How OpenStruct stored in session - ruby-on-rails

I have some controller. In this controller I get OpenStruct object and want to save it to app session. Next code works fine:
session[:info] = 1, second_field: 'two')
p session[:info] right after this line prints
#<OpenStruct first_field=1, second_field="two">
But after this I do redirect to another controller, and when I write p session[:info] in this controller I get
{"table"=>{"first_field"=>1, "second_field"=>"two"}}
So, why do I get this, and how can I load correct OpenStruct instance?

A session usually consists of a hash of values and a session id,
usually a 32-character string, to identify the hash. Every cookie sent
to the client's browser includes the session id. And the other way
round: the browser will send it to the server on every request from
the client.
You should either serialize your objects before storing them in the session.
session[:info] = 1, second_field: 'two').to_yaml
and retrieve it using
from the rails documentation
Do not store large objects in a session. Instead you should store them
in the database and save their id in the session. This will eliminate
synchronization headaches and it won't fill up your session storage
space (depending on what session storage you chose, see below). This
will also be a good idea, if you modify the structure of an object and
old versions of it are still in some user's cookies. With server-side
session storages you can clear out the sessions, but with client-side
storages, this is hard to mitigate.
or change your session store from cookie_store to cache_store
In your environment change
config.session_store :cookie_store
config.session_store :cache_store


How do I cache external api response per user in rails?

I have a rails 4.1 application wherein I have a bookings section. In this section I have multiple sub sections such as Hotels, Vacation rentals etc.
In each of these sections I am fetching data from relevant apis which user can sort and filter.
I would like to cache response per user so that once I have got the data, filtering & sorting is quick with cached data and time is not wasted on making another trip to the other site.
However one issue is users can do this even without logging in.
I have setup memcached store which caches the data fine for the first user but, when second user comes data for first user gets overwritten.
How can I cache data per user(logggd/unlogged) ? (I am willing to change the cache store provided I don't have to spend anything extra for it to work)
Rails actually supports per user "caches" out of the box. Its called the session. By default Rails uses cookies as storage but you can easily swap the storage to use Memcached or Redis to bypass the ~4kB size limit imposed on cookies by the browser.
To use Rails with memcached as the storage backend use the Dalli gem:
# Gemfile
gem 'dalli'
# config/environments/production.rb
config.cache_store = :dalli_store
This will let you store pretty much anything by:
session[:foo] = bar
And the session values can be fetched as long as the user retains his cookie containing the session id.
An alternate approach if you want to keep the performance benefits of using CookieStore for sessions is to use the session id as part of the key used to cache the request in Memcached which would give each user an individual cache.
You can get the session id by calling in the controller.
require 'dalli'
options = { :namespace => "app_v1", :compress => true }
dc ='localhost:11211', options)
cache_key = 'foo-' +
#data = dc.fetch(cache_key) do
You can do this with view fragments and the regular rails low level cache as well. Just be note that models are not session aware.

how to get the persistent cookie value and session cookie value in rails application

Im developing ruby on rails application. I want to get the persistent cookie value and session cookie value in the application. Can any please guide me on this
I have read that request.session_options[:id] will fetch the session_id, is that the one that is usually stored in session cookie? Please guide me if my way of understanding is wrong.Thanks in advance
In Rails, it is simple as calling the session or cookies hash.
# Set a simple session cookie
cookies[:user_name] = "david"
# Read a cookie
cookies[:user_name] # => "david"
# Delete a key
cookies.delete :user_name
The same goes for session.
So, the information that you are looking for is probably inside one of these two.
Take a look at the examples at

messaging from the model level to controller level for ajax purposes

I have a page called /examples/1/duplicate
on there is an ajax form which kicks off /examples/1/run_duplicate
the controller method for run_duplicate runs Example.duplicate(session)
I pass in the session, which I understand is a holy no-no.
the duplicate model code is roughly:
def duplicate(session)
session[:duplicate] = 0
session[:duplicate] = 1
session[:duplicate] = 2
session[:duplicate] = 3
I have another controller method on the duplicate page which is doing a long poll: /examples/1/check_dupe_status
The purpose was to get the updated status from session[:duplicate], tweak a progress report,
and report it back to the user via ajax so they could see the progress of Example.duplicate() .
sessions did not update the way I hoped. I can see the code run, but the sessions don't update, so /examples/1/check_dupe_status never knows that anything has kicked off.
Given that I did this wrong from the start, what is the correct way to notify a user about the state of Example.duplicate() ?
Sounds like you've got two separate requests, with one writing to the session and one trying to read from the session concurrently. Is that correct? Stop reading if it's not.
This can not work because the "session" is just a cookie - a header on the HTTP response that's downloaded to your browser as a cookie, then re-uploaded on the next request, then re-downloaded on the next response, ad nosium. In your code, here is the order of operations:
/examples/1/run_duplicate writes "0" to what is essentially a Ruby Hash, representing your session cookie
/examples/1/check_dupe_status reads the values from the session cookie that was just sent from your browser with this request. It probably didn't have anything at all in :duplicate, so it will appear as blank.
/examples/1/run_duplicate writes "1" to the Ruby session Hash
/examples/1/check_dupe_status reads, again, the session cookie which that request sent - nothing has changed
/examples/1/run_duplicate writes "2" to the Ruby session Hash
/examples/1/check_dupe_status reads from the session cookie it originally sent - no change
/examples/1/run_duplicate writes "3" to the Ruby session Hash and the request finishes, sending the session back as a cookie with a value of 3 at :duplicate.
/examples/1/check_dupe_status is still sitting there like a dufus, reading the blank session cookie it originally sent
At some point, /examples/1/check_dupe_status may timeout, and it may return with the session cookie. But guess what? Since :duplicate was never set in that session cookie, it will overwrite the one in your browser, and :duplicate will be blank in the next request you send.
Hopefully I expressed that clearly. Basically you're hitting a race condition in your cookies, and that's very difficult to overcome if you're sending concurrent requests from the same browser.
The best way to handle this would be to write your duplicate 0,1,2, etc. values to some database table. Your long-polling request could then just read out of the database. A little less efficient perhaps, but of course it has the advantage that it could work.

