facebooksdk.h file not found error in xcode 7 - ios

I just added FacebookSDK.Framework. but in my app delegate i am importing #import. But i got error like this “Facebook/Facebook.h” file not found. But i just drag and drop the facebooksdk framework. But still getting same error. I am also fixing in Build settings (Framework Search Path). still getting same error. I am giving Frameworksearch path like this “/Users/xxx/Desktop/xxxx/FacebookDemo”. Actually i am following the tutorial.”How to make Xcode find file FacebookSDK.h?” But still i got same error. SO Please guide me any body.. i am using xcode7.

Just check where it is downloaded in Downloads or Documents.
click on project->targets->framework search path add
$(PROJECT_DIR)/your project name
also add this
FacebookSDK-this should be your downloaded SDK name


Xcode does not find framework after closing

i have a swift XCode project and i want to import Chartboost framework inside it. it works fine when i import the framework but when i close XCode and re-open, it gives error and says that could not find the files although the files are right there. here is the error :
'Chartboost/Chartboost.h' file not found
Failed to import bridging header '/..../project-Bridging-Header.h'
there are other frameworks inside the project but they do not give any error. i have to delete the framework and then copy it every time i close XCode. how do i fix this ?
1.Please check the Framework Search Path in Target .If this frame work exists in folder name with space for example "Silly Things" .Then it will take two lines.So you have to give the name "Silly\ Things" in Framework Search Path.
2.If you are removing and adding again and again.Then it is just appending again and again in framework path.
So if you are closing and then opening it is not finding with suggested path and might be ending with this error.

GracenotemusicID.Framework. In that .h file not found error - Xcode 6.4 - ios

When i try to build the App in Xcode, i get GNConfig.h file not found error.
But the file is present.
How to resolve it?
I have moved the files from another mac.
I have a doubt whether the framework has deprecated.
Header path seems to be incorrect. Delete the reference of the framework from project and drag and drop the framework again inside framework folder.
It should resolve the issue

Xcode 6 can't find framework header files when project name contains spaces

I'm using the Parse and PubNub SDK in my project called My Sample App and since I updated my Xcode to 6.3.1 I can't run the project because Xcode doesn't find the header files. I had the same issue with the previous version, but then I just needed to delete and add them again to make it work, unfortunately it doesn't work now. I also tried to delete the Library Search Path and Framework Search Path without any success. Is there any trick that fixes this issue?
This is the exact error:
'PNImports.h' file not found
Add $(PROJECT_DIR) to your Library Search Path in project settings AND select recursive option
Surround Library Search Path with single quotes

RevMob/Revmob.h file not found

I am adding Revmob ads to a persons Xcode project and everything is working for me and the app is compiling. However when I send it to him he gets this error:
RevMob/Revmob.h file not found
Why is this happening???
Most likely a problem with user header search path setting in the build settings of the project. Check it and if there is a full path, make sure to change it to relative (by manually rewriting it). Or if it is a framework, then change the framework search paths. See the screenshot for more info.

PhoneGap 2.9.0 is not working Build error

Hi i tried to download and run phoneGap-2.9.0 but it showing following error..please check the image for error
I saw several answers like
In your Target's Build Settings, find "Other Linker Flags"
Change "$(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/libCordova.a"
To "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/libCordova.a"
i tried all these but its not working please refer my images
This happened with me also, and then i get to its fault. The problem is with the project folder, the project folder is not created properly.
In my case, i have some path issue, for which the application can't able to find the cordova lib folder.
it needed to recreated the whole project, then it worked fine for me.
Try to recreate the application folder, you can have a look into this while creating the application.
