What does return yytext[0] do? - flex-lexer

In this lex part of a lex-yacc program what is the purpose of adding the lines
. return yytext[0];
\n return yytext[0];
This the lex part
#include "y.tab.h"
a return A;
b return B;
. return yytext[0];
\n return yytext[0];
What does it return when it encounters \n ?

Not sure why Ajay2707 posted a comment and not an answer, because he is right.
According to http://dinosaur.compilertools.net/flex/manpage.html
yytext is a string containing the token matched by flex. Taking [0] takes the first character. So
. return yytext[0]; passes through any character except A, B, and \n
\n return yytext[0]; passes through the \n character
This is because the pattern '.' does not match \n
To put it short this lexer changes a and b to upper caps, and nothing else.


Flex find substring until character

This is my lexer.l file:
#include "../h/Tokens.h"
%option yylineno
[+-]?([1-9]*\.[0-9]+)([eE][+-]?[0-9])? return FLOAT;
[+-]?[1-9]([eE][+-]?[0-9])? return INTEGER;
\"(\\\\|\\\"|[^\"])*\" return STRING;
(true|false) return BOOLEAN;
(func|val|if|else|while|for)* return KEYWORD;
[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]* return IDENTIFIER;
"+" return PLUS;
"-" return MINUS;
"*" return MULTI;
"." return DOT;
"," return COMMA;
":" return COLON;
";" return SEMICOLON;
. printf("Unexpected or invalid token: '%s'\n", yytext);
int yywrap(void)
return 1;
Now, if my lexer finds an unexpected token, it sends an error for every character. I want it to send an error message for every substring until a whitespace or operator.
foo bar baz
~±`≥ hello
Unexpected or invalid token: '~±`≥'
Is there a way to do this with a regex pattern?
Certainly it is possible to do with a regex. But you can't do it with a regex independent of your other token rules. And it may not be trivial to find a correct regex.
In this fairly simple example, though, it's reasonably simple, although there is a corner case. Since there are no multicharacter operators, a character cannot start a token unless it is alphabetic, numeric, one of the operators (-+*.,:;) or a double-quote. And therefore any sequence of such characters is an invalid sequence. Also, I think that you really want ignore whitespace characters (based on the example output), even though your question doesn't show any rule which matches whitespace. So on the assumption that you just left out the whitespace rule, which would be something like
[[:space:]]+ { /* Ignore whitespace */ }
your regex to match a sequence of illegal characters would be
[^-+*.,:;[:alnum:][:space:]]+ { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid sequence %s\m", yytext); }
The corner-case is an unterminated string literal; that is, a token which starts with a " but does not include the matching closing quote. Such a token must necessarily extend to the end of the input, and it can easily be matched by using your string pattern, leaving out the final ". (That works because (f)lex always uses the longest matching pattern, so if there is a terminating " the correct string literal will be matched.)
There are a number of errors in your patterns:
It's almost always a bad idea to match +- at the start of a numeric literal. If you do that, then x+2 will not be correctly analysed; your lexer will return two tokens, an IDENTIFIER and an INTEGER, instead of the correct three tokens (IDENTIFIER, PLUS, INTEGER).
Your FLOAT pattern won't accept numbers starting which contain a 0 before the decimal point, so 0.5 and 10.3 will both fail. Also, you force the exponent to be a single digit, so 1.3E11 won't be matched either. And you force the user to put a digit after the decimal point; most languages accept 3. as equivalent to 3.0. (That last one is not necessarily an error, but it's unconventional.)
Your INTEGER pattern won't accept numbers containing a 0, such as 10. But it will accept scientific notation, which is a little odd; in most languages 3E10 is a floating point constant, not an integer.
Your KEYWORD pattern accepts keywords which are made up of a concatenated series of words, such as forwhilefuncif. You probably didn't intend to put a * at the end of the pattern.
Your string literal pattern allows any sequence of characters other than ", which means a backslash \ will be allowed to match as a single character, even if it is followed by a quote or a backslash. That will result in some string literals not being correctly terminated. For example, given the string literal
(which is a string literal containing a single backslash), the regex will match the initial ", then the \ as a single character, and then the \" sequence, and then whatever follows the string literal until it encounters another quote.
The error is the result of flex requiring \ to be escaped inside bracket expressions, unlike Posix regular expressions where \ loses special significance inside brackets.
So that would leave you with something like this:
#include "../h/Tokens.h"
%option yylineno noyywrap
[[:space:]]+ /* Ignore whitespace */
(\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.[0-9]*)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)? {
return FLOAT;
0|[1-9][0-9]* return INTEGER;
true|false return BOOLEAN;
func|val|if|else|while|for return KEYWORD;
