Delphi : dynamic variable names? - delphi

Long time reader, first time poster, I'm turning to you because I so many times found answers to my questions here, that I'm sure this one will be just a formality for this great community :)
My question might seem odd, even newbish, but I'm building an application for parsing text lines with urls.
A the beginning of the code, the first step is to determine how many urls there are in the text block. I do it by using the "copy" function from the beginning till the end of the text block, looking for the tag "a href=" tag.
This works fine.
Here is the code :
Tag := '<a href="';
Longueur := Length(ArtistNBSource);
Result := 0;
For i := 1 to Longueur do
Copied := Copy(ArtistNBSource,i,Length(Tag));
if Copied = Tag then inc(Result)
Now, depending on the number of urls found, I'm going to loop through the text block.
What I would like to avoid is things like this...
if Result : 1 do
some instruction
else if Result = 2
other instruction
else if Result = 3....
...because with a maximum of 5 url possible in the text block, that would give me a veryyyyy long code.
What I imagined was this :
First of all, I declare variables up to the maximum known possible.
As the parsing patern is fixed, I imagined this :
For ia := 1 to ARTIST_COUNT do
(AUPOS+IntToStr(ia)):= Pos('">', ArtistNBSource);
(AURL+IntToStr(ia)) := Copy(ArtistNBSource,11,(AUPOS+IntToStr(ia))-11);
(ANPOS+IntTostr(ia)) := Pos('</a>', ArtistNBSource);
(ANAME+IntToStr(ia)) := Copy(ArtistNBSource,1,(ANPOS+IntToStr(ia))-1);
Delete(ArtistNBSource, 1,(ANPOS+IntToStr(ia))+4);
The ia variable matching the number of loops AND the variables names for each loop, I thought I could auto increment the variables names and assign their values to the previously declared variables.
But of course this does not work :)
My question :
Do any of you see a solution out of this ?
Am I condemned to writing the 'if then' long sequence, or can I dynamically adjust variable names through the loop ?
Thank you all in advance for any comment that might give me a clue of what direction to follow.

I would recommend having just one variable - a dictionary/hash table and then have the 'dynamic variable names' be keys in that dictionary and the values be what you would store in those 'dynamically named' variables.
Here is a tutorial about dictionaries:


How to specify multiple ranges for an if statement in Delphi? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Delphi check if character is in range 'A'..'Z' and '0'..'9'
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
for counter := 1 to lengthofpassword do
if (96<currentascii<123) OR (64<currentascii<91) OR (47<currentascii<58) then
I know this code is wrong but I did it to explain what I want to ask. How can you specify ranges for an if statement? Before, I messed around with lots of if statements and my code wasn't working the way I wanted it to. Basically, I am making a procedure which checks the user input for anything other than uppercase and lowercase alphabet and numbers. This question is different because I was looking for how this problem could be solved using a Case Of statement.
for counter := 1 to lengthofpassword do
if (currentascii<48) AND (currentascii>57) then
if (currentascii<65) AND (currentascii>90) then
if (currentascii<97) AND (currentascii>122) then
I also tried to do it like this but then realised this wouldn't work because if one statement was satisfied, the others wouldn't be and the points based system wouldn't work either.
Glad you found the answer yourself.
Another way to make sure the password only contains upper and lower case characters and numbers is what I tried to point to: define a set of characters that are valid and check if each character in your password is in these valid characters.
So with a set defined like this:
ValidChars = ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9'];
you can use statements like
if password[I] in ValidChars then
This statement will however generate a compiler warning in Unicode Delphi, as the type in a set is limited to 256 possible values, and their ordinalities must fall between 0 and 255. This isn't the case for WideChar with 65.536 values. So the set of char defined is in fact a set of AnsiChar. For this task this is acceptable, as every character that needs to be checked is ASCII, so using the function CharInSet will not generate a compiler warning and have a defined behavior - returning False - if the password contains Unicode characters.
This is the resulting code:
ValidChars = ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9'];
I: Integer;
for I := 1 to passwordlength do
if CharInSet(password[I], ValidChars) then
Writeln('valid') // more likely to do nothing and invert the if statement
asciicheck := False;
Break; // No need to look further, the check failed
Multiple ranges is best expressed in a case statement:
for counter := 1 to lengthofpassword do
case Ord(password[counter]) of
97..122 :
Now, this works for characters < #128. If you are working in a unicode application and don't want the restriction of characters being the english alphabet, it is possible to use TCharHelper.IsLetterOrDigit.
if password[counter].IsLetterOrDigit then ...
Thanks to a comment up above, I have found a solution. I ended up using a Case Of statement like this:
for counter := 1 to lengthofpassword do
case currentascii of
97..122 : asciicheck:=true;
65..90 : asciicheck:=true;
48..57 : asciicheck:=true;
else asciicheck:=false;
Thanks once again.

