For an assignment on parser if been working on the following code in Haskell;
import ParseLib.Simple
import Prelude hiding ((<*>), (<$>),(<$),(<*))
import Data.Char
import Data.Time.Calendar hiding (Day)
Data Types;
data DateTime = DateTime { date :: Date
, time :: Time
, utc :: Bool }
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data TimeUTC = Eps | Z deriving Show
data Date = Date { year :: Year
, month :: Month
, day :: Day }
deriving (Eq, Ord)
newtype Year = Year { unYear :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord)
newtype Month = Month { unMonth :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord)
newtype Day = Day { unDay :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord)
data Time = Time { hour :: Hour
, minute :: Minute
, second :: Second }
deriving (Eq, Ord)
newtype Hour = Hour { unHour :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord)
newtype Minute = Minute { unMinute :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord)
newtype Second = Second { unSecond :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord)
data Result = SyntaxError | Invalid DateTime | Valid DateTime deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show DateTime where
show = printDateTime
instance Show Result where
show SyntaxError = "date/time with wrong syntax"
show (Invalid _) = "good syntax, but invalid date or time values"
show (Valid x) = "valid date: " ++ show x
With show instances for all the newtypes equel to this;
instance Show Year where
show (Year a) = show a
The parsers look like this;
-- Exercise 1
parseDateTime :: Parser Char DateTime
parseDateTime = DateTime <$> parseDate <*> parseTime <*> parseUTC
parseDigits :: Int -> Parser Char Int
parseDigits n (xs) | length f == n = [(read f :: Int, drop n xs)]
| otherwise = []
where f = take n xs
-- Time parsing
parseTime :: Parser Char Time
parseTime = Time <$> parseHour <*> parseMinute <*> parseSeconds
parseHour :: Parser Char Hour
parseHour xs | length (checkT) == 2 = [(Hour(read f :: Int), (drop 3 xs))]
| length (checkT) == 3 = [(Hour(read f :: Int), (drop 2 xs))]
| otherwise = []
where f = take 3 xs
checkT = if (head f) == 'T' then drop 1 f else f
parseMinute :: Parser Char Minute
parseMinute = Minute <$> (parseDigits 2)
parseSeconds :: Parser Char Second
parseSeconds = Second <$> (parseDigits 2)
-- Date parsing
parseDate :: Parser Char Date
parseDate = Date <$> parseYear <*> parseMonth <*> parseDay
parseYear :: Parser Char Year
parseYear = Year <$> (parseDigits 4)
parseMonth :: Parser Char Month
parseMonth = Month <$> (parseDigits 2)
parseDay :: Parser Char Day
parseDay = Day <$> (parseDigits 2)
-- UTC parsing
parseUTC :: Parser Char Bool
parseUTC = utcToBool <$> (option ((\a -> Z) <$> satisfy (=='Z')) Eps)
utcToBool :: TimeUTC -> Bool
utcToBool Eps = False
utcToBool Z = True
-- Exercise 2
isFinished :: [(a, [b])] -> Maybe a
isFinished [] = Nothing
isFinished ((result, rest):xs) | null rest = Just result
| otherwise = isFinished xs
run :: Parser a b -> [a] -> Maybe b
run p s = isFinished r
where r = p s
-- Exercise 3
printDateTime :: DateTime -> String
printDateTime (DateTime (Date year month day)(Time hour minute second)timezone) = f year 4 ++ f month 2 ++ f day 2 ++ "T" ++ f hour 2 ++ f minute 2 ++ f second 2 ++ endOrZ timezone
where f s a = take (a - length (show s)) (repeat '0') ++ show s
endOrZ False = ""
endOrZ True = "Z"
-- Exercise 4
parsePrint s = fmap printDateTime $ run parseDateTime s
So now my problem. After finishing exercise 4 we are supossed to test "parsePrint" and if the string that goes in is correct it returns Just "inputstring" else nothing
So i tried to test it with some strings that were given to us and i got the following error;
*Main> parsePrint "20111012T083945"
*** Exception: no parse
Just "20111012T*Main>
Now I found some thread on here about the same error, these were mostly about missing qoutes and one about the read instance. Yet I'm still not really able to figure out the problem.
