YouTube Analytics API : 403 Forbidden Error returns Earnings Report - youtube-api

I have a CMS account an I'm trying to get earnings data from content owners report on Analytics API using OAuth 2.0 . Whenever I'm trying to do this through my website, I get the following error ;
Error calling GET (403) Forbidden
I'm doing the same thing on TRY IT page and it works fine.
I'm thinking that I'm having issues with authenticating my domain. What do you think is the problem? How can I solve this issue?
Thank you,

403 means nobody has access to a page. As you noticed, you may have access to a similar page, but not to this one. It is not a matter of authentication. Authentication problems give a status 401 (meaning it can be fixed by adding proper authentication); 403 cannot be fixed.

Finally, I solved the problem..
Whoever will have this issue, please use the CMS user's OAuth 2.0 credentials instead of using channel credentials..


Intermitent Yahoo Oauth2 invalid_redirect_uri

I am working on allowing users to log in to my website using Yahoo. I have intermittent problems with Yahoo Oauth2. I will generate the url to request the authorization code and it will get to the Yahoo login sometimes. Other times I will get the window with "Uh oh Looks like something went wrong. Please try again later. Developers: Please specify a valid request and submit again." and the url will have error=invalid_request&error_description=invalid+redirect+uri
My request url is configured on the yahoo console. Also I am using https on a server connected to the internet (not a local machine)
My request authorization was created using the one in
I have
client_id={MY CLIENT D}
&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2F{MY WEB SITE}%2Fcallback_yahoo.php
I am out of ideas at this point.
Thank you
Apparently (maybe) something was wrong on Yahoos side. I created another application with the SAME configuration and the problem seem to have gone away.

Online meeting using Microsoft Graph API

I am working on an Angular 7 application that uses GraphAPI. I am trying to create an online meeting from this application.
Each time I send a POST request I get 'Forbidden' as response. I have used apis's with Delegated permission before and it works.
Since online meeting requires 'Application Permission' I am not sure where to specify it. Could anyone help me with this?
You specify the permissions in App Registration > your app > settings.
You have a problem with the way you are trying to access the token. I used to get the same error however, got resolved by passing userName and Password as well in the auth request and using grant_type as password.

How to fix 401 Unauthorized with Twitter oAuth

Hopefully someone here can help me fix this. I have been trying to make a web app for twitter, I have setup my application in the developer section of the twitter website.
I have set a callback url in both the developer section and in my code.
Where I get stuck is I get a 401 Unauthorized exception when requesting the Access Token. The app correctly sends the user to Twitter to ask for authorization, and then twitter send back to my callback URL successfully. My webapp then tries to request the access token and thats when the exceptions happens.
Below is an example of the API I call:
Any ideas where I might be going wrong?
EDIT: Im using code from here
and I changed it to use https:// not http://
Couldn't fix this issue. Using TweetSharp instead.

Twitter API issues.“Authentication needed”"Failed to validate oauth signature and token"

Friends,I got a question,and I have googled it,but I didn't find the answer.
I create an iOS twitter app,and apply for a twitter API.
I used my API key in my app,Xcode returns error.
Just like this:
("Failed to validate oauth signature and token")
and this picture is my twitter api status
(sorry,I do not have enough coin to upload a pic,so post my pic here. )
what is wrong with my twitter api,can anyone help me?
Thanks very much.
What is wrong?
Best regards.
This error message relates to a HTTP 401 response.
Please make sure you are properly signing your OAuth requests. This guide will help you with the common pitfalls: Troubleshooting OAuth 1.0A.
In particular, if you are using valid keys and properly signing your OAuth requests but still receiving 401 errors, please check your system time. Since the OAuth signature relies on the current time, it must be in sync with the one from Twitter servers (exposed in all Date response headers from the Twitter API).
The "performance issues" described on the Twitter API status page apply to Twitter as a whole, and have nothing to do with your application. If you are having issues interacting with the Twitter API, we cannot diagnose those from the information provided ("error 3").

Posting to tumblr using API v2 on iOS returning error

I recently got oAuth working for my iOS app to log in to Tumblr. Now I'm having trouble posting using the new API calls. I'm able to generate a request and prepare Autorization headers but I'm still getting errors.
Here is my URL:
Here is my Authorization header with x's in place of sensitive info:
Authorization = "OAuth realm=\"\", oauth_consumer_key=\"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\", oauth_token=\"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\", oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\", oauth_signature=\"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\", oauth_timestamp=\"1347656207\", oauth_nonce=\"XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX\", oauth_version=\"1.0\"";
There error I receive:
{"meta":{"status":400,"msg":"Bad Request"},"response":{"errors":["Post cannot be empty."]}}
Does anyone have experience with this? I've been working at it for at least 20 hours over a two day period.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
EDIT: I've also tried including authorization data in the url (i.e., oauth_token, oauth_consumer_key), essentially the stuff found in the header. When I do this I get a 401 "Not Authorized" error, which I know isn't correct because I just successfully called "" which requires a valid authorization.
found solution, see explanation here.