Searching i TStringList using POS - need more advanced method

I use the following function to search a TStringList I am reading from a file.
I know that when I search a value, then the return value I need is always on the line after the one with the item I search.
It has always worked using POS to search, but now the file has been expanded and I have to look for 2 items 'Adresse' and 'Adresse 2'
That gives me an issue since pos finds 'Adresse' in both cases and my data is then wrong.
Is there another method of searching a string for a substring that I don't know of or do I have to make my own.
function FindValue(const aFilename, aSearch: string): string;
InfoList: TStringList;
Counter: integer;
InfoList := TStringList.Create;
if InfoList.Count > 0 then
for Counter := 0 to InfoList.Count - 1 do
if Pos(aSearch, Infolist.Strings[Counter]) > 0 then
Result := Infolist.Strings[Counter + 1]
Result := '';
For info: the input to the TStringList comes from a textfile extracted from a HTML file.
A sample of a file could be:
Hugo Pedersen
Nykøbing M
Prinsensvej 18
Nykøbing M
Antenne højde (m):
Kote (m):?Kote (m):Brugerens/tilladelsesindehaverens øvrige adresseoplysninger så som Stednavn og/eller Postboks. Hjælpetegnet * kan anvendes, som beskrevet i hjælp.
Geografisk anvendelse:
Tekniske specifikationer:
Sendeeffekt basisstation:
Sendeeffekt mobile anlæg:
Båndbredde (MHz):
Antal anlæg:
Intention om overdragelse:
Prinsensvej 18
Adresse 2:
Nykøbing M
Bestået A
It looks to me as though the real mistake is being too lax in your search. Why accept partial matches? It would seem more robust to look for complete matches
if SameText(aSearch, Infolist[Counter]) then
or perhaps to account for leading and trailing whitespace:
if SameText(aSearch, Trim(Infolist[Counter])) then
You'd need to pass 'Adresse:' or 'Adresse 2:' as the search string, or add the colon in the search function.
Use AnsiSameText if you want locale sensitive comparison. Use = if you want case sensitive comparison, etc.
You might pass multiple search strings and be able to loop only once over the file. As it stands you read it twice which seems wasteful. Indeed surely better to operate on a string list and not be coupled to file storage.
You return the last match in the data rather than the first, for instance. What if there are multiple matches? Does your code behave as intended?
You should also be aware that if no match is found your function does not assign to the Result variable which means it is undefined.

Delphi TValueListEditor Strings prop-ed quirk?

