Searching nested hash - ruby-on-rails

These is sample response of hashes in ruby.
find abcd1234
should give me
i was able to find by but it's not sufficent
I have response of sth like these and list keep on going different value but same structure
"addon_service": {
"id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"name": "heroku-postgresql"
"config_vars": [
"created_at": "2012-01-01T12:00:00Z",
"id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"name": "acme-inc-primary-database",
"plan": {
"id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"name": "heroku-postgresql:dev"
"app": {
"provider_id": "abcd1234",
"updated_at": "2012-01-01T12:00:00Z",
"web_url": ""
} .........
can anyone know how to grab those?

You can iterate all array element (a hash) and display its content if the hash meet your requirement:
element_found = 0
YOUR_DATA.each do |element|
if element["provider_id"].match(/abcd1234/)
element_found += 1
puts "addon_service: #{element['addon_service']['name']}"
puts "app: #{element['app']['name']}"
if element_found == 0 puts "Sorry match didn't found"

Since the elements of the array are hashes you can select the appropriate ones by matching the desired key.
select {|app| app[:provider_id] == "abcd1234"}
Do you know what to do with the element once you select it?
I think you want some of the items from the hash, but not all of them.
That might look like:
select {|app| app[:provider_id] == "abcd1234"}.map {|app| {|key, v| [:addon_service, :app].include?(key) } }


How to remove multiple attributes from a json using ruby

I have a json object. It has multiple fields "passthrough_fields" which is unnecessary for me and I want to remove them. Is there a way to get all those attributes filtered out?
"type": "playable_item",
"id": "p06s0lq7",
"urn": "urn:bbc:radio:episode:p06s0mk3",
"network": {
"id": "bbc_radio_five_live",
"key": "5live",
"short_title": "Radio 5 live",
"logo_url": "{type}_{size}.{format}",
"passthrough_fields": {}
"titles": {
"primary": "Replay",
"secondary": "Bill Shankly",
"tertiary": null,
"passthrough_fields": {}
"synopses": {
"short": "Bill Shankly with Sue MacGregor in 1979 - five years after he resigned as Liverpool boss.",
"medium": null,
"long": "Bill Shankly in conversation with Sue MacGregor in 1979, five years after he resigned as Liverpool manager.",
"passthrough_fields": {}
"image_url": "{recipe}/p06qbz1x.jpg",
"duration": {
"value": 1774,
"label": "29 mins",
"passthrough_fields": {}
"progress": null,
"container": {
"type": "series",
"id": "p06qbzmj",
"urn": "urn:bbc:radio:series:p06qbzmj",
"title": "Replay",
"synopses": {
"short": "Colin Murray unearths classic sports commentaries and interviews from the BBC archives.",
"medium": "Colin Murray looks back at 90 years of sport on the BBC by unearthing classic commentaries and interviews from the BBC archives.",
"long": null,
"passthrough_fields": {}
"activities": [],
"passthrough_fields": {}
"availability": {
"from": "2018-11-16T16:18:54Z",
"to": null,
"label": "Available for over a year",
"passthrough_fields": {}
"guidance": {
"competition_warning": false,
"warnings": null,
"passthrough_fields": {}
"activities": [],
"uris": [
"type": "latest",
"label": "Latest",
"uri": "/v2/programmes/playable?container=p06qbzmj&sort=sequential&type=episode",
"passthrough_fields": {}
"passthrough_fields": {}
Is there a way I can remove all those fields and store the updated json in a new variable?
You can do this recursively to tackle nested occurances of passthrough_fields, whether they're found in an array or a sub hash. Inline comments to explain things a little as it goes:
hash = JSON.parse(input) # convert the JSON to a hash
def remove_recursively(hash, *to_remove)
hash.each do |key, val|
hash.except!(*to_remove) # the heavy lifting: remove all keys that match `to_remove`
remove_recursively(val, *to_remove) if val.is_a? Hash # if a nested hash, run this method on it
if val.is_a? Array # if a nested array, loop through this checking for hashes to run this method on
val.each { |el| remove_recursively(el, *to_remove) if el.is_a? Hash }
remove_recursively(hash, 'passthrough_fields')
To demonstrate, with a simplified example:
hash = {
"test" => { "passthrough_fields" => [1, 2, 3], "wow" => '123' },
"passthrough_fields" => [4, 5, 6],
"array_values" => [{ "to_stay" => "I am", "passthrough_fields" => [7, 8, 9]}]
remove_recursively(hash, 'passthrough_fields')
#=> {"test"=>{"wow"=>"123"}, "array_values"=>[{"to_stay"=>"I am"}]}
remove_recursively(hash, 'passthrough_fields', 'wow', 'to_stay')
#=> {"test"=>{}, "array_values"=>[{}]}
This will tackle any arrays, and will dig for nested hashes however deep it needs to go.
It takes any number of fields to remove, in this case a single 'passthrough_fields'.
Hope this helps, let me know how you get on.
I think that the easiest solution would be to:
convert JSON into hash (JSON.parse(input))
use this answer to extend the functionality of Hash (save it in config/initializers/except_nested.rb)
on the hash from 1st step, call:
without_passthrough = your_hash.except_nested('passthrough_fields')
covert hash to JSON (without_passthrough.to_json)
Please keep in mind that it will work for passthrough_fields that is nested directly in hashes. In your JSON, you have the following part:
"uris" => [
In this case, the passthrough_fields will not be removed. You have to find a more sophisticated solution :)
You can do something like this:
def nested_except(hash, except_key)
sanitized_hash = {}
hash.each do |key, value|
next if key == except_key
sanitized_hash[key] = value.is_a?(Hash) ? nested_except(value, except_key) : value
json = JSON.parse(json_string)
sanitized = nested_except(json, 'passthrough_fields')
See example:
json = { :a => 1, :b => 2, :c => { :a => 1, :b => { :a => 1 } } }
nested_except(json, :a)
# => {:b=>2, :c=>{:b=>{}}}
This helper can easily be converted to support multiple keys to except, simply by except_keys = Array.wrap(except_key) and next if except_keys.include?(key)