I don't expect the flat out answser seeing it's for a school assignment but if someone could point me in the right direction I would be really grateful, seeing I've been trying to figure it out for a couple of hours now.
-- Indents got a bit messed up when I copied the code here, but I don't think that would be the problem.
I'm practicing writing parsers. I'm using Tsodings JSON Parser video as reference. I'm trying to add to it by being able to parse arithmetic of arbitrary length and I have come up with the following AST.
data HVal
= HInteger Integer -- No Support For Floats
| HBool Bool
| HNull
| HString String
| HChar Char
| HList [HVal]
| HObj [(String, HVal)]
deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
data Op -- There's only one operator for the sake of brevity at the moment.
= Add
deriving (Show, Read)
newtype Parser a = Parser {
runParser :: String -> Maybe (String, a)
The following functions is my attempt of implementing the operator parser.
ops :: [Char]
ops = ['+']
isOp :: Char -> Bool
isOp c = elem c ops
spanP :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser String
spanP f = Parser $ \input -> let (token, rest) = span f input
in Just (rest, token)
opLiteral :: Parser String
opLiteral = spanP isOp
sOp :: String -> Op
sOp "+" = Add
sOp _ = undefined
parseOp :: Parser Op
parseOp = sOp <$> (charP '"' *> opLiteral <* charP '"')
The logic above is similar to how strings are parsed therefore my assumption was that the only difference was looking specifically for an operator rather than anything that's not a number between quotation marks. It does seemingly begin to parse correctly but it then gives me the following error:
λ > runParser parseOp "\"+\""
Just ("+\"",*** Exception: Prelude.undefined
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/GHC/Err.hs:80:14 in base:GHC.Err
undefined, called at /DIRECTORY/parser.hs:110:11 in main:Main
I'm confused as to where the error is occurring. I'm assuming it's to do with sOp mainly due to how the other functions work as intended as the rest of parseOp being a translation of the parseString function:
stringLiteral :: Parser String
stringLiteral = spanP (/= '"')
parseString :: Parser HVal
parseString = HString <$> (charP '"' *> stringLiteral <* charP '"')
The only reason why I have sOp however is that if it was replaced with say Op, I would get the error that the following doesn't exist Op :: String -> Op. When I say this my inclination was that the string coming from the parsed expression would be passed into this function wherein I could return the appropriate operator. This however is incorrect and I'm not sure how to proceed.
charP and Applicative Instance
charP :: Char -> Parser Char
charP x = Parser $ f
where f (y:ys)
| y == x = Just (ys, x)
| otherwise = Nothing
f [] = Nothing
instance Applicative Parser where
pure x = Parser $ \input -> Just (input, x)
(Parser p) <*> (Parser q) = Parser $ \input -> do
(input', f) <- p input
(input', a) <- q input
Just (input', f a)
The implementation of (<*>) is the culprit. You did not use input' in the next call to q, but used input instead. As a result you pass the string to the next parser without "eating" characters. You can fix this with:
instance Applicative Parser where
pure x = Parser $ \input -> Just (input, x)
(Parser p) <*> (Parser q) = Parser $ \input -> do
(input', f) <- p input
(input'', a) <- q input'
Just (input'', f a)
With the updated instance for Applicative, we get:
*Main> runParser parseOp "\"+\""
Just ("",Add)
I'm doing data61's course: In the parser one, the following implementation will cause parse (list1 (character *> valueParser 'v')) "abc" stack overflow.
Existing code:
data List t =
| t :. List t
deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- Right-associative
infixr 5 :.
type Input = Chars
data ParseResult a =
| ExpectedEof Input
| UnexpectedChar Char
| UnexpectedString Chars
| Result Input a
deriving Eq
instance Show a => Show (ParseResult a) where
show UnexpectedEof =
"Unexpected end of stream"
show (ExpectedEof i) =
stringconcat ["Expected end of stream, but got >", show i, "<"]
show (UnexpectedChar c) =
stringconcat ["Unexpected character: ", show [c]]
show (UnexpectedString s) =
stringconcat ["Unexpected string: ", show s]
show (Result i a) =
stringconcat ["Result >", hlist i, "< ", show a]
instance Functor ParseResult where
_ <$> UnexpectedEof =
_ <$> ExpectedEof i =
ExpectedEof i
_ <$> UnexpectedChar c =
UnexpectedChar c
_ <$> UnexpectedString s =
UnexpectedString s
f <$> Result i a =
Result i (f a)
-- Function to determine is a parse result is an error.
