1 link for both iPhone and iPad app in Appstore - ios

I am creating an iPhone app. I would also like it to make it available for iPads. The problem is that the iPad version is very different(has different transitions between view controllers, more buttons). However, I would like only 1 link to the app in the app store that supports both iPhone and iPad. Can I upload 2 different builds for the same app(with the same name, but one is iPad version, the other is iphone) and than only have 1 app(with one link) in the app store for customers to download? For example, if I send a link to my app in App Store to let's say Gregory, I only send 1 link for both the iPad and iPhone version and not 2 like this:
The main goal is to have 1 link to share like this https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/myApp
although I cannot upload one single build for iPad and iPhone, but 2 for each type of device.

No. Your app needs to be one universal build in order to appear as one app in the app store.
A universal app doesn't need to have the same interface or transitions. How you achieve this is up to you and depends on the volume of the differences.


App Store video previews - localisation

I am trying to A/B test various screenshot sets in the App Store. One of the variants is removing video preview and just keeping the screenshots. However, I have US as the primary language and when I upload the video to itunes connect it automatically defaults to all localizations.
Is there a setting where I show video preview in one location and not the other?
January 9th, 2019 Update
"You can have up to three app previews for each language your app
After logging into AppStoreConnect, selecting your app, selecting View All Sizes in Media Manager under the App Previews and Screenshots section we're presented with many different configurations for our App's Preview in the AppStore.
On the right, we can choose which locale we'd like to localize for in the dropdown.
It's not possible to have different App Previews, you can have only one:
Uploads must be done using Safari and OS X 10.10, and only one localization is accepted. App previews must disclose In-App Purchases and may contain no ads, no platform logos, no pricing, and no timelines.

Launching a different ios app, within an app

I'm writing a basic application using xcode 5.1. One of the features I'm interested in trying to do is to launch another app or move to other part of iphone, INSIDE the app already running.
Eg. I have an app with 3 menu options, 1 and 2 do certain tasks as part of this parent app, menu option 3 launches another app that's installed on the phone. I'm not sure if this is possible?
No you can not do that. Besides the documented URL handlers, there's no way to communicate with/launch another app.
This is part of the sandbox principle of apple:
What you can do is launch another app by using custom URL-Schemes

Is it possible to deploy both the iphone and ipad *.ipa to the Application Center?

I am able to build both the iphone and ipad ipa files (app.ipa and app-ipad.ipa) fine. However, when I go to deploy them to the Application Center via the native-deployer api,
the Application Center only shows one app of type "ios", where I expect two apps, one for iphone and one for ipad.
Since this is one worklight project. The application-descriptor is the same. The version number and bundle ids are exactly the same. What do I need to change to differentiate them?
I think if the bundle id is different Application Center will discern them, for sure. But worklight did not change the bundle id when I added the environment, so I left them unchanged.
The bundleId value in application-descriptor.xml for the iPad and iPhone environments is merely a placeholder. Obviously, you need to change it.
You can change it either in application-descriptor.xml, in which case it will be pre-set by the time you open the generated Xcode project in Xcode. Or you can set it when you open the project in Xcode.
The simplest way is to just set it in application-descriptor.xml...
Note that Worklight has got nothing to do with your iOS app once it is generated and you want to release it. Any and all configurations are then mostly related to Xcode settings of your application. Read more here:
Configuring Your Xcode Project for Distribution
Another thing to note is that a Worklight-based iOS app, be it the iPhone or iPad environment is configured as a Universal app by default (fit for both iPhone and iPad). Perhaps what is missing in your case is to differentiate the two.
In Xode, for each project (iPhone and iPad), look for the setting to set it as an iPhone or iPad app, rather than Universal app.
Then, try uploading to the Application Center management console again and check if you are now able to see TWO apps.

IBM Worklight - What to create, an iPhone and iPad Environments or iPad Environment and iPhone skin?

