How can I disable "slingshot" action in iOS gestures? - ios

I'm using a UIPanGesture to move a UITextView and a UIScrollView around on my screen. I only want them to move exactly where they are dragged. But it responds to a "pull down like a slingshot" or a swipe sort of gesture that sends the objects flying across the screen, out of view, and then they slowly drift back into their places within set boundaries. How can I disable these specific gestures? I only want a direct drag and place, no flying across the screen with a flick, swipe, or slingshot.
I'm writing in Objective-C...

Try setting the view that is the one moving, sounds like your scrollView, to scrollView.bounces = NO. Should be one or more scrollViews (or class that inherits from UIScrollView. bounce property creating that effect, the default for this is YES, here is apple docs on UIScrollView's bounce property.
A Boolean value that controls whether the scroll view bounces past the edge of content and back again.
var bounces: Bool
#property(nonatomic) BOOL bounces
If the value of this property is YES, the scroll view bounces when it encounters a boundary of the content. Bouncing visually indicates that scrolling has reached an edge of the content. If the value is NO, scrolling stops immediately at the content boundary without bouncing. The default value is YES.
Available in iOS 2.0 and later.


iOS7: Is it possible to get a reference to the Control Center

I currently have a button at the bottom of one of my views that only highlights after a delay due to the Control Center's gesture recognizer at the bottom of the screen.
When a button is placed within a scrollview, delaysContentTouches must be set to NO in order for the button to highlight immediately. However, it doesn't look like the Gesture Recognizer/anything can be accessed related to the Control Center. Because of this, there is no way to set delaysContentTouches = NO.
Is it possible/are we allowed to gain access to the Control Center?

UIPicker within UIScrollView - Ignore drags/moves but capture touches

I have a rather large (in screen-estate) UIControl that I'm putting into a UIScrollView. Being a UIControl, it hijacks all touches and any drag that starts from within the control will not be reflected by the UIScrollView.
This control only needs UIControlEventTouchUpInside, so is there any way to "only" listen to that event?
My first instinct was to override hitTest:withEvent: and return the superview if it detected a drag, but that doesn't provide any information on the type of control event.
My last resort is to make it a generic UIView, but I'd rather not go down that road if possible.
Sorry, for clarity, I purposefully set delaysContentTouches to NO to support other features on the screen I am working on. The unintended side effects result in Joel H's second point.
Try setting both the canCancelContentTouches and delaysContentTouches properties of your UIScrollView to YES.
When the UIScrollView property canCancelContentTouches is set to YES, it should transfer any scrolling/drag touches to the scroll view and cancel whatever that touch would have been registered in the subview.
The scroll view's delaysContentTouches should be set to YES as well. This will prevent drags from being triggered as taps (because the handler fires off too soon).
UIScrollView class reference

UIScrollView gets disabled in one direction - iOS

I have a UIScrollView with no vertical scrolling, and on which I force a particular offset (only x) in case the offset tries to become less that that particular offset.
I use setContentOffset:animated: function, with animated argument as YES. The offset is forced correctly.
After I force the offset, 'sometimes' scrolling in the direction opposite to the initial scroll direction gets blocked. Say, I was scrolling with finger pan from left to right, and forced it to some offset, then I can't scroll from right to left anymore.
But the catch is, if I make any tap on the screen, the scrolling starts happening. I am unable to pan, but if I tap the screen, or tap any button, scrolling starts working. If I try to call the button press method programatically after, say 5 seconds of forcing the offset, then it doesn't work. It seems that I need to touch the screen somehow..
I checked the values of contentOffset, contentSize, they seem fine.
PS: there are times when scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation: method is not called after forcing the offset, but that is not necessarily the issue.
Edit: Actually, this thing happens when I take the scroll view beyond the threshold offset using my fingers, and keep panning left. At the threshold point, panning stops, but the next time I try to scroll, it doesn't pan. (i.e., I don't give a jerk to go beyond the threshold).
Edit: One more possible loophole: I make scrollEnabled equal to NO just before forcing the new offfset, and just after giving the command to set the new offset, I set it back to YES. I needs to be done so that if I try to scroll the scrollview with a jerk, it doesn't scroll away to the left while trying to set the new offset, since paging is enabled.
Edit: Could it be because I set scrollEnabled to NO while actually scrolling using touch? I do enable it later, but maybe that is some issue...
Important Edit: If I long press on the scrollView, and then try to move, scroll view starts scrolling!
Edit: This code is in scrollViewDidScroll:
if ((theScrollView.contentOffset.x < theScrollView.frame.size.width)
&& [currentlyDisplayedVC isEqual:VC1])
//if this is not done, and this call happens when VC3
//is visible a bit too much, scrollView scrolls till VC3.
scrollView.scrollEnabled = NO;
[scrollView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(scrollView.frame.size.width, 0) animated:YES];
scrollView.scrollEnabled = YES;
//this is done so that this block is not reached everytime during scroll animation.
currentlyDisplayedVC = VC2;
Then in scrollViewDidEndWithANimation: I add [self VC2reached]
Have you tried using setUserInteractionEnabled:NO and YES to stop/allowing user to interact with the UIScrollView instead of using the scrollEnabled property?
I subclassed UIScrollView and overrode the method touchesShouldBegin:withEvent:inContentView:. In the method I return NO for that particular moment when I see the view stuck, so that all touches are taken in by the scroll view instead of passing them to any other contentView. That solved the problem.
Edit: That doesn't solve the problem actually. I want to disallow touches on contentView ONLY when an attempt to scroll the scrollview is being made, not when some other event like tap on the contentView is attempted. But in ths olution that I posted, all touches will be kept with the scroll view. Do we have a similar touchMoved: method?
Instead of using setContentOffset:animated:
you should try using scrollRectToVisible:animated:

How to drag a view inside UIScrollView with scrolling near edges?

I'm trying to create some sort of timeline view like in video editors: media elements in a row, which are UIView's. I can successfully drag these views inside currently visible part of scroll view using UIScrollView touch events like touchesBegan and touchesMoved. I want to scroll the scroll view once subview is dragged to one of the scroll view edges. The best I can think of now is to create a timer that will scroll the view while user holds the subview with the finger near scroll view edge.
There's a lot of questions here on the same topic, but I was unable to find one that covers scrolling.
Is there a good way to do this? Should I use gesture recognizers instead?
Thank you in advance.
Actually what you want IS a timed event. As soon, as the user is at the edge of the scrollview, you start a timer, which regularly increases the contentOffset. If you don't like your animation results (i guess you're using setContentOffset:animated:?), just try another timing and distance of animation.. I guess you have to try some different settings. What I would try first is 1px at a time. Perhaps every 0.3 second?
If that doesn't work you could also try another "extreme". Start a single animation, when the user reaches the edge, which animates the contentOffset until the end of the contentSize. But over a large timespan so the movement is slow. If the user stops dragging, or moves out of the edge, stop the animation at the current position. That would even be a solution without a timer, because the animation would be your timer itself.
I seriously doubt gesture recognizers would part of a good solution to this since they tend to be most helpful with discreet gestures.
I don't think I can improve on your general direction based on the assumption, implied above, that you are looking for continuous/gradual scrolling.
What I suggest instead is that you consider designing this to use a paged scrolling approach. When your user drags the object to the edge of the scrollview, cause the scrollview to move one page in that direction (by setting the contentOffset to move in that direction according to the bounds of the scrollview). When that even occurs, move the object slightly out of the "hot zone" at the edge of the scrollview so that the user is forced to explicitly express that they want to move another page, or something along those lines - that is, since the design approach depends on this "paging events" you need to implement some sort of gestural system for the user to keep paging.
I suppose you could use a timer in that same situation, so that if the user maintains the position and touch for another second, you would page again.

Is it possible to remove the delay of UIButton's highlighted state inside a UIScrollView?

I have noticed a slight delay on the highlighted state of a UIButton when touched down if it is inside a UIScrollView (or a table view). Otherwise, the highlighted state is pretty much instantaneous.
I surmise this must be by-design to provide a chance for user to scroll. But it just seems like the button is unresponsive to me. Is there a way to fix this?
Indeed, it's a design choice. It needs this small time to differentiate a scroll (panGesture) from a tap. If you eliminate this delay, then the user won't be able to scroll if he places the finger on top of the button, which is not good user experience.
Because a scroll view has no scroll bars, it must know whether a touch signals an intent to scroll versus an intent to track a subview in the content. To make this determination, it temporarily intercepts a touch-down event by starting a timer and, before the timer fires, seeing if the touching finger makes any movement. If the timer fires without a significant change in position, the scroll view sends tracking events to the touched subview of the content view.
from the UIScrollView Documentation
I wouldn't recommend disabling the delay, but if you insist, you can set it in interface builder (select the Scroll View, and on the right panel, right under "Bounces Zoom"), or using this code:
scrollView.delaysContentTouches = false