isErrorResult ::
ParseResult a
-> Bool
isErrorResult (Result _ _) =
isErrorResult UnexpectedEof =
isErrorResult (ExpectedEof _) =
isErrorResult (UnexpectedChar _) =
isErrorResult (UnexpectedString _) =
-- | Runs the given function on a successful parse result. Otherwise return the same failing parse result.
onResult ::
ParseResult a
-> (Input -> a -> ParseResult b)
-> ParseResult b
onResult UnexpectedEof _ =
onResult (ExpectedEof i) _ =
ExpectedEof i
onResult (UnexpectedChar c) _ =
UnexpectedChar c
onResult (UnexpectedString s) _ =
UnexpectedString s
onResult (Result i a) k =
k i a
data Parser a = P (Input -> ParseResult a)
parse ::
Parser a
-> Input
-> ParseResult a
parse (P p) =
-- | Produces a parser that always fails with #UnexpectedChar# using the given character.
unexpectedCharParser ::
-> Parser a
unexpectedCharParser c =
P (\_ -> UnexpectedChar c)
--- | Return a parser that always returns the given parse result.
--- >>> isErrorResult (parse (constantParser UnexpectedEof) "abc")
--- True
constantParser ::
ParseResult a
-> Parser a
constantParser =
P . const
-- | Return a parser that succeeds with a character off the input or fails with an error if the input is empty.
-- >>> parse character "abc"
-- Result >bc< 'a'
-- >>> isErrorResult (parse character "")
-- True
character ::
Parser Char
character = P p
where p Nil = UnexpectedString Nil
p (a :. as) = Result as a
-- | Parsers can map.
-- Write a Functor instance for a #Parser#.
-- >>> parse (toUpper <$> character) "amz"
-- Result >mz< 'A'
instance Functor Parser where
(<$>) ::
(a -> b)
-> Parser a
-> Parser b
f <$> P p = P p'
where p' input = f <$> p input
-- | Return a parser that always succeeds with the given value and consumes no input.
-- >>> parse (valueParser 3) "abc"
-- Result >abc< 3
valueParser ::
-> Parser a
valueParser a = P p
where p input = Result input a
-- | Return a parser that tries the first parser for a successful value.
-- * If the first parser succeeds then use this parser.
-- * If the first parser fails, try the second parser.
-- >>> parse (character ||| valueParser 'v') ""
-- Result >< 'v'
-- >>> parse (constantParser UnexpectedEof ||| valueParser 'v') ""
-- Result >< 'v'
-- >>> parse (character ||| valueParser 'v') "abc"
-- Result >bc< 'a'
-- >>> parse (constantParser UnexpectedEof ||| valueParser 'v') "abc"
-- Result >abc< 'v'
(|||) ::
Parser a
-> Parser a
-> Parser a
P a ||| P b = P c
where c input
| isErrorResult resultA = b input
| otherwise = resultA
where resultA = a input
infixl 3 |||
My code:
instance Monad Parser where
(=<<) ::
(a -> Parser b)
-> Parser a
-> Parser b
f =<< P a = P p
where p input = onResult (a input) (\i r -> parse (f r) i)
instance Applicative Parser where
(<*>) ::
Parser (a -> b)
-> Parser a
-> Parser b
P f <*> P a = P b
where b input = onResult (f input) (\i f' -> f' <$> a i)
list ::
Parser a
-> Parser (List a)
list p = list1 p ||| pure Nil
list1 ::
Parser a
-> Parser (List a)
list1 p = (:.) <$> p <*> list p
However, if I change list to not use list1, or use =<< in list1, it works fine. It also works if <*> uses =<<. I feel like it might be an issue with tail recursion.
If I use lazy pattern matching here
P f <*> ~(P a) = P b
where b input = onResult (f input) (\i f' -> f' <$> a i)
It works fine. Pattern matching here is the problem. I don't understand this... Please help!
If I use lazy pattern matching P f <*> ~(P a) = ... then it works fine. Why?
