I want to add email verification on my laravel app. Just after submitting the registration form the user will get an email with confirmation link. How can I implement this by using laravel's default auth controller? I have added two fields on my user table (confirmed, confirmation_code). Please someone help me...
As per our comment thread, here's how you can integrate it in to the AuthController. There may be better ways to do this, but it has worked a charm for me.
public function postRegister(Request $request)
//Run validator checks....
$confirmation_code = str_random(30);
$newUser = new User;
$newUser->username = $request->username;
$newUser->email = $request->email;
$newUser->password = bcrypt($request->password);
$newUser->confirmation_code = $confirmation_code;
$data = array('confirmation_code' => $confirmation_code);
Mail::send('emails.verify', $data, function ($message) use ($newUser){
$message->to($newUser->email, $newUser->username);
$message->subject('Please verify your email address');
//Continue on with any other logic
It was for when they are in the logged in state. Fortunately I managed to solve this one. I changed my Authenticate middleware like this:
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
if ($this->auth->guest()) {
if ($request->ajax()) {
return response('Unauthorized.', 401);
} else {
return redirect()->guest('auth/login');
} elseif (!\Auth::user()->is_activated()) {
\Session::flash('message', 'Please activate your account to proceed.');
return redirect()->guest('/notice/activate');
return $next($request);
I use back4app for my app, I would like to delete another user (not authorised user on this device).
The app throws this:
[Error]: User cannot be deleted unless they have been authenticated. (Code: 206, Version: 1.19.1)
which make sense to me if I am not a super admin of the product. But in case I have super admin rights I would like to remove a user from the system completely.
Is there any solution for this purpose? I've tried to find some function from Parse.Cloud code.
The idea was to create cloud code and execute it form the iOS device by calling smth like this:
withParameters: user id param here)
{ success, error) -> Void in
I have not found such a solution and for me it's a bit difficult to write such code in a right way using cloud code, for sure if this is an option.
You will have to create a cloud code function for that, and use useMasterKey option to delete the user. Something like:
Parse.Cloud.define('deleteUser', async ({ user, params: { userIdToDelete } }) => {
if (user) {
const query = new Parse.Query(Parse.Role);
query.equalTo('name', 'admin');
query.equalTo('users', user);
const count = await query.count({ useMasterKey: true });
if (count === 1) {
const userToDelete = new Parse.User();
userToDelete = userIdToDelete;
return userToDelete.destroy({ useMasterKey: true });
throw new Error('Not an admin');
I am using the following code in my Actions on Google application:
app.intent('Get Sign In', async (conv, params, signin) => {
if (signin.status !== 'OK') {
return conv.close(`Let's try again next time.`);
const color = conv.data[Fields.COLOR];
const {email} = conv.user;
if (!conv.data.uid && email) {
try {
conv.data.uid = (await auth.getUserByEmail(email)).uid;
} catch (e) {
if (e.code !== 'auth/user-not-found') {
throw e;
// If the user is not found, create a new Firebase auth user
// using the email obtained from the Google Assistant
conv.data.uid = (await auth.createUser({email})).uid;
if (conv.data.uid) {
conv.user.ref = db.collection('users').doc(conv.data.uid);
conv.close(`I saved ${color} as your favorite color for next time.`);
I've been looking through the docs, but can't find any explanation about the 'params' argument of the function? How do I pass values to it?
You can use the params object if you are using dialogflow. For example, if you use entities in Dialogflow you can retrieve them through params object in the intent handler.
If you are using Dialogflow, you can access the parameter values via the params variable.
