What happens if docker container requires kernel features not provided by host? - docker

Can issues result if a docker image requires a kernel feature not provided by host OS kernel (e.g an image which requires a very specific kernel version)? Is this issue guaranteed to be prevented in some way?

Can issues result if a docker image requires a kernel feature not provided by host OS kernel
Yes, but note that the docker installation page recommend a minimun kernel level for docker itself to run.
For instance on RedHat "your kernel must be 3.10 at minimum".
If the image you run requires more recent kernel features, it won't work even though docker itself will.
Is this issue guaranteed to be prevented in some way?
Not really, as illustrated in "Docker - the pain of finding the right distribution+kernel+hardware combination "
As noted in "Can a docker image based on Ubuntu run in Redhat?"
Most Linux kernel variants are sufficiently similar that applications will not notice. However if the code relies on something specific in the kernel that is not there, Docker can't help you.
system architecture is a limitation.
x86_64 images won't run on ARM for exemple. I.E. you won't run the official ubuntu image on a Raspberry PI.


Does Docker image include OS?

I have below Dockerfile"
FROM openjdk:12.0.2
ADD ./build/libs/*.jar app.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/app.jar"]
The resulting Docker image encapsulates Java program. When I deploy this Docker image to Windows Server or Linux, does the image always include OS like Linux which runs on top of host OS (Windows Server or Linux) ?
I am asking this question in the sense of Docker image being physical box which contains other boxes (one being openjdk), does this box also contain Linux OS box that I can pull out of it ( assuming if this was possible) and install it as Linux OS on empty machine?
That depends on what you call the "OS". It will always contain stuff from the distribution image, it is built on.
For example, a debian based images will include apt and other debian-specific tools. But most of the stuff you need on a "complete" machine (as in non-container), will have been removed to keep the image as small as possible.
It will not contain the kernel, as it is running on the host machine and is controlled by the host's kernel.
The "official" OpenJDK images from the Docker Hub are available in variants based on a number of different Linux distributions. There is a cut-down Debian, an Alpine, and others. There are advantages and disadvantages to each.
The image will need to contain enough operating system dependencies to allow the JVM to run. It may also include basic diagnostic and management tools -- enough to carry out rudimentary troubleshooting in the container, anyway. You can expect all the images to contain at least basic console shell tools like "cp" and "cat", although they differ in implementation. For example, the Alpine variant gets these utilities from BusyBox, not from a conventional GNU/Linux installation.
It's possible to create a Docker image that contains no platform dependencies at all, but there's little incentive to be that minimal -- you'd just have to build more stuff into the application program itself.
It doesn't include the entire operating system, but the image will be dependent on either linux or windows, you can't build an image that runs on both in one Dockerfile.
The reason for the dependency is that a docker container shares resources with it's host machine in a carefully fenced off way, this mechanism is different on windows and linux (though to you, as a docker user, the difference is invisible).

does docker always need an operating system as base image

I have heard that docker doesn't need a separate os in linux, because it shares with the host os, but in hyper-v Windows it can run Windows OS because it can hyper a linux virtual machine so run linux software on it.
But, I get confused about the FROM stage in the dockerfile, all guides said like this:
FROM ubuntu:18.04
cp . /usr/local/bin
RUN make
CMD /usr/local/bin/youapp
I can understand this step, first you need an OS, then you deploy your application; finally you run your app or whatever.
But what does the FROM stage really mean?
Does it always need an OS? Does nginx docker image have an os in it?
If i want to build my own app, I write it, I compile it, I run it; but does my own app need an OS? If not, what should I write in the FROM stage?
i got this picture, it said docker container does not need os,but use the host os,now docker build always need an os
The containers on a host share the (host's) kernel but each container must provide (the subset of) the OS that it needs.
In Windows, there's a 1:1 mapping of kernel:OS but, with Linux, the kernel is bundled into various OSs: Debian, Ubuntu, Alpine, SuSE, CoreOS etc.
The FROM statement often references an operating system but it need not and it is often not necessary (nor a good idea) to bundle an operating system in a container. The container should only include what it needs.
The NGINX image uses Debian (Dockerfile).
In some cases, the container process has no dependencies beyond the kernel. In these cases, a special FROM: scratch may be used that adds nothing else. It's an empty image (link).
No its not like that. To create any docker image using DockerFile, You need to start with a base docker image. That base docker image can be anything, Like an empty image as well, In the docker file in your example the FROM section says ubuntu, it means its assuming ubuntu as the base image. Its not always needed to have an OS as base image.
Follow this link - https://linuxhint.com/create_docker_image_from_scratch/
This will clear your doubts related to base image.
now i got answer
the From stage import the software but not the OS with kernel
it just provide a platform for your application,the ubuntu,debian,centos you write in FROM stage is just a software,the true kernel does not have relationship with them.
so if your application can run dependent ,it must like hello-world ,just a binary-package,dont rely on any other library. but mostly you need an OS,because they have the library you need.
No, the FROM stage is not providing the operating system to the image. The kernel is always provided by the host system where you are running the container. The FROM stage provides the initial file system i.e., files, directories, pre-installed softwares etc for the new image. You can also start FROM scratch which is like a blank slate.
The FROM line need NOT necessarily point to any other OS:
It can be any other container or it could be FROM SCRATCH.
Containers in host share kernel so you can think as it is master process utilizing host kernel.
Generally people see HTTPD, NGINX etc. are utilizing Debian as container OS, since this Debian OS is very thin and serves the purpose of isolation and runs as independent server.
Even you can create a HTTPD, NGINX without using any OS and name with your own version :-)

How does Docker handle different kernel versions?