This very issue was discussed recently. You could also fix it by using newtype instead of data: newtype Parser a = P (Input -> ParseResult a).(*)
The definition of list1 wants to know both parser arguments to <*>, but actually when the first will fail (when input is exhausted) we don't need to know the second! But since we force it, it will force its second argument, and that one will force its second parser, ad infinitum.(**) That is, p will fail when input is exhausted, but we have list1 p = (:.) <$> p <*> list p which forces list p even though it won't run when the preceding p fails. That's the reason for the infinite looping, and why your fix with the lazy pattern works.
What is the difference between data and newtype in terms of laziness?
(*)newtype'd type always has only one data constructor, and pattern matching on it does not actually force the value, so it is implicitly like a lazy pattern. Try newtype P = P Int, let foo (P i) = 42 in foo undefined and see that it works.
(**) This happens when the parser is still prepared, composed; before the combined, composed parser even gets to run on the actual input. This means there's yet another, third way to fix the problem: define
list1 p = (:.) <$> p <*> P (\s -> parse (list p) s)
This should work regardless of the laziness of <*> and whether data or newtype was used.
Intriguingly, the above definition means that the parser will be actually created during run time, depending on the input, which is the defining characteristic of Monad, not Applicative which is supposed to be known statically, in advance. But the difference here is that the Applicative depends on the hidden state of input, and not on the "returned" value.
I'd like to parse all days from a text like this:
Ignore this
Also this
More to ignore
Using Trifecta, I've defined a function to parse a day:
dayParser :: Parser Day
dayParser = do
dayString <- tillEnd
parseDay dayString
tillEnd :: Parser String
tillEnd = manyTill anyChar (try eof <|> eol)
parseDay :: String -> Parser Day
parseDay s = maybe failure return dayMaybe
dayMaybe = parseTime' dayFormat s
failure = unexpected $ "Failed to parse date. Expected format: " ++ dayFormat
-- %-m makes the parser accept months consisting of a single digit
dayFormat = "%Y-%-m-%-d"
eol :: Parser ()
eol = char '\n' <|> char '\r' >> return ()
-- "%Y-%-m-%-d" for example
type TimeFormat = String
-- Given a time format and a string, parses the string to a time.
parseTime' :: (Monad m, ParseTime t) => TimeFormat -> String -> m t
-- True means that the parser tolerates whitespace before and after the date
parseTime' = parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale
Parsing a day this way works. What I'm having trouble with is ignoring anything in the text that's not a day.
The following can't work since it assumes the number of text blocks that aren't a day:
daysParser :: Parser [Day]
daysParser = do
-- Ignore everything that's not a day
_ <- manyTill anyChar $ try dayParser
days <- many $ token dayParser
_ <- manyTill anyChar $ try dayParser
-- There might be more days after this...
return days
I reckon there's a straightforward way to express this with Trifecta but I can't seem to find it.
Here's the whole module including an example text to parse:
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module DateParser where
import Text.RawString.QQ
import Data.Time
import Text.Trifecta
import Control.Applicative ( (<|>) )
-- "%Y-%-m-%-d" for example
type TimeFormat = String
dayParser :: Parser Day
dayParser = do
dayString <- tillEnd
parseDay dayString
tillEnd :: Parser String
tillEnd = manyTill anyChar (try eof <|> eol)
parseDay :: String -> Parser Day
parseDay s = maybe failure return dayMaybe
dayMaybe = parseTime' dayFormat s
failure = unexpected $ "Failed to parse date. Expected format: " ++ dayFormat
-- %-m makes the parser accept months consisting of a single digit
dayFormat = "%Y-%-m-%-d"
eol :: Parser ()
eol = char '\n' <|> char '\r' >> return ()
-- Given a time format and a string, parses the string to a time.
parseTime' :: (Monad m, ParseTime t) => TimeFormat -> String -> m t
-- True means that the parser tolerates whitespace before and after the date
parseTime' = parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale
daysParser :: Parser [Day]
daysParser = do
-- Ignore everything that's not a day
_ <- manyTill anyChar $ try dayParser
days <- many $ token dayParser
_ <- manyTill anyChar $ try dayParser
-- There might be more days after this...
return days
test = parseString daysParser mempty text1
text1 = [r|
Ignore this
Also this
More to ignore
There are three large problems here.
