(dockerfile) for flag -v: bad mode specified - docker

I have problems with the introduction of these instructions https://github.com/notabenoid/notabenoid-dockerfile
Out my error command
docker run -v `pwd`:/srv/example.com -p --name notabenoid notabenoid
I managed to turn the site, but my goal is to change a few files and pictures
How to edit files to container ?

use docker execto modify some files in a container, see the doc
check also the docs for docker run
and the examples with -v

If You only need to change some files use docker cp.
docker run -p --name notabenoid notabenoid
docker cp notabenoid:/srv/example.com/file_to_change .
edit file
docker cp file_to_change notabenoid:/srv/example.com/file_to_change
where /srv/example.com/file_to_change is a path to file in container.
Let's Your new logo is /home/Hellioob/new_logo.gif.
docker cp /home/Hellioob/new_logo.gif notabenoid:/notabenoid/site/www/i/logo.gif


Understanding a Docker .Sh file

The .sh file I am working with is:
docker run -d --rm -it --gpus '"device=0,1,2,3"' --ipc=host -v $HOME/Folder:/Folder tr_xl_container nohup python /Path/file.py -p/Path/ |& tee $HOME/Path/log.txt
I am confused about the -v and everything after that. Specifically, the -v $HOME/Folder:/Folder tr_xl_container section and -p/Path/. If someone would be able to help breakdown what those commands mean or point me to a reference that does, that would be very much appreciated. I checked Docker documentation and Linux command line documentation and did not come up with anything too helpful.
A docker run command is split up in 3 parts:
docker options
the image to run
a command for the container
In your case -d --rm -it --gpus '"device=0,1,2,3"' --ipc=host -v $HOME/Folder:/Folder are docker options.
tr_xl_container is the image name.
nohup python /Path/file.py -p/Path/ is the command sent to the container.
The last part, |& tee $HOME/Path/log.txt isn't run in the container, but takes the output from the docker run command and saves it in $HOME/Path/log.txt.
As for -v $HOME/Folder:/Folder, it's a volume mapping or more precisely, a bind mount. It creates a directory in the container with the path /Folder that is linked to the directory $Home/Folder on the host machine. That makes files in the host directory visible inside the container and if the container does anything with files in the /Folder directory, those changes will be visible in the host directory.
The command after the image name is for the container and it's up to the container what to do with it. From looking at it, it looks like it runs a Python program stored in /Path/file.py in the image. But to be sure, you'll need to know what the image does.

Dockerfile : How to mount host directory in container path?

If i have inside my localhost a log folder at:
And i want to mount /var/logs directory of my host, into a path inside a Docker container, like /usr/var/logs/ , how do i do that within a dockerfile ? So each time a log file is updated, it would be accessible within the container too.
Thank you
You can not mount a volumn in Dockerfile
Dockerfile will build an image, image is independent on each machine host.
Image should be run everywhere on the same platform for example on linux platform it can be running on fedora, centos, ubuntu, redhat...etc
So you just mount volumn in to the container only. because container will be run on specify machine host.
Hope you understand it. Sorry for my bad English.
You can achieve it in two ways - https://docs.docker.com/storage/bind-mounts/
$ docker run -d -it --name devtest --mount type=bind,source=/var/logs,target=/usr/var/logs image:tag
$ docker run -d -it --name devtest -v /var/logs:/usr/var/logs image:tag
Try -v option of docker run command.
docker run -itd -v /var/logs:/usr/var/logs image-name
This will mount /var/logs directory of host on to /usr/var/logs directory of container.
Hope this helps.
To mount directory with source and dest in dockerfile make use of this hack (Not 100% sure though).
RUN --mount=target=/usr/var/logs,type=bind,source=/var/logs

