assumed that I would be able to override prepareForLiftoff without subclassing by adding an extension:
extension Spaceship where FuelType: CollectionType {
func prepareForLiftoff() throws {}
This code doesn't compile though, the error says invalid redeclaration of the function, which makes sense.
My question is: Is there anyway to override a function of a particular class? In other words can I replace the functionality under certain conditions like the example above where FuelType: CollectionType. If not, is there any other workaround or way to achieve that behavior (maybe declaring another protocol, idk)
Now that I think about it more, I would have to say that's not possible because what's to stop someone from overriding any of the standard library functions?

From the documentation:
Extensions can add new functionality to a type, but they cannot override existing functionality.
The documentation lists carefully and precisely what an extension is allowed to do.
As to your question:
Is there anyway to override a function of a particular class
Yes, it's called subclassing.

Instead of overriding, you may like to try swizzling. For example the following code allows you to run your own viewWillAppear. Swift 3:
extension UIViewController {
open override class func initialize() {
// make sure this isn't a subclass
guard self === UIViewController.self else { return }
DispatchQueue.once(token: "viewWillAppear") {
let originalSelector = #selector(self.viewWillAppear(_:))
let swizzledSelector = #selector(self.proj_viewWillAppear1(animated:))
let originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self, originalSelector)
let swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self, swizzledSelector)
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, swizzledMethod)
func proj_viewWillAppear1(animated: Bool) {
self.proj_viewWillAppear1(animated: animated)
let viewControllerName = NSStringFromClass(type(of: self))
print("viewWillAppear: \(viewControllerName)")
Update 20170621
public extension DispatchQueue {
private static var _onceTracker = [String]()
public class func once(file: String = #file, function: String = #function, line: Int = #line, block:(Void)->Void) {
let token = file + ":" + function + ":" + String(line)
once(token: token, block: block)
public class func once(token: String, block:(Void)->Void) {
defer { objc_sync_exit(self) }
if _onceTracker.contains(token) {


Repeat same statement in all viewDidLoad functions possible extension file

I want this same statement repeated in all of my projects' viewDidLoad functions. I know I can just manually type it in but I am trying to find a way to increase my code speed. I don't know if I can use a extension file in this.
override func viewDidLoad() {
let myswitchBoolValuefromFirstVc : Bool = UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "mySwitch")// this is how you retrieve the bool value
// to see the value, just print those with conditions. you can use those for your things.
if myswitchBoolValuefromFirstVc == true {
rosaryCounterLabel.isHidden = false
else {
rosaryCounterLabel.isHidden = true
If you are prepared to abuse the Objective-C runtime that UIViewController still uses, you can use method swizzling to do what you ask. https://medium.com/#abhimuralidharan/method-swizzling-in-ios-swift-1f38edaf984f
let aClass: AnyClass! = object_getClass(instance)
let originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(aClass, #selector(viewDidLoad))
let swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(aClass, #selector(newViewDidLoad))
if let originalMethod = originalMethod, let swizzledMethod = swizzledMethod {
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, swizzledMethod)
but I wouldn't recommend it. You trade between discoverability and repetition. In the case where you control all the code, it is going to be easier to maintain using a solution like subclassing that will still require some changes in every view controller.
Create a "master" view controller.
class MasterViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
//"Global" code here
And then inherit in all your other view controllers
class ViewController: MasterViewController{
override func viewDidLoad() {
//controller specific code here