I have developed an application for iPad and now I want to adapt it to iPhone, then I realized that I have two options: I can create an iPhone Environment or create a skin for iPhone.
The point is that if I create iPhone and iPad environments and I upload both .ipa to the application center, the user will find two applications with the same name available for download. I have not found the way to avoid this in Application Center. I can only add the platform in the description.
What is the best option? What is the difference between iPad and iPhone Environments?
EDIT: I'm not being able to create a skin in the iPad Environment, the getSkinName function is not executed.
The Xcode projects generated by Worklight Studio for the iPhone and iPad environments are both created with the Universal application setting. Their codebase (Worklight-framework related) is mostly the same...
You can change the generated project from being Universal to being device-specific. This is a setting that you can tweak in Xcode.
Note: of course, you need to use different bundleIds for each...
See this documentation article by Apple: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/ConfiguringYourApp/ConfiguringYourApp.html
After doing so, the App Center management console will be able to distinguish between the iPad and iPhone app. You can then simply edit the upload entry and give it a different label. This label change only affects what you see in the management console, not the app name itself, so all is good.
If you want to keep your app size to a minimum, then I would go for seperate environments rather than using Skins.
This will also help by giving you more control over your users (using Direct Update, Remote Disable, etc...) in case you have an issue only in the iPhone or iPad app.
I have also confirmed that Worklight Skins do work in the iPad environment.
Created a new Worklight project ("test") and application ("test")
Added the iPad environment
Added a skin ("ipad.skin")
Added a new appName.js (for Worklight 5.0.6/6.0, or main.js for Worklight 6.1) file in the ipad.skin\js folder with:
alert ("test");
Edited ipad\js\skinLoader.js file to use:
function getSkinName() {
return "ipad.skin";
Built and deployed
Opened and ran in Xcode
Result: the app opened in the iOS Simulator with an alert stating "test". Ergo, works...
Please make sure you have followed these steps.

Link to App Store app developer page with iOS 6?

Is there a way, in iOS 6, to link from an app to a specific developer's page on the App Store app? By that I mean a list showing all the apps by the developer.
There are various ways to link to the store (I am using the Appmosys as the example here) that produce various results:
http://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/appmosys/id331687329 - The link copied from desktop iTunes, opens up the iTunes app on an iOS 6 device, with the developer's page. If you tap on one of their apps, it goes to that app on the App Store app.
http://itunes.com/apps/appmosys - Opens the iTunes app (via Safari) but presents this error message: "Cannot connect to iTunes store".
itms://itunes.com/apps/appmosys - Goes straight to the iTunes app, but same error as above.
itms-apps://itunes.com/apps/appmosys - Opens the App Store app, but also presents the same error (screenshot here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6920023/iphone-screenshot.PNG ).
Is there actually a way to do this in iOS 6?
Bonus points if you can answer the question and know if the link you provide also works with the affiliate program, http://www.apple.com/itunes/affiliates/. I've already looked at the Link Maker on this page, http://www.apple.com/itunes/link/, but can only produce the standard iTunes link.
Part B / even more bonus points
You can link straight to the Reviews tab in the App Store app for an app, but can you also now link straight to the new Related tab?
i have a solution for iOS 5:
and one for iOS 6:
if you use itms-apps:// URLs instead of http:// it will open the app store app on the device, which is less confusing to the user, then going through safari.
Unfortunately i didn't found any single URL that works on iOS 5 and iOS 6. So the Apple Q&A Documentation is not valid anymore for iOS 6 :-(
UPDATE: i just realized that my iOS 5 solution works also on iOS 6 on the iPad, but not on the iPhone with iOS 6. it's getting weirder and weirder....
apple just annonced the appstore.com urls so now you can link to Electronic Arts Developer Page with http://appstore.com/ElectronicArts
i just tested it and it works for iPad from iOS 5.1 to 6.0 and iPhone from 4.3 to 6.0
so now the Apple Q&A Documentation is valid!
I have a universal app and I needed to open up my developer page, and display the correct apps depending whether the user is using an iPhone, iPod or iPad. The only way I could get this to work correctly was by using the iTunes link maker http://itunes.apple.com/linkmaker/ results but replaced https: with itms-apps:
The link like http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewArtist?id=426623392
will be work on any iOS devices and any browsers in Internet also.
The customer will be NOT confused because it is standard link of Apple and developers using it.
Change just your id. So, it will be http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewArtist?id=XXXXXXXX where XXXXXXXX is your developer id.
This link you can find also in iTunes App on your desktop by copy the link from button "More Apps by YYYYYYY" on page of any of yours App. There YYYYYYY is your developer name. Like on this page https://itunes.apple.com/be/app/visual-html-editor-eye-lite/id472624198?mt=8
If you prefer to have a CUSTOMIZED "MORE APPS BY US" page inside your app (not exit to AppStore or Safari), then have a look at what I created here (there is downloadable working project):
The beauty of this is the data is retrieved from iTunes AppStore everytime you open the page in your app, and that you can customize it however you like.
I get to this link by using iTunes on Mac. Search for the company name, click on any app that is made by the company, look for "More iPhone Apps by XXXXX", click on it, then you'll see all apps by this company, right click on the company name and copy link, and you'll get this link. This link will work with iOS 6.
I have no problems mit links created with http://itunes.apple.com/linkmaker/
It generates only https links.