Docker logging to container

I'm fresh user of Docker. The fist problem with which I'm faced is logging into container.
I'm found solutions to execute container bash commands by
docker exec -it ID bash
But, this is solution only for install/ remove packages. What to use if I want to edit nginx config in docker container ?
One of solutions can be loggin to container via ssh connection, but maybe Docker have something own for this ?, I mean easilly access without install OpenSSH ?
as you said,
docker exec -it container_id bash
and then use your favorite editor to edit any nginx config file. vi or nano is usually installed, but you may need to install emacs or vim, if this is your favorite editor
if you have just a few characters to modify,
docker exec container_id sed ...
might do the job. If you want to SSH into your container, you will need to install SSH and deal with the SSH keys, I am not sure this is what you need.
You're going about it the wrong way. You should rarely need to log into a container to edit files.
Instead, mount the nginx.conf with -v from the host. That way you can edit the file with your normal editor. Once you've got the config working the way you want it, you can then build a new image with it baked in.
In general, you have to get into the mindset of containers being ephemeral. You don't patch them; you throw them away and replace them with a fixed version.
How: Docker logging to container
Yes, you can. You can login the running container.
Exist docker exec or docker attach is not good enough. Looking to start a shell inside a Docker container? The solution is: jpetazzo/nsenter with two commands: nsenter and docker-enter.
If you are in Linux environment, then run below command:
docker run --rm -v /usr/local/bin:/target jpetazzo/nsenter
docker ps
# replace <container_name_or_ID> with real container name or ID.
PID=$(docker inspect --format {{.State.Pid}} <container_name_or_ID>)
nsenter --target $PID --mount --uts --ipc --net --pid
Then you are in that running container, you can run any linux commands now.
I prefer the other command docker-enter. Without login the container, you can directly run linux commands in container with docker-enter command. Second, I can't memory multiple options of nsenter command and no need to find out the container's PID.
docker-enter 0e8c248982c5 ls /opt
If you are mac or windows user, run docket with toolbox:
docker-machine ssh default
docker run --rm -v /usr/local/bin:/target jpetazzo/nsenter
PID=$(docker inspect --format {{.State.Pid}} 0e8c248982c5)
sudo nsenter --target $PID --mount --uts --ipc --net --pid
If you are mac or windows user, run docket with boot2docker:
boot2docker ssh
docker run --rm -v /usr/local/bin:/target jpetazzo/nsenter
PID=$(docker inspect --format {{.State.Pid}} 0e8c248982c5)
sudo nsenter --target $PID --mount --uts --ipc --net --pid
Note: The command docker run --rm -v /usr/local/bin:/target jpetazzo/nsenter only need run one time.
How: edit nginx config
For your second question, you can think about ONBUILD in Docker.
ONBUILD COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
With this solution, you can:
edit nginx.conf in local, you can use any exist editor .
needn't build your image every time after you change nginx configuration.
every time, after you change nginx.conf file in local, you need stop, remove and re-run the containe, new nginx.conf file will be deployed into contrainer when docker run command.
You can refer the detail on how to use ONBUILD here: docker build

How to edit a file dynamically in a running docker container

I had build a npm server(sinopia) docker image(https://github.com/feuyeux/docker-atue/blob/master/docker-images/feuyeux_sinopia.md), and in the CMD line, it will run the start.sh every time when the container is generated.
CMD ["/opt/sinopia/start.sh"]
This shell will create a yaml file dynamically.
sed -e 's/\#listen\: localhost/listen\:' -e 's/allow_publish\: admin/allow_publish\: all/' /tmp/config.yaml > /opt/sinopia/config.yaml
I wish I could edit this config.yaml when the container is running, because I hope the content should be changed on demand.
see the snapshot photo
As shown above, the first line runs a sinopia container, and in this container, there's /opt/sinopia/config.yaml. But I don't know how to obtain this running container and edit and check this file.
If I did as the line of sinopia-ls, there's a new container runs instead of the before running one.
Thanks guys!
Answer(details please see below what I accepted)
sudo nsenter --target $PID --mount --uts --ipc --net --pid
root#58075317e47d:/# ls /opt/sinopia/
config.yaml config_gen.js start.sh storage
root#58075317e47d:/# cat /opt/sinopia/config.yaml
With docker 1.3, there is a new command docker exec. This allows you to enter a running docker:
docker exec -it <container-id> bash
You named your container, so you can find it using that name.
Then use nsenter (man nsenter) to send the command you want to do.
nsenter --target $$(docker inspect --format {{.State.Pid}} <container_name_or_ID>) --mount --uts --ipc --net --pid <cmd>
More info and solution on how to write inside of a running container : If you run SSHD in your Docker containers, you're doing it wrong!
you just need to mount the folder using -v as an option. i give an example
let's say i have /home/awan/config.yml <--- this file is always dynamic must not put it inside container
i run my container so i can mount that folder into my container
#sudo docker run -i -t -v /home/awan:/home/ubuntu/awan ubuntu/14.04 /bin/bash
after that you just edit config.yml in your /home/awan/config.yml every changes that you applied automaticaly applied inside your docker container (/home/ubuntu/awan/config.yml) because you mount it

How to edit Docker container files from the host?