[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]* return IDENTIFIER;
"+" return PLUS;
"-" return MINUS;
"*" return MULTI;
"." return DOT;
"," return COMMA;
":" return COLON;
";" return SEMICOLON;
\"(\\\\|\\\"|[^\\"])*\" return STRING;
\"(\\\\|\\\"|[^\\"])* { fprintf(stderr,
"Unterminated string literal\n"); }
[^-+*.,:;[:alnum:][:space:]]+ { fprintf(stderr,
"Invalid sequence %s\m", yytext); }
(If any of those patterns look mysterious, you might want to review the description of flex patterns in the flex manual.)
But I have a feeling that you were looking for something different: a way of magically adapting to any change in the token patterns without excess analysis.
That's possible, too, but I don't know how to do it without code repetition. The basic idea is simple enough: when we encounter an unmatchable character, we just append it to the end of an error token and when we find a valid token, we emit the error message and clear the error token.
The problem is the "when we find a valid token" part, because that means that we need to insert an action at the beginning of every rule other than the error rule. The easiest way to do that is to use a macro, which at least avoids writing out the code for every action.
(F)lex does provide us with some useful tools we can build this on. We'll use one of (f)lex's special actions, yymore(), which causes the current match to be appended to the token being built, which is useful to build up the error token.
In order to know the length of the error token (and therefore to know if there is one), we need an additional variable. Fortunately, (f)lex allows us to define our own local variables inside the scanner. Then we define the macro E_ (whose name was chosen to be short, in order to avoid cluttering the rule actions), which prints the error message, moves yytext over the error token, and resets the error count.
Putting that together:
#include "../h/Tokens.h"
%option yylineno noyywrap
int nerrors = 0; /* To keep track of the length of the error token */
/* This macro must be inserted at the beginning of every rule,
* except the fallback error rule.
#define E_ \
if (nerrors > 0) { \
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid sequence %.*s\n", nerrors, yytext); \
yytext += nerrors; yyleng -= nerrors; nerrors = 0; \
} else /* Absorb the following semicolon */
[[:space:]]+ { E_; /* Ignore whitespace */ }
(\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.[0-9]*)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)? { E_; return FLOAT; }
0|[1-9][0-9]* { E_; return INTEGER; }
true|false { E_; return BOOLEAN; }
func|val|if|else|while|for { E_; return KEYWORD; }
[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]* { E_; return IDENTIFIER; }
"+" { E_; return PLUS; }
"-" { E_; return MINUS; }
"*" { E_; return MULTI; }
"." { E_; return DOT; }
"," { E_; return COMMA; }
":" { E_; return COLON; }
";" { E_; return SEMICOLON; }
\"(\\\\|\\\"|[^\\"])*\" { E_; return STRING; }
\"(\\\\|\\\"|[^\\"])* { E_;
"Unterminated string literal\n"); }
. { yymore(); ++nerror; }
That all assumes that we're happy to just produce an error message inside the scanner, and otherwise ignore the erroneous characters. But it may be better to actually return an error indication and let the caller decide how to handle the error. That introduces an extra wrinkle because it requires us to return two tokens in a single action.
For a simple solution, we use another (f)lex feature, yyless(), which allows us to rescan part or all of the current token. We can use that to remove the error token from the current token, instead of adjusting yytext and yyleng. (yyless will do that adjustment for us.) That means that after an error, the next correct token is scanned twice. That may seem inefficient, but it's probably acceptable because:
Most tokens are short,
There's not really much point in optimising for errors. It's much more useful to optimise processing of correct inputs.
To accomplish that, we just need a small change to the E_ macro:
#define E_ \
if (nerrors > 0) { \
yyless(nerrors); \
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid sequence %s\n", yytext); \
nerrors = 0; \
return BAD_INPUT; \
} else /* Absorb the following semicolon */

Need Lex regular expression to match string upto newline

I want to parse strings of the type :
a=some value
b=some other value
There are no blanks around '=' and values extend up to newline. There may be leading spaces.
My lex specification (relevant part) is:
a= { printf("Found attr %s\n", yytext); return aATTR; }
^[ \r\t]+ { printf("Found space at the start %s\n", yytext); }
([^a-z]=).*$ { printf("Found value %s\n", yytext); }
\n { return NEWLINE; }
I tried .*$ [^\n]* and a few other regular expressions but to no avail.
This looks pretty simple. Any suggestions? I am also aware that lex returns the longest match so that complicates it further. I get the whole line matched for some regular expressions I tried.
You probably want to incorporate separate start states. These permit you to encode simple contexts. The simple example below captures your id, operator and value on each call to yylex().
char id;
char op;
char *value;
<INITIAL>[a-z]+ {
id = yytext[0];
yyleng = 0;
<INITIAL,OP>[ \t]*
<OP>=[ \t]* {
op = yytext[0];
yyleng = 0;
<VAL>.*\n {
value = yytext;
return 1;

