React-Native Integrating with Existing Apps 'RCTRootView.h' file not found - ios

I want to use React-Native [to integrate with Existing Apps]. However I get the following error:
'RCTRootView.h' file not found
As shown in the following capture:

If you are using cocoapod,
import "React/RCTRootView.h"

please check the solution here:
React native base headers for ios not found
So the solution is to add a same configuration in React.xcodeproj to match the one in your project.
For example, if you have "Debug/Release/Test/AppStore" 4 configurations in your own project, you have to make sure React.xcodeproj has the same 4 configurations.
please Click the "+" button of Configurations, then "Duplicate Release Configuration", and rename it according to you need.

If others can not solve this issue, please try this:
Build Settings -> Header Search Path open it and your RN path may be like this:
$ (SRCROOT) / react-native / React
If your node_modules path is under the project root directory you have to modify
$ (SRCROOT) / node_modules / react-native / React
Good luck

Quit XCode.
Open Terminal.
Run "npm install".


Firebase Crashlytics | Swift Package Manager (SPM) Run Script?

I want to add Crashlytics to my app using the Swift package manager.
Now, since the usual way to install Firebase is through CocoaPods, the tutorial on how to set up Crashlytics properly is also adjusted for CocoaPods.
In other words - the run script we should copy from the tutorial is not compatible with SPM, as you can see here:
So how can I find the file location of Crashlytics using SPM to get the correct run script?
Turns out its inside the DerivedData folder:
For your convenience, you can use a build variable to generalize the folder path:
Finally, your run script should look something like that:
And another quite important thing if a non-default name for the firebase configuration file is used.
This flag is needed to denote it:
-gsp ${PROJECT_DIR}/PATH-TO-CONFIG/GoogleService-Info-Dev.plist
Thus final script should look like
${BUILD_DIR%Build/*}SourcePackages/checkouts/firebase-ios-sdk/Crashlytics/run -gsp ${PROJECT_DIR}/PATH-TO-CONFIG/GoogleService-Info-Dev.plist
Where PATH-TO-CONFIG is the path to the firebase configuration file in the project.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm unable to make this work. I get a crash and the following error message:
/Users/[path-to-my-project]/SourcePackages/checkouts/firebase-ios-sdk/Crashlytics/run: No such file or directory
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
I don't understand why it tries to find the crashlytics script in my Xcode project folder and not in the derived data folder at runtime.
This worked for me, but I had to change Project Settings.
Add a package by selecting File → Add Packages… in Xcode’s menu bar.
Search for the Firebase Apple SDK using the repo's URL:
Next, set the Dependency Rule to be Up to Next Major Version and specify 8.10.0 as the lower bound.
Then, select Add Package.
Choose the Firebase products that you want installed in your app.
If you've installed FirebaseAnalytics, add the -ObjC option to Other Linker Flags in the Build Settings tab.