Now that I found a way to expose host files to the container (-v option) I would like to do kind of the opposite:
How can I edit files from a running container with a host editor?
sshfs could probably do the job but since a running container is already some kind of host directory I wonder if there is a portable (between aufs, btrfs and device mapper) way to do that?
The best way is:
Limitations with $ docker exec: it can only attach to a running container.
Limitations with $ docker run: it will create a new container.
Whilst it is possible, and the other answers explain how, you should avoid editing files in the Union File System if you can.
Your definition of volumes isn't quite right - it's more about bypassing the Union File System than exposing files on the host. For example, if I do:
$ docker run --name="test" -v /volume-test debian echo "test"
The directory /volume-test inside the container will not be part of the Union File System and instead will exist somewhere on the host. I haven't specified where on the host, as I may not care - I'm not exposing host files, just creating a directory that is shareable between containers and the host. You can find out exactly where it is on the host with:
$ docker inspect -f "{{.Volumes}}" test
If you really need to just make a quick edit to a file to test something, either use docker exec to get a shell in the container and edit directly, or use docker cp to copy the file out, edit on the host and copy back in.
We can use another way to edit files inside working containers (this won't work if container is stoped).
Logic is to:
-)copy file from container to host
-)edit file on host using its host editor
-)copy file back to container
We can do all this steps manualy, but i have written simple bash script to make this easy by one call.
set -e
BASE=$(basename $FILEPATH)
DIR=$(dirname $FILEPATH)
TMPDIR=/tmp/m_docker_$(date +%s)/
mkdir $TMPDIR
mcedit ./$FILEPATH
rm -rf $TMPDIR
echo 'END'
exit 1;
Usage example:
dmcedit CONTAINERNAME /path/to/file/in/container
The script is very easy, but it's working fine for me.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
There are two ways to mount files into your container. It looks like you want a bind mount.
Bind Mounts
This mounts local files directly into the container's filesystem. The containerside path and the hostside path both point to the same file. Edits made from either side will show up on both sides.
mount the file:
❯ echo foo > ./foo
❯ docker run --mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/foo,target=/foo -it debian:latest
# cat /foo
foo # local file shows up in container
in a separate shell, edit the file:
❯ echo 'bar' > ./foo # make a hostside change
back in the container:
# cat /foo
bar # the hostside change shows up
# echo baz > /foo # make a containerside change
# exit
❯ cat foo
baz # the containerside change shows up
Volume Mounts
mount the volume
❯ docker run --mount type=volume,source=foovolume,target=/foo -it debian:latest
root#containerB# echo 'this is in a volume' > /foo/data
the local filesystem is unchanged
docker sees a new volume:
❯ docker volume ls
local foovolume
create a new container with the same volume
❯ docker run --mount type=volume,source=foovolume,target=/foo -it debian:latest
root#containerC:/# cat /foo/data
this is in a volume # data is still available
syntax: -v vs --mount
These do the same thing. -v is more concise, --mount is more explicit.
bind mounts
-v /hostside/path:/containerside/path
--mount type=bind,source=/hostside/path,target=/containerside/path
volume mounts
-v /containerside/path
-v volumename:/containerside/path
--mount type=volume,source=volumename,target=/containerside/path
(If a volume name is not specified, a random one is chosen.)
The documentaion tries to convince you to use one thing in favor of another instead of just telling you how it works, which is confusing.
Here's the script I use:
set -euox pipefail
docker exec "$CNAME" cat "$FILE_PATH" > "$TMPFILE"
cat "$TMPFILE" | docker exec -i "$CNAME" sh -c 'cat > '"$FILE_PATH"
and the gist for when I fix it but forget to update this answer:
If you think your volume is a "network drive", it will be easier.
To edit the file located in this drive, you just need to turn on another machine and connect to this network drive, then edit the file like normal.
How to do that purely with docker (without FTP/SSH ...)?
Run a container that has an editor (VI, Emacs). Search Docker hub for "alpine vim"
docker run -d --name shared_vim_editor \
-v <your_volume>:/home/developer/workspace \
Run the interactive command:
docker exec -it -u root shared_vim_editor /bin/bash
Hope this helps.
I use sftp plugin from my IDE.
Install ssh server for your container and allow root access.
Run your docker container with -p localport:22
Install from your IDE a sftp plugin
Example using sublime sftp plugin:
The way I am doing is using Emacs with docker package installed. I would recommend Spacemacs version of Emacs. I would follow the following steps:
1) Install Emacs (Instruction) and install Spacemacs (Instruction)
2) Add docker in your .spacemacs file
3) Start Emacs
4) Find file (SPC+f+f) and type /docker:<container-id>:/<path of dir/file in the container>
5) Now your emacs will use the container environment to edit the files
docker run -it -name YOUR_NAME IMAGE_ID /bin/bash
$>vi path_to_file
The following worked for me
docker run -it IMAGE_NAME /bin/bash
eg. my image was called ipython/notebook
docker run -it ipython/notebook /bin/bash