Rails 3 Cookie Based Sessions Question

With Rails 3, the default session storage mechanism is cookie_store. I assume that this means that the contents within the session hash are serialized, encoded and stored within a cookie in the browser? Does this mean that nothing (or very little) of the session is stored in the server?
I've had a few issues where I had a cookie overflow error and I'm assuming because I kept on adding to my user instance (which was also linked/fetched from the cookie).
u = session[:user]
u.add_this lots_of_data
so eventually I got a cookie overflow error.
Am I correct about this? Are sessions fully stored within cookies in Rails 3 (by default)?
Yes, if you use the cookie store, the session data is stored in the cookie. If you'd like to store it on the server, you will need to use another session store.
However, if you are storing model objects or "lots of data" in the session, you are most likely doing it wrong in the first place. Your data should go to the database, and the session should only contain as much information as you need to retrieve it.
In you case, this would mean to store the user id int he session, and load the user from the db in a before_filter.
Yes, you are right. The problem might come up if you keep on adding data to session.
But there are some other things that affect it.
Once, I ended up with CookieOverflow error, and the reason was the flash[:notice] messages.
If you use flash[:notice] = "message" and then redirect, the text "message" will be stored in the cookie. If the size of the text u pass is more than 4KBs, you get "CookieOverflow" error

Can't understand sessions in Rails

Please don't bit my for my misunderstanding.
The sessions are very new for me, and i have some problems.
Okay i read many information about sessions and especially rails session. But this don't give me right imagine about sessions.
Did i understand right, when users send request to server (get) -> Server create a new session (and store this some file in hard drive with session id), session id -> is a random generated num? so, server create a new session (and store session on drive) after this server send back answer to client and set session_id in cookies?
Ok, i debug some params and see some results:
{:_csrf_token=>"jeONIfNxFmnpDn/xt6I0icNK1m3EB3CzT9KMntNk7KU=", :session_id=>"06c5628155efaa6446582c491499af6d", "flash"=>{}}
{"remember_user_token"=>"1::3GFRFyXb83lffzwPDPQd", "_blog_session"=>"BAh7CDoQX2NzcmZfdG9rZW4iMWplT05JZk54Rm1ucERuL3h0NkkwaWNOSzFtM0VCM0N6VDlLTW50Tms3S1U9Og9zZXNzaW9uX2lkIiUwNmM1NjI4MTU1ZWZhYTY0NDY1ODJjNDkxNDk5YWY2ZCIKZmxhc2hJQzonQWN0aW9uQ29udHJvbGxlcjo6Rmxhc2g6OkZsYXNoSGFzaHsABjoKQHVzZWR7AA==--348c88b594e98f4bf6389d94383134fbe9b03095"}
Okay, i know, what _csrf_token helps to prevent csrf.
session_id -> is id of the session which stored on hard drive (by default)
but what is _blog_session in cookies?
also, remeber_user_token containes my id (1::*) and what about second part, what is it?
Sorry for this stupid questions, i know what i can easy use any nice auth-plugins (authlogic/clearance/devise), but i want to fully understand sessions.
Thank you.
(also sorry for my english, this is not my native language)
remember_user_token is probably set by your authentication plugin, it is encrypted string, which is stored in users table and is used to authenticate him. Details can vary between plugins.
Second part: you are probably using cookie based session store (it is default),
So, _blog_session stores your encrypted session data.
More about cookie based sessions here and here.
The name "_blog_session" is set in config/initializers/session_store.rb
It looks like:
# Your secret key for verifying cookie session data integrity.
# If you change this key, all old sessions will become invalid!
# Make sure the secret is at least 30 characters and all random,
# no regular words or you'll be exposed to dictionary attacks.
ActionController::Base.session = {
:key => '_blogs_session',
:secret => '07fb6f0d41af4ae06aebb1696fcbb5a5398d4a08570744a4cd53ff237020c43a2022b4041d617d95bcf3f5c4601c7e6c1646eecfc157cc200e7dfedd7d7c6813'