Could not get GOOGLE_APP_ID in Google Services file from build environment

For setting up firebase i am using two config 1.GoogleService-Info-test.plist, 2.GoogleService-Info-prdn.plist for UAT and Production. For installing crashlytics using firebase i have followed firebase documentation But when i try to run, it throws error in build phase while running script.
I tried without changing config file name and it worked.
Error msg at build phase while running fabric run script "Could not get GOOGLE_APP_ID in Google Services file from build environment".
Can anyone suggest better solution to achieve my requirement.
This is one way you can do it, by having your projects environments separated by targets, by doing so you can then add your different plist files and just check the target that they belong to, that way when you compile the target it will take it's corresponding plist file
Another way to do it, or to look up how to do it, it's called multiple environments with firebase, here are some helpful links
Use different GoogleService-Info.plist for different build schemes
This worked for me:
When install Crashlytic with Firebase, for multiple scheme, you can have error Could not get GOOGLE_APP_ID in Google Services file from build environment. You can fix it by:
In Build Settings, add a user define for file name in User Defined:
In Build Phases, tap plus button, New Run Script Phase above your Crashlytic build phase, and type this code to the text field. Remember to rename %YOUR_CUSTOM_PATH_TO_FOLDER% to your path to Plist files:
This worked for me:
Make sure you add the Xcode Crashlytics build phase after Copy Bundle Resources.
I had this in my "Build Phases" and it's works
"${PODS_ROOT}/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols" -gsp "${PROJECT_DIR}/MyApp/GoogleService-Info.plist" -p ios "${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH}/${DWARF_DSYM_FILE_NAME}"
Our project only one target, but we need to use two Firebase config files GoogleService-Info-Prod.plist and GoogleService-Info-Dev.plist.
I had this in my "Build Phases" and it works.
if [ "${CONFIGURATION}" = "Release" ]; then
${PODS_ROOT}/FirebaseCrashlytics/run -gsp ${PROJECT_DIR}/RushCard/FirebaseConfig/GoogleService-Info-Prod.plist
${PODS_ROOT}/FirebaseCrashlytics/run -gsp ${PROJECT_DIR}/RushCard/FirebaseConfig/GoogleService-Info-Dev.plist
In my case I created New Run Script Phrase above Compile Sources, that's why I always see
Could not get GOOGLE_APP_ID in Google Services file from build environment
When I moved Crashlytic's run script at the end of list bug was disappear. Please look the following screen shot:
And article about it is here
I use multiple configurations for several white-labelled apps. I added a User-Defined variable FIREBASE_SUFFIX and changed my script to the following:
${PODS_ROOT}/FirebaseCrashlytics/run -gsp ${PROJECT_DIR}/Firebase/GoogleService-Info-${FIREBASE_SUFFIX}.plist
NOTE: I use Carthage for firebase here: If you're this same setup, you should use something like this instead (replace the path to where you put your script files):
${PROJECT_DIR}/scripts/run -gsp ${PROJECT_DIR}/Firebase/GoogleService-Info-${FIREBASE_SUFFIX}.plist
Another way is to make sure one plist keeps the original name GoogleService-Info.plist
Different targets meant more work to update CI for me.
This is valid for Xcode 11 at least, not tested on any other versions
I was using new Firebase/Crashlytics which beta and getting error "No Google App ID or Google Services file provided" when I try to upload manually dSYMS
Here is command:
-gsp/path/to/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios /path/to/dSYMs
Then I reliaze there should be space between "-gsp" and path to Google.plist after that It worked.
The solution for me was removing the call to upload-symbols script.
One of the Crashlytics guides mentions you should add this:
/path/to/pods/directory/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols <- Not needed
I misinterpreted this... the run script already calls upload-symbols so there's no need to add a second call.
Make sure in Xcode file explorer (i.e on the left side) "GoogleService-Info.plist" is showing. If not you have to drag and drop "GoogleService-Info.plist" in the Xcode panel.
