How can I delete a job using Job DSL plugin(script) in Jenkins? - jenkins

I am very new to Jenkins and Job DSL plugin. After a little research, I found how to create a job using DSL and now I am trying to delete a job using DSL.
I know to disable a job using this following code:
//create new job
//freeStyleJob("MyJob1", closure = null);
It is working perfectly fine. But, I couldn't find any method to delete another job in jenkins.
Please help!

To delete a job, you have to set the "Action for removed jobs" option to "Delete" in the "Process Job DSLs" build step configuration. Then remove the job from your script and run the seed job.

Each instance of the Job Dsl plugin tracks what jobs (and views) it creates. When it is run again, you can configure what it does to jobs (and views) that were present the previous time this instance was run, but are not present this time.
Let's a assume you have two files you use to create jobs.
job('seed_all') {
steps {
dsl {
// default behavior
// removeAction('IGNORE')
job('test_stuff') {
steps {
shell('echo "I live!")
This will leave jobs created by seed_all unchanged even if they are not present in the list of job created the next time seed is run.
To get jobs to be deleted, change your seed job code:
job('seed_all') {
steps {
dsl {
Now, run seed_all job to apply your change (seed_all overwrites its own configuration when run). Then make the following change:
job('test_other') {
steps {
shell('echo "The job is dead, long live the new job!"')
Run seed_all again. You notice test_stuff will be deleted and test_other will be created. If you remove test_jobdsl.groovy and then run seed_all, test_other will be deleted.


Executing multiple jenkins jobs

Can someone please let me know how i can trigger multiple Jenkins jobs? We have 5-6 jobs that we need to trigger manually post some technical upgrades. We are having to navigate to these jobs manually and click on 'Build'. Is there anyway i can create a new job or shell script that will help me in triggering all of these jobs with a single click/run.
Simplest approach will be creating a new pipeline which will trigger other pipelines.
You can also make stages parallel to faster execution if order is not issue.
You can find detailed answer and approach here
Yes, you can do it in both ways that you mentioned. Creating a new job that will run all these other jobs as downstream jobs is the fastest and easiest.
To do this, create a new job, and if you are using declarative Jenkins, then specify the jobs to be triggered:
stage ('trigger-multiple-jobs') {
parallel {
stage ('first job') {
steps {
job : 'JobName',
wait : false,
parameters: [
string(name: 'PARAM_1', value: "${PARAM_1}")
stage ('second job') {
steps {
job : 'JobName2',
wait : false
You can alternatively create a freestyle job, navigate down to the Trigger downstream jobs section, and set the jobs you want to be triggered from the drop down.
If you want to use a shell script, then you can trigger the jobs using API calls. This is described well in this answer.

Start jenkins job immediately after creation by seed job, with parameters?

Start jenkins job immediately after creation by seed job
I can start a job from within the job dsl like this:
But how do I start a job with argument or parameters? I want to pass that job some arguments somehow.
Afaik, you can't.
But what you can do is creating it from a pipeline (jobDsl step), then run it. Something more or less like...
pipeline {
stages {
stage('jobs creation') {
steps {
jobDsl targets: 'my_job.dsl',
additionalParameters: [REQUESTED_JOB_NAME: "my_job's_name"]
build job: "my_job's_name",
parameters: [booleanParam(name: 'DRY_RUN', value: true)]
With a barebones 'my_job.dsl'...
definition {
// blah...
NOTE: As you see, I explicitly set the name of the job from the calling pipeline (the REQUESTED_JOB_NAME var) because otherwise I don't know how to make the jobDSL code to return the name of the job it creates back to the calling pipeline.
I use this "trick" to avoid the "job params go one run behind" problem. I use the DRY_RUN param of the job (I use a hidden param, in fact) to run a "do-nothing" build as its name implies, so by the time others need to use the job for "real stuff" its params section has already been properly parsed.

Jenkins DSL new view

I have a DSL plugin file which creates couple of jobs like pipeline, freshly jobs. I wanted to know what would be syntax that i can create different views in this file, Like 5 jobs in 1 view, 5 another jobs in 2 view, I know how to do it using console, but looking forward to update file and it would be automatically created.
worked fine as used groovy syntax
listView('testlist') {
description('All new jobs for testlist')
jobs {
columns {

Cron job executing in Jenkins DSL

I am trying to create a cron job which run some smoke tests every 10 minutes, my seedjob looks like this :
multiBranchJobs.each { currentJob ->
multibranchPipelineJob( {
branchSources {
git {
orphanedItemStrategy {
discardOldItems {
triggers {
cron "H/5 * * * *"
periodic 60
the problem with the current approach is that it will get executes only if it detects changes in the SCM, which is not the case for the smoke tests. I need to run it every 5 minutes regardless of commits in source control. Any clue ?
I'm not entirely sure how to solve your problem, but I think the cron trigger you have is not doing what you think it is. I THINK this will set this trigger on the multibranch indexing job itself. In the UI that is not even an option. Apparently it isn't throwing an error, but I have to wonder if it is actually setting the trigger.
The jobs that get created from the multibranch job must have a Jenkinsfile, right? You can set the triggers in those Jenkinsfiles.
I haven't built jobs using code, so take that into consideration when you review my answer. But it SEEMS to me that you are setting the trigger in the wrong place.

Jenkins project generated by Job DSL is not triggered.

I have a project, named Demo, which doesn't do anything in particular.
I have a DSL script, like the following:
def gitUrl = 'GIT_URL'
job('unit-tests') {
scm {
triggers {
buildResult('H/* * * * *') {
triggerInfo('Demo', BuildResult.SUCCESS, BuildResult.UNSTABLE)
Now what I'm wanting to do, is that when the Demo project runs successfully (it checks out a PHP application from Github), I want the unit-tests job to run.
Currently, when the Demo project is built, the unit-tests job never gets run.
I'm guessing my DSL script is incorrect, but I'm not sure why
I can reproduce your problem. The check box is not set when running the seed job for the first time. But it's set after running the seed job a second time. Must be a problem in the BuildResultTrigger plugin. Please file a bug report in the Jenkins JIRA:
But you do not necessarily need to use the BuildResultTrigger plugin. You can use the built-in "Build after other projects are built" option, see
job('unit-tests') {
triggers {
upstream('Demo', 'UNSTABLE')
Use upstream which adds the "Build after other projects are built" trigger. see
def gitUrl = 'GIT_URL'
job('unit-tests') {
scm {
triggers {
buildResult('H/* * * * *') {
upstream('Demo', 'UNSTABLE')
