Rails 4 x premailer x SASS: import stylesheet in mailer view - ruby-on-rails

In my Rails 4 app, I use mailers to send out emails to users.
These mailers are working fine.
Now, I would like to style them, so I installed the premailer-rails gem (and the nokogiri gem).
I restarted my server.
Then, I created a specific stylesheet for mailers: public/assets/mailers.scss
I my mailer view, I added:
<% stylesheet_link_tag mailers "public/assets/mailers.scss" %>
However, when a user opens the email in his inbox, for instance Gmail, the style is not applied.
Is there a particular way to include stylesheets in mailer views in Rails with premailer when using SASS?

What is mailers in you code snippet? If it is some helper that returns the name of the css file, then it's ok. See here in documentation what is expected by stylesheet_link_tag method.
Anyway, whatever it is, you are missing = sign, and you need it in order to render anything into you view:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag mailers "public/assets/mailers.scss" %>

No,there is no certain way to conclude stylesheet.


include a javascript file only on signup page - Rails & Turbolinks

I need to include a JS file only on the signup page of my rails application. I am using Turbolinks.
I have the below code in application.html.erb just before the <head> section
<%= yield :page_specific%>
and below is the code in my registrations/new.html.erb
<%content_for :page_specific do%>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'page_specific/users/registrations/index', 'data-turbolinks-track' => true%>
This works as expected and loads the script on the registrations page, but if I visit the login page from registrations page, the script remains included in the head section as i have turbolinks enabled.
How can include a page specific javascript only on signup page with turbolinks enabled.
Not sure if its the most elegant way but I managed to fix the issue by disabling turoblinks on login and sign up link by using :'data-turbolinks' => "false"
Hope it helps. Thanks.
Just include javascript_include_tag into view of target page

Adding custom javascript to device

In my javascripts folder for my rails application, I've added both a device.js file as well as a device/registrations.js file. I was under the impression that when I'm routed to the registration page, rails would automatically pick up the correct javascript files, but for some reason it's not working.
Is there anything that needs to be added so that it can use custom javascript code?
You can include that in your registration view of devise by doing:
<%= javascript_include_tag 'devise/registrations' %>
To generate the views do
rails g devise:views
Another way would be in the views/devise folder create a partial _registrations.html.erb
Put your js code in there and then do
<%= render 'registrations' %>

How to customize devise form css in rails

Command rails generate devise:views successfully created folders under \app\views\users
I am looking to customize the devise forms but not sure whether the css to be placed in application.css or i need to separately create user.css.scss. Googled a bit and check git doc for this but none is specifying for CSS handling in devise.
Let me know the correct way of handling it
Devise will use you default layout. So the CSS that you are using in your views/layouts/application.html.erb will be used in your generated devise views.
If you want devise specific layouts, you can create a views/layouts/devise.html.erb file where you can serve devise specific CSS. It will pick it up automatically because of Rails naming conventions.
The above will work for any controller, just add a file in layouts named after the controller eg. views/layouts/reservations.html.erb for ReservationsController
You can also add specific layouts for the Devise::RegistrationsController by making a directory views/layouts/devise and adding views/layouts/devise/registrations.html.erb
If you are doing controller-specific stylesheets, that is, if you switched off automatic compilation of all of your stylesheets into application.css, you should name your stylesheet after a devise controller, e.g.:
and add it to Rails.application.config.assets.precompile list in assets.rb.
The placement of the stylesheet is standard, app/assets/stylesheets/ so watch for name collisions between devise's controllers and yours.
To pick up a controller-specific stylesheet in a layout you need something like this:
Rails up to 4.1
<%= stylesheet_link_tag controller_name, media: 'all' if Rails.application.assets.find_asset("#{controller_name}.css") %>
Rails 4.2+
<%= stylesheet_link_tag controller_name, media: 'all' if asset_present?("#{controller_name}.css") %>
# ...meanwhile, somewhere in the helpers...
def asset_present?(name)
# Rails 4.1 had Rails.application.assets filled out in all environments.
# Rails 4.2 has it filled only when config.assets.compile == true which is only
# in development by default.
if Rails.application.assets.present?
Rails.application.assets_manifest.files.values.map { |v| v['logical_path'] }.include?(name)
To generate device view run this line
rails generate devise:views
and do what ever you want with page styling.
to read more Click here

Rails image broken link

I'm trying to link to an image in rails and its not working. I can link to assets/file.css as well as assets/file.js but assets/file.jpg doesnt work.
I tried a fresh rails new project_name and when i open the homepage and the rails logo doesnt show.
As a side question,
How do I get rails to load only the application.js and application.css
I see that if i remove ?body=1 from the URL it compresses them all into one file, but when I view the page using the following code it leaves those files blank and includes them one by one as separate scripts.
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", :media => "all" %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
Ok so that's an expected behavior, you have to use Rails helpers:
<%= image_tag "file.jpg" %>
Your css files should be .erb. Within it, use:
.class { background-image: url(<%= asset_path 'image.png' %>) }
Reference is para 2.2.1 here.
I just checked my code and my CSS looks like this:
with the image uploaded to app/assets/images, of course. This looks like what you're using, but I can't tell for sure.

Rails: using "content_for" after the corresponding "yield" inside layout

I think this has been asked before but even though I searched Google I haven't come up with a solution.
So this is what I'm trying to do in Rails 2.3.5:
... some other stuff
<%= yield :head %>
<% content_for :head, "something that belongs in the head" %>
Notice the yield before the content_for.
I know that Rails - by default - doesn't allow the content of :head to be defined after yield has been used - makes sense.
I even tried hooking into the template render process but no success so far.
So my goal is to be able to define content_for inside partials/templates and have the "yield" somehow delayed and executed just before the response is send to the browser.
Has somebody come up with a solution?
Greetings and thanks,
I'll go with weppos's idea and try myself on rack middleware. thanks
The rendering process first loads and executes the action template, then decorates the template with the selected layout.
The layout is rendered from top to botton, thus you can't add more content to :head after :head is already rendered.
You need to change your strategy. Either place the fragment in a partial and attach it to your action views or use a post-processing strategy such as a Rack module/after_filter to alter the html code directly.
I probably would try to find a better solution based on what I actually need. If you are encountering this issue, chances are the error is somewhere else, perhaps in the app architecture.
There shouldn't be an equals sign in your content_for statement. It should be:
<% content_for :head, "Something that belongs in the head" %>
If you define the content within your templates and partials then it should work. This technique was covered in Railscast episode 8.