In my case problem is I copy-pasted the file in the project location, due to this file reference is missing in the Project info.
Well all above answers purpose a possible solution for this issue, in my case GoogleService.plist file was missing from 'Copy Bundle Resources' by adding into it worked in my case..
To check the file goto
Project Directory >> Build Phases >> Copy Bundle Resources
add it add here if you find missing.
If these solutions provided above do not work, I solved mine by going to Build phases as shown on this image. Click on plus and add Google plist
I was able to fix this by locate where is my GoogleService-Info.plist, copy it to ios folder in Flutter and run with this script
"$PODS_ROOT/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols" --flutter-project "$PROJECT_DIR/firebase_app_id_file.json" -gsp "$PROJECT_DIR/GoogleService-Info.plist" -p ios "$DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH/$DWARF_DSYM_FILE_NAME"
I found a better solution:
Just upgrade all firebase package to lastest version
Remove Crashlytics build script
Run flutter clean, flutter pub get
pod install (in ios folder)
I had this issue because I didn't download GoogleService-Info.plist file from Firebase console.
If you have your project on Firebase but missing this file in Xcode, don't worry, you don't need to do the setup again from the beginning. Just go to:
Project Settings > General > Scroll down and in the "Your Apps" panel you will see the file and you can download it and import it in the Xcode project.
I had the same error, also due to the fact that I have multiple bundle identifier and therefore I have a build phase script called Firebase Script (that pinpoints to the correct GoogleService-Info.plist ) that was running after the Crashlytics script.
The solution is to run Firebase Script before the Crashlytics script.
In my case I had a different name in my file, his name was GoogleService-Enterprise-Info.plis when I change it to the normal name GoogleService-Info.plist, IT WORK FINE !!
I faced the same issue for #react-native-firebase/crashlytics
In case you are facing this issue, you probably have missed the 'ios setup' instruction mentioned in below link. Please follow the instruction to fix the issue.
Just download from Settings of your projects and place for your correct target which you are running.
This error would be shown if there is a space in your project name or in the path of your project.
Read more in this GitHub Issue
Additionally to other answers..
I faced that problem with exact same error message and in my case everything was ok with file GoogleService-Info.plist except that it was genereated with wrong Bundle ID for application (it was changed in XCode much later than initial Firebase setup happened), so I had to create new app in Firebase Console with correct Bundle ID (it's not able to edit) and download new GoogleService-Info.plist
If you are using one of the popular build scripts going around for handling multiple different environments, it is probably useful to know that you should use a different GoogleService-Info.plist destination based on the target platform:
// iOS
// watchOS
// macOS
Ultimate guide:
Assure that in Runner folder you have file GoogleService-Info.plist and it is attached in your project
If you don't have this file go to Firebase Console, add you IOS app and download the GoogleService-Info.plist file, then add it to you project's Runner folder by XCode.
If there is no such file in XCode but it exists physically in the folder then right click on Runner folder (in Runner project) -> Add files to Runner -> Select that file
If you want to use multiple flavors add ENV_SUFFIX in Runner (target) -> Build Settings -> User-Defined (on the bottom)
Still in the target's Runner change tab to Build Phases -> Press Plus button -> New Run Script Phase -> Name it as Copy GoogleService-Info.plist and add this line
cp Runner/GoogleService-Info_${ENV_SUFFIX}.plist Runner/GoogleService-Info.plist
IMPORTANT! This script has to be before Initialize Crashlytics step or any other Firebase related script (you can drag it to the top)
Add other GoogleService-Info.plist files with suffix for the env. In my case those would be the _dev _prod and _tst files from the first screen shot
Enjoy multiflavor app
Try downgrading, it worked for me!
I used:
'Fabric', '1.9.0'
'Crashlytics', '3.12.0'