semicolon as delimiter in custom grammar parsed by flex/bison

I'm trying to write a simple parser for a meta programming language.
Everything works fine, but I want to use ';' as statement delimiter and not newline or ommit the semicolon entirely.
So this is the expected behaviour:
// good code
v1 = v2;
v3 = 23;
should parse without errors
// bad code
v1 = v2
v3 = 23;
should fail
yet if I remove the 'empty' rule from separator both codes fail like this:
ID to ID
Error detected in parsing: syntax error, unexpected ID, expecting SEMICOLON
If I leave the 'empty' rule active, then both codes are accepted, which is not desired.
ID to ID // should raise error
ID to NUM;
Any help is welcome here, as most tutorials do not cover delimiters at all.
Here is a simplified version of my parser/lexxer:
#include "parser.tab.h"
num [0-9]
alpha [a-zA-Z_]
alphanum [a-zA-Z_0-9]
comment "//"[^\n]*"\n"
string \"[^\"]*\"
whitespace [ \t\n]
<INITIAL>"/*" {BEGIN(ML_COMMENT); printf("/*");}
<ML_COMMENT>"*/" {BEGIN(INITIAL); printf("*/");}
<ML_COMMENT>[.]+ { }
<ML_COMMENT>[\n]+ { printf("\n"); }
{comment}+ {printf("%s",yytext);}
{alpha}{alphanum}+ { yylval.str= strdup(yytext); return ID;}
{num}+ { yylval.str= strdup(yytext); return NUM;}
{string} { yylval.str= strdup(yytext); return STRING;}
';' {return SEMICOLON;}
"=" {return ASSIGNMENT;}
" "+ { }
<<EOF>> {exit(0); /* this is suboptimal */}
char *str;
%token <str> ID
%token <str> NUM
%token <str> STRING
%start input
input: /* empty */
| expression separator input
expression: assign
| error {}
separator: SEMICOLON
| empty
assign: ID ASSIGNMENT ID { printf("ID to ID"); }
| ID ASSIGNMENT NUM { printf("ID to NUM"); }
yyerror(char* str)
printf("Error detected in parsing: %s\n", str);
Compiled like this:
$>flex -t parser.l > parser.lex.yy.c
$>bison -v -d parser.y
$>cc parser.tab.c parser.lex.yy.c -lfl -o parser
Never mind... the problematic line was this one:
';' {return SEMICOLON;}
which required to be changed to
";" {return SEMICOLON;}
Now the behaviour is correct. :-)