First, the way you're defining dayParser, it's always trying to parse the rest of the text as a date. For example, if your input text is "2019-01-01 foo bar", then dayParser would first consume the whole string, so that dayString == "2019-01-01 foo bar", and then will try to parse that string as a date. Which, of course, would fail.
In order to have a saner behavior, you could only bite off the beginning of the string that kinda looks like a date and try to parse that, like:
dayParser =
parseDay =<< many (digit <|> char '-')
This implementation bites off the beginning of the input consisting of digits and dashes, and tries to parse that as a date.
Note that this is a quick-n-dirty implementation. It is imprecise. For example, this implementation would accept input like "2019-01-0123456" and try to parse that as a date, and of course will fail. From your question, it is not clear whether you'd want to still parse 2019-01-01 and leave the rest, or whether you want to not consider that a proper date. If you wanted to be super-precise about this, you could specify the exact format as precisely as you want, e.g.:
dayParser = do
y <- count 4 digit
void $ char '-'
m <- try (count 2 digit) <|> count 1 digit
void $ char '-'
d <- try (count 2 digit) <|> count 1 digit
parseDay $ y ++ "-" ++ m ++ "-" ++ d
This implementation expects exactly the format of the date.
Second, there is a logical problem: your daysParser tries to first parse some garbage, then parse many days, and then parse some garbage again. This logic does not admit a case where the many dates have some garbage between them.
Third problem is much more tricky. You see, the way the try combinator works - if the parser fails, then try will roll back the input position, but if the parser succeeds, then the input remains consumed! This means that you cannot use try as a zero-consumption lookahead, the way you're trying to do in manyTill anyChar $ try dayParser. Such a parser will parse until it finds a date, and then it will consume the date, leaving nothing for the next parser and causing it to fail.
I will illustrate with a simpler example. Consider this:
> parseString (many (char 'a')) mempty "aaa"
Success "aaa"
Cool, it parses three 'a's. Now let's add a try at the beginning:
> parseString (try (char 'b') *> many (char 'a')) mempty "aaa"
Success "aaa"
Awesome, this still works: the try fails, and then we parse three 'a's as before.
Now let's change the try from 'b' to 'a':
> parseString (try (char 'a') *> many (char 'a')) mempty "aaa"
Success "aa"
Look what happened: the try has consumed the first 'a', leaving only two to be parsed by many.
We can even extend it to more fully resemble your approach:
> p = manyTill anyChar (try (char 'a')) *> many (char 'a')
> parseString p mempty "aaa"
Success "aa"
> parseString p mempty "cccaaa"
Success "aa"
See what happens? manyTill correctly skips all the 'c's up to the first 'a', but then it also consumes that first 'a'!
There appears to be no sane way (that I see) to have a zero-consumption lookahead like this. You always have to consume the first successful hit.
If I had this problem, I would probably resort to recursion: parsing chars one by one, at every step looking if I can get a day, and concatenating in a list. Something like this:
data WhatsThis = AChar Char | ADay Day | EOF
daysParser = do
r <- (ADay <$> dayParser) <|> (AChar <$> anyChar) <|> (EOF <$ eof)
case r of
ADay d -> do
rest <- daysParser
pure $ d : rest
AChar _ ->
EOF ->
pure []
It tries to parse a day, and if that fails, just skips a char, unless there are no more chars. If day parsing succeeded, it calls itself recursively, then prepends the day to the result of the recursive call.
Note that this approach is not very composable: it always consumes everything till the end of the input. If you want to compose it with something else, you may want consider replacing eof with a parameter:
daysParser stop = do
r <- (ADay <$> dayParser) <|> (AChar <$> anyChar) <|> (EOF <$ stop)
Given the following definitions from Prof. Yorgey's UPenn class:
newtype Parser a = Parser { runParser :: String -> Maybe (a, String) }
satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
satisfy p = Parser f
f [] = Nothing -- fail on the empty input
f (x:xs) -- check if x satisfies the predicate
-- if so, return x along with the remainder
-- of the input (that is, xs)
| p x = Just (x, xs)
| otherwise = Nothing -- otherwise, fail
And the following algebraic data types:
type Key = String
data Json = JObj Key JValue
| Arr [JValue]
deriving Show
data JValue = N Double
| S String
| B Bool
| J Json
deriving Show
I wrote the following function to parse a position JSON number with a decimal point:
parseDecimalPoint :: Parser Char
parseDecimalPoint = satisfy (== '.')