Investigating odd behaviour of a TValueListEditor being used to generate a filter
expression for a ClientDataSet, I've traced it to a situation where if the first entry
in it apparently had nothing in the Value column, it returned #13#10 as the Value, rather than
In the following, the TStringlist TL is initialized with the same contents as the ValueListEditor
Strings property has in my app. The Assert does not fail for the TStringlist, but it does for the
ValueListEditor. These results occurred with D7 and XE4.
procedure TDefaultForm.ApplyFilter;
Max : Integer;
Value : String;
TL : TStringlist;
TL := TStringlist.Create;
for i:= 0 to TL.Count - 1 do begin
Key := TL.Names[i];
Value := TL.Values[Key];
Assert(Value <> #13#10); // succeeds for all i
Max := ValueListEditor1.RowCount;
for i:= 1 to Max do begin
Key := ValueListEditor1.Keys[i];
Value := ValueListEditor1.Values[Key];
// Value := ValueListEditor1.Strings.ValueFromIndex[i-1];
Assert(Value <> #13#10); //Fails for i = 1!
Btw, the TVLE was set up entirely in the Object Inspector: I simply dragged a TVLE off the palette, clicked Strings in the OI, clicked in the LH cell and typed 'Country' (sans quotes), pressed the Down key and typed 'Class' then right-arrow and typed 'CON'.
Obviously, I could avoid this by Value := Trim(Value), but was curious where the #13#10 was coming from.
Update: Prompted by #Deltic's answer and helpful comments, I decided to re-trace my steps and added another TVLE to my form. The following extracts from the DFM are revealing:
object ValueListEditor1: TValueListEditor
Left = 16
Top = 224
Width = 306
Height = 135
KeyOptions = [keyEdit, keyAdd]
Strings.Strings = (
TabOrder = 2
object ValueListEditor2: TValueListEditor
Left = 440
Top = 192
Width = 306
Height = 246
KeyOptions = [keyEdit, keyAdd]
Strings.Strings = (
TabOrder = 5
So, with hindsight, my question really boils down to how did the #13#10 get into the DFM? And then it came back to me ...
With no previous experience of the TVLE, when I set up the form, I got stuck at the point where I needed to add a second row. I tried pressing [Enter], but that did nothing, so then I tried Ctrl-Enter and that did nothing either. But repeating the exercise now has confirmed that that's how the CR/LF got into the TVLE's Strings.
So, it seems that the answer to my q is "No, the TVLE isn't broken, but its Strings property editor
has a quirk regarding Ctrl-Enter". In other circs, I would consider deleting my q, seeing as it's at least partly caused by operator aberration, but perhaps it's better left to assist any others who trip over the same point.
Update #2 I see that my curiousity has earned me a -1. Fair enough, but I'm still inclined to leave this q & a in place, if only as an illustration of the fact that problems have deterministic causes, which can often be identified by simple things such as re-tracing one's steps, particularly with someone obviously knowledgeable looking over one's shoulder, as it were. Perhaps the down-voter would care to enlighten readers what help to future readers such a silent -1 is.
You have not shown how your value list editor is initialised, and I suspect that this is where your problem is. Behind a TValueListEditor is nothing more than a TStringList (strictly speaking a subclass of one, but the subclass doesn't change the fundamental behaviour w.r.t named values).
If your apparently empty value in the value list is yielding a value of #13#10 then it must be because that is the actual value that it has.
This simple test snippet verifies this:
k, v:String;
ed.InsertRow('Country', '', TRUE);
ed.InsertRow('Class', 'CON', TRUE);
for i:= 1 to ed.RowCount - 1 do
k := ed.Keys[i];
v := ed.Values[k];
ASSERT(v <> #13#10); // Never fails
Where ed is a TValueListEditor on the form.
Replace the first line of code in the above snippet with this however:
ed.InsertRow('Country', #13#10, TRUE);
And the ASSERT() fails.
I suggest you investigate the initialisation of your value list editor. My guess is that it is being populated by reading from a file using a mechanism which is reading the entire line into a string, including the line end sequences, and the code that is adding the values for each read line is not stripping the #13#10 line terminators, resulting in the values being added as <name>=<value>#13#10 in each case.

