What's wrong with this aupreset for AUSampler? - ios

I created this aupreset to be loaded into an AUSampler in iOS. I followed the process outlined here and used the EPSSampler class for the same post. So, if I run my app in the iOS simulator, on iOS 9, the aupreset loads and I get to play notes. If I run the same app on a device running iOS 6, the preset loads but I get no sound. I have used the same process on simulator and device in the past, but always by filtering the built-in sine wave generator, never with audio samples. Can someone spot what I'm doing wrong?
EDIT I have no way of testing the app on any device running iOS above 6, at least for now.
EDIT 2 To clarify further, this is how my project looks in Xcode, so you know that my files are going to the right places – i.e. the audio files are going to the Sounds folder within the app bundle (I double checked, just to be sure).
EDIT 3 So, I took the Trombone.aupreset from LoadPresetDemo and manually plugged my audio files into it. Magically, it worked. So I figured I'd load it into the AUSampler's GUI through AU Lab, and make whatever changes I needed to make it sound right – i.e., increasing the release time. It stopped working. So, i manually tweaked the working copy to roughly match what I needed (the docs on aupresets plists are surprisingly unhelpful) and I'm rolling with it. It would seem that AUSampler is messing up the preset, at least for iOS 6 on device, which, currently, is the only device I have to test on. Insights?

I didn't really look that deeply, but the file://localhost//Library/Audio/Sounds/C.caf in your file references looks a little fishy. Mine looks like this /Users/dave/Library/Audio/Sounds/C6.wav. Maybe the file:// part is throwing it off.

Create a directory in your iOS project named Sounds (just like your image shows) and put your caf files in there. The URLs will be groked by iOS.
Here is a post that goes into detail.


Image.file() Showing Blank When Specified File Was Explicitly Created

In the iOS variant of my Flutter app, when I explicitly create a .jpg file using
File(path.join(filePath, fileName))
..createSync(recursive: true)
the widget that renders the file (by calling Image.file(), passing to it the file as an argument) results with a blank image.
No exception was thrown indicating that the file was not found or file contents was invalid. Its behaving as if the file is blank, but when I browse to the file using Finder, the file is there and when I click on the image, Preview renders the expected image.
When the same code is executed when the image comes from the device camera or device gallery, it works and when the same code is executed in the Android variant with the file being explicitly created, it works too.
The only thing I can think of is that it has to do with creating the image deep inside my iOS simulator directory structure
but again, the file is visible using Finder so this may not be the reason.
Maybe I have to set certain permissions when creating the file in iOS or perhaps settings applicable to iOS in my pubspec.yaml?
All help is greatly appreciated.
My environment is as follows:
Catelina 10.15.7,
Flutter 1.22.5 channel stable,
XCode 12.3,
Simulator: iPhone 12 Pro Max - 14.3,
Someone posted a suggestion that prompted me to look into this problem again. (That someone has since removed his suggestion so I am unable to thank him.)
Anyways, when I tried to reproduce the problem it wasnt happening anymore even in the exact use case it was happening previously.
So the question remains is why and the only thing I ruled out that it wasnt a race condition as this code has been running on Android for quite some time on various devices.
This is what I could come up with:
Knowing the filepath I was writing to, I realized that I was writing to the app's /tmp directory which iOS periodically empties out. I am thinking that I shouldn't be putting stuff there. Instead, I've been writing to the app's documents directory and it hasnt happened since.
The initial /tmp directory was chosen for me by a package I was using and since it was so long and Im new to iOS, I didn't really look into it all that much, caring only that the file was there, which it was.
Anyways, keeping my fingers crossed that the fix sticks.

How to get SKAction(name:) to work reliably?