ANTLR Grammar to Preprocess Source Files While Preserving WhiteSpace Formatting

I am trying to preprocess my C++ source files by ANTLR. I would like to output an input file preserving all the whitespace formatting of the original source file while inserting some new source codes of my own at the appropriate locations.
I know preserving WS requires this lexer rule:
WS: (' '|'\n'| '\r'|'\t'|'\f' )+ {$channel=HIDDEN;};
With this my parser rules would have a $text attribute containing all the hidden WS. But the problem is, for any parser rule, its $text attribute only include those input text starting from the position that matches the first token of the rule. For example, if this is my input (note the formatting WS before and in between the tokens):
line 1; line 2;
And, if I have 2 separate parser rules matching
"line 1;"
"line 2;"
above separately but not the whole line:
" line 1; line 2;"
, then the leading WS and those WS in between "line 1" and "line 2" are lost (not accessible by any of my rules).
What should I do to preserve ALL THE WHITESPACEs while allowing my parser rules to determine when to add new codes at the appropriate locations?
Let's say whenever my code contains a call to function(1) using 1 as the parameter but not something else, it adds an extraFunction() before it:
void myFunction() {
void myFunction() {
This preprocessed output should remain human readable as people would continue coding on it. For this simple example, text editor can handle it. But there are more complicated cases that justify the use of ANTLR.
Another solution, but maybe also not very practical (?): You can collect all Whitespaces backwards, something like this untested pseudocode:
grammar T;
#members {
public printWhitespaceBetweenRules(Token start) {
int index = start.getTokenIndex() - 1;
while(index >= 0) {
Token token = input.get(index);
if(token.getChannel() != Token.HIDDEN_CHANNEL) break;
line1: 'line' '1' {printWhitespaceBetweenRules($start); };
line2: 'line' '2' {printWhitespaceBetweenRules($start); };
WS: (' '|'\n'| '\r'|'\t'|'\f' )+ {$channel=HIDDEN;};
But you would still need to change every rule.
I guess one solution is to keep the WS tokens in the same channel by removing the $channel = HIDDEN;. This will allow you to get access to the information of a WS token in your parser.
Here's another way to solve it (at least the example you posted).
So you want to replace ...function(1) with ...extraFunction();\nfunction(1), where the dots are indents, and \n a line break.
What you could do is match:
: Spaces 'function' Spaces '(' Spaces '1' Spaces ')'
fragment Spaces
: (' ' | '\t')*
and replace that with the text it matches, but pre-pended with your extra method. However, the lexer will now complain when it stumbles upon input like:
(without the 1 as a parameter)
' x...'
(indents not followed by the f from function)
So, you'll need to "branch out" in your Function1 rule and make sure you only replace the proper occurrence.
You also must take care of occurrences of function(1) inside string literals and comments, assuming you don't want them to be pre-pended with extraFunction();\n.
A little demo:
grammar T;
: (t=. {System.out.print($t.text);})* EOF
: indent=Spaces
( 'function' Spaces '(' Spaces ( '1' Spaces ')' {setText($indent.text + "extraFunction();\n" + $text);}
| ~'1' // do nothing if something other than `1` occurs
| '"' ~('"' | '\r' | '\n')* '"' // do nothing in case of a string literal
| '/*' .* '*/' // do nothing in case of a multi-line comment
| '//' ~('\r' | '\n')* // do nothing in case of a single-line comment
| ~'f' // do nothing in case of a char other than 'f' is seen
: . // a "fall-through" rule: it will match anything if none of the above matched
fragment Spaces
: (' ' | '\t')* // fragment rules are only used inside other lexer rules
You can test it with the following class:
import org.antlr.runtime.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String source =
"/* \n" +
" function(1) \n" +
"*/ \n" +
"void myFunction() { \n" +
" s = \"function(1)\"; \n" +
" function(); \n" +
" function(1); \n" +
"} \n";
TLexer lexer = new TLexer(new ANTLRStringStream(source));
TParser parser = new TParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
And if you run this Main class, you will see the following being printed to the console:
bart#hades:~/Programming/ANTLR/Demos/T$ java -cp antlr-3.3.jar org.antlr.Tool T.g
bart#hades:~/Programming/ANTLR/Demos/T$ javac -cp antlr-3.3.jar *.java
bart#hades:~/Programming/ANTLR/Demos/T$ java -cp .:antlr-3.3.jar Main
void myFunction() {
s = "function(1)";
void myFunction() {
s = "function(1)";
I'm sure it's not fool-proof (I did't account for char-literals, for one), but this could be a start to solve this, IMO.

Implement word boundary states in flex/lex (parser-generator)

I want to be able to predicate pattern matches on whether they occur after word characters or after non-word characters. In other words, I want to simulate the \b word break regex char at the beginning of the pattern which flex/lex does not support.
Here's my attempt below (which does not work as desired):
#include <stdio.h>
%x inword
%x nonword
[a-zA-Z] { BEGIN inword; yymore(); }
[^a-zA-Z] { BEGIN nonword; yymore(); }
<inword>a { printf("'a' in word\n"); }
<nonword>a { printf("'a' not in word\n"); }
Input :
Expected output
'a' not in word
'a' in word
'a' not in word
actual output:
'a' in word
'a' in word
I'm doing this because I want to do something like the dialectizer and I have always wanted to learn how to use a real lexer. Sometimes the patterns I want to replace need to be fragments of words, sometimes they need to be whole words only.
Here's what accomplished what I wanted:
#include <stdio.h>
WC [A-Za-z']
NW [^A-Za-z']
%start INW NIW
<INW>a { printf("'a' in word\n"); }
<NIW>a { printf("'a' not in word\n"); }
This way I can do the equivalent of \B or \b at the beginning or end of any pattern. You can match at the end by doing a/{WC} or a/{NW}.
I wanted to set up the states without consuming any characters. The trick is using REJECT rather than yymore(), which I guess I didn't fully understand.
[a-zA-Z]+a[a-zA-Z]* {printf("a in word: %s\n", yytext);}
a[a-zA-Z]+ {printf("a in word: %s\n", yytext);}
a {printf("a not in word\n");}
. ;
user#cody /tmp $ ./a.out <<EOF
> a
> ba
> ab
> a
a not in word
a in word: ba
a in word: ab
a not in word