Swift - method swizzling

This is the method swizzling code written in Objective-C. I am having a hard time converting this in Swift.
void MPApplicationDidRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken(id self, SEL _cmd, UIApplication *application, NSData *deviceToken) {
[[MPPush shared] appRegisteredForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:deviceToken];
IMP original = [MPAppDelegateProxy originalImplementation:_cmd class:[self class]];
if (original)
((void(*)(id, SEL, UIApplication *, NSData*))original)(self, _cmd, application, deviceToken);
Swiftify isn't converting the above code correctly.
I tried to do this but I am not sure how to pass parameters and use the exact above parameters in Swift swizzling method. This is my fail attempt to convert the above in Swift (code doesn't even compile) :
var MPApplicationDidRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: Void {
// TODO: MPPush.shared.app
let original = MPAppDelegateProxy.proxyAppDelegate.originalImplementation(selector: cmd, forClass: type(of: self))
}(self: Any, _cmd: Selector, application: UIApplication, deviceToken: Data)
Extend your class:
extension YourClassName {
static let classInit: () -> () = {
let originalSelector = #selector(originalFunction)
let swizzledSelector = #selector(swizzledFunction)
swizzle(YourClassName.self, originalSelector, swizzledSelector)
#objc func swizzledFunction() {
//Your new implementation
Your class (YourClassName) should inherit from NSObject and originalSelector should be a dynamic method.
swizzle is a closure that exchanges the implementations:
private let swizzle: (AnyClass, Selector, Selector) -> () = { fromClass, originalSelector, swizzledSelector in
let originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(fromClass, originalSelector),
let swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(fromClass, swizzledSelector)
else { return }
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, swizzledMethod)
You could define swizzle in the class where you are going to do the swizzling. For example the AppDelegate class definition. And then do the swizzling in AppDelegate.init():
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
override init() {
Here is a concrete example of swizzling, it exchanges the implementation of two methods that take one argument:
class Example: NSObject {
#objc dynamic func sayHi(to name: String) {
print("Hi", name)
extension Example {
public class func swizzleMethod() {
let originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(Example.self, #selector(Example.sayHi(to:))),
let swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(Example.self, #selector(Example.sayHello(to:)))
else { return }
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, swizzledMethod)
#objc func sayHello(to name: String) {
print("Hello", name)
let a = Example()
a.sayHi(to: "Nitish") //Hello Nitish
Swift Native swizzling
As of Swift 5.1, there is a native version of method swizzling that does not rely on Objective-C’s message passing. The #_dynamicReplacement modifier can be used upon a replacement function, and takes as an argument the name of the function that it should replace. The function that is being replaced must be marked with the #dynamic modifier, unless -enable-implicit-dynamic compilation flag is used, which makes the compiler assume that every eligible entity has been marked with the modifier.
For example:
dynamic func original() {
print("I am the original")
#_dynamicReplacement(for: original)
func replacement() {
print("I am the replacement")
original() // prints "I am the replacement"
For more details on dynamic method replacement, visit this Swift forum page.

Swift 3.1 deprecates initialize(). How can I achieve the same thing?