type Whole = Integer
type Decimal = Integer
readWholeAndDecimal :: Whole -> Decimal -> Double
readWholeAndDecimal w d = read $ (show w) ++ "." ++ (show d)
parsePositiveDecimal:: Parser JValue
parsePositiveDecimal = (\x _ y -> f x y) <$> (
(oneOrMore (satisfy isNumber)) <*> parseDecimalPoint <*>
(zeroOrMore (satisfy isNumber)) )
f x [] = N (read x)
f x y = N (-(readWholeAndDecimal (read x) (read y)))
However I'm getting the following compile-time error:
Couldn't match expected type ‘t0 -> [Char] -> JValue’
with actual type ‘JValue’
The lambda expression ‘\ x _ y -> f x y’ has three arguments,
but its type ‘String -> JValue’ has only one
In the first argument of ‘(<$>)’, namely ‘(\ x _ y -> f x y)’
In the expression:
(\ x _ y -> f x y)
((oneOrMore (satisfy isNumber)) <*> parseDecimalPoint
<*> (zeroOrMore (satisfy isNumber)))
Couldn't match type ‘[Char]’ with ‘Char -> [Char] -> String’
Expected type: Parser (Char -> [Char] -> String)
Actual type: Parser [Char]
In the first argument of ‘(<*>)’, namely
‘(oneOrMore (satisfy isNumber))’
In the first argument of ‘(<*>)’, namely
‘(oneOrMore (satisfy isNumber)) <*> parseDecimalPoint’
In my parsePositiveDecimal function, my understanding of the types are:
(String -> Char -> String -> JValue) <$> (Parser String <*> Parser Char <*> Parser String)
I've worked through a few examples making parsers with <$> and <*>. But I'm not entirely grokking the types.
Any help on understanding them too would be greatly appreciated.
Cactus is correct. I'll expand a bit on the types.
<$> :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Our f here is Parser, and the first argument to <$> has type String -> Char -> String -> JValue. Remember that this can be understood as a function which takes a String and returns a function Char -> String -> JValue So the a type variable is filled in with String.
From that, we can see that the second argument to <$> needs to be of type Parser String. oneOrMore (satisfy isNumber) has that type.
Taken together, we now have:
(\x _ y -> f x y) <$> (oneOrMore (satisfy isNumber)) :: Parser (Char -> String -> JValue)
We've gone from a function of 3 arguments which didn't involve Parser at all, to a function of 2 arguments wrapped in Parser. To apply this function to it's next argument, Char, we need:
(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
f is Parser again, and a here is Char. parseDecimalPoint :: Parser Char has the required type for the right-hand side of <*>.
(\x _ y -> f x y) <$> (oneOrMore (satisfy isNumber)) <*> parseDecimalPoint :: Parser (String -> JValue)
We do this one more time, to get:
(\x _ y -> f x y) <$> oneOrMore (satisfy isNumber) <*> parseDecimalPoint <*> zeroOrMore (satisfy isNumber) :: Parser JValue
I've taken advantage of knowing the precedence and associativity of the operators to remove some parentheses. This is how I see most such code written, but perhaps Cactus's version is more clear. Or even the fully parenthesized version, emphasizing the associativity:
( ((\x _ y -> f x y) <$>
(oneOrMore (satisfy isNumber)))
<*> parseDecimalPoint)
<*> (zeroOrMore (satisfy isNumber)) :: Parser JValue
I'm working on an instance of Read ComplexInt.
