How to not display all the local calendars - ios

Hello and thanks for the help,
What i want to do is create an app that will display several calendars with different tasks for example:
I have one calendar for my dog for when he will take a shower or go to the vet.
One for my bird that also has when he will take a shower and go to the vet.
One for me, cause i need shower and go to the vet too! haha
something like that.
So i have been following this tutorial:
And my goal is when i press the bird profile and press the shower button only the birdShower calendar is shown and when i press the doctor only the birdDoctor calendar is shown.
And when i press the dog or my profile the same happens.
But what is happening now is that all local calendars are been displayed and i don't want that.
I am very bad at programming and i am just starting and i have been trying to fix this for days but i just failed. So my question is how can i access and display the calendars i want for each profile menu (bath or doctor) without the other profiles or menus.. knowing about each other?
And how can i automatically set a new calendar for the user?
for example if he creates a new profile named Goku and than he presses the button BATH is it possible to create a calendar called GokuBaths automatically?
Thank you for the help.

Use Below Code for getting calender list.
EKEventStore *eventStore = [[EKEventStore alloc] init];
[eventStore requestAccessToEntityType:EKEntityTypeEvent completion:^(BOOL granted, NSError *error)
if (granted)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void) {
NSArray *cals = [eventStore calendarsForEntityType: EKEntityTypeEvent];
NSLog(#"Cals: %#",cals);


EKEventStore will not return Exchange Calendar items by external or local identifier

I am using the EKEventStore API to save events to the default calendar using the following:
EKEventStore - saveEvent:span:commit:error:.
Once the event is saved, I store the externalID and localID in my database for future reference using the following:
externalID = [myEvent calendarItemExternalIdentifier]; and
localID = [myEvent eventIdentifier].
The problem I am having is that when I then go back to try and retrieve the event using the following:
[[eventStore calendarItemsWithExternalIdentifier:externalID] firstObject]
[eventStore eventWithIdentifier:localID],
iOS is not able to find my event.
If I run the exact same code, but have my default calendar set to an iCloud calendar, however, everything works correctly.
But if the default calendar is an Exchange calendar, I am getting the following error message:
"Error getting calendar item with UUID [insert externalID here]: Error Domain=EKCADErrorDomain Code=1010 "(null)""
Has anyone encountered this issue?
I have had this code deployed for over 2 years now and users recently reported they weren't able to open appointments created on Exchange calendars. Not sure what changed or when, but I have tested this on iOS 10 and 11, and both have the issue.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated,
Unfortunately not... we were able to work around this issue by including an internal reference ID in the notes of the event. Then, if both the externalEventID and eventID failed to return the event, which is our issue with Exchange, then we fall back to use the start and end date in an EKEventSearchCallback to look for our event.
Basically, it ends up looking like this:
EKEventSearchCallback searchBlock = ^(EKEvent *event, BOOL *stop)
if([MyCustomClass event:event
foundEvent = event;
*stop = YES;
NSPredicate *predicate = [eventStore predicateForEventsWithStartDate:startDate
[eventStore enumerateEventsMatchingPredicate:predicate usingBlock:searchBlock];
Another solution might be waiting for the event to sync with Exchange. For example, I save the event and keep track of the ID assigned to it. Have a loop check every few seconds for a change. When the change happens, it's on the exchange server and you're good to reference that in your DB.
Try it out, let me know if it works!

create a custom calendar

I want to create a new custom calendar on iOS, in my application.
I search for some explications on how do it work. But my code doesn't work / the calendar is not created
EKEventStore *eventStore = [[EKEventStore alloc] init];
EKSource *theSource = nil;
for (EKSource *source in eventStore.sources) {
if (source.sourceType == EKSourceTypeLocal) {
theSource = source;
NSString *identifier;
EKCalendar *cal;
if (identifier == nil)
cal = [EKCalendar calendarForEntityType:EKEntityTypeEvent eventStore:eventStore];
cal.title = #"MyCustomCalendar";
cal.source = theSource;
[eventStore saveCalendar:cal commit:YES error:nil];
NSLog(#"cal id = %#", cal.calendarIdentifier);
cal = [eventStore calendarWithIdentifier:identifier];
I'm not sure if you are completely set on using EKCalendar, but you do not need to to make a calendar in iOS. You can design your own however you want with a UICollectionView or Buttons laid out dynamically. The important part is to make sure all of your dates are arranged correctly, which is not necessarily trivial. But, if you have a good way to get the first weekday for the first day of a given month, you can get it done. I followed this algorithm: which seemed a bit complicated, but in practice was easy to code and reliable. Otherwise I believe apple has a 'firstWeekday' method/property you can try, but that didn't work for me. Once you have the right first weekday you can enumerate through the days of the rest of the month and put them how you want on your calendar.
It seems like you are unsure how to setup your calendar data with EKCalendar. I found a nice tutorial you may find useful:
For more specific questions try the documentation, you can find it with a google search.
Otherwise, what kind of data export are you looking for? iCloud? Local? Are you working with an actual calendar provided or just saving something with all of your calendar data that another application can read?
The one possible way to get this issue is, mismatching calendar source type.
Since you've created the calendar with local source type, system could not find local source if you already synced your iCloud / gmail / exchange calendars.
So my suggestion is don't stick with local source and try to create the calendar in any available source. If you go for this approach, you'll also be ready for solving appropriate issues (like the case iCloud is synced but user has not given permission for iCloud-calendar sync).