Really fast function to compare the name (full path) of two files

I have to check if I have duplicate paths in a FileListBox (FileListBox has the role of some kind of job list or play list).
Using Delphi's SameText, CompareStr, CompareText, takes 6 seconds. So I came with my own compare function which is (just) a bit faster but not fast enough. Any ideas how to improve it?
function SameFile(CONST Path1, Path2: string): Boolean;
VAR i: Integer;
Result:= Length(Path1)= Length(Path2); { if they have different lenghts then obviously are not the same file }
if Result then
for i:= Length(Path1) downto 1 DO { start from the end because it is more likely to find the difference there }
if Path1[i]<> Path2[i] then
Result:= FALSE;
I use it like this:
for x:= JList.Count-1 downto 1 DO
sMaster:= JList.Items[x];
for y:= x-1 downto 0 DO
if SameFile(sMaster, JList.Items[y]) then
JList.Items.Delete (x); { REMOVE DUPLICATES }
Note: The chance of having duplicates is small so Delete is not called often. Also the list cannot be sorted because the items are added by user and sometimes the order may be important.
The thing is that I lose the asvantage of my code because it is Pascal.
It would be nice if the comparison loop ( Path1[i]<> Path2[i] ) would be optimized to use Borland's ASM code.
Delphi 7, Win XP 32 bit, Tests were done with 577 items in the list. Deleting the items from list IS NOT A PROBLEM because it happens rarely.
As Svein Bringsli pointed, my code is slow not because of the comparing algorithm but because of TListBox. The BEST solution was provided by Marcelo Cantos. Thanks a lot Marcelo.
I accepted Svein's answer because it answers directly my question "how to make my comparison function faster" with "there is no point to make it faster".
For the moment I implemented the dirty and quick to implement solution: when I have under 200 files, I use my slow code to check the duplicates. If there are more than 200 files I use dwrbudr's solution (which is damn fast) considering that if the user has so many files, the order is irrelevant anyway (human brain cannot track so many items).
I want to thank you all for ideas and especially Svein for revealing the truth: (Borland's) visual controls are damn slow!
Don't waste time optimising the assembler. You can go from O(n2) to O(n log(n)) — bringing the time down to milliseconds — by sorting the list and then doing a linear scan for duplicates.
While you're at it, forget the SameFile function. The algorithmic improvement will dwarf anything you can achieve there.
Edit: Based on feedback in the comments...
You can perform an order-preserving O(n log(n)) de-duplication as follows:
Sort a copy of the list.
Identify and copy duplicated entries to a third list along with their duplication count minus one.
Walk the original list backwards as per your original version.
In the inner (for y := ...) loop, traverse the duplication list instead. If an outer item matches, delete it, decrement the duplication count, and delete the duplication entry if the count reaches zero.
This is obviously more complicated but it will still be orders of magnitude faster, even if you do horrible dirty things like storing duplication counts as strings, C:\path1\file1=2, and using code like:
y := dupes.IndexOfName(sMaster);
if y <> -1 then
c := StrToInt(dupes.ValueFromIndex(y));
if c > 1 then
dupes.Values[sMaster] = IntToStr(c - 1);
Side note: A binary chop would be more efficient than the for y := ... loop, but given that duplicates are rare, the difference ought to be negligible.
Using your code as a starting point, I modified it to take a copy of the list before searching for duplicates. The time went from 5,5 seconds to about 0,5 seconds.
vSL := TStringList.Create;
vSL.Sorted := true;
for x:= vSL.Count-1 downto 1 DO
sMaster:= vSL[x];
for y:= x-1 downto 0 DO
if SameFile(sMaster, vSL[y]) then
jList.Items.Delete (x);
Obviously, this is not a good way to do it, but it demonstrates that TFileListBox is in itself quite slow. I don't believe you can gain much by optimizing your compare-function.
To demonstrate this, I replaced your SameFile function with the following, but kept the rest of your code:
function SameFile(CONST Path1, Path2: string): Boolean;
VAR i: Integer;
Result := false; //Pretty darn fast code!!!
The time went from 5,6 seconds to 5,5 seconds. I don't think there's much more to gain there :-)
Create another sorted list with sortedList.Duplicates := dupIgnore and add your strings to that list, then back.
vSL := TStringList.Create;