How to take keep parts of an array and form a new array?

I am building a Rails 5 app.
In this app I have connected to the Google Calendar API.
The connection works fine and I get a list of calendars back.
What I need to do is to get the Id and Summary of this JSON object that I get back from Google.
This is what I get
"kind": "calendar#calendarListEntry",
"etag": "\"1483552200690000\"",
"id": "",
"summary": "My office calendar",
"description": "For office meeting",
"location": "344 Common st",
"colorId": "8",
"backgroundColor": "#16a765",
"foregroundColor": "#000000",
"accessRole": "owner",
"defaultReminders": [],
"conferenceProperties": {
"allowedConferenceSolutionTypes": [
"kind": "calendar#calendarListEntry",
"etag": "\"1483552200690000\"",
"id": "",
"summary": "My office calendar",
"description": "For office meeting",
"location": "344 Common st",
"colorId": "8",
"backgroundColor": "#16a765",
"foregroundColor": "#000000",
"accessRole": "owner",
"defaultReminders": [],
"conferenceProperties": {
"allowedConferenceSolutionTypes": [
This is what I want to end up with
"id": "",
"title": "My office calendar",
The purpose of this is that I want to populate a selectbox using Selectize plugin
Another way to achieve removing of certain keys in your hash is by using Hash#reject method:
response = { your_json_response }
expected = [response[0].reject {|k| k != :id && k != :summary}]
The original response remains unchanged while a mutated copy of the original response is returned.
You can filter the desierd keys with the select method:
responde = {your_json_response}
expected = [response[0].select{|k,v| ['id','title'].include?(k)}]
response[0] retrieves the hash, and the select compares each key with the ones you want and returns a hash with only those key: value pairs.
EDIT: I missed that you don't have a "title" key on the original response, I would do this then:
response = {your_json_response}
h = response[0]
expected = [{'id' => h['id'], 'title' => h['summary']}]
EDIT 2: Sorry, the first example was not clear that there would be multiple hashes
expected ={|h| {'id' => h['id'], 'title' => h['summary']}}
map iterates over each element of response and returns the result of the block applied for each iteration as an array, so the blocks is apllied to each h and it generates a new hash from it
I suggest this approach.
expected = response.each { |h| h.keep_if { |k, _| k == :id || k == :summary } }
It returns just the required pairs:
# => [{:id=>"", :summary=>"My office calendar"}, {:id=>"", :summary=>"My office calendar"}]
To remove duplicates, just do expected.uniq
If you need to change the key name :summary to :title do:
expected = expected.each { |h| h[:title] = h.delete(:summary) }
One liner
expected = response.each { |h| h.keep_if { |k, _| k == :id || k == :summary } }.each { |h| h[:title] = h.delete(:summary) }.uniq
Of course, maybe it is better to move .uniq as first method expected = response.uniq.each { .....

How do I safely parse data from a Ruby Hash?

