How to run the job synchronously with sidekiq - ruby-on-rails

Currently I am working with queue job on the ruby on rail with the Sidekiq. I have 2 jobs that are depend to each other and I want 1st job to finish first before starting the 2nd job, so is there any way to make it with Sidekiq.

Yes, you can use the pattern. This will run your jobs in order, synchronously.
However, there are 2 things to consider here:
What happens if the first job fails?
How long does the each job run?
For #2, the pattern blocks execution for the length of time each job takes to run. If the jobs are extremely short in runtime, why use the jobs in the first place? If they're long, are you expecting the user to wait until they're done?
Alternatively, you can schedule the running of the second job as the last line in the body of the first one. You still need to account for the failure mode of job #1 or #2. Also, you need to consider that the job won't necessarily run when it's scheduled to run, due to the state of the queue at schedule time. How does this affect your business logic?
Hope this helps
--edit according to last comment
class SecondJob < SidekiqJob
def perform(params)
data = SomeData.find
return unless data.ready?
# do whatever you need to do with the ready data


ruby on rails background application to run jobs automaically at a time dynamically defined by users?

I have a use case where user schedules a 'command' from the web interface. The user also specifies the date and time the command needs to be triggred.
This is sequence of steps:
1.User schedules a command 'Restart Device' at May 31, 3pm.
2.This is saved in a database table called Command.
3.Now there needs to be a background job that needs to be triggered at this specified time to do something (make an api call, send email etc.)
4.Once job is executed, It is removed or marked done, until a new command is issued.
There could be multpile users concurrently performing the above sequence of steps.
Is delayed_job a good choice for above? I couldnt find an example as how to implement above using delayed job.
EDIT: the reason I was looking at delayed_job is because eventually I would need to leverage existing relational database
I would advise to use Sidekiq. With it you can use scheduled jobs to tell sidekiq when to perform the jobs.
Example :
MyWorker.perform_at(3.hours.from_now, 'mike', 1)
EDIT : worker example
class RestartDeviceWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform(params)
# Do the job
# ...
# update in DB
see doc:
If you are using Rails 5 then you have best option of ActiveJob(inbuilt feature)
Use ActiveJob
"Active Job – Make work happen later. Active Job is a framework for declaring jobs and making them run on a variety of queuing backends. These jobs can be everything from regularly scheduled clean-ups, to billing charges, to mailings. Anything that can be chopped up into small units of work and run in parallel, really."
Active Job has built-in adapters for multiple queuing backends (Sidekiq, Resque, Delayed Job and others). You just need to tell them.
Scenario: I want to delete my story after 24 hours(1 day). Then we do create a job named "StoriesCleanupJob". Call this job at the time of the creation of story like below
It will call the Job after 1 day.
class StoriesCleanupJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :default
def perform(story)
if story.destroy
#put your own conditions like update the status and all, whatever you want to perform.

How to enqueue a job within a job dynamically in Rails?

I've a job, and when the job is run, at the very bottom of it, and I want to enqueue the same job again to run after 1 hour, but with different arguments.
What I've achieved so far:
class SimpleJob
#queue = :normal
def self.perform(start)
puts "Right now, start = #{start}"
start += 12
time = some_request_external_api
self.set(wait: time).perform_later(start)
I'm using resque gem, and running the job through QUEUE=* rake resque:work. Surely, it prints Right now, start = 12 in beginning, but after that, nothing happens. How exactly can I achieve this functionality?
Rather than enqueuing the job again within itself, you could either use a scheduler, such as clockwork.
Or, if what you are trying to accomplish is in response to some event on another service, maybe you could look into it's documentation and see if it provides webhook functionality.
These would send post requests to your desired action whenever any action occurs on their side.
Sounds like you are looking for ways to setup recurring job. If thats the case, take a look at this:

Rails and sucker_punch: Debounce x seconds before executing job to control rate of execution