vSL.Sorted := true;
vSL.Duplicates := dupIgnore;
for x:= 0 to jList.Count - 1 do
for x:= 0 to vSL.Count - 1 do
The absolute fastest way, bar none (as alluded to before) is to use a routine that generates a unique 64/128/256 bit hash code for a string (I use the SHA256Managed class in C#). Run down the list of strings, generate the hash code for the strings, check for it in the sorted hash code list, and if found then the string is a duplicate. Otherwise add the hash code to the sorted hash code list.
This will work for strings, file names, images (you can get the unique hash code for an image), etc, and I guarantee that this will be as fast or faster than any other impementation.
PS You can use a string list for the hash codes by representing the hash codes as strings. I've used a hex representation in the past (256 bits -> 64 characters) but in theory you can do it any way you like.
4 seconds for how many calls? Great performance if you call it a billion times...
Anyway, does Length(Path1) get evaluated every time through the loop? If so, store that in an Integer variable prior to looping.
Pointers may yield some speed over the strings.
Try in-lining the function with:
function SameFile(blah blah): Boolean; Inline;
That will save some time, if this is being called thousands of times per second. I would start with that and see if it saves anything.
EDIT: I didn't realize that your list wasn't sorted. Obviously, you should do that first! Then you don't have to compare against every other item in the list - just the prior or next one.
I use a modified Ternary Search Tree (TST) to dedupe lists. You simply load the items into the tree, using the whole string as the key, and on each item you can get back an indication if the key is already there (and delete your visible entry). Then you throw away the tree. Our TST load function can typically load 100000 80-byte items in well under a second. And it could not take any more than this to repaint your list, with proper use of begin- and end-update. The TST is memory-hungry, but not so that you would notice it at all if you only have of the order of 500 items. And much simpler than sorting, comparisons and assembler (if you have a suitable TST implementation, of course).
No need to use a hash table, a single sorted list gives me a result of 10 milliseconds, that's 0.01 seconds, which is about 500 times faster! Here is my test code using a TListBox:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
lIndex1: Integer;
lString: string;
lIndex2: Integer;
lStrings: TStringList;
lCount: Integer;
lItems: TStrings;
for lIndex1 := 1 to 577 do begin
lString := '';
for lIndex2 := 1 to 100 do
if (lIndex2 mod 6) = 0 then
lString := lString + Chr(Ord('a') + Random(2))
lString := lString + 'a';
CsiGlobals.AddLogMsg('Start', 'Test', llBrief);
lStrings := TStringList.Create;
lStrings.Sorted := True;
lCount := 0;
lItems := ListBox1.Items;
with lItems do begin
for lIndex1 := Count - 1 downto 0 do begin
if lStrings.Count = lCount then
CsiGlobals.AddLogMsg('Stop', 'Test', llBrief);
I'd also like to point out that your solution would take an extreme amount of time if applied to a huge list (like containing 100,000,000 items or more). Even constructing a hashtable or sorted list would take too much time.
In cases like that you could try another approach : Hash each member, but instead of populating a full-blown hashtable, create a bitset (large enough to contain a close factor to as many slots as there are input items) and just set each bit at the offset indicated by the hashfunction. If the bit was 0, change it to 1. If it was already 1, take note of the offending string-index in a separate list and continue. This results in a list of string-indexes that had a collision in the hash, so you'll have to run it a second time to find the first cause of those collisions. After that, you should sort & de-dupe the string-indexes in this list (as all indexes apart from the first one will be present twice). Once that's done you should sort the list again, but this time sort it on the string-contents in order to easily spot duplicates in a following single scan.
Granted it could be a bit extreme to go this all this length, but at least it's a workable solution for very large volumes! (Oh, and this still won't work if the number of duplicates is very high, when the hash-function has a bad spread or when the number of slots in the 'hashtable' bitset is chosen too small - which would give many collisions which aren't really duplicates.)