Implement my own a custom GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController

I'm sure there are questions similar to this, but I couldn't find an example. I'm trying to recreate the apple GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController for my turn based game with my own custom interface for my turn based iphone game. I'm having trouble getting all the options to display correctly so I was hoping someone had a working example. My current code is this:
-(void)getCurrentGamesFromServer {
[GKTurnBasedMatch loadMatchesWithCompletionHandler:^(NSArray *matches, NSError *error) {
for (GKTurnBasedMatch *myMatch in matches) {
//this is, I believe, also where we need to consider invitations. available instance methods provided by GC are: acceptInviteWithCompletionHandler and declineInviteWithCompletionHandler
if(myMatch.status == 1){ //ongoing game
if([myMatch.currentParticipant.playerID isEqualToString:[GKLocalPlayer localPlayer].playerID]){ //if it's my turn
//here we need to populate the table by adding our matches to mcurrentgamesarray. after all the matches have been added, reload the tableview
NSLog(#"active game that is my turn");
[self.mCurrentGamesArray addObject:myMatch];
NSLog(#"other turn or an invite from another player waiting to hear from you");
[_mCurrentGamesTableView reloadData];
As you can see, the only games I'm grabbing right now are games where the status is 1 (ongoing game) and the current participant ID is my ID.
to get games that were not my turn, I tried doing games where it was not my ID, but it included invites with it and I couldn't figure out how to separate them out.
Basically, I'd like to have a section of games where it is my turn, a section where it is not my turn but games are still active, a section of completed old games, and a section for invites. does anyone have a working example, or a page they can send me to that explains the best practices for what I'm trying to do? Thanks for your help.

Gamekit / gamecenter random matchmaking programmatically

I am trying to implement random matchmaking programmatically with my own custom userinterface.
I'm kinda stuck..
using this code found at the apple site I can create a match without problems
- (void)findProgrammaticMatch
GKMatchRequest *request = [[GKMatchRequest alloc] init];
request.minPlayers = 2;
request.maxPlayers = 2;
[GKTurnBasedMatch findMatchForRequest: request withCompletionHandler:^(GKTurnBasedMatch *match, NSError *error)
if (match) {
and if I do match.participants.count I get the number 2...
but one participant is me and the other is null
What ive done to test is create 2 sandbox accounts and I ran the same code with my other game center account, and I got a new game created,.. but it didnt match them for some reason.. am I missing something?
ive been looking for examples on google, but I can't seem to find any.. if any of you know anywhere I can find some examples, I would be most grateful
Well, you might be missing out an essential point in turn based match making. When the user starts an automatch if he is not connected to an existing match it starts a fresh game and user takes the first turn. Only after HE COMPLETES HIS TURN, other users can connect to this game. So if you are making a 2 player match: one user should start a fresh game with the other user being null at that moment and the other user should connect to this existing game after the first one finished his turn (endTurnWithMatchData called)
This is not very clear in documentation (I despise the gamecenter documentation, unclear & incomplete) but it is the case for sdk 6. I think it will change in the near future.

ios can players form teams of 2 and play other teams of 2 in game center [duplicate]

I have a "Play Now" button in my app that allows players to be auto-matched with other random players. Maybe I'm missing this somewhere in the docs, but how do I write the code to auto match players?
The Game Center sandbox server has been messed up the last few days, so I'm having a hard time trying different things since I have to guess because the Game Kit docs aren't exactly clear on how to do this. Currently, I have code setup (but untested) to create a match with a friend...
NSArray *playerList = [NSArray arrayWithObject:pid];
GKMatchRequest *request = [[[GKMatchRequest alloc] init] autorelease];
request.minPlayers = 2;
request.maxPlayers = 4;
request.playersToInvite = playerList;
[[self waitingIndicator] startAnimating];
[[GKMatchmaker sharedMatchmaker] findMatchForRequest:request withCompletionHandler:^(GKMatch *match, NSError *error) {
if (error)
//handle error
else if (match != nil)
self.myMatch = match;
//start match code
But how do I auto match two random people looking for a game? My guess, since the docs don't say it, or I'm missing it, is that in order to create an auto match, I simply set the playersToInvite property of the match object to nil? If not, how do I create an auto match?
One other question, while we're on the topic, the Game Kit docs site a few common matchmaking scenarios, one of them being...
A player can also create a network
match using the Game Center
application. When they invite a friend
into a multiplayer game, your
application is launched on both
devices, and each copy of your
application receives an invitation to
join the game.
But I can't figure out how to do this in the Game Center app for testing purposes. How does a user create a network match using the Game Center app? I don't see any buttons for that anywhere in the Game Center app.
Thanks in advance for your wisdom!
Ok, now that the sandbox Game Center server is back up, I was able to confirm that auto-matching works by setting the playersToInvite property to nil, or not setting it all.