Objective-C declares a class function, initialize(), that is run once for each class, before it is used. It is often used as an entry point for exchanging method implementations (swizzling), among other things.
Swift 3.1 deprecates this function with a warning:
Method 'initialize()' defines Objective-C class method 'initialize',
which is not guaranteed to be invoked by Swift and will be disallowed
in future versions
How can this be resolved, while still maintaining the same behaviour and features that I currently implement using the initialize() entry point?
Easy/Simple Solution
A common app entry point is an application delegate's applicationDidFinishLaunching. We could simply add a static function to each class that we want to notify on initialization, and call it from here.
This first solution is simple and easy to understand. For most cases, this is what I'd recommend. Although the next solution provides results that are more similar to the original initialize() function, it also results in slightly longer app start up times. I no longer think
it is worth the effort, performance degradation, or code complexity in most cases. Simple code is good code.
Read on for another option. You may have reason to need it (or perhaps parts of it).
Not So Simple Solution
The first solution doesn't necessarily scale so well. And what if you are building a framework, where you'd like your code to run without anyone needing to call it from the application delegate?
Step One
Define the following Swift code. The purpose is to provide a simple entry point for any class that you would like to imbue with behavior akin to initialize() - this can now be done simply by conforming to SelfAware. It also provides a single function to run this behavior for every conforming class.
protocol SelfAware: class {
static func awake()
class NothingToSeeHere {
static func harmlessFunction() {
let typeCount = Int(objc_getClassList(nil, 0))
let types = UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyClass>.allocate(capacity: typeCount)
let autoreleasingTypes = AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyClass>(types)
objc_getClassList(autoreleasingTypes, Int32(typeCount))
for index in 0 ..< typeCount { (types[index] as? SelfAware.Type)?.awake() }
types.deallocate(capacity: typeCount)
Step Two
That's all good and well, but we still need a way to actually run the function we defined, i.e. NothingToSeeHere.harmlessFunction(), on application startup. Previously, this answer suggested using the Objective-C code to do this. However, it seems that we can do what we need using only Swift. For macOS or other platforms where UIApplication is not available, a variation of the following will be needed.
extension UIApplication {
private static let runOnce: Void = {
override open var next: UIResponder? {
// Called before applicationDidFinishLaunching
return super.next
Step Three
We now have an entry point at application startup, and a way to hook into this from classes of your choice. All that is left to do: instead of implementing initialize(), conform to SelfAware and implement the defined method, awake().
My approach is essentially the same as adib's. Here's an example from a desktop application that uses Core Data; the goal here is to register our custom transformer before any code mentions it:
class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
override init() {
static let doInitialize : Void = {
// set up transformer
ValueTransformer.setValueTransformer(DateToDayOfWeekTransformer(), forName: .DateToDayOfWeekTransformer)
// ...
The nice thing is that this works for any class, just as initialize did, provided you cover all your bases — that is, you must implement every initializer. Here's an example of a text view that configures its own appearance proxy once before any instances have a chance to appear onscreen; the example is artificial but the encapsulation is extremely nice:
class CustomTextView : UITextView {
override init(frame: CGRect, textContainer: NSTextContainer?) {
super.init(frame:frame, textContainer: textContainer)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
static let doInitialize : Void = {
CustomTextView.appearance().backgroundColor = .green
That demonstrates the advantage of this approach much better than the app delegate does. There is only one app delegate instance, so the problem isn't very interesting; but there can be many CustomTextView instances. Nevertheless, the line CustomTextView.appearance().backgroundColor = .green will be executed only once, as the first instance is created, because it is part of the initializer for a static property. That is very similar to the behavior of the class method initialize.
