Tabbed control for Delphi? - delphi

I'm using Delphi XE8.
I want to create a tabbed control, with each tab having its own panel. I tried TTabControl, for which I can create different tabs. But when I drop a component on the control with the first tab active, it remains visible when I change the tab (TabIndex). How can I in design time create different layouts for the different tabs? Or am I using the wrong component?

You are using the wrong component. You need to use TPageControl. Each page of a page control has its own distinct set of controls. From the documentation:
TPageControl is a set of pages used to make a multiple page dialog
Use TPageControl to create a multiple page dialog or tabbed notebook.
TPageControl displays multiple overlapping pages that are TTabSheet
objects. The user selects a page by clicking the page's tab that
appears at the top of the control. To add a new page to a TPageControl
object at design time, right-click the TPageControl object and choose
New Page.
To create a tabbed control that uses only a single body portion
(page), use TTabControl instead.


Get the calling component of TPopupMenu

I have a TStringGrid, that has a TPopupMenu connected.
By clicking one event of the popup menu, I would like to get the calling component. Is that possible?
It is a bigger project, every form has a "BasicForm" I can inherited from. So I would like to provide a "default popup menu" for grids that have stuff like Copy, Select, and so on in it. In the inherited form I only match the grid (if exists) with that popup and I'm done.
Seems you are looking for the PopupComponent property of TPopupMenu:
Indicates the component that last displayed the popup menu in response
to a right mouse click.
Read PopupComponent to determine which control is currently using the
popup menu. In applications where multiple controls share the same
pop-up menu, use PopupComponent to determine which of them displayed
the menu.
Set PopupComponent to associate a control with the menu before calling
the Popup method programmatically to bring up the pop-up menu.

How to place a component above a TMainMenu?

When I add, for example, a TPanel to a form and align it using alTop and then add a TMainMenu to the same form, the main menu position overrides the panel position such that the Main Menu remains topmost on the form with the panel appearing below it.
Is it possible to override the TMainMenu position so I can add a component like a Panel above it and the Main Menu below it?
Alternatives like TActionManager and/or TToolBar are not suitable because of BiDi compatibility issues.
No, the main menu is a Windows component and its location is fixed. This isn't a Delphi limitation but a restriction on how menus work with windows in Windows.
From MSDN (emphasis mine) :
Only an overlapped or pop-up window can contain a menu bar; a child window cannot contain one. If the window has a title bar, the system positions the menu bar just below it. A menu bar is always visible.
If you want menu-like behaviour in a component which you can freely place anywhere on your form, you would need to either write one yourself or look for third-party alternatives.

Displaying different forms in kendo window on click of different buttons

I have 3 buttons and, on click of every button, totally different content has to be loaded in kendo window. I am doing this in MVC. How to do this?
Your best solution is to create 3 different windows and, in Javascript, when you click on a button, you open the window and close others.
Or, you can also create only one window and load it's content dynamically when a button is clicked. But you have to deal with Kendo Window API.
If you want to reload the content of a window, see this link.

Avoid click propagation on Page that is under the current page on a TPageControl

I have a TPageControl that contains five pages and the page shown is alternated setting the ActivePageIndex property in this way:
PageControl1.ActivePageIndex := 4;
the problem is that the page below covered by the page currently shown get click on his buttons while the mouse is pressed on the above page, how can I avoid this behaviour ? How can I avoid the propagation of the click on Pages below the currently shown (that is also the current index)?
The application uses CLX as Graphics library instead of VCL.
Delphi does not do click Propagation.
I would check if the button that gets click are placed on the TabSheet and not on the parent control. Find the button you want in the drop down list of object inspector and press - the selected item will be the parent of the button. Is it a TabSheet?
Or you can add this code as a first line of your button-click-function

Merge tabs from child form into main form

I have page control in main form and page controls in child form , I
place the child form inside the main form by using docking features.
I am not using MDI style
Now both forms have tabs in page control and I need to merge the child form
tabs into the main form page control, what is the best way to do that?
The simplest and best way to handle multiple tabs on a page control is usually with Frames. Take the contents of each tab and factor them out into an individual frame for each tab. Move any shared components, state and code to a data module. Then just place those frames on the tab sheets of your page control.
This is a fairly simple approach that may or may not suit your needs.
For each child tab page you need to merge:
Create a tab in the main form page
control corresponding to the child
Iterate over the Controls in the
child tab and change the Parent
property to the tab page you just
You do not need to deal with controls that are children of other controls. e.g. if you have a groupbox in your child tab, then changing it's parent will bring both it and all controls within it to the new parent.
If you need to be able to "unmerge" your tabs at any point then you will need to devise some mechanism to keep track of where the controls came from so you can restore the original Parent as/when needed.
To make things slightly easier you could place a TPanel in the child tabs, with it's Align property set to alClient. Place all the controls in the tab on that panel and then when you need to merge/unmerge you need only set the Parent of the panel control.
I just tried
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
while Form2.PageControl1.PageCount > 0 do
Form2.PageControl1.Pages[0].PageControl := PageControl1;
and it worked fine. Am I missing something obvious, or why is everybody giving such sophisticated solutions? :-)
