Gremlin on Neo4j 2.2.7 - neo4j

I need to incorporate the possibility of sending Gremlin scripts to my Neo4j 2.2.7 DB so I tried to install the thinkaurelius neo4j plugin by using one of the prebuilt releases.
Unfortunately I guess those releases were built for older Neo4j versions (2.1.6) and, as a result, I got this error when I tried to start Neo4j from my Windows machine with Java 8:
Starting Neo4j Server failed: javax.servlet.ServletException: org.neo4j.server.web.NeoServletContainer-e1dd969#ae4c07fc==org.neo4j.server.web.‌​NeoServletContainer,-1,false
To experiment a bit with the Gremlin language I tried to connect to my DB from the gremlin console (the DB wasn't used by any other process) but, when I run graph ='<path to my db>') the console stopped responding (there was no new prompt appearing).
Does anybody know what I could do to run some Gremlin script on my database?


Neo4j Desktop: Databases getting overwritten automatically after update installation

I am using Neo4j Desktop version (1.3.6) with Neo4j server version (4.1.1) on my Windows machine. I had few databases/graphs created which I'd been working on lately.
Yesterday, I got a Neo4j Desktop update notification which I let install on my machine.
Now, after restart, all my databases have been over written by the Neo4j default Movies Database sample nodes/relationships. All my data is lost and I don't know how to revert or recover.
Furthermore: any new database that I create and start, while browsing it using Neo4J desktop browser and issuing first CQL i.e. MATCH(n) RETURN n, I again see Movies database data automatically replicated into my newly created database.
How do I revert or recover my overwritten data?

Add Neo4j to Gremlin Server - how to?

I have downloaded Gremlin Server with an intention of being able to use Gremlin to traverse a Neo4j DB.
Now, speaking of the latter, it has to be somehow added to the Gremlin Server installation, but I have difficulty finding any up-to-date guidance on how to do that. There are a few posts here on SO describing various kinds of problems people run into, but no definitive solution, much less one for the current versions of both Tinkerpop and Neo4j.
Would appreciate specific links, tips etc.
There is a "TIP" describing Gremlin Server configuration in the TinkerPop reference documentation found here. Basically, you -install Neo4j dependencies:
bin/ install org.apache.tinkerpop neo4j-gremlin 3.3.4
then you edit your Gremlin Server YAML configuration file to connect to your database. Gremlin Server contains a sample file to get you started and is found the /conf directory of the installation. Of critical note is this entry:
graphs: {
graph: conf/}
It specifies the Neo4j configuration to use and the sample one that ships with Gremlin Server looks like this:
As you can see, the configuration basically just passes through Neo4j specific configuration to Neo4j itself. Only the first two lines are TinkerPop options. In this case, it sets up Neo4j for embedded mode, meaning Neo4j runs within the Gremlin Server JVM. You can make Gremlin Server part of a Neo4j HA cluster with instructions found in the reference documentation here.
Note that you asked for "current" versions of both TinkerPop and Neo4j. While these instructions are current for TinkerPop, I'm afraid that the Neo4j version TinkerPop supports is well behind their latest release. It would be nice if someone had time to issue a pull request for that.

Unable to install neo4j 3.3.6/3.4.4 community version in windows

c:\Users\raviteja\Desktop\neo4j-community-3.3.6-windows\neo4j-community-3.3.6\bin>neo4j install-service
c:\Users\raviteja\Desktop\neo4j-community-3.3.6-windows\neo4j-community-3.3.6\bin>net start neo4j
System error 2 has occurred.
The system cannot find the file specified.
I have tried the same process for both 3.3.6 and 3.4.4 versions but has the same result
I have the required files installed before I have started installing neo4j
Well I have cleared my question on my research.
To start a neo4j browser in windows you have to click following command
User>neo>neo>bin>neo4j console
then get into localhost:7474/browser/
And to type in neo4j console use the following command
You are now into neo4j console to develo your srcipt
Note: You can't do multi lining in windows

Unable to connect to Neo4j db using gremlin - Error instantiating Neo4j Database

I am new to the neo4j-gremlin. I have downloaded the latest version of tinkerpop-3.3.1 and neo4j-community-3.3.3 on Windows machine.
I followed the installation instructions given on the tinkerpop site for Neo4j-Gremlin and was able to install neo4j-gremlin plugin but when i try to connect to the neo4j graph.db using gremlin console(graph ='C:/neo4j/data/databases/graph.db'))
I get the following error. Also the display stack trace option is also not available. It jumps directly to gremlin prompt. Any thoughts?
Error instantiating Neo4j Database for C:/neo4j/data/databases/graph.db
I was able to bring this setup with gremlin-server running Neo4j plugin. You can look at my GitHub project Don't worry about the README version talking about 2.3 n all. This works with tinker pop 3.3.1 and neo4j plugin

Neo4J Enterprise 3.0.4 Indefinite Hang, Recovery Requires Restart

Neo4J enterprise is hanging indefinitely. Recovery requires a Neo4J restart. We use Python scripts with py2neo to ingest public data into Neo4J enterprise 3.0.4. So far we have been unable to complete the ingestion script. Before the script completes, Neo4J hangs indefinitely. There is nothing interesting in the logs. If we try the browser, the busy cursor appears and spins. This problem started for us when we upgraded from 3.0.2 to 3.0.4.
Has anyone else encountered this problem? For now, we'll try reverting the Neo4J release and see if that fixes the problem.