Let's say that I make an image for an OS that uses a kernel of version 10. What behavior does Docker exhibit if I run a container for that image on a host OS running a kernel of version 9? What about version 11?
Does the backward compatibility of the versions matter? I'm asking out of curiosity because the documentation only talks about "minimum Linux kernel version", etc. This sounds like it doesn't matter what kernel version the host is running beyond that minimum. Is this true? Are there caveats?
Let's say that I make an image for an OS that uses a kernel of version 10.
I think this is a bit of a misconception, unless you are talking about specific software that relies on newer kernel features inside your Docker image, which should be pretty rare. Generally speaking a Docker image is just a custom file/directory structure, assembled in layers via FROM and RUN instructions in one or more Dockerfiles, with a bit of meta data like what ports to open or which file to execute on container start. That's really all there is to it. The basic principle of Docker is very much like a classic chroot jail, only a bit more modern and with some candy on top.
What behavior does Docker exhibit if I run a container for that image on a host OS running a kernel of version 9? What about version 11?
If the kernel can run the Docker daemon it should be able to run any image.
Are there caveats?
As noted above, Docker images that include software which relies on bleeding edge kernel features will not work on kernels that do not have those features, which should be no surprise. Docker will not stop you from running such an image on an older kernel as it simply does not care whats inside an image, nor does it know what kernel was used to create the image.
The only other thing I can think of is compiling software manually with aggressive optimizations for a specific cpu like Intel or Amd. Such images will fail on hosts with a different cpu.
Docker's behaviour is no different: it doesn't concern itself (directly) with the behaviour of the containerized process. What Docker does do is set up various parameters (root filesystem, other mounts, network interfaces and configuration, separate namespaces or restrictions on what PIDs can be seen, etc.) for the process that let you consider it a "container," and then it just runs the initial process in that environment.
The specific software inside the container may or may not work with your host operating system's kernel. Using a kernel older than the software was built for is not infrequently problematic; more often it's safe to run older software on a newer kernel.
More often, but not always. On a host with kernel 4.19 (e.g. Ubuntu 18.04) try docker run centos:6 bash. You'll find it segfaults (exit code 139) because that old build of bash does something that greatly displeases the newer kernel. (On a 4.9 or lower kernel, docker run centos:6 bash will work fine.) However, docker run centos:6 ls will not die in the same way because that program is not dependent on particular kernel facilities that have changed (at least, not when run with no arguments).
This sounds like it doesn't matter what kernel version the host is running beyond that minimum. Is this true?
As long as your kernel meets Docker's minimum requirements (which mostly involve having the necessary APIs to support the isolated execution environment that Docker sets up for each container), Docker doesn't really care what kernel you're running.
In many way, this isn't entirely a Docker question: for the most part, user-space tools aren't tied particularly tightly to specific kernel versions. This isn't unilaterally true; there are some tools that by design interact with a very specific kernel version, or that can take advantage of APIs in recent kernel versions for improved performance, but for the most part your web server or database just doesn't care.
Are there caveats?
The kernel version you're running may dictate things like which storage drivers are available to Docker, but this doesn't really have any impact on your containers.
Older kernel versions may have security vulnerabilities that are fixed in more recent versions, and newer versions may have fixes that offer improved performance.

Does "container" have minimal OS of its own where Apps run?

I am learning Docker and came across the term container; as I understood it is the container where the apps run, for example, we can run httpd daemon.
From the various online materials which i read, it appears that the container have the minimal OS of its own, and other "part" it shares with host OS.
Is this understanding correct?
If this is correct, then if I consider a case in which a container have Windows OS, and the host OS is CentOS, then how would Windows OS share the CentOS kernel?
Can anyone help me understand this?
The whole point of docker container is that it's like portable workspace so you can build it from image over and over again in different os
And this is working because containerls are preconfigured virtual machine
Hope that answer you question
Docker containers indeed share the same kernel with the host and if your apps have some interactions or change the kernel, then your container/image will not be so portable as you might think. You will run into some issues when running on different kernel based OSs.
Base Image: Look into this if you want to know more about the smallest image/directives that you can build your images on top of it. I would not say that the containers have OS, but they have a single binary and you build and apply your layers on top of that.
Daemon: You can deamonize your app, but there are also a one-time running containers and they terminate after they go through all the directives that you specified.

Can a docker image based on Ubuntu run in Redhat?

Read some PPTs, it seems that one container can run on different linux vendors. Is is true?
Yes. That's the main idea of docker.
It creates a "static container" in a chrooted env that is able to run on any linux because all the needed user-land dependencies are included in the image.
Since linux (the kernel) maintains a backward compatibility on system calls and their call-schemes, the idea can work across versions and even different distributions of Linux.
Of course, the binary architecture (say amd64) needs to be the same on the source and target system.
Yes, for most applications this works. The kernel is whatever you are really running on (RedHat in your example) while the userspace is supplied by the container (Ubuntu).
Most Linux kernel variants are sufficiently similar that applications will not notice. However if the code relies on something specific in the kernel that is not there, Docker can't help you.
Docker itself relies on certain minimum kernel features, version 3.8 at the time of writing. https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/binaries/