If you want to fix your Method Swizzling in Pure Swift way:
public protocol SwizzlingInjection: class {
static func inject()
class SwizzlingHelper {
private static let doOnce: Any? = {
return nil
static func enableInjection() {
_ = SwizzlingHelper.doOnce
extension UIApplication {
override open var next: UIResponder? {
// Called before applicationDidFinishLaunching
return super.next
extension UILabel: SwizzlingInjection
public static func inject() {
// make sure this isn't a subclass
guard self === UILabel.self else { return }
// Do your own method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, swizzledMethod) here
Since the objc_getClassList is Objective-C and it cannot get the superclass (e.g. UILabel) but all the subclasses only, but for UIKit related swizzling we just want to run it once on the superclass. Just run inject() on each target class instead of for-looping your whole project classes.
A slight addition to #JordanSmith's excellent class which ensures that each awake() is only called once:
protocol SelfAware: class {
static func awake()
#objc class NothingToSeeHere: NSObject {
private static let doOnce: Any? = {
static func harmlessFunction() {
_ = NothingToSeeHere.doOnce
private static func _harmlessFunction() {
let typeCount = Int(objc_getClassList(nil, 0))
let types = UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyClass>.allocate(capacity: typeCount)
let autoreleasingTypes = AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyClass>(types)
objc_getClassList(autoreleasingTypes, Int32(typeCount))
for index in 0 ..< typeCount { (types[index] as? SelfAware.Type)?.awake() }
types.deallocate(capacity: typeCount)
You can also use static variables since those are already lazy and refer them in your top-level objects' initializers. This would be useful for app extensions and the like which doesn't have an application delegate.
class Foo {
static let classInit : () = {
// do your global initialization here
init() {
// just reference it so that the variable is initialized
If you prefer Pure Swift™! then my solution to this kind of thing is running at _UIApplicationMainPreparations time to kick things off:
private final class OurAppDelegate: FunctionalApplicationDelegate {
// OurAppDelegate() constructs these at _UIApplicationMainPreparations time
private let allHandlers: [ApplicationDelegateHandler] = [
Pattern here is I'm avoiding the Massive Application Delegate problem by decomposing UIApplicationDelegate into various protocols that individual handlers can adopt, in case you're wondering. But the important point is that a pure-Swift way to get to work as early as possible is dispatch your +initialize type tasks in the initialization of your #UIApplicationMain class, like the construction of allHandlers here. _UIApplicationMainPreparations time ought to be early enough for pretty much anybody!
Mark your class as #objc
Inherit it from NSObject
Add ObjC category to your class
Implement initialize in category
Swift files:
#objc class MyClass : NSObject
Objc files:
#import "MyClass-Swift.h"
#interface MyClass (ObjC)
#import "MyClass+ObjC.h"
#implement MyClass (ObjC)
+ (void)initialize {
[super initialize];
Here is a solution that does work on swift 3.1+
#objc func newViewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
self.newViewWillAppear(animated) //Incase we need to override this method
let viewControllerName = String(describing: type(of: self)).replacingOccurrences(of: "ViewController", with: "", options: .literal, range: nil)
print("VIEW APPEAR", viewControllerName)
static func swizzleViewWillAppear() {
//Make sure This isn't a subclass of UIViewController, So that It applies to all UIViewController childs
if self != UIViewController.self {
let _: () = {
let originalSelector = #selector(UIViewController.viewWillAppear(_:))
let swizzledSelector = #selector(UIViewController.newViewWillAppear(_:))
let originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self, originalSelector)
let swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self, swizzledSelector)
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod!, swizzledMethod!);
Then on AppDelegate:
Taking from the following post
Init static stored property with closure
[static stored property with closure]
One more example to execute something once using
extension MyClass {
static let shared: MyClass = {
//create an instance and setup it
let myClass = MyClass(parameter: "parameter")
return myClass
//() to execute the closure.
func initialize() {
//is called once
let myClass = MyClass.shared
I think that is a workaround way.
Also we can write initialize() function in objective-c code, then use it by bridge reference
Hope the best way.....