How to increase the FOR-loop value in a FOR-loop statement?

I want to know how to increase the value in a FOR-loop statement.
This is my code.
function Check(var MemoryData:Array of byte;MemorySignature:Array of byte;Position:integer):boolean;
var i:byte;
for i := 0 to Length(MemorySignature) - 1 do
while(MemorySignature[i] = $FF) do inc(i); //<< ERROR <<
if(memorydata[i + position] <> MemorySignature[i]) then Result:=false;
Result := True;
The error is: E2081 Assignment to FOR-Loop variable 'i'.
I'm trying to translate an old code from C# to Delphi,but I can't increase 'i'.
Increasing 'i' is not the only way to go,but I want to know where the problem is.
Of course the others are (generally) correct. What wasn't said, is that 'i' in your loop doesn't exist. Delphi uses a CPU register for it. That's why you cannot change it and that's why you should use a 'for' loop (not a 'while') because the 'for' is way faster. Here is your code modified (not tested but I think that you got the idea) - also imho you had some bugs - fixed them also:
function Check(var MemoryData:Array of byte;MemorySignature:Array of byte;Position:integer):boolean;
var i:byte;
Result := True; //moved at top. Your function always returned 'True'. This is what you wanted?
for i := 0 to Length(MemorySignature) - 1 do //are you sure??? Perhaps you want High(MemorySignature) here...
if MemorySignature[i] <> $FF then //speedup - '<>' evaluates faster than '='
Result:=memorydata[i + position] <> MemorySignature[i]; //speedup.
if not Result then
Break; //added this! - speedup. We already know the result. So, no need to scan till end.
...also MemorySignature should have a 'const' or 'var'. Otherwise as it is now the array gets copied. Which means slowdown at each call of 'Check'. Having a 'var' the things are much faster with code unchanged because AFAIS the MemorySignature isn't changed.
in this case, you can just do a 'continue' instead of inc(i)
In addition to what Lasse wrote, assigning to a loop variable is generally considered a code smell. It makes code harder to read (if you want to leave the loop premataturely, you can express that a lot clearer using break/continue), and is often done by accident, causing all kind of nasty side-effects. So instead of jumping through hoops to make the compiler not do its optimizing fu on any loop where the loop variable is touched, Borland (now CodeGear) bit the bullet and made assigning to the loop variable illegal.
If you really want to mess about manually with loop indices, consider using a while-loop.
If you need to alter a loop counter inside a loop, try using a while loop instead.
BTW, you need your
Result := True
line to be the first line of the function for it to work properly. As it is, it will always return True.
The problem is that the compiler has taken the original FOR-loop code and assumed it knows what is happening, and thus it can optimize the code by outputting specific CPU instructions that runs the fastest, with those assumptions.
If it allowed you to mess with the variable value, those assumptions might go out the window, and thus the code might not work, and that's why it doesn't allow you to change it.
What you should do instead is just have a separate variable that you're actually using, and only use the FOR-loop indexing variable to keep track of how many iterations you've currently executed.
As an example, a typical optimization might be to write CPU-instructions that will stop iterating when the index register drops to zero, rewriting the loop in such a way that it internally counts down, instead of up, and if you start messing with the variable, it could not rewrite the code like that.
As per Mike Sutton, what you need is a while loop, not a for loop.
function Check(var MemoryData: Array of byte;
MemorySignature: Array of byte; Position: Integer):Boolean;
Result := True;
i := 0;
while i < Length(MemorySignature) do
while(MemorySignature[i] = $FF) do
if(MemoryData[i + position] <> MemorySignature[i]) then
Result := False;
The Delphi implementation of "for" is optimised, but as a result it is less flexible than the C-style
