IntraWeb application is not accessible on Windows Cloud Server? [closed] - delphi

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a intraweb application installed on Windows Server 2012. But I can not access it via web browser. Even following this deployment the link below, it could not access the application.
Delphi XE5 and intraweb 14.0.
Type Standalone Application on Windows Server 2012.
The web browser "My-IP: 8888 / $ / start".

This is a known bug of the bundled version released with XE5. You must upgrade your IntraWeb 14 version to a more recent release. Current version is 14.0.49 and can be found here:
In order to use this version in production you need to register and get a FREE key for IntraWeb 14. This process is explained here:
Once you receive your key, just enter it when asked during setup, or use the LicenseRegistration program (within IntraWeb installation folder) to register it after it has been installed.


Java programming in Android Studio 3.1 [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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How can I write a Java program in Android Studio version 3.1?
Can I import any java project from eclipse to Android Studio?
In my case, i started an Android project in Eclipse and finally switched to Android Studio. You can import your Java Project to Android Studio. AS migrate a lot of stuff for you like generating gradle files and more.
Just export your Eclipse Java project as archive (.zip) and import it to Android Studio.
You will recognize that you have to change some things in your source code but if this is done you will be happy.
Finally, i have to say that it was a good idea to switch to Android Studio in Android application development because AS is the recommended IDE by Google (not surprising) and it handles a lot of things for you.

Can I use PhoneGap Build to create iOS apps with a Windows computer? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to know if Mac is compulsory to use for building iOS app in PhoneGap Build?
I have surfed many sites from which some says it is mandatory while some says it's not.
I want to create iOS app using PhoneGap Build but without using Mac and also without using virtual machine. There should not be any future errors in the alternative.
You are mixing some concepts. PhoneGap Build is cloud service to build Cordova projects without the need to install the SDKs and IDEs necessary when built with Cordova CLI. To use it, you do not need absolutely anything else than account there and git repository for your project. You can use Windows, Linux or even OS X to develop your app and with any IDE you wish, even Notepad if you wish so. PhoneGap Build will then fetch your project from the git repository and build it with their own servers which have the required SDKs etc. to make it possible. That is the great part of it!

Using Team Foundation Server for iOS applications [closed]

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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 8 years ago.
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In my organisation we are using Team foundation server for source control. Is it possible to use Team foundation server with Xcode?
There is no direct linkup between your XCode (Mac) and TFS (Microsoft), Both are reverse technology, But you can go through Git.
And also you can go with Eclipse and manage your repositoryy.
Team Foundation Server 2013 and Visual Studio Online have great support for Git. This automatically means that you can use TFS with all developer environments that support Git or from the command line.
Share your Xcode projects explains how you can enable Git support for use with XCode.
When you have your code in TFS, there is no problem in using the Agile project management tooling. Build is another story. You can get this working by using a cross platform build tool like Jenkins or by creating manual scripts that you integrate with a TFS build.
use git-tf or Smart-SVN for version control

Team Foundation Server 2010 and Team Foundation Build Server 2010 SP1 compatability [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Is it OK to install TFS 2010 SP1 only in the build server and not in the actual Team Foundation Server?
Yes. We have kept the compatibility between the build service and the TFS server for 2010 RTM and SP1, so it should work fine. Honestly, I don't remember if we guaranteed that we would keep compatibility in this scenario, so it is still recommended to bring both to the same version.
In general, for major releases such as TFS 2010 and TFS 2008, we ask the build service and the TFS server to be installed with the same version, which means if you upgrade one you should upgrade the other as well.

What is .net 3.5 sp1? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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(1) What is service pack ?
(2) I want to work with mvc. So I have installed visual studio 2008 then I tried to install mvc 1.0 but there is error that you have to install 3.5 sp1.Then is it necessary to install 3.5 sp1 or 3.5 .net framework is installed automatically when I installed vs 2008 ?
(3) I tried to download 3.5 sp1 but it is of 2.8 MB, now if I install it then, will I able to install mvc 1.0 ?
Yes, you need to install the service pack. Yes, 3.5 was installed with .NET 2008 but MVC 1 was released after VS2008 and needs the updates. Yes, if you install the service pack you should be able to install MVC 1.
It sounds like you already have the bootstrap installer for the service pack, but if not you can get it from
However you should really start with ASP.MVC 2 instead - there's some nice new features.
The .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is a full
cumulative update that contains many
new features.
Have a look here
Install it, then you can install MVC 1