More info about the param object itself can be found here.
iam using oriceon/oauth-5-laravel .help me to implement friendships/exists .I want to post a request to follow particular person.help me.tysm advance
Consider the situation that you want to follow NASA in twitter.NASA is the screen name of NASA.You should add screen name to the url as below.Add this method to your controller and do proper routing.
public function followWithTwitter(Request $request)
$token = $request->get('oauth_token');
$verify = $request->get('oauth_verifier');
$tw = \OAuth::consumer('Twitter');
if ( ! is_null($token) && ! is_null($verify))
// This was a callback request from twitter, get the token
$token = $tw->requestAccessToken($token, $verify);
// Send a request with it
$result = json_decode($tw->request('https://api.twitter.com/1.1/friendships/create.json?screen_name=NASA&follow=true','POST'), true);
if (!$result){
//do some tasks for calculating and database updation for following
return ("failed");
//do some tasks for calculating and database updation for following
return ("success");
// if not ask for permission first
// get request token
$reqToken = $tw->requestRequestToken();
// get Authorization Uri sending the request token
$url = $tw->getAuthorizationUri(['oauth_token' => $reqToken->getRequestToken()]);
// return to twitter login url
return redirect((string)$url);
I am using OAuth 2.0 Library for Google Spreadsheet for Meetup Api
function getMeetupService() {
return OAuth2.createService('meetup')
// Set the endpoint URLs, which are the same for all Google services.
// Set the client ID and secret, from the Google Developers Console.
// Set the name of the callback function in the script referenced
// above that should be invoked to complete the OAuth flow.
// Set the property store where authorized tokens should be persisted.
_eventId = null;
function startService(eventId) {
var meetupService = getMeetupService();
if (!meetupService.hasAccess()) {
var authorizationUrl = meetupService.getAuthorizationUrl();
return authorizationUrl;
} else {
//Yet to decide
return 123;
function authCallback(request) {
var meetupService = getMeetupService();
var isAuthorized = meetupService.handleCallback(request);
if (isAuthorized) {
} else {
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput('Denied. You can close this tab');
$(function() {
function checkService() {
.withSuccessHandler(function(url) {
if(url) {
$('body').append('Click here to Login into Meetup');
$('#run-get-details').attr("onclick", 'window.open("' + url + '")');
} else {
$('#run-get-details').attr("url", '');
$('#run-get-details').prop("disabled", false);
function authCallback(request) {
Everything seems to be working till the link. Once the link is clicked it opens the authentication window of the meetup exactly i want. But then once I authorize the app in meetup and when it gets redirected to script.google.com
But then its throwing the error
The state token is invalid or has expired. Please try again.
Someone please help me in this.
So looking into this a bit further I found the issue. The Meetup server is changing the state token. If you copy your token from getAuthorizationUrl() and paste it into the state parameter in the url of the bad callback the Auth flow will successfully continue.
State Token made by Apps Script
Returned State Token
Is there some function in TweetSharp that could be used in a similar way to my 'IsFollowingMe' below?
I'd like to check whether a user is following me before I attempt to send some private message.
TweetSharp.TwitterService service;
string screenName = "#some_one";
string someMessage = "Some Message";
if (service.IsFollowingMe(screenName))
service.SendDirectMessage(screenName, someMessage);
First option to such approach is to use:
TweetSharp.TwitterService service;
TwitterCursorList<TwitterUser> followers = service.ListFollowers();
and then iterate through the result to find out if user is following my account. But this will eventually be ineffective when there are a lot of followers.
Another option is to execute service.SendDirectMessage and then check if the result is null or not. I tested such approach with success - however my application logic prefers to check in advance if sending is possible and based on this information should do different actions.
The answer is as follows:
TweetSharp.TwitterService service;
string fromUser = "#mr_sender";
string toUser = "#some_one";
string someMessage = "Some Message";
TweetSharp.TwitterFriendship friendship =
service.GetFriendshipInfo(fromUser, toUser);
if (friendship.Relationship.Source.CanDirectMessage.HasValue &&
service.SendDirectMessage(screenName, someMessage);
I could able to solve this using below way.
var twitterFriendship = service.GetFriendshipInfo(new GetFriendshipInfoOptions() { SourceScreenName = "source_name", TargetScreenName = "target_name"});
After that, you can check like below
if(twitterFriendship.Relationship.Source.Following && twitterFriendship.Relationship.Target.FollowedBy)
service.SendDirectMessage(new SendDirectMessageOptions() { ScreenName="target_name",Text="message"})