In my Rails 3.2 project, I am using SuckerPunch to run a expensive background task when a model is created/updated.
Users can do different types of interactions on this model. Most of the times these updates are pretty well spaced out, however for some other actions like re-ordering, bulk-updates etc, those POST requests can come in very frequently, and that's when it overwhelms the server.
My question is, what would be the most elegant/smart strategy to start the background job when first update happens, but wait for say 10 seconds to make sure no more updates are coming in to that Model (Table, not a row) and then execute the job. So effectively throttling without queuing.
My sucker_punch worker looks something like this:
class StaticMapWorker
include SuckerPunch::Job
workers 10
def perform(map,markers)
#perform some expensive job
It gets called from Marker and 'Map' model and sometimes from controllers (for update_all cases)like so:
after_save :generate_static_map_html
def generate_static_map_html,
So, a pretty standard setup for running background job. How do I make the job wait or not schedule until there are no updates for x seconds on my Model (or Table)
If it helps, Map has_many Markers so triggering the job with logic that when any marker associations of a map update would be alright too.
What you are looking for is delayed jobs, implemented through ActiveJob's perform_later. According to the edge guides, that isn't implemented in sucker_punch.
ActiveJob::QueueAdapters comparison
Fret not, however, because you can implement it yourself pretty simply. When your job retrieves the job from the queue, first perform some math on the records modified_at timestamp, comparing it to 10 seconds ago. If the model has been modified, simply add the job to the queue and abort gracefully.
As per the example 2/5 of the way down the page, explaining how to add a job within a worker Github sucker punch
class StaticMapWorker
include SuckerPunch::Job
workers 10
def perform(map,markers)
if Map.where(modified_at: > 0,markers)
#perform some expensive job

Moving a Resque job between queues

Is there anyway to move a resque job between two different queues?
We sometimes get in the situation that we have a big queue and a job that is near the end we find a need to "bump up its priority." We thought it might be an easy way to simply move it to another queue that had a worker waiting for any high priority jobs.
This happens rarely and is usually a case where we get a special call from a customer, so scaling, re-engineering don't seem totally necessary.
There is nothing built-in in Resque. You can use rpoplpush like:
module Resque
def self.move_queue(source, destination)
r = Resque.redis
r.llen("queue:#{source}").times do
r.rpoplpush("queue:#{source}", "queue:#{destination}")
If it's a rare occurrence you're probably better off just manually pushing a new job into a shorter queue. You'll want to make sure that your system has a way to identify that the job has already run and to bail out so that when the job in the long queue is finally reached it is not processed again (if double processing is a problem for you).

is there a way to run a job at a set time later, without cron, say a scheduled queue?

I have a rails application where I want to run a job in the background, but I need to run the job 2 hours from the original event.
The use case might be something like this:
User posts a product listing.
Background job is queued to syndicate listing to 3rd party api's, but even after original request, the response could take a while and the 3rd party's solution is to poll them every 2 hours to see if we can get a success acknowledgement.
So is there a way to queue a job, so that a worker daemon knows to ignore it or only listen to it at the scheduled time?
I don't want to use cron because it will load up a whole application stack and may be executed twice on overlapping long running jobs.
Can a priority queue be used for this? What solutions are there to implement this?
try delayed job -
something along these lines?
class ProductCheckSyndicateResponseJob <
def perform
product = Product.find(product_id)
if product.still_needs_syndicate_response
# do it ...
# still no response, check again in two hours
Delayed::Job.enqueue(, :run_at => 2.hours.from_now)
# nothing to do ...
initialize job first time in controller or maybe before_create callback on model?
Delayed::Job.enqueue(, :run_at => 2.hours.from_now)
Use the Rufus Scheduler gem. It runs as a background thread, so you don't have to load the entire application stack again. Add it to your Gemfile, and then your code is as simple as:
# in an initializer,
SCHEDULER = Rufus::Scheduler.start_new
# then wherever you want in your Rails app,'2h') do
# whatever code you want to run in 2 hours
The github page has tons of more examples.