Build fail for google-signin package in react-native?

I am trying to implement react-native-google-sigin package to my react-native Ios project . I have configured everything.
But now the problem if I include google framework to my project there is a pop an error and As soon as I remove it. It works!!
I really don't know why m getting build fail with the following error
Every time i include ios/GoogleSdk frameworks in my project.
I don't know why or how but I ran into this issue and after numerous cleans, DerivedData deletes etc., the solution that worked for me was to follow XCode's advice on upgrading to the recommended settings and changing the iOS Deployment Target of RNGoogleSignIn project to 8.0. I'm using XCode 9 if that helps.
This is how I solved this:
rm -rf node_modules/ ios/
(Copied my podfile to another location)
npm install & react-native upgrade
(this will give me a error free start cause by react-native link)
cp my podfile inside ios/ Pod install
Followed the remaining steps from react-native-google-signin
Added the following to my login.js (iosCLientId and CLientId are different Id's)
await GoogleSignin.configure({
iosClientId: 'iosClientId',
webClientId: 'webClientId',
offlineAccess: false
Open Xcode Clear and Build the project.
Note: I would have easily removed the googlesdk(frameworks), links and library . But instead I choose to get get a fresh start. Hope this helps anyone

‘Cordova/CDV.h’ file not found in Xcode 8.2.1

I have one hybrid Cordova project, which is running fine Xcode 5.1.1, but when I am trying to Archive the project in Xcode 8.2.1 with ‘Generic iOS Device’ I am getting the error ‘Cordova/CDV.h’ is not found.
I read many articles about this problem, but none could solve my problem. Most answers are telling to follow the below steps:
"Add this line to your Build Settings -> Header Search Paths:
I have did this but problem not solved, getting another error ‘ld: library not found for -lcrt1.3.1.o
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)’
Also I have changed the bitcode YES to NO in target Build Settings, but no fruitful result.
Project cordova version 3.4.0 where installed cordova version in machine 6.4.0
Has anybody experience with this kind of problem?
Please, can anyone help? I've been working on this for days.
I got it work by following below steps
In your Xcode project settings select TARGETS
Within TARGETS select the Build Settings tab
In the sub-options under the Build Settings tab be sure to select All
Scroll down to the Search Paths section
Locate Header Search Paths
Add the following configuration to the Release option (as a new value on its own line): $(OBJROOT)/UninstalledProducts/$(PLATFORM_NAME)/include
Clean the project: Command + Shift + K
Restart Xcode
I wanted to report that the response provided by Vinay worked for me. I had to make sure I was in the share extension target, and I added it to the path exactly as suggested above in the Release option, and did not even have to do a clean to get it to regenerate the PCH.
BUT, I was puzzled by this after looking at the setting further and I realized this path was already in the setting. I edited it again, and removed the redundant path, hit 'run' again, and it loaded onto my iPhone and ran fine.
So, I believe that just setting this in the search path forced a recompile on the share extension PCH and all is working again.
I hope this helps others.
I know its too late to answer on this question but still many developers facing the above issue and as per the latest Cordova & ionic version below steps will work in the above error.
As per new update in Cordova some time due to some permission issue or directly run or build iOS platform it's unable to add below file or folders in your iOS project platform :
so somehow above folder will not add in your project and that's why it's not building your iOS project.
To overcome this issue you need to remove iOS platform from your ionic project and again add it.
Remove iOS platform: sudo ionic cordova platform remove ios
Add it again: sudo ionic cordova platform add ios
By doing this cordova download CordovaLib folder from server and add it into your iOS project and after that users can able to build their project without any error.
recently I faced this issue and I solved by doing the above steps.
Hope this helps others.
Happy coding!
Seems like the "Cordova" folder isn't getting copied into the project during cordova platform add ios
So, you'll have to copy the "Cordova" source folder into your project manually. But you'll have to download the ios source packages from github first, which is located at:
After downloading the "" package and unzipping it, copy the folder named "CordovaLib" into your project next to the Xcode project file:
PROJECT_FOLDER/platforms/ios/CordovaLib <------- here

Installing Phonegap on iOS

Recently I was trying to install Cordova onto my mac so I can compile for the iphone, but I ran into a problem. The option to create a Cordova project wasn't there on xcode. I looked online and saw that I needed to create the project through the terminal. I did this, but nothing was created as far as I can see.
On the terminal, after dragging the bin folder to the terminal I did: ./create /desktop/ios-program/ com.appname appname
Did I do something wrong? Thanks
here a complete guide is given to create phonegap environment in xcode
if it is not enough than go for this
These instructions are pretty clear, even if the directory tree you get after extracting the zip file is not exactly the one they show.
After installing all the requirements:
1. extract the content of wherever you want
2. go to lib/ios/bin and run the create command with the suggested parameters.
3. open the finder and go to the directory you used as first parameter
4. doubleclick the file with extension xcodeproj to open XCode and the project will be automatically created
Make sure that you are inside \phonegap-2.7.0\lib\ios\bin before entering ./create command.
Refer the Blog Tutorial