Here's what was given:
data ComplexInt = ComplexInt Int Int
deriving (Show)
module Parser (Parser,parser,runParser,satisfy,char,string,many,many1,(+++)) where
import Data.Char
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
type Parser = StateT String []
runParser :: Parser a -> String -> [(a,String)]
runParser = runStateT
parser :: (String -> [(a,String)]) -> Parser a
parser = StateT
satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
satisfy f = parser $ \s -> case s of
[] -> []
a:as -> [(a,as) | f a]
char :: Char -> Parser Char
char = satisfy . (==)
alpha,digit :: Parser Char
alpha = satisfy isAlpha
digit = satisfy isDigit
string :: String -> Parser String
string = mapM char
infixr 5 +++
(+++) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
(+++) = mplus
many, many1 :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
many p = return [] +++ many1 p
many1 p = liftM2 (:) p (many p)
Here's the given exercise:
"Use Parser to implement Read ComplexInt, where you can accept either the simple integer
syntax "12" for ComplexInt 12 0 or "(1,2)" for ComplexInt 1 2, and illustrate that read
works as expected (when its return type is specialized appropriately) on these examples.
Don't worry (yet) about the possibility of minus signs in the specification of natural
Here's my attempt:
data ComplexInt = ComplexInt Int Int
deriving (Show)
instance Read ComplexInt where
readsPrec _ = runParser parseComplexInt
parseComplexInt :: Parser ComplexInt
parseComplexInt = do
statestring <- getContents
case statestring of
if '(' `elem` statestring
then do process1 statestring
else do process2 statestring
process1 ststr = do
number <- read(dropWhile (not(isDigit)) ststr) :: Int
return ComplexInt number 0
process2 ststr = do
numbers <- dropWhile (not(isDigit)) ststr
number1 <- read(takeWhile (not(isSpace)) numbers) :: Int
number2 <- read(dropWhile (not(isSpace)) numbers) :: Int
return ComplexInt number1 number2
Here's my error (my current error, as I'm sure there will be more once I sort this one out, but I'll take this one step at time):
Parse error in pattern: if ')' `elem` statestring then
do { process1 statestring }
do { process2 statestring }
I based my structure of the if-then-else statement on the structure used in this question: "parse error on input" in Haskell if-then-else conditional
I would appreciate any help with the if-then-else block as well as with the code in general, if you see any obvious errors.
Let's look at the code around the parse error.
case statestring of
if '(' `elem` statestring
then do process1 statestring
else do process2 statestring
That's not how case works. It's supposed to be used like so:
case statestring of
"foo" -> -- code for when statestring == "foo"
'b':xs -> -- code for when statestring begins with 'b'
_ -> -- code for none of the above
Since you're not making any sort of actual use of the case, just get rid of the case line entirely.
(Also, since they're only followed by a single statement each, the dos after then and else are superfluous.)
You stated you were given some functions to work with, but then didn't use them! Perhaps I misunderstood. Your code seems jumbled and doesn't seem to achieve what you would like it to. You have a call to getContents, which has type IO String but that function is supposed to be in the parser monad, not the io monad.
If you actually would like to use them, here is how:
readAsTuple :: Parser ComplexInt
readAsTuple = do
_ <- char '('
x <- many digit
_ <- char ','
y <- many digit
_ <- char ')'
return $ ComplexInt (read x) (read y)
readAsNum :: Parser ComplexInt
readAsNum = do
x <- many digit
return $ ComplexInt (read x) 0
instance Read ComplexInt where
readsPrec _ = runParser (readAsTuple +++ readAsNum)
This is fairly basic, as strings like " 42" (ones with spaces) will fail.
> read "12" :: ComplexInt
ComplexInt 12 0
> read "(12,1)" :: ComplexInt
ComplexInt 12 1
The Read type-class has a method called readsPrec; defining this method is sufficient to fully define the read instance for the type, and gives you the function read automatically.
What is readsPrec?
readsPrec :: Int -> String -> [(a, String)].
The first parameter is the precedence context; you can think of this as the precedence of the last thing that was parsed. This can range from 0 to 11. The default is 0. For simple parses like this you don't even use it. For more complex (ie recursive) datatypes, changing the precedence context may change the parse.
The second parameter is the input string.
The output type is the possible parses and string remaining a parse terminates. For example:
>runStateT (char 'h') "hello world"
[('h',"ello world")]
Note that parsing is not-deterministic; every matching parse is returned.
>runStateT (many1 (char 'a')) "aa"
A parse is considered successful if the return list is a singleton list whose second value is the empty string; namely: [(x, "")] for some x. Empty lists, or lists where any of the remaining strings are not the empty string, give the error no parse and lists with more than one value give the error ambiguous parse.