I've been working through the DemoBots example and having a lot of trouble getting it to work on all devices.
The current problem I'm having is that on an iPad Mini the app launches but crashes when loading animations. It crashes in AnimationComponent.swift on the line that loads an action from a file:
let bodyAction: SKAction?
if let name = bodyActionName {
// crash here
bodyAction = SKAction(named: name)
else {
bodyAction = nil
Debugging the app reveals that its trying to load an SKAction called "ZappedShake" but crashing with an array out of bounds exception.
On an iPhone 5S it runs fine. My best guess is its race condition with the faster iPhone 5S is loading the file with the action serialized in it, and by the time execution reaches this point the action is available. But on the single core older iPad the file is not yet loaded and the call fails.
Both are real hardware running iOS9 13A4325c, compiled on XCode Version 7.0 beta 4 (7A165t).
Making the problem more difficult is that I can't see where the file that apparently creates the "ZappedShake" - ReferenceActions.sks - is actually loaded. Its referred to by ReferenceScene.sks but nowhere in any of the code or anywhere else in the project can I see that file being referred to.
Is there some sort of name convention magical file loading mechanism for SKActions? Why does it work on the iPhone 5S and not on the iPad?
UPDATE: Found more on this here: http://asciiwwdc.com/2015/sessions/604
Also this year we focused on referencing and instancing.
We know you spend a lot of time designing high-quality content and animations for your games and we want you to let you reuse that content anywhere where you would like to.
We're allowing you to create serialized data files for your nodes and your actions and then add them as a reference instead of just loading them into your scene.
This way, every time you make a change to the source asset that is automatically reflected in the content of your game.
How do I do this for nodes? For nodes I design part of my scene, maybe a background element, or some scenery in our editor with an Xcode and then I can just drag-and-drop those files into my main scene in Xcode and it will automatically create a reference and it is all set up for you.
If you want to do this in code you can as well, you can manually construct an SKReferenceNode, assign it a file name or even a URL and when that content is first presented in your game we'll load in that content based on the latest version of the file that's in your bundle.
We can also do the same thing for actions. With actions go check out our great new action editor and beyond creating and composing the actions in Xcode you can give all them names.
These names are the key to using them in your game. We have added a selector to SKAction called actionNamed. This works just like it does for SKTexture and textureNamed.
You pass in the name of the action you want. We're going to automatically look inside of your app bundle in all of the serialized action files, find the one with the appropriate name and then surface that to the application.
This looks great but I can't find any documentation on it, or figure out how to debug it when it goes wrong.
It's not you, it's iOS. There's a bug with action references affecting 32-bit devices (like the iPad Mini.)
This issue has been fixed in iOS 9.2 Beta 1, according to this thread on the Apple developer's forum:
Try running on a more recent 64-bit device (like iPhone 6) in the simulator. Or try upgrading your iPad Mini to iOS 9.2 Beta 1. Or just wait for the next iOS release to fix the problem.
The DemoBots game seems to run reliably when compiled with Xcode Version 7.0 beta 6 (7A192o).
Using a different machine (my home laptop) with a fresh install of Xcode the problem goes away. I also note that the first time I tried there were a few minor compile fixes I had to do such as renaming CGPoint.zero to CGPoint.zeroPoint which I guess should have sounded warning bells that there was some sort of version conflict. This time with the fresh install it compiled and ran out of the box.
I still don't completely understand how the reference actions are getting picked up but at least I now have multiple working versions of Demobots so I can just duplicate the working code there.

GPUImage examples not working

I've hit a roadblock with using GPUImage. I'm trying to apply a filter (SepiaFilter or OpacityFilter) on a prerecorded video. What I'm expecting to see is the video played back with the filter applied to it. I followed the SimpleFileVideoFilter example for my code. What I ended up with is a video that is unplayable by Quicktime (m4v extension) and the live preview of the rendering all skewed. I thought it was my code at first so I ran the example app from the examples directory and lo and behold I got the same issue. Is the library broken? I just refreshed from master out of GitHub.
Here's a sample output of the video generated
No matter what filter is applied the resultant video are all similar. (all skewed )
#Brad Larson (I hope you see this message), do you know what I can be doing wrong? I am using the latest XCode and source code of GPUImage. I also tried using the latest from CocoaPods as well. Both end up the same.
I assume you're trying to run this example via the Simulator. Movie playback in the Simulator has been broken for as long as I can remember. You need to run this on an actual device to get movie playback to work.
Unfortunately, one of the recent pull requests that I brought in appears to have introduced some crashing bugs even there, and I may need to revert those changes and figure out what went wrong. Even that's not an iOS version thing, it's a particular bug with a recent code addition. I haven't had the time to dig into it and fix it, though.

What is the simplest way to play a MIDI note for an indefinite duration in iOS?

I want to play instrument 49 in iOS for varying pitches [B2-E5] for varying durations.
I have been using the Load Preset Demo as reference. The vibraphone.aupreset does not reference any files. So, I had presumed that:
I would be able to find and change the instrument in the aupreset file (unsuccessful so far)
there is some way to tell the MIDI interface to turn notes on and off without generating *.mid files.
Here's what I did:
Duplicated the audio related code from the proj
removed the trombone related files and code (called loadPresetTwo: in place of loadPresetOne: in init (as opposed to viewDidLoad)),
added a note sequence, and timer to turn off the previous note, and turn on the next note.
Build. Run. I hear sound on the simulator.
There is NO sound coming from my iPhone.
I have triple checked the code that I copied as well as where the calls are taking place. It's all there. The difference is the trombone related files and code are absent. Perhaps there is some dependency that I'm not aware of. Perhaps this is problem rooted in architectural differences between the simulator running on remote Mac VM and the iPhone. Perhaps I can only speculate because I don't know enough about the problem to understand what questions to ask.
Any thoughts or suggested tests would be great!
MusicPlayer + MusicSequence + MusicTrack works. It was much easier than trying to guess what code in the demo was doing.

iOS app suddenly can't find file

Original post:
I've got an iOS app which happily loads files successfully a few times and then all of a >sudden, with no apparent reason, fails to load the files again. The paths all seem correct >seeing as they load successfully to start with... does any one know of any reason this could >happen?
I first noticed this running the app on an ipod touch but it also happens in the iphone >simulator as well. I'm using XCode 4.2 and iOS6.
It turns out that the audio system I was using wasn't releasing the audio player objects properly so presumably they ended up keeping file handles open or something, resulting in new files failing to open. Adding in a release to the audio players when they finished seems to have solved the problem or at least significantly reduced the likelihood of it happening!
If you run into similar problems where files won't open you can check to make sure file handles aren't being left open (each fopen should have a fclose with it when the file is no longer needed).