Lazy function in Swift

Could anyone tell me why in this 'odd' code (I'm having fun with Swift ;D) in lazy functions runEngine and stopEngine, print method is never executed?
(please run this code in playground).
protocol EngineDelegate {
func engineDidStart()
func engineDidStop()
class Engine {
var delegate: EngineDelegate?
lazy var runEngine : () -> () = {
print("Engine has been started")
lazy var stopEngine : () -> () = {
print("Engine has been stoped")
class Car: EngineDelegate {
let engine = Engine()
init() {
engine.delegate = self
func engineDidStop() {
func engineDidStart() {
let car = Car()
The code runs as expected for me.
At first I thought that the lazy modifier was unnecessary but it is. When Engine is instantiated, its delegate is nil and that value is what is captured by the closure. Using lazy deferred that capture until its use which by that time engine.delegate had been set. While we might be able to use #autoclosure somehow, the best solution is to just make runEngine and stopEngine functions.
func runEngine() {
print("Engine has been started")
func stopEngine() {
print("Engine has been stoped")

Method Swizzling does not work

I would like to make use of method swizzling, but am unable to get even simple examples to work for me. It is possible that I am misunderstanding what the concept is, but as far as I know it allows for method implementations to be swapped.
Given two methods, A and B, I would like to swap their implementations such that calling A would execute B instead. I came across a few examples of swizzling (example1 and example2). I created a new project with a class to test this.
class Swizzle: NSObject
func method()
extension Swizzle
override class func initialize()
struct Static
static var token: dispatch_once_t = 0;
// make sure this isn't a subclass
if (self !== Swizzle.self)
let originalSelector = Selector("method");
let swizzledSelector = Selector("methodExt");
let originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self, originalSelector);
let swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self, swizzledSelector);
let didAddMethod = class_addMethod(self, originalSelector, method_getImplementation(swizzledMethod), method_getTypeEncoding(swizzledMethod));
if didAddMethod
class_replaceMethod(self, swizzledSelector, method_getImplementation(originalMethod), method_getTypeEncoding(originalMethod));
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, swizzledMethod);
func methodExt()
I then try to execute it with
var s = Swizzle();
The expected output is "B", but "A" is still being printed. As you can see from my code, I've included prints of each IMP before and after the swizzle operation. These prints show that the exchange does take place, yet the output remains the same.
Is there anything I am missing when it comes to getting these changes to take effect?
PS. Currently using XCode 7.0.1
The issue is that your method() lacks the dynamic directive:
class Swizzle: NSObject
dynamic func method()
Modify the declaration and it should work.
When using method swizzling in Swift there are two requirements that your classes/methods must comply with:
Your class must extend NSObject
The functions you want to swizzle must have the dynamic attribute
For a complete explanation of why this is required, check out Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C:
Requiring Dynamic Dispatch
While the #objc attribute exposes your Swift API to the Objective-C
runtime, it does not guarantee dynamic dispatch of a property, method,
subscript, or initializer. The Swift compiler may still devirtualize
or inline member access to optimize the performance of your code,
bypassing the Objective-C runtime. When you mark a member declaration
with the dynamic modifier, access to that member is always dynamically
dispatched. Because declarations marked with the dynamic modifier are
dispatched using the Objective-C runtime, they’re implicitly marked
with the #objc attribute.
Requiring dynamic dispatch is rarely necessary. However, you must use
the dynamic modifier when you know that the implementation of an API
is replaced at runtime. For example, you can use the
method_exchangeImplementations function in the Objective-C runtime to
swap out the implementation of a method while an app is running. If
the Swift compiler inlined the implementation of the method or
devirtualized access to it, the new implementation would not be used.
Swift 3 Update:
There have been a few changes in regard to GCD and dispatch_once is not available anymore. To perform the same one time operation, we can enclose the code in the initialization block of a global static class constant.
The Swift language guarantees that this code will be executed only once during the lifetime of the application.
class TestSwizzling : NSObject {
dynamic func methodOne()->Int{
return 1
extension TestSwizzling {
//In Objective-C you'd perform the swizzling in load(),
//but this method is not permitted in Swift
override class func initialize()
struct Inner {
static let i: () = {
let originalSelector = #selector(TestSwizzling.methodOne)
let swizzledSelector = #selector(TestSwizzling.methodTwo)
let originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(TestSwizzling.self, originalSelector);
let swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(TestSwizzling.self, swizzledSelector)
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, swizzledMethod)
let _ = Inner.i
func methodTwo()->Int{
// It will not be a recursive call anymore after the swizzling
return methodTwo()+1
var c = TestSwizzling()
Swift 2.2 Update:
I've updated the original example for the new #selector attribute:
class TestSwizzling : NSObject {
dynamic func methodOne()->Int{
return 1
extension TestSwizzling {
//In Objective-C you'd perform the swizzling in load(),
//but this method is not permitted in Swift
override class func initialize()
struct Static
static var token: dispatch_once_t = 0
// Perform this one time only
let originalSelector = #selector(TestSwizzling.methodOne)
let swizzledSelector = #selector(TestSwizzling.methodTwo)
let originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self, originalSelector);
let swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self, swizzledSelector)
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, swizzledMethod)
func methodTwo()->Int{
// It will not be a recursive call anymore after the swizzling
return methodTwo()+1
var c = TestSwizzling()
If you need an example to play with, check out this sample project on github.