I'm parsing a JSON result into a Ruby hash. The JSON result looks like this:
"records": [
"recordName": "7DBC4FAD-D18C-476A-89FB-14A515098F34",
"recordType": "Media",
"fields": {
"data": {
"value": {
"fileChecksum": "ABCDEFGHIJ",
"size": 9633842,
"downloadURL": ""
"type": "ASSETID"
"recordChangeTag": "ii23box2",
"created": {
"timestamp": 1449863552482,
"userRecordName": "_abcdef",
"deviceID": "12345"
"modified": {
"timestamp": 1449863552482,
"userRecordName": "_abcdef",
"deviceID": "12345"
I can't guarantee that it'll return with any/all those values, or that each value will be of a certain type (e.g. Array, Hash, string, number), and if I call it incorrectly then I get a crash.
Right now I need the downloadURL for the first item in the 'records' array, or to write it as I might with the Swift library SwiftyJSON (which I'm far more familiar with):
I'm wondering what the safest/best/standard way to do this safely in Ruby is. Perhaps I'm thinking about it wrong?
In ruby 2.3 and above you can use Hash#dig and Array#dig
json = JSON.parse(...)
json.dig('records', 0, 'fields', 'data', 'value', 'downloadURL')
You'll get nil if any of the intermediate values is nil. If one of the intermediate values doesn't have a dig method, for example if `json['records'][0]['fields'] was unexpectedly an integer this will raise TypeError.
From the documentation (
require 'json'
my_hash = JSON.parse('{"hello": "goodbye"}')
puts my_hash["hello"] => "goodbye"
If you're worried that you might not have some data. See this question:
Equivalent of .try() for a hash to avoid "undefined method" errors on nil?
You can recursively search each object contained in the json object using
the recurse_proc method of the JSON module.
Here is an example using the data you provided.
require 'json'
json_string = '{
"records": [
"recordName": "7DBC4FAD-D18C-476A-89FB-14A515098F34",
"recordType": "Media",
"fields": {
"data": {
"value": {
"fileChecksum": "ABCDEFGHIJ",
"size": 9633842,
"downloadURL": ""
"type": "ASSETID"
"recordChangeTag": "ii23box2",
"created": {
"timestamp": 1449863552482,
"userRecordName": "_abcdef",
"deviceID": "12345"
"modified": {
"timestamp": 1449863552482,
"userRecordName": "_abcdef",
"deviceID": "12345"
json_obj = JSON.parse(json_string)
JSON.recurse_proc(json_obj) do |obj|
if obj.is_a?(Hash) && obj['downloadURL']
puts obj['downloadURL']
Update Based on Frederick's answer and Cary's comment
I originally assumed you just wanted to find the downloadURL somewhere in the json without crashing, but based on Frederick's answer and Cary's comment, it's reasonable to assume that you only want to find the downloadURL if it is at the exact path, rather than if it just exists. Building on Frederick's answer and Cary's comment here are a couple of other options that should safely find the downloadURL at the expected path.
path = ['records', 0, 'fields', 'data', 'value', 'downloadURL']
parsed_json_obj = JSON.parse(json_string)
node_value = path.reduce(parsed_json_obj) do |json,node|
if json.is_a?(Hash) || (json.is_a?(Array) && node.is_a?(Integer))
path = path.drop 1
node unless node == path.last
puts node_value || "not_found"
path = ['records', 0, 'fields', 'data', 'value', 'downloadURL']
node_value = parsed_json_obj.dig(*path)
rescue TypeError
node_value = "not_found"
puts node_value || "not_found"
BTW, this assumes the json is at least valid, if that is not a given you might want to wrap the JSON.parse in a begin-rescue-end block as well.

Finding nested hash in hashes of JSON

The JSON structure I have is as follows:
"result": {
"status": 1,
"num_results": 100,
"total_results": 500,
"results_remaining": 400,
"matches": [
"match_id": 381440228,
"match_seq_num": 347730324,
"start_time": 1384292236,
"lobby_type": 0
"match_id": 380304327,
"match_seq_num": 346687624,
"start_time": 1384203633,
"lobby_type": 0
There would be many more "matches" underneath that.
What I'm wondering is how I would pull one of the hashes in the 'matches' array by its 'match_id'.
Since the match_id is inside the hash, how would I pull the entire hash by searching for that value?
One way could be:
hash["result"]["matches"].select {|m| m["match_id"] == match_id }
How about
hash["result"]["matches"].find { |m| m["match_id"] == "your id here" }
See Enumberable#find.

Displaying an object with Ruby on Rails

I have some JSON that looks like this. I have it stored and read into an object, #items.
"id": "A",
"description": "a_description"
"id": "B",
"description": "b_description"
"id": "A",
"description": "a_description"
"id": "B",
"description": "b_description"
My goal is to display a table with two columns, one labeled A and the other labeled B, in which each row gives the "a_description" and "b_description". I'm not sure how to go about doing this.
Ah, the ol' array of hashes and hashes of arrays problem.
To get around your "out of order" problem you first have to convert
"id": "A",
"description": "foo"
"id": "B",
"description": "bar"
into {"A" : "foo", "B" : "bar" }.
#new_items = do |item|
output = {}
item.each do |hash|
output.merge!(hash["id"] => hash["description"])
Then #new_items becomes (intentionally presented out of order since hash elements are not ordered)
"A": "a1_description",
"B": "b1_description"
"B": "b2_description",
"A": "a2_description"
From there, each line is simply a hash, so you can just dereference the value you need based on the column you're in.
#new_items.each do |item|
puts "#{item['A']} is paired with #{item['B']}"
Keys, of course could be retrieved dynamically if you don't want to hard code "A" and "B" using .keys
Something like this maybe
<% #items.each do |item| %>
<% end %